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Chapter 500 Our Choice

Chapter 500 Our Choice

When this group of people began to feel fear, the situation suddenly improved a lot.

Gruen and others restrained their arrogance, only cited imperial laws, and politely stated that they would fulfill the rights of the sponsors of the Seeker colony.

Not only that, for fear of further angering Ren Zhong, Gruen canceled two plans to ask for the Seeker spacecraft and the Supernet node body on the spot.

Gruen believed that as a little baron, he should not get involved in such important matters, and just wait for his father to negotiate more directly with Ren Zhong himself at Nanjiu B.

In the imperial law, there are detailed and comprehensive regulations for trace colonial operations sponsored and completed by nobles.

The nine viscount families have the right to issue an invitation to civilians who have completed colonial operations and successfully returned to the empire.

Normally, the scope of such invitations would only be limited to people with clear blood ties to the noble family.

After all, most of the imperial nobles are not short of population, and the reason why they invite returning civilians is just to slightly improve the genetic information diversity of their families.

But this time, for some ulterior reasons, the nine viscount families rarely expanded the scope of their invitation to everyone in the entire fleet.

Of course, this kind of invitation is not without thresholds. Compared with normal recruitment within the empire's territory, the review terms issued by the Viscount family to members of the Source Star Fleet are actually more stringent.

For example, in the professional field, no matter what kind of profession you are, you must be at least level 8 or above to be eligible to participate.

Ordinary workers are also completely rejected.

At the level of scientific researchers and technicians, those who intend to apply are also required to take a professional skills assessment that complies with imperial standards, and must reach the level of a senior engineer.

According to Ren Zhong's instructions, after hearing the other party's unreasonable request, Ju Qingmeng immediately became furious and angrily accused the other party of being a serious provocation to the earl.

But this time Gruen was well-founded and explained the law point by point without being humble or arrogant.

In the end, Ju Qingmeng had no choice but to show off his teeth and swallow blood, and let him go obediently, allowing the other party to send recruitment invitations to everyone simultaneously through the fleet management system.

Gruen prepared the recruitment invitation with a speech recorded by himself.

"Commons from the Source Star, congratulations on leaving the ignorant and backward foreign colonies and arriving in a truly civilized territory. I believe that you have gone through basic studies and understood what a powerful country the empire is.

We also have a basic understanding of the objective facts of the frog in the well. Maybe you are still confused and anxious, not knowing what kind of future is waiting for you. Maybe you have seen the true face of Nanjiu C, a remote and remote place."

"You have already gone through a difficult voyage. I believe that what you are looking forward to is to immediately fall into the arms of an interstellar civilization like the Empire and enjoy a real life in the interstellar era. Use the planet as a hunting ground, wander between different star clusters, and cross the

A journey of ten thousand light years, watching unimaginable wonders of the universe, and experiencing different customs and customs. This is the life that a true citizen of an interstellar civilization should enjoy, rather than after several generations of people and their own suffering in the first half of their lives.

We have to continue to stay on this extremely harsh planet and risk our lives to continue working hard without hope."

"Of course, according to the laws of the empire, you were automatically assigned to the Earl. You were his subjects and his private property. This is quite disappointing. But now, the real founder of the Source Star civilization is represented by me. The Augustus family and eight other noble families can give you a chance to choose your life again."

"Are you going to stay with Earl Ren Zhong on the deadly planet Nanjiu C, or follow me to the territory of the old imperial nobles with ten thousand years of inheritance, get reuse, and see real prosperity? Are you sure about your own abilities? Those who are confident, please register as soon as possible. The registration time is only two hours. This is a rare opportunity, so be sure to cherish it and don’t wait until it’s late.”

Ju Qingmeng also heard Gruen's speech, and just curled his lips secretly, feeling disdainful. This Gruen Augustus is ordinary, except for looking down at all living beings with arrogance and arrogance, pretending to be "I" to win you over, is he Apart from your lucky gesture, you have nothing else. The provocative power, depth and pattern of this speech cannot be compared with Ren Zhong's casual chatter.

