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Chapter 569 You are amazing

Chapter 569 You are amazing

The whole thing seems to be sudden and hasty, but all the rhythms are actually under the control of Ren Zhong.

Since the homecoming fleet left Source Star, under the guidance of the Yu Jin family, Wang Zhaofu family, Wen Lei family, and Chen Hanyu who occasionally woke up to take control of the situation, the resources were limited and the scope of activities was compact, but they relied on Sun Ai's

Humanity on the Source Star, which helped maintain access to information from the outside world, quickly moved into a new direction of development.

It's the academic direction.

Remote control operator Ren Zhong spent a lot of effort to gradually establish the academic atmosphere on the source star.

Perhaps the natural environment and planetary system information flow background on the Source Star are particularly suitable for the operation of the human brain, which has led to the endless emergence of outstanding academic talents on the Source Star.

In short, in terms of the depth of basic theoretical research, Yuanxing Academy of Sciences has gradually surpassed Chifeng Academy of Sciences, which has the same origin.

Especially after Ren Zhong moved the oxygen-rich environment of Bai Prostitute from Wangjiang Planet back, even though Chifeng Star and Yuan Star took action almost at the same time, the progress of creating nutrient-rich environments on the two planets was also similar, but the academic staff on Yuan Star

The frequency of bursts of inspiration is obviously higher.

Ren Zhong stayed at the Yuanjiang Branch for two and a half years and sent back a lot of basic subject knowledge.

For this new knowledge, Ren Zhong took the initiative to make a detailed analysis. The Chifeng Academy of Science was responsible for the transformation of the results, and the Yuanxing Academy of Sciences was responsible for digesting, absorbing, and in-depth analysis to eliminate the unnecessary and retain the essential.

Until now, facing several of Yang Misi's ultimate questions, Yuanxing Academy of Sciences has been able to give relatively reliable answers.

After closing his eyes and meditating, Ren Zhong did not rush to answer. He just told Yang Misi and others that he needed to find a quiet place to think alone.

Yang Misi and the dean agreed.

Then Ren Zhong went to the office next door alone.

In the conference room, only the dean and others were left alone with Yang Misi.

The dean took the opportunity to say: "Mr. Yang, you should already know about our previous proposal, right? I don't know how sure you are about this matter? Uncle Chi Feng is indeed very impressive in his responsibilities, and his scientific research potential is by no means wasted.

In the past two years, although the research and development of the warship is still far away, a large number of new technologies have been produced. We really don’t want him to leave like this. His talent and knowledge should be used in science.


Yang Misi thought the same way before, so he wanted to achieve the dean's goal of retaining students by personally accepting them as students.

But now, Yang Misi was silent for a long time, only shaking her head, "I'm not sure. As for the certainty, I'm afraid I don't have much."

Three hours passed unknowingly, and Ren Zhong returned to the conference room holding a booklet in one hand.

The dean and others craned their necks and looked forward in anticipation, but Yang Misi had already rushed forward in three steps and two steps at a time, pretending to take the booklet directly from Ren Zhong's hand.

Unexpectedly, Ren Zhong put the things behind him and hid them.

Yang Misi was puzzled: "Mr. Ren, what do you mean?"

Ren Zhong coughed lightly and said solemnly: "Mr. Yang, I'm telling you the truth. The things in this booklet are the essence of my personal knowledge, and the ideological value it contains even surpasses my patented paint. Originally, this thing was supposed to be sent to

The Royal Academy of Sciences has filed a record and registered an academic patent before it can be released. However, I personally have never been completely satisfied, so I have been just brewing it and dare not show it to others easily, so as not to lead the wrong way and mislead the world. Today.

, Mr. Yang, you and I have met your question so late that I didn’t want to answer it, but I didn’t want to disappoint you, so I sorted out my thoughts in advance and reluctantly wrote a book.”

"However, other people cannot read this thing. Reading it will only do harm but no good. At the same time, Mr. Yang, you can only read it in front of my eyes for the time being, and this book must be burned after reading. Its function is not to answer your questions.

All questions are meant to inspire your thoughts based on your troubles. It is useless for you to leave them alone. You can only wait until you finish reading, then savor them carefully, gradually digest them, reorganize your academic knowledge, and finally you may be able to find a path of your own.

Way to go."

Yang Misi looked like she was in a daze, "So that's it. Then..."

Saying that, Yang Misi and Ren Zhong both turned their heads to look at the dean and others not far away.

