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Chapter 515 The historical precipitation of the broken star ring

Chapter 515 The Historical Precipitation of Broken Star Ring

Zheng Tian, ​​wearing a dark red commander's uniform, stood in the middle of the command room with her hands behind her back.

On the projection platform in front of her, a band-shaped ring of stars was rapidly opening up. Dozens of high-sequence commanders stood beside her, referring to the star map with her.

This band of stars is part of the Broken Star Ring, a huge structure that rotates around the Nanxiang star cluster.

Large or small stars, meteorites, and space fog are distributed among them, either forming stars on their own, or coiling around each other to form small galaxies.

There are too many stars distributed in a relatively narrow band area.

If everything were natural factors and allowed the ultra-small stars in the broken star belt to evolve on their own, then the broken star belt would be relatively peaceful.

The various stars and meteorites will be relatively peaceful. It will take tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years before some stars change their orbits due to various slow natural evolutions, thus triggering a series of shocks.

, just like the black fog area.

In the pure evolution of nature, no matter how complicated things are, from the evolution of the planet to the diffusion of sediment when two rivers merge, they will all follow a wonderful law in a subtle way, which is exactly from chaos to order.

No matter how chaotic the broken star rings are in the early stages of their formation, or how fierce the collisions between them are, as time goes by, order will always be slowly born in the chaos, and the huge star groups will always fall into their own major laws and small laws.

The order becomes peaceful until one day something breaks the balance and causes a big chaos. But after the chaos ends, it will slowly return to order until a new turbulence occurs due to something.

.This goes back and forth, over and over again, endlessly.

But the emergence and entry of space pirates has changed the objective external environment.

Intelligent life that has mastered megastructure technology and interstellar voyages is born with the ability to easily break the harmony of the universe. Just like the people on Earth in the 21st century, as surface civilization, are always particularly good at destroying the natural environment of the Earth. Now they are just destroying this

The method and scope of influence have only been enlarged countless times.

A large number of space ships shuttled back and forth in the Broken Star Ring according to their own wishes without any order or navigation standards.

During the voyage, a large amount of production and domestic waste will always be thrown into space. In addition, the gravitational fields released by the ships passing by at high speed are mixed and superimposed, constantly changing the interior of the broken star ring.

Originally there was only a fragile but wonderfully balanced gravitational field.

For example, a pirate base is built on a large solid star. Then the ships of this pirate force always follow the same route when they set out for hunting, but when they return, the location of the target changes every time they hunt.

, according to the principle of proximity, we will always return by a different route.

Then, the moving gravitational field left by this pirate force's ship in the universe is no longer balanced. Even if each voyage only slightly moves other nearby stars by a few centimeters, when the unbalanced gravitational field is deep,

During the repeated pulling for a long time, the displacement of the stars along the way will inevitably expand to several meters or even tens of meters.

Then, one day, this star that deviates from the stable orbit given by the law of natural balance will sooner or later collide with some stars, causing a larger-scale shock and causing a chain reaction.

There are a large number of pirate bases in the Broken Star Ring, and every action of each pirate base will leave more and more deviations in the starry sky.

When the total amount of deviation accumulates to a certain limit, it may trigger a terrifying star riot, bringing serious disasters to the people living on each star.

According to the definition of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, this phenomenon in which gravitational deflections accumulate to generate natural disasters is named gravitational pollution.

The ultimate manifestation of gravitational pollution is the collision of stars, black holes and other giant stars, which usually occurs in the core area of ​​the ancient disk galaxy where the density of stars is relatively high. Not only the mechanical empire cannot bear a disaster of this scale, but even the Ascendants, Pilgrims and

The psychic demons are also very afraid.

The secondary manifestation is the collision between planet-level stars. The super-large ring-shaped star region orbiting a star cluster composed of thousands of stars is the hardest hit area.

It is actually not difficult to control gravitational pollution. You only need to establish a strong enough department to supervise the navigation of all starships throughout the process, simultaneously monitor the changes in the gravitational field within the disaster area, and use the dispatch of starship navigation to continuously neutralize the unbalanced gravity.

The deflection brought by the field can naturally prevent disasters in a more economical way. When the situation is critical, rescue teams will take the initiative and use artificial means to exert deflection gravity and quickly correct the chaos.

There are such departments in the central star area of ​​the Gupan Galaxy and at the very core of the Nanxiang Star Cluster.

