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Chapter 577

Chapter 577 Gou Jian, King of Yue

Those who achieve great things can endure what others cannot.

Liu An had never thought of this before.

Because he didn't have to endure many things in his life. He only had grudges and grudges that he wanted to do, and there was no saying that a gentleman would never take revenge after ten years.

But now, when things came to a head, he had to endure it even if he didn't want to.

"Since you are pointing a gun at my head, I would like to see what bullets are loaded in your gun."

After all, Liu An was a capable person, and he found a way to convince himself very quickly.

He immediately ordered the intelligence team on the flagship to stop hiding and turn on all the detection equipment that would be turned on only in times of war. There was no need to worry about causing misunderstandings. You put a gun to my head, how could you not let me go?

Open your eyes and see what model this gun is?

According to Liu An's order, he asked his people to completely remove Uncle Chi Feng's underwear and take a closer look. See what model this guy's "gun" is and how powerful it is.

This "bullet in the gun" can kill several people with one bullet.

Soon, one after another extremely high-definition three-dimensional modeling drawings and internal structure analysis modeling with perspective effects were presented to Liu An.

Liu An took in a breath of cold air at just one glance.

"This... this is the Teng-3 high-speed, high-explosive anti-matter missile. Its cruising speed can reach 0.4 times the speed of light, its range is 0.1 light-years, and its effective killing radius is six thousand kilometers. It has strong terminal adaptive recognition capabilities and can also be loaded with additional loads.

Humanoid guidance cockpit. This is the top equipment in the Far Frontier Star Territory!"

"This is the Tianfeng type beam energy particle flow cannon. It can be fired continuously and has an effective killing time of up to five minutes. The particle beam energy flow it emits is extremely penetrating and can be used without vision field shields and metal shields.

, has extremely destructive power on the bioelectric stability of carbon-based life forms. This is obviously a novel product that has just been verified by the Far Frontier Branch, and it has not been popularized in the Royal Direct Fleet in the Far Frontier Star Territory. Why?

Appeared here?"

"Also, their armor... this is self-repairing anti-energy armor, extremely defensive!"

"What is the connection simulated by this data? Alpha bionic metal tendon?"

"And there's more..."

As expected of a powerful military earl who relied on his military exploits, Liu An was indeed very knowledgeable. Even though he only woke up for an average of seven days every ten years before, he still maintained a high-intensity follow-up study on the upgrading of the empire's armaments. He only used the insufficient

In five minutes, he quickly identified at least a dozen kinds of ruthless items that neither he nor the Nanxiang Military and Political Council directly had on hand.

"This... what else did this guy, Uncle Chi Feng Ren Zhong, do during the more than two years he spent in Wangjiang Star? Could he have vacated the Far Frontier Branch of the Royal Academy of Sciences? Damn it! Can this happen?"

Before coming here, when Liu An was faced with the arduous task of owning "only" 150 fiefdoms and food systems, he still had the sense of superiority of a well-established aristocrat. He boasted that no matter how great the potential of Uncle Chi Feng was, the sequence

No matter how bluffing the name "The Chosen One" is, he still has an absolute advantage.

So now, Liu An's sense of superiority was completely destroyed in an instant.

Liu An looked to the other side with some pain. The projection over there was showing a lot of intelligence about the Red Feng clan collected by his intelligence organization. He raised his forehead in pain and murmured in his heart: "Lost."

As the chief military officer, my intelligence capabilities have declined drastically. I only knew that Uncle Chi Feng once worked in the Far Xinjiang branch, and I only knew that the Chi Feng clan was developing rapidly, but I had no idea that they had already arrived.

This situation."

Immediately, Liu An secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Fortunately, I came to apologize in person, otherwise I might have been kept in the dark.

In addition, Duke Wenle must know this information.

But since Duke Wenle has made arrangements, it means that no matter how strong the Chifeng clan is, the situation is still under control.

Things haven't reached the point where things are overturned yet.

"Huh, no matter what, I must show my sincerity when I meet Uncle Chi Feng. Let's do this for now."

Not to mention, once he realized how powerful Uncle Chi Feng was now, the humiliation in Liu An's head was reduced a lot, and even the ferocious battleship with exposed weapons above his head became much more pleasing to the eye.

Two days later, Ren Zhong, who had temporarily ended his stay-at-home career, was sitting at the top of the newly built assembly hall of Chifeng Earl's Mansion.

The design of this auditorium is quite ingenious, and Ren Zhong can overlook most of the people in the venue from a high position.

