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Chapter 538 Metal Frenzy【5300 words】

Chapter 538 Metal Frenzy [5300 words]

One after another, thick energy beams were seen piercing the spherical defense array of the trapped camp, and then scattered and focused, pointing straight at the eight large armed warships among them.

Every large armed warship trapped in the camp is locked by at least dozens of the most powerful energy cannons.

But in the end, these focused energy cannons failed one after another, passing straight through the spherical defense array, sinking into the deep space behind them, and then disappeared without a trace.

"what's the situation?"

Fording was shocked.

"Reporting to the marshal, the enemy's small fighter jet at the front released air spray, using the speed difference of light in different media to create a refraction effect, changing the optical environment, and deceiving our optical locking system."

The staff replied:

Fording: "Damn it! This is an optical refraction tactic. The military system has warned you and prepared a plan, but why didn't you expect that they would use it here! Forget it, use the radiation neutrino bomb quickly! It's not ready yet.


The Chief of General Staff, the deputy leader of the Pacquiao Pirates, explained: "We have just obtained this complex new weapon for less than two months. Its detonation preparatory process is very complicated, because the smart equipment was seriously damaged.

, the front-line operators can only use manual debugging, and are not very skilled in the operation, so there is no way."

After hearing this, Fording's anger calmed down a little, but he still urged urgently: "We can't let this turtle formation continue to move forward. We should let them go a little faster and not delay it any longer."

After waiting for thirty seconds, the general staff officer breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Marshal, the launch has been launched."

"I saw it. You don't need to remind me." Fording stared at the picture sent back by the optical system with wide eyes. He saw dozens of waverider-shaped missiles hanging from dozens of large warships at the front of the Chinese military headquarters fleet.

It rushed straight out, turned quickly in space, and began to jump forward and speed up, heading straight towards the spherical battle formation of the trapped camp.

On the surface, the flight speed of these waverider-shaped missiles is not very fast, but the bounce process of each jump forward is extremely abrupt, as if it is floating in water. However, each bounce will increase the speed a lot, and there are also subtle

Change direction.

If someone follows and observes at this time, they will find that this waverider missile does not use a conventional medium propulsion engine, but uses explosive recoil again and again to accelerate in stages.

The reason why it is designed in the shape of a wave rider is not to "drift", but to use the wider three-dimensional rear tail to support the propulsion force brought by the recoil plasma explosion.

Just less than a minute of step-by-step acceleration increased the flight speed of this batch of waverider missiles to 0.2 times the speed of light.

This kind of acceleration performance is really terrifying, and it can be regarded as a cutting-edge weapon created by the Mechanical Empire's military. This is indeed the strongest equipment provided by Nanxiang Bo Liu An to the pirate coalition.

In a sense, Liu An's behavior has seriously crossed the line. After all, he is threatening the life of another regular imperial earl.

After reaching 0.2 times the speed of light, the wide wings of the waverider missile have another function.

During high-speed flight, the thickened and high-temperature-resistant wing blades began to collide with space dust at high frequencies.

The blades can change their angles to obtain different collision moments, and then use this moment to change direction, just like a trajectory-changing missile flying in the atmosphere.

Relying on the blades to constantly change direction, the trajectory of the high-speed missile began to show a continuous curve, which looked particularly weird and difficult to capture.

The Chifengxuan camp fleet seemed to have captured this batch of unique missiles and began to try to use energy weapons to intercept them.

However, the motion trajectory of the waverider missile was really traceless, and its ability to change direction was so strong that the interception failed to take effect. In the end, these dozens of missiles penetrated into the center of the spherical defense formation, and

Detonated successfully.

At the moment of detonation, most of the pirate navy's reconnaissance ships, responsible for the close observation, immediately fired three consecutive laser flashes to the rear, indicating that the radiation neutrino bomb detonated successfully.

Fording was overjoyed, and without waiting for further verification of the results, he immediately ordered the forward fleet in the Chinese Army Headquarters to attack across the board, for fear of missing the opportunity.

No one on the General Staff side dissuaded him from his hasty move.

These professionals all know the performance of radiation neutrino bombs and believe that there is no possibility of any accident.