But there is no unified management department in the Broken Star Ring to arrange the navigation rules of pirates' ships. After all, everyone is a lawless pirate, who can still control them?

Therefore, the occurrence rate of disasters in the Broken Star Ring is extremely high, ranging from once in decades to once in hundreds of years. The living standards of civilians in the pirate civilization are not very good.

The disaster caused by gravitational pollution is always latent, but once it breaks out, it will destroy the world and destroy the earth. There is no way to escape except taking a ship to escape.

But space pirates never control the population, they always reproduce crazily and reproduce again.

The empire will never refuse more human brains, and it never cares where the source of these human brains comes from. In the Nanxiang star cluster, there is a huge black market that continues to acquire human brains. The human brain trade is originally a form of space piracy.

Another way to make money besides robbing homes and trade routes.

Therefore, every time when faced with a disaster, those who can board the ship and escape, instead of being mixed into the pile of meat tickets and slaughtered in advance, are always only a few privileged people. Among many pirate forces, the people at the bottom are still desperately trying to move up.

Climb, just hoping that you and your family can have a little more life before disaster strikes.

From this point of view, the living environment in the Broken Star Ring is similar in appearance and spirit to the Source Star back then.

But just as the earth will not be destroyed by human destruction in the 21st century, no matter how bad the environment of today's Broken Star Ring is, it will not be the Broken Star Ring itself that will be destroyed, but only the humans living here.

The universe is like this. It creates intelligent life passionately, but it always watches indifferently as intelligent life struggles in hell. It never sends down heavenly punishment on evildoers out of mercy. What if the universe is also an intelligence?

Life, in His eyes, has never been divided into justice and evil.

"The so-called justice and evil are actually the definitions of human beings. We define different evils based on different positions and viewpoints. Although the more active pirate forces in Broken Star Ring today were all after Nanxiang Bo Liu An inherited the title

They have risen in these thousands of years, but the history of the pirates in the Broken Star Ring is almost as long as the colonial history of the Nanxiang Star Cluster, reaching millions of years. Even though the Nanxiang Star Cluster was once captured by the Ascendants and became the Ascendants

In the colony, the Imperial humans on the inner core star cluster were almost completely wiped out, but there were still pirate forces active in the Broken Star Ring at that time."

"According to the information provided by Wumo's senior staff, in addition to the former Fang and Storm pirate groups, the strongest forces in the Broken Star Ring also have a large number of new forces with the shadow of Nanxiang Bo behind them. In addition, there are some

The pirate race has existed for more than a million years, has a profound heritage, has various specialties, and its strength cannot be underestimated."

"Nowadays, their reputation is not prominent. They are just forced to lie dormant due to Liu An's strength and give up the window for development. But one day in the future, when Liu An gets old and the position of Nanxiang Bo changes hands, what will happen again?

Or Liu An is promoted to Marquis and the focus of development shifts. These ancient pirate forces will make a comeback and take back their power. Now, I would like to ask a senior staff officer from Wumo to explain the situation to everyone."

Zheng Tian initially started the topic, and then handed over the right to speak to Wu Moyou, who knew the pirate power of Broken Star Ring thoroughly.

Wu Moyou seemed a little nervous. He took a step forward, nodded politely to everyone present, and then said: "Before, there were seven emerging pirate forces in the Broken Star Ring that were the most powerful. The Storm and Fangs who have not yet been destroyed will

They are two of them. These seven forces are collectively known as the Seven Seas under the Seven Seas in private. Among them, the Storm is characterized by its super-fast assault ship, while the Fang is known for its stronger individual combat capabilities."

Zheng Tian and others nodded after hearing this.

When we were wiping out the remnants of the Fang Pirates before, even though we had the upper hand, we still suffered some losses and damaged some armed warships. The reason was that we were having a crazy competition with the Fang Pirates one by one, and they were completely lifeless in the fight.

, sanity returned to zero on the spot.

Wu Moyou said again: "The other five families also have their own specialties. Obviously, Liu An focused on supporting Boxia Qihai, allowing the seven forces to perform their own duties to meet Liu An's different needs. In the storm and

After the fangs were destroyed, the Secret Service of Nanxiang Earl's Mansion secretly supported two other new forces to supplement them. Although these two new forces had poor foundations, Nanxiang Bo's support was more comprehensive and sufficient. The two new forces have grown rapidly.

