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Chapter 601

Chapter 601 Surrounded

An extremely huge beam of light stretched across the universe, spanning distant spaces, and kept moving forward.

Because the energy contained in the beam is so strong, it can break through the three-dimensional space from time to time, plunge into the subspace like a ship entering a warp state, jump forward violently, and then abruptly return to the three-dimensional space, and then move forward.

It advances a bit, then disappears and reappears.

With such an extremely high frequency, it only took a short moment for this giant beam to span a distance of nearly light years, starting from the super-giant structure project and arriving at the Ascendant's warp zone that was under construction and was about to take shape.

Near the space channel.

However, the closer the distance is, the lower the frequency of the beam jumping forward. When it is about to bombard the channel, it is because the energy escapes and expands, causing the energy density in the unit space to be lower than the threshold, and then the jumping performance is completely lost.

, it just turned into an ordinary but huge amount of condensed matter energy, advancing at the standard speed of light.

This is exactly the concept behind the original anti-matter deflection cannon released by the Ascendants' space sandworms. The redesigned pure energy state deflection beam cannon requires super-giant engineering to provide huge energy and then form a focusing effect.

This energy is compressed into a small space to a degree that exceeds the endurance limit of the three-dimensional universe, and is ejected to reach the critical value of vacuum energy. Only in this way can a beam energy flow that can continuously jump be formed.

At the same time, how these energies are aggregated and to what extent they are aggregated require a lot of calculations to ensure accurate hits.

Therefore, Ren Zhong himself just put forward the original point of view, but he did not have the energy and ability to perfect it. Instead, the Far Xian branch recognized the goods. After obtaining the goods, they cooperated with the Royal Academy of Sciences Headquarters, and then convened several experts throughout the empire.

The departments worked together to finally bring this stellar strike-class cannon from theory into reality, and take it out for the first time at this moment to make achievements.

After the cannon was fired, the many imperial warships that formed the super-giant structure over there were also very unfortunate. They failed to disperse successfully, but were instead distorted by the three-dimensional space that rolled when the terrifying beam energy was blasted out, causing gravitational riots and

The energy frenzy tore it to pieces on the spot and exploded on the spot.

"For this cannon, the empire has suffered huge casualties." Ren Zhong, who continued to dodge the pursuit of space creatures controlled by the Second-Class Mother Queen in space, and was struggling to stay away from the place of right and wrong, looked across the top of the flagship and looked into the distance.

The strong beam of light falling from the sky pierced the huge passage composed of countless shadows, and murmured to itself.

In his eyes, this terrifying energy was turning into a torrent and "impacting" with overwhelming force. However, it did not cause a big explosion, nor did it penetrate. Instead, it was sucked in by the channel like a towel absorbing water.

The gap between the shadows that was rapidly closing began to tremble violently, and then the gap was torn apart by the tremors.

Especially the parts that had been actively opened before were the first to disintegrate during the violent trembling, like a torn intestine.

After the channel was slightly disintegrated, its section suddenly erupted with strong light, triggering an explosion that released light energy to the outside world.

Immediately afterwards, the huge beam of light finally completed its short life and plunged into the channel, and the huge amount of energy contained in it was completely absorbed.

Taking the hit section as the source point and the previous opening as the detonation point, this huge passage growing from the distant starry sky and composed of countless strange space shadow-shaped life forms began to completely collapse and then disintegrate.

Then it spread and exploded.

Since then, the Ascendants have spent a lot of time and invested a lot of resources to build a building that can be built directly from the battle surface outside the Star Territory to the core star cluster of the Far Frontier Star Territory, and directly to the super star on the side of the Far Frontier Star Gate.

The Long Warp Warp Channel was declared destroyed.

Since the war between the two sides began, the Ascendants suffered a major defeat for the first time.

But at this moment, Ren Zhong didn't feel much pleasure in his heart as he looked at the exploding remains of the passage that spread far and wide and turned into a huge firework light ribbon across the starry sky.

He made his own choice.

Unable to receive external commands, he guided the target onto the channel.

This is loyalty to the empire, but it puts himself and the Chifeng clan in danger.

Due to the destruction of the passage, the second-class queen completely lost the possibility of waiting for reinforcements in the short term, and even the endless energy supply was interrupted, forcing her to fall into a last-ditch situation.

Fortunately, although the previous consumption has been very high, it has never stopped replenishing energy, and its reserves are still at full strength.

At this time, the second-class Queen Mother had two choices before her.