Although he said no more words, the intention of expelling guests was clearly revealed in his eyes and expression.

The dean was immediately dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that I was obviously the landlord, so why did you two outsiders take over the place and issue an eviction order to me?

Too much!

He was also a scholar, and of course he wanted to read. When he saw the treasure mountain in front of him, he felt itchy and scratched his head and ears anxiously, but he didn't know what to say.

Seeing that he was ignorant, Yang Misi finally lost her patience and only raised her hand sideways, "Please."

Saying "please" actually means "get out".

The Dean's lips trembled, almost furious.

But he then looked at Mr. Yang in front of him, who looked middle-aged but was actually extremely senior.

That's all, I'm a well-educated junior, and I don't have the same level of experience as Mr. Yang, a notorious social bust.

With great regret, the dean and a group of senior officials from the Yuanjiang Branch walked away with three turns.

After they left, Ren Zhong and Yang Misi went to a small closed conference room next door. They first closed the door tightly and then checked the conference room to make sure there were no cameras. Ren Zhong then turned on the information flow detection and shielding jammer.

, then handed the pamphlet he handwritten to Yang Misi.

Yang Misi opened the booklet with anxiety, and saw this line straight to the point on the first page.

"The so-called human thinking is a collection of information. The essence of information is the flow of information. How does the flow of thinking information come from? From the collection of laws. Where do the laws come from? From the oscillation and rotation of electrons as existing states, from electrons as energy states

The fluctuations come from the rotation of protons and neutrons inside the atomic nucleus... In short, human thinking is actually the sum of the laws formed after all the matter and energy in the brain are gathered together, and it is actually the same type of existence as the information stored in the brain.

, but it is more complex and holds a larger amount of information.”

This is the general outline, which is a bit arrogant, but Yang Misi is not in a hurry to refute it, but continues to read on.

In the next dozen pages, Ren Zhong listed a large amount of experimental data to prove the general outline, so that Yang Misi gradually became doubtful about the contents of the general outline from his initial doubts, and then after reading all the relevant papers,

I just feel that my thoughts are not yet finished.

After closing his eyes and pondering for a long time, Yang Misi asked: "Although the argument given in the general outline of the preface is shocking, after all, according to common concepts, people believe that no matter how superior the performance of artificial intelligence is, it is still fundamentally different from human thinking. But you

But it simply equated human thinking and the information in the brain as one thing. I wanted to refute it at first, but I held back. After reading the full text, I felt that this general outline seemed to make some sense. But

But it makes people feel very pessimistic. Is there really no difference between human beings and the intelligent brain? If infinite possibilities are lost, has the upper limit of human beings been determined in advance? These articles of yours seem reasonable, but they seem to be just circumstantial remarks.

In the end, it’s still unclear.”

Ren nodded, "Bold conjectures and careful verification are for science. What I proposed is at least a possible correct path, right?"

"Yes. At least you have gone very far on this road. I admire you very much." Yang Misi said sincerely.

Ren Zhong: "Keep reading."

Yang Misi turned to the next page.

"The beauty of the macro and micro universe: the aesthetics of symmetry."

In this article, Ren Zhong uses Yang-Mills theory as the core skeleton to sort out the path that humans on earth have traveled from beginning to end, from Newton's classical mechanics to Maxwell's electromagnetic light theory, from Einstein's

General relativity to Gell-Mann's quantum chromodynamics, from Pauli's overall gauge symmetry and local gauge symmetry to non-Abelian gauge field theory, from proton and neutron isospin conservation to Yang-Mills theory, from gauge

From bosons to quark models, from fermions to the Higgs mechanism, concepts such as asymptotic freedom, quark confinement, spontaneous symmetry breaking, and the reorganization of gauge fields were all thrown out, and then they were used in the existing microscopic systems of the mechanical empire.

Continuing to advance on the basis of observing the level of science and technology, extending from the relationship between dark matter, dark energy and gravity to the matter-energy duality of ubiquitous information flow, and then extending to the tree-like network that jumps through subspace and the cosmic coordinate system

The theory of infinite precision.

In this short paper of more than 10,000 words, Ren Zhong used his own pen to smash the theoretical crystallization, leading Yang Misi to go back to the path that the real human civilization on earth has taken, and then go further.

Get outside some.

Of course, Ren Zhong did not name these theories when formulating them in detail, and even made many ambiguous imperial localization rewrites in content and expression.