The order received by the frontline personnel was roughly as follows: "The enemy has been hit hard, and the personnel have been extremely seriously injured. He will not be able to fight back in a short time. Take the opportunity to attack to quickly expand the advantage. Even if there is an occasional counterattack, it will definitely be

It’s a small probability event, so don’t worry about it.”

As a result, the pirate coalition's central headquarters received this conclusive order and began to close the force field shields one after another. Then they transferred most of the energy supply to the engines and began to advance with all their strength, striving to kill them quickly after reaching close range.

The pirate super-level professionals who were on full standby also gradually left their own battleships and entered space, relying on the maneuverability advantage brought by the smaller mass to accelerate quickly.

Sure enough, the spherical defensive front that originally looked like an iron wall suddenly came to a standstill. Facing the enemy's approach, it remained motionless. Even the super-level pirate professionals approached.

The fighter plane didn't respond at all.

One of the elite pirates cautiously approached a Chifeng fighter and landed directly on top of the fighter's cockpit. He made a visual observation and determined that the person inside was tilting his neck, his head was drooped to the side, and his eyes were tightly closed, as if he was asleep.


The elite pirate was ecstatic. He turned on the cannon switch and blasted the fighter plane with close-range shots. At the same time, his other hand controlled the laser communicator installed on the armor to input information.

"The enemy has suffered severe physical damage and has no power to fight back. He can be slaughtered to his heart's content."

After sending this frontline intelligence back, the elite pirate continued to search for the next small fighter plane on the battlefield.

In fact, he had already fought two rounds with these unique-looking personal equipment before, and he was really scared.

Originally, he thought that this kind of small vehicle that looked very standardized at first glance was not something to be afraid of. However, the other party only blasted through his force field shield with a single tracking missile. If the reactive armor had not been activated in time, he would have confessed here on the spot.


Now it is rare that the other party has become a lamb to be slaughtered. If you don’t kill it to the fullest, how can it be interesting?

But soon he noticed strong flashes of light coming from his reflector.

While this man blasted a small fighter plane again, he mentally analyzed the information contained in this strobe with some difficulty.

When he finished the interpretation, he broke into a cold sweat.

After the strobe was translated into text, the content was as follows: "It is forbidden to waste time on the enemy's small combat units. Killing the enemy's medium-sized warships and large warships is the first priority. Delaying time is regarded as disobeying military orders and the nine tribes will be killed."

The elite pirate quickly dropped the next small fighter plane he had planned and rushed inside.

There were also tens of thousands of people with these elite pirates, and it was the same situation. Only a few smart people ignored the small fighter planes blocking the way from the beginning and went straight to the inside.

A few minutes later, the elite pirate arrived near a medium-sized warship on the second level of the spherical defense array and began to try to bombard it with various weapons.

However, what is particularly helpless is that although this medium-sized space battleship about three thousand meters long did not fight back, its own force field shield was still very strong.

This man estimated that even if he fired empty ammunition, it would be meaningless.

Not only did this man encounter this dilemma, but other elite pirate warriors who were at a similar level to him also had the same problem.

Everyone responded to the information one after another in unison, waiting for the next order.

The command center of the Chinese Army Headquarters reacted very quickly, so that these people did not need to panic, but they did not need to save ammunition. They could fire at will. They first emptied the physical magazine to reduce the load, and then continued to test the eight large warships inside.

situation, and at the same time provide optical positioning to guide firepower for our own large warships that are about to enter the enemy's formation at the rear.

During this process, many small fighter planes of the Red Front Expeditionary Force were playfully bombarded by the rapidly advancing enemy ships.

For large warships, such bursts of fire along the way do not waste time at all, and some gunners even euphemistically call it to warm up the hands first.

This is a good reason. After all, the people in Pacquiao's pirate group have not used manual aiming mode for many years. Even if they have received relevant training, their proficiency is indeed not very high.

Unknowingly, nearly 100,000 small fighter planes were easily destroyed, and the total battle damage ratio reached 2%. This ratio is not high, but it is still very painful.

During this process, not a single small fighter plane retaliated, not even an evasive action was taken. It was only beaten without fighting back.

The performance of the Chifeng Army's small fighter planes further lowered the vigilance of Pacquiao's pirate group. One after another, large and medium-sized warships passed through the outer line of defense and went straight to the Chifeng medium-sized warships on the second line of defense.