First, output energy steadily, fight and escape at the same time, and slowly escape to the rear using conventional flight.

Second, violently output energy, first wipe out the difficult group of fleas in front of you, and then leave in a swaggering manner.

Although the second-class Queen Mother has no human form, she still has a very high IQ, and there are a large number of intelligent beings who advise her. Of course she can see what makes the Red Feng Clan unique.

Since the war between the two armies, the Ascended Ones have never encountered such an elite army as the Red Front Legion.

The strongest equipment, the strongest fighting spirit, the highest military literacy, and unprecedented pre-war scientific research capabilities, all of the above distinguish the Red Front Army from the ordinary imperial frontier armies.

Although the Ascended Ones have not yet received the secret information sold by Liu An, they have already realized that Ren Zhong and his Chifeng Clan are a huge hidden danger in this battle.

Therefore, the second-class mother queen decisively chose the second strategy, using all her strength to destroy the Red Feng clan first and then escape.

As a result, instead of showing any intention of retreating, the second-class Queen Mother, who was now alone, exerted all her strength to control and mobilize the surrounding space creatures. At the same time, she frantically exploded troops to make up for the losses in the battle, and began a crazy counterattack.

In addition, in order to improve the ability of explosive troops, the Second-Class Mother Queen made a new decision.

It stopped releasing the flow of three-dimensional space coordinate interference information and the flow of super-wide psychic shock information to the outside world.

The reason why it distorted the space coordinates before was to block Ren Zhong's continuous short-range jumps and rushes to protect the passage under construction. Now that the passage has been destroyed, it also accurately judged the previous terrifying star-level strike.

It must be unsustainable. Furthermore, the power required to continuously release this kind of interference information flow is indeed extremely high, and the energy consumption is very fierce. Now that I no longer have unlimited energy, at the same time, the Chifeng tribe actually has a way to restrain it. Therefore, it

It is easy to decide to abandon this inefficient large-scale battlefield method in order to save some energy.

The same goes for the psychic impact information flow. This is the first new tactic used by the Ascendants, Pilgrims and Psychic Demons after they secretly joined forces. This was supposed to be a surefire way to influence the world, but it actually played into their own agenda.

, was easily resolved by the Chifeng clan. The energy consumption of this thing is equally terrible. Now that the situation has changed, and it is all useless, it is reasonable for the second-class mother queen to give up.

Not long after the Second-Class Mother Queen changed her strategy, the flow of three-dimensional space correction information and anti-psychic shock information from the Red Front Army gradually stopped.

The two sides no longer used any tricks, and only turned the space war into a hand-to-hand battle in which the brave would win.

The personal pressure of heavy responsibilities is slightly less than before.

Under the cover of countless Red Front Legion battleships, he finally distanced himself slightly from the second-class Queen Mother, and then used an ultra-short-range jump to voluntarily withdraw to the belly of the following Red Front Legion fleet, replenishing supplies for the second time in this battle.

Energy rest ship.

At this moment, the Imperial Supernet found a gap in the strong interference from the other party's information flow.

The Red Front Legion completed an information exchange with the General Headquarters and the Imperial Center.

The new information arrived at the empire's center within seconds, immediately shocking the royal family in charge of the highest military headquarters.

Previously, these royal families of the empire had known that the orders of the Marquis of Zhenjiang could not reach the front line, so Uncle Chifeng, who would enjoy being treated less favorably by his foreign lords, had complete independent decision-making power.

Although everyone in the General Staff of the Empire's highest military department at that time recognized Uncle Chifeng's loyalty to the emperor, most people believed that Uncle Chifeng would choose the second-class Empress as the target of stellar strike weapons. Because

Only in this way can Uncle Chifeng and his people escape from danger.

This has nothing to do with loyalty, but with favor. Because you have to live so that you can remain useful and serve the emperor. What's more, everyone knows that although Uncle Chifeng is brave and unparalleled, he still has no descendants and no legal heir.

The honor and disgrace of the entire ethnic group are firmly tied to him, so he should cherish his life.

As a result, no one would have thought that this up-and-coming Earl, who had risen less than three hundred years ago, had a shallow foundation in the empire, and whose direct ethnic group had not yet spread out, would actually choose the most loyal one when faced with the dilemma of life and death.

The one who puts himself in danger.

Inside the highest military headquarters, people were filled with shock and admiration.

"Uncle Chi Feng is truly a warrior."

"This young man's loyalty to His Majesty and the Empire has exceeded the upper limit of psychological review."