As for some theories that have not yet appeared in the empire, or that he has not yet come into contact with, he also used pure mathematical deductions to constantly pursue the goal of symmetrical beauty in his heart, and forcibly smashed them out through conjecture.

These mathematical calculation processes were completed by the collective efforts of top mathematicians and theoretical physicists from the Yuanxing Academy of Sciences, under the guidance of Ren Zhong and Sun Ai.

If you are a person who is not knowledgeable enough and whose theoretical knowledge is not solid enough, after reading this article, you will probably just want to scold me.

But Yang Misi has obviously crossed the reading threshold of the article.

After reading it, he took out a pen and paper without saying a word, and began to write down on the paper with his head down.

He is sorting out his knowledge system.

Ren Zhong didn't say anything but watched him keep throwing out concepts.

More than an hour passed, and Yang Misi began his calculation process.

While calculating, he muttered something, and seemed to be talking to Ren Zhong: "Actually, this concept you named the God Particle (Higgs particle) is amazing. But it is not microscopic enough. I think,

There are not only one level of God Particles, but also two, three, four and even infinite levels. Every time you take one more step to the microscopic level, the God Particles will go down one more level, becoming more complex and subdivided into more.

Different types. At the infinite level, the particles of God endow matter with all properties, and may even allow light waves and gluons to have mass."

"Even when this infinity extends to a certain extent, there will be no distinction between God's particles and gravity, weak electric force, strong force, information flow, dark matter, dark energy, and observable matter."

"When I completed all the calculations and combined all the observable forces such as the God Particle and the Information Flow Theory, I had a glimpse into the nature of the universe."

Time flies by unconsciously.

Yang Misi spent eight hours in total forgetting sleep and food this time.

He took a deep breath, put down the pen, and looked back at Ren Zhong beside him, "Mr. Ren, what do you think?"

Ren Zhong looked at the mathematical calculation framework that filled a whole page, pondered for a long time, and said slowly: "The depth is still not enough."

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter. I can only do this step for now, but I can always figure it out in the future."

Ren Zhong: "Yes, step by step, one step at a time."

In fact, what Ren Zhong wants to say is that you are indeed a talent.

It was only the first time that Mr. Yang came into contact with these theories. He used pure calculation methods to derive the complete mathematical framework of Yang-Mills theory. Moreover, the depth of this framework has actually surpassed the research of humans on earth in the 20th century and reached the level of quarks.

Next level and then another level.

In silence, Ren Zhong and Yang Misi looked at each other, but all they thought about was that the other person was really amazing.

At this point, Ren Zhong could be regarded as seeing the true ability of the great academic master. He just threw out some very broad concepts, with the purpose of constantly guiding Yang Misi's thinking direction, and then urging the other party to take the initiative to follow Yang Misi's theory.

direction forward.

Even if Mr. Yang can't reach a conclusion for the time being and is stuck in it, it doesn't matter. The goal that Ren Zhong wants to achieve is to completely lead the person into the ditch.

But Ren Zhong never expected that the other party would quickly diverge and integrate according to his schematic description, and directly lay out the mathematical framework.

Really scary.

I feel ashamed of myself for having such a heavy responsibility.

However, Yang Misi was also shocked by Ren Zhong's fantastic ideas.

He simply couldn't believe that on the border of the empire, there was a person who spanned only two hundred years from his birth to the present, and who had never even formally entered the Imperial University under the Royal Academy of Sciences for a day, and could think in a purely theoretical field.

to such a profound state.

Before he calculated the mathematical framework himself, he had also thought about whether Ren Zhong's conjectures were too wild and unreasonable. They seemed to be exquisite, but in fact they were like rootless duckweeds and untenable.

The result was good. He laid out the framework himself, which in turn proved that many of Ren Zhong's conjectures were correct.

"Mr. Ren, is this your ability? Is this the philosophy you practice in the Chifeng tribe? I..."

Yang Misi raised her hand tremblingly, holding the page in her hand, and unknowingly she was in tears.

He murmured to himself again, "I have been constantly crossing time in the darkness, groping for tens of thousands of years, and waiting in frozen sleep for millions of years. I never thought that I could see the true meaning of science from you.

.I... even if I die here now, with this page of paper, I will have no regrets in this life. And as you said, even if I fail to achieve success in one go, as long as someone continues on this road in the future,

If you keep walking forward, you will eventually reach the other shore! Right?"

As he talked, Yang Misi burst into tears.

If you hear the Tao in the morning, you may die in the evening.

This chapter has been completed!
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