Unconsciously, more than fifty large warships and nearly two hundred thousand medium-sized warships entered.

They have long known the power of the super strong field shield of the Red Front battleship, and they plan to use their firepower advantage at close range to forcibly complete the sweep.

At this moment, Fording's expression changed drastically.

The large battleship that he had always ignored that had penetrated into his own formation had been reorganized, but its shape was not quite right. It did not look like a battleship, but instead turned into a huge triangular pyramid.

There are also eight extremely long and thick alloy arms extending from the middle of this triangular pyramid, and these eight metal arms hold eight giant swords respectively.

From a distance, it looks like a claw spread out in space.

Subsequently, the claw-like vehicle accelerated slightly, then disappeared out of thin air, and the next moment it boldly appeared deeper into the headquarters of our own Chinese army.

The next second, the eight alloy arms of this thing were swung at the same time, and the eight heavy giant swords, about several kilometers long, drew eight curves in the space, and dug into the middle of a large battleship of our own.

Because this pirate warship was far away from the front line, it did not have a force field shield at all, but it was hit by eight swords at the same time, and then broke into two pieces in a violent explosion!

The next second, the claw-shaped spacecraft "disappeared" again and appeared in the sky above another friendly warship, doing the same thing again.

Due to the close distance, Fording only waited for more than fifty seconds to see this situation.

In less than two seconds, he had lost two large battleships, but more than fifty seconds had passed, which meant that he had actually lost more than fifty large battleships. Fording gritted his teeth with hatred.

Before Fording could ask, the staff had already given an analysis report, "This claw-shaped battleship has no intention of escaping! Although it has no long-range ammunition, it still has this melee mode! It only consumes energy, not ammunition! What to do?

?He can actually jump to fixed points continuously! What should I do?"

Fording is also the first and second oldest, and he also wants to know what to do.

Just when Fording was at his wits' end and his head was full of problems, sudden changes occurred inside the spherical defensive front of the trapped camp fleet.

The battleships of the Red Front camp, which had been standing still as if they were about to be killed, suddenly started to move, and even poured out firepower before the enemy ships.

One after another, the kinetic energy missiles equipped with an additional three-phase fusion detonation part were fired out fiercely, smashing through the force field shield of the pirate warship, then smashing into the interior of the ship, and then detonating with a rumble.

The small fighter planes, who were helplessly watching their comrades dormant and waiting for the fighter planes without the ability to fight back, also took action on their own, turning into metal storms sweeping through space, swooping in in groups, and frantically attacking the large ships of the pirate coalition from behind.


What was once a cheap treasure hunt suddenly turned into a crisis-ridden Shura killing ground.

The frontline commander of the Pacquiao Pirates' headquarters was the first to see this scene through the optical telescope and screamed repeatedly, "No! It's a trap! The radiation neutrino bomb has no effect at all! Retreat! Retreat quickly! The opponent's

The weapon performance and shield performance are far better than ours, so there is no chance of close combat!"

At the same time, the frontline commander's staff also hurriedly passed the information back.

Over there, Fording was hurriedly ordering his flagship to first activate the force field shield, and then continue to retreat.

He discovered something particularly horrifying.

Every time the claw-shaped battleship leapt forward, the straight-line distance from its own flagship was shortening.

He didn't know when this claw-shaped battleship would suddenly flash above his head.

He originally had some hope in the force field shield of his own battleship, but even though his order had been passed on and many large and medium-sized battleships had activated their shields one after another, he immediately realized that it was useless!

The power of the eight huge heavy swords of that claw-shaped battleship is astonishing.

This thing cuts through the force field shield just like cutting tofu. Once it is chopped down, it will stir up terrifying ripples that represent the rupture of the force field shield, and then it can be easily smashed through.

Claw-shaped warships faced one's own warships with shields open, and they still moved one at a time.

God knows how heavy this epee is and what material it is made of.

The wealth of Pacquiao's pirate group is evaporating at a rate of one ship per second, and his own life is in danger. How can Fording not panic?

Two more minutes passed, and Fording finally received frontline intelligence again.

It’s really bad news one after another.