But Gruen had no self-awareness. After saying these words, he proudly asked Ju Qingmeng for a temporary office and led the team there to sit and wait for the registration applications that were about to arrive like snowflakes.

According to his estimate before setting off, his actions could at least eliminate more than 90% of Ren Zhong's high-end talents.

This is reasonable, this is human nature.

By the way, Gruen Augustus opened the census information in the fleet management system and clicked on the situation of the Augustus family within the fleet.

Before setting off, he had heard his father mention Barton Augustus, his distant cousin who was born as a concubine.

His father told him that although Barton Augustus was not a direct descendant of the family, he was recognized by many elders in the family when he was young. They felt that he was one of the few cutting-edge figures in this generation who could compete with the elites of his family. It is extremely insightful in terms of scientific research and strategy. Before leaving the Southern Nine Galaxy, Barton Augustus once mentioned a genius idea to his family members. He thought that after thousands of years of accumulation, he would definitely gain something.

Nowadays, everyone in the Augustus family in the Yuanxing lineage must also be full of talents.

After thinking about it, Gruen saw the detailed list of candidates and the comprehensive parameters of every Augustus family member in the fleet.

Upon seeing this, he was immediately dumbfounded.

"They are all useless snacks! There is not a single super professional, not a single doctor, and there are only a few bachelors, and they all study some useless majors. What the hell is this! The descendants of Uncle Barton How come it has degraded to this level! It’s purely a shame for the family! What’s the use of bringing these things back? Is it a waste of food?”

With the feeling of stepping on dog poop, Gruen looked at the registration status that was updated in real time.

His mood worsened further.

It turned out that the registration rate for this group of family shame in his eyes was as high as 99%.

Among thousands of people, only about ten people have not signed up.

There was actually no one who could truly meet his recruitment standards.

If these people's last name was not Augustus, the registration label in their watch system should be gray at all.

Just when Augustus was suffering from angina, the lifelong barons from eight other families were also contacting distant relatives of the same family.

These people are not in a good mood either.

On the surface, the development status of these eight family branches on Source Star is a bit too good.

There are thousands of coveted talents, especially the Ma family, the Locke family, the Tang family, the Gao family and the Ying family whose development is the most gratifying.

There are even thousands of outstanding talents in these five families. If these people can return smoothly, they will definitely stimulate a catfish effect within the Viscount family and become a great help.

But here lies the problem.

Although many people from these families signed up, most of those who signed up did not meet the minimum selection standards at all. Those real talents who looked so unbearable turned out to be completely motionless and seemed to have no interest in recruiting the bloodline family.

As a result, these eight lifelong barons decided to go out in person and find out the current leaders of their distant relatives to see if they were still waiting for a price, waiting for a clear treatment and an increase in the price.

An hour passed slowly, and the eight people returned to the temporary office dejectedly, and all returned empty-handed.

No matter how hard they tried to rationalize or move their emotions, these ruthless distant relatives remained motionless, and showed obvious and unconcealable hostility towards the legal clan head in and out of words.

They once suspected whether these people had been brainwashed by Ren Zhong or drugged, but there was no evidence.

Seeing his colleagues returning empty-handed one after another, Gruen Augustus's bad mood actually eased a little.

As long as you are not the only one who is unlucky, then there is still justice in this world.

Another hour passed, and according to Gruen, the two-hour deadline was reached.

But the nine barons stood in front of the statistics panel again and looked at each other in confusion.

The total number of applicants was less than 50,000, of which only less than 3,000 actually met the standards in various indicators, and the other 47,000 or so people were the wastes of the branches of the major viscount families in the Source Star.

Gruen Augustus was silent for a long time.

He secretly wondered why this script was completely different from what he had imagined before coming here!

He didn't know what to do for a while, so he had to quickly ask his father for instructions.

Southgate, who was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai in Nanjiu B, waiting for Ren Zhong to go to the meeting alone, listened to his second son's report. The corner of his mouth twitched and he was stunned.

Southgate asked: "Did you not tell the true situation of Nanjiu C clearly?"

Gruen slapped his forehead, "I did only speak in words, and did not give any imaging data or analysis reports. It must be Yuan Xingbo who told a big lie and deceived these people."

