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Chapter 605 Killing

Chapter 605 