The spherical battle formation that broke out brazenly caused heavy damage to the pirate ships that broke into the formation in a very short period of time. It created a super high exchange ratio and was almost a one-sided massacre.

Fording was also confused.

"Why do neutrino bombs fail? Why is there such a big gap in performance when everyone is a spaceship? What is the situation on the front line?"

After waiting for another two minutes, he finally got a more detailed frontline analysis report, and the doubts in his heart were slightly alleviated.

Only then did he know.

At present, there are only seven large battleships left and more than 30,000 medium-sized battleships. This is the strength of the Chifeng camp.

From the very beginning, Chifengxing's army was not built according to the ideas of a miscellaneous army, but had a very clear division of labor.

Even if it is just a death squad, there are also heavily equipped defense ships specifically responsible for attracting firepower, and impact assault ships equipped with additional propulsion systems and front armor. They have all-round comprehensive capabilities and are like universal infantry on the ground battlefield.

Functional ships, medium and long-range shooting ships equipped with super-powerful energy cannons like archers, and long-range heavy-fire strike ships equipped with more missiles...

The army of Chifengxing never fights alone, and can always carry out various exquisite small-scale cooperation under the coordination of the perfect command system.

It is clear that the pirate coalition has the advantage in strength, but when it comes to fighting, our own fleet always feels like it is surrounded by its opponents.

Not only that, the Chinese warships further behind tried to provide long-range firepower, but were desperately intercepted by those small fighters.

These people are like crazy.

If you fly a fighter jet toward a missile and intercept it with energy weapons and small arms, you won't skimp on ammunition.

Even if the small fighter planes don't have enough ammunition and will soon run out of ammunition and food, these fighter pilots will actually fly the fighter planes into missiles.

Relying on the desperate charge of these people, the Chinese fleet headquarters in the rear really couldn't provide any support.

With such combat power, even looking at the empire, this is definitely a trump card.

The miscellaneous pirate army on our side broke into the formation of an imperial ace at close range, and ended up like this. It was only natural that they should end up like this.

At this time, Fording finally got some good news.

His staff told him that the terrifying claw-shaped ship had just lost a heavy sword.

This heavy sword self-destructed due to continuous high-intensity bombardment.

The claw-shaped giant ship no longer rushed forward, but began to retreat backwards, but it was still retreating and slashing along the way, just like the fierce general in ancient legends who can block a barrier with ten thousand troops, and ten thousand troops come from it.

Go freely.

"Huh. Just withdraw."

Fording had been completely confused. His first reaction was not to find a way to intercept the claw-shaped battleship, but to be grateful that his life was not in danger for the time being.

Here, Ren Zhong had already contacted the commander of the trapped camp and told him that he was preparing to evacuate. His ship's heavy sword was about to be completely damaged. Now he was really at his wits' end.

He must return to the depths of the trap to replace equipment and replenish energy.

The commander of the trapped camp actually thought of complimenting him now.

"Lord Earl, you are so wise! At first we didn't understand why you forced the installation of this heavy protective layer. Now I understand!"

Ren Zhong smiled slightly in his mind, but he only scolded the other party not to be careless. They must seize the time to complete the clearance, and then counterattack, and mainly destroy the enemy's command flagship.

After such a long confrontation, the intelligence personnel in the trapped camp have marked the command sequence at all levels of Pacquiao's military headquarters. It is time to carry out a large-scale beheading operation.

After hanging up the communication, Ren Zhong casually manipulated the claw-shaped giant ship to destroy a medium-sized warship again, and also read the technical analysis report very casually.

"Radiated neutrino bomb... tsk tsk. Liu An, you are nothing more than that."

Liu An has a military command system, he has heavy responsibilities but has the ability to foresee.

Everyone has enabled full-map cheating, and they are just competing to see whose cheating is more shameless.

Obviously, responsibility is better.

Fording Pacquiao thought the battlefield was one-way and transparent, but in fact they could see through each other.

Moreover, Ren Zhong thought he was more dressed than the other party.

He ordered all combat units of the expeditionary force to install an additional layer of heavy biochemical adsorption armor. Although they lost a certain amount of mobility, they were protected against radiation neutrino bombs.

This chapter is late to be updated, but the word count has been increased by 1,300 words.

This chapter has been completed!
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