They have grown up and developed in an all-round way, with almost no shortcomings, and there is a faint tendency to become the two poles of the Seven Seas. I personally speculate that the combat power of these two fleets is about half of that of the planetary system-level fleet, and will even surpass it.

Getting stronger and stronger. Obviously, this is the opponent prepared by Uncle Nanxiang for the great Uncle Chifeng."

Zheng Tian coughed lightly and said, "Mr. Ren doesn't like other people adding this or that prefix when calling him. Just call him Lord Earl or Uncle Chi Feng. You can also call him Mr. Ren like us."

Wu Moyou smiled awkwardly, "Okay, I know. Next, I want to talk about those ancient forces. According to rough statistics, there are dozens of ancient forces, but five of them have the longest inheritance and their strength before they were dormant and hidden.

They are also the strongest. After discovering the nature of Nanxiang Bo, these five families were the first to hide, and their strength was best preserved. The people call them the Five Elder Clan. Yes, they are already a complete space race. They have always been

There are no official statistics on how many people there are in the Wulao tribe, and no one knows the depth of their technological reserves. According to rumors, the Wulao tribe even surpassed the Nanxiang Bo at that time tens of thousands of years ago, which shows their strength.


Everyone else in the combat command room was shocked when they heard this.

It is undeniable that because the previous war against Storm and Fang went too smoothly, the mentality of underestimating the enemy within the expedition fleet is quietly rising, especially among the new generation of middle-level commanders who have not experienced long voyages.

Many people have only read history, but have not personally experienced the difficulties and obstacles, so they always feel that under the leadership of Uncle Chi Feng, they will be able to defeat them easily. The little space pirates are not yet able to grasp what they want and do whatever they want.


This trend of thought deviates from the core program of "strategic contempt and tactical attention" set by Ren Zhong, but the truth is always easy to say but difficult to practice. The younger generation has never suffered real hardships, and it is indeed easy to produce the results of their predecessors.

They have the illusion that their achievements came easily. After all, according to history books, no matter how difficult the situation is, the Chifeng people can always face the enemy and turn it into disaster, and they are invincible.

But the main contradiction at the moment is that the expedition fleet has difficulties in replenishing and its troops are limited. Zheng Tian cannot waste precious resources on making the younger generation suffer. Everyone must be in the state from the beginning.

The reason why Zheng Tian asked Wu Moyou to say this at the pre-war meeting that was broadcast live across the entire fleet was to suppress the idea of ​​underestimating the enemy.

Deputy Commander-in-Chief Vincent Van Hoy, who had already known the inside story, played a good role in advocating and questioned: "This sounds too ridiculous. How can a mere pirate force be compared with the Count's regular army?"

Wu Moyou shook his head, "At that time, Uncle Nanxiang was not the helmsman of the Nanxiang military and political center, but with his status as a veteran earl, the strength of the fleet he commanded should not be underestimated. The reason why Liu An has the power he has today is because he is an empire

Among them, one of the top earls who is closest to the position of marquis is also a member of the Liu family. The successive earls of the Liu family have been very active in military affairs and are very good at conquest. However, the Wulao clan has accumulated for millions of years, has a population of trillions, and is also full of talents.

They have strong soldiers and horses, and it is rumored that they have obtained a lot of earl-level top technologies through the black market. It is definitely not comparable to the new forces like Storm and Fang."

Vincent Van Hoy frowned and nodded, "I see. Then we really have to be careful."

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Zheng Tian took over the floor again and concluded: "In short, our expedition fleet has an arduous task, and we must not be careless and underestimate the enemy. But at the same time, we must also understand that the Red Front Star is waiting for us to open up the situation. Expedition

The victory or defeat of the fleet determines whether Chifeng Star can develop, it also determines whether the Earl can compete with Uncle Nanxiang, and it also determines whether the compatriots who endure the oppression of Uncle Nanxiang and Viscount Nanjiu on Chifeng Star can.

Do you want to feel proud? Therefore, every next step of the expedition fleet must be more solid. It can only succeed and cannot fail. Although the expedition fleet has the help of the Viscount Lookout, the difficulty of supply is still real. We have to save every bullet.

, every battery, and every subsequent battle must be fought to a complete victory. At the same time, although the difficulties are huge, the hope of the expedition fleet completing its mission still exists. Before setting off, the Earl once said something to me."

This chapter has been completed!
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