With his amazing eyesight, he could even see the faces of everyone in the audience.

In addition, the optical and acoustic equipment in the venue are also specially designed.

When people in the audience looked up, they could see an enlarged version of the three-dimensional projection, although they could not see the real face of Zhong Zhong.

After being controlled by the acoustic effects, Ren Zhong's words will create a ubiquitous resonance effect in the ears of everyone in the venue, giving him the ultimate sense of sanctity and authority when speaking on the highest stage.

This auditorium not only uses advanced technology, but also incorporates a lot of practical knowledge related to psychology.

Ren Zhong actually didn't like this, but it was Xiao Xingyue's suggestion and he didn't object.

Xiao Xingyue told him that regardless of whether he wanted it or not, the objective fact was that the honor and disgrace of the Chifeng clan depended on him, and the spiritual beliefs of others also depended on him.

Therefore, it is necessary to make his own image more sacred.

"Today is different from the past. The scale of the Chifeng clan is getting bigger and bigger. It is impossible for you to have personal contact with the civilian class like before. Others' understanding of you can only come indirectly from information dissemination. Therefore, in order to improve the Chifeng clan,

To achieve cohesion, you must accept this new management mechanism and create a mysterious and powerful image for yourself. This is a media technique and a new demand that the new situation places on you. You have to get used to it.”

The above are Xiao Xingyue's original words at that time.

Ren Zhong thought about it for a while and agreed with her judgment.

Therefore, when Liu An led the team into the Great Hall, he was "lucky" to be the first outsider to feel the sacredness and authority of the heavy responsibility.

Liu An, the uncle of Nanxiang, stood below the great hall with the five peerless beauties behind him and hundreds of scholars from the Institute of Biology under the Earl of Nanxiang Mansion. He could only look up at the misty and heavy tasks above.

Outline, but you can see the tall and majestic giant three-dimensional projection.

This humanoid projection seems to have fine-tuned the responsible demeanor, creating a calm and authoritative look.

Around the outline of Ren Zhong, the seats of other senior members of the Chifeng clan were arranged in a three-dimensional circle, stacked in several layers, with each layer spreading radially between each layer.

Behind Liu An, who was standing, there were circles of arc-shaped seats.

These arc-shaped seats spread from low to high from front to back.

The farther away the seat is from Ren Zhong, the higher it is, but the highest is not higher than Ren Zhong himself.

At this time, everyone's eyes were condescendingly focused on one point, which was Liu An.

Liu An, who was at the lowest point of the venue, only felt humiliated.

He couldn't see anyone's face clearly in this huge venue, but he knew that he was being watched by tens of thousands of people.

Damn it.

Uncle Chi Feng is also very good at talking about pomp and circumstance. Thanks to him for designing such a structure of the auditorium, he was able to sit firmly.

How come Uncle Chi Feng, who is so short-lived, knows these techniques of controlling his subordinates better than me?

Liu An reluctantly raised his head and looked upward, and felt that the huge outline of Ren Zhong was particularly dazzling, as if he were looking at the stars in the sky with the naked eye at noon.

At this time, Ren Zhongxin, who seemed to have all the power on the stage, subconsciously had an incredible illusion.

Isn't my current appearance the same as the Tathagata Buddha sitting in the Great Leiyin Temple described in Journey to the West?

It's just that Tathagata is the true form of the Dharma, but he is a projection created by technical means.

"Uncle Chifeng, is this how you treat guests?"

When the staff finally handed over the microphone, Liu An immediately shouted angrily and impatiently.

He understands the truth, and has thought that he must endure it again and again, but now, he, the dignified Nanxiang uncle, and not long ago the most powerful and absolute leader in the Nanxiang star cluster, was thrown into such a situation, as if he was in a zoo.

It was really hard for him to tolerate being laughed at like a monkey.

What's even more outrageous is that Liu An was keenly aware that his voice seemed to have been subtly modulated.

The timbre sounds particularly unimpressive, even a bit drake-like.

Hearing this, the responsible figure on the stage smiled slightly, and then replied with a voice as loud as a bell: "Liu An, you and I both know it well. My hospitality is only for real guests. As for

Are you... worthy?"

Liu An's blood suddenly rushed to his forehead.

The housekeeper beside him was keenly aware of his sudden change in heart rate and coughed violently, as if he had tuberculosis.