There are also reports of attitudes among the Tianxuan guards.

The Mechanical Empire selects the Chosen Ones and then gradually promotes the Chosen Ones. It has its own set of standards.

For a true warrior like Chi Feng Bo, whose loyalty is evident from all the stars, he should be directly rewarded for his military exploits.

When this new layer of military exploits was added to Ren Zhong's body, and after counting all the military exploits accumulated so far, the three major departments of the empire's highest military department, administrative department, and Tianxuan Guard discovered that Uncle Chifeng's military exploits had actually reached that of an imperial marquis.


A special matter was dealt with, and the order to promote Chi Feng Bo to Chi Feng Hou was immediately issued.

After a slight delay, this order broke through the chaotic battlefield environment and reached the ears of Ren Zhong, who was about to go on another expedition.

At this time, due to the heavy responsibilities and no legal heir, the originally perfect situation had a huge flaw.

If Ren Zhong has a legal heir at this time and happens to be in the central star region of the empire, then a canonization ceremony can be held now to promote Ren Zhong and his tribe to the rank of marquis on the spot.

But now, this matter can only be shelved for a while and put on the schedule for now.

At least he has to wait until he finishes the current battle, survives successfully, and returns to the relatively stable rear of the Far Frontier Star Territory.

However, these are all other people's regrets. At this time, Ren Zhong has no intention of paying attention to such trivial matters.

He was just concentrating on analyzing the latest battle situation.

While he was resting the ship and healing the minor injuries he had accumulated, the battlefield was changing rapidly and many things happened.

Previously, in order to cover his successful retreat, many large, medium and small warships of the Red Feng tribe rushed in too deep and were too close to the second-class Queen Mother. There was even a planetary ship that moved forward as a central fortress.

Pressed in.

Later, he himself managed to escape, but this group of troops was tightly entangled by the large number of proliferating offspring under the Second-Class Queen Mother and could not escape.

The reorganized Chifeng 7th to 15th armies are still in the combat zone. This is quite a number.

This part of the force accounts for nearly one-third of the total size of the advance corps for this expedition, and the total number of soldiers and generals involved reaches more than 200 billion.

Not only that, while the heavy-duty flagship was resting, more battleships of the Red Frontier Corps were involved.

The second-class Queen Mother exploded with all her strength and turned into a real starry sky meat grinder. Its power is eye-catching, and the terrifying force released every minute and second is even more despairing.

Every time its excretory organs spit out, it can even vomit out an entire corps.

At this time, Ren Zhong was making final adjustments before heading out again.

However, many people sent him messages through private channels.

Almost everyone, including Ying Zhenshan, Song Qingqiao, Han Zhixin and even Guo Denghuai, tried to persuade him not to go to the front line again and to evacuate immediately.

The Second-Class Mother Queen has already seized complete control of the battlefield. Even if Ren Zhong attacks again, it is impossible to reverse the situation.

Now that the passage has been destroyed and the strategic goal has been achieved, there is certainly no need to waste time here.

He has to go.

Keeping the green hills, you don’t have to worry about having no firewood.

But Ren Zhong paid no attention to these people.

He just sent out a report calmly.

Everyone was silent when they saw this.

Obviously, this second-class Queen Mother is definitely the best among the best in the army of the Ascendants.

The methods this ghost has mastered are far more than what everyone has seen so far.

It turned out that during the entire battle, this second-class mother queen had been secretly releasing life forms with space structures similar to quantum stingers to the outside world.

The concealment and camouflage of these things are even stronger than the quantum stinger. It has been until now that they were finally discovered by the Cosmic Information Research Institute, which has made extraordinary achievements in this war.

In this star map, you can see that there are a large number of shadow-like creatures surrounding the entire war zone.

Now, these space shadows are slowly converging to transform energy-state life into physical structures. When these physical structures aggregate to a certain extent, they gradually cause gravitational oscillations in space. The Institute of Cosmic Information immediately became alert and switched to the third phase.

Eight channels complete the modeling.

They were huge structures shaped like planets one after another.

These structures once again enlarged the fighting area, tightly surrounding the entire Red Front advance army, and became a trap for catching turtles in an urn.

Ren Zhong's answer to everyone was simple.

"What are we trying to do to escape? When we decide to move forward, we have no choice but to escape. The only choice before us is to attack and kill the second-class Empress by force, and then return in triumph."

Only at this time did everyone under his command realize how dangerous the situation they were facing now.

This chapter has been completed!
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