Southgate said angrily: "Stupid! You underestimate your opponent too much. No matter what, Yuan Xingbo is an imperial earl who started out as a colonizer. He must have some tricks. How can you underestimate the enemy like this? You will extend the deadline.

Thirty hours, starting with the time when Yuan Xingbo arrives at Nanjiu B, we will sort out the information collected by the exploration ships of Yuan Star Commercial Transport, and make sure that everyone in the Yuan Star Fleet understands Yuan Star.

Uncle's current situation. Oh, by the way, the hundred-year assessment period must also be explained clearly, and they must also be told that even an imperial earl will lose his rights as an earl if his performance during the assessment period is far below expectations, and he will fall into the trap of having an empty title.

The bleak situation without real power is worse than a viscount with real power."

Gruen got his father's advice and understood.

Although he suffered a setback, he felt much more relaxed at this time.

It turned out that it was because I didn't do a good job, rather than because something unexpected happened in the fleet.

So, he issued an announcement through the fleet management system.

"The deadline for registration has come. I feel your enthusiasm. But I am grateful for the difficulty of your long journey and decided to be compassionate and give you more opportunities. I will extend the deadline to thirty hours later. At the same time, I will also make appropriate adjustments Lower the registration standards. In addition, in half an hour, I will let you see the truth."

Ju Qingmeng naturally also received Gruen's self-deprecating announcement and laughed out loud on the spot.

This man was obviously slapped in the face, but he still kept his words.

But Zheng Tian was particularly concerned about the "truth" spoken by Gruen, so much so that she suggested unplugging the Internet cable for these rats.

Ju Qingmeng clearly remembered Ren Zhong's instructions, but said he didn't need them.

Gruen's so-called truth is probably the relevant survey report of Nanjiu C.

Gruen's struggle was of some use after all.

He lowered the selection criteria for professionals to level 7, and also lowered the selection criteria for technicians and scientific researchers to mid-level engineers.

In this half hour, the number of applicants finally exceeded one hundred thousand.

It seems that these 100,000 people are quite a lot, but compared to the huge base of 4 billion people, they are really a drop in the bucket and not worth mentioning.

Something unexpected happened.

Half an hour later, Gruen announced the "truth" as scheduled with anticipation.

He originally thought that this would be a surefire way to reverse the situation.

Unexpectedly, when these truths were revealed to everyone, instead of increasing, the number of applicants quickly dropped back to 80,000.

At least 20,000 people have chosen to cancel their registration.

Not only that, among the 20,000 people, most of them are potential young talents under the age of 20. Many of the more than 3,000 qualified people who signed up in advance have also changed their minds.

And this number continues to fall as time goes by. Apparently many people were originally entangled in conflicts, but after seeing Ren Zhong's current predicament, they changed their minds and decided to stay.

"This...why is this!"

Gruen Augustus' eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

In the throne room, the chat between Ju Qingmeng and Zheng Tian revealed the reason.

Ren Zhong once said that most of the people who would choose to leave the fleet and join the Viscount family are weak-willed and average-incompetent losers.

But now it seems that this sentence may not be entirely correct.

In terms of probability, there are indeed some people who have enough potential but are more out-of-the-box who really want to go out and see the outside world.

At the same time, this group of people also feel that there are so many talents in the fleet now that one more person is not too much for them, and one person less than them is not painful.

Before that, Ren Zhong had indeed lied and did not use his future as an empire count to morally kidnap anyone.

So there is nothing wrong with these people signing up to leave.

But now, this matter was directly discussed by another group of headhunters.

Instead, this group of vacillators realized that they could not leave.

It was Ren Zhong who completed the desperate counterattack on the Source Star and won freedom for them in life.

During this long voyage, I also made correct decisions time and time again that changed everyone's destiny.

Now he is in a difficult situation, and it is a time when everything is waiting for improvement.

If you just leave, wouldn't you become an ungrateful person who can only share wealth and honor, but not hardship?

Gruen's "killer" became an assist for Ren Zhong.

"We make our own choices and have no regrets."

This is what many people think.

This chapter has been completed!
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