Amidst the violent coughing and coughing, Liu An managed to regain his composure a little, and said loudly: "Needless to say what happened in the past, but you and I are both Imperial Counts, we both serve the Emperor, and we enjoy the privilege of being in the Nanxiang Star Cluster.

resources, we should work together to defend the star cluster. Even if you and I have some unfounded suspicions about each other, we should look at the future with a development perspective. In the future, you and I will have to fight side by side, right?"

Ren Zhong did not deny this, "Of course. My loyalty to His Majesty can be learned from the universe."

"Then I am here with a heavy gift just to resolve the misunderstanding with you. I have shown such sincerity, but you are still acting like this and humiliating me. Is it not conducive to the unity and harmony among the nobles of the empire? Personal grudges,

Never override the interests of the empire."

When Ren Zhong heard this, he almost wanted to laugh.

Now you are here to tell me this truth. When you wanted to kill me and suppressed the Chifeng tribe without shame, why didn't you think of the interests of the empire?

But Ren Zhong only thought this in his mind, but his face remained calm, pretending to be deep in thought, as if he was really ashamed of what Liu An said in a few words.

After a moment, Ren Zhong sighed and said, "That makes sense. In this way, this meeting between you and me is being broadcast live on the first channel of Nanxiang Star Cluster. I apologize to you in front of everyone. What do you think?


"What! You..." Liu An was immediately stunned by this grandson's show. This is a live broadcast! Damn it, he was tricked again.

I, Liu An Yingming I, actually let the people of the Quannan Township Star Cluster see my shameful posture with my own eyes, and even an apology was preempted by Ren Zhong.

Damn it.

It was obvious that I came to you with a heavy gift, but you insulted me, but in the end it turned out that I was careless. Are you being generous?

Liu An's breathing became rapid again.

His housekeeper immediately fell ill with consumption.

Liu An turned around and slapped the housekeeper hard on the face, sending him spinning three times in the air and falling far away, "Cough, cough, cough, what are you coughing? If you are sick, you should stay here.

On the ship, don’t come out and embarrass yourself!”

After the slap was blurred, Liu An finally vented all his anger, turned to the microphone and said: "Then, I will accept your apology, Uncle Chifeng. Please believe that I am truly sincere now."

Let’s make peace with you. I also apologize to you for the many wrong decisions made by Nanxiang Earl’s Mansion in the past many years. To be honest, everyone in Nanxiang Star Cluster knows that I cherish my life span very much, so I spend most of my time sleeping.


"In the past hundred years, many of the decisions taken by the Nanxiang Earl's Mansion were the result of random speculation by the people below and deliberate misinterpretation of my orders. I had already purged the relevant personnel before departure. Please take a look!"

After saying that, Liu An turned around, and dozens of followers following him came forward holding large boxes.

The box was opened, and inside were heads one after another, including Liu Jin's head that had been severely irradiated and continued to emit a bright green light.

"This is Liu Jin, director of the Secret Service under me. This is Liu Zhenghao, chief executive of the Commercial Department. This is..."

Liu An began to personally introduce their origins to these people one after another.

There was not much feedback from Ren Zhong and the Chifeng tribe, but many people in the Nanxiang Star Cluster who were watching the live broadcast were in an uproar.

Every time Liu An announced a name, the audience secretly exclaimed.

In the past hundreds or even thousands of years, there are indeed many names here that are well known, and they are the real powerful figures in the Earl's Mansion of Nanxiang.

Liu An didn't just kill some scapegoats casually to force him to pay off, he really let out a lot of blood.

It even contained the woman he had forcibly betrothed to Gruen Augustus, and the woman's only son.

After introducing the origin of the heads, Liu An called five extremely beautiful women to his side, introduced them one by one, and finally said: "These five women can be said to have gathered the biological genes of the Earl's Mansion of Nanxiang.

The highest essence of technology. In addition to being beautiful, they are also knowledgeable and talented, with an average IQ of 170. Now they have gone through preliminary learning and are qualified for almost any position. The most important thing is that they have the best

The matching degree of native genes can maximize the genetic level of your offspring. Whether you use it for yourself or as a reward for heroes, Uncle Chifeng, you are the best choice. Each of them is worth a resource-rich heart.

The planet can be used to effectively improve the average genetic level of the population!"

Immediately afterwards, Liu An began to introduce the scholars behind him.

Ren Chongming seemed to be listening very patiently.

But secretly, he was observing Liu An's ridiculous appearance, like a grandma selling melons.

Ren Zhong commented in his heart: "You are really tolerant and able to bend and stretch. You are such a good grandson. Are you worthy of me trying to play Gou Jian, King of Yue, with me?"

Are you bullying me for not studying history?

This chapter has been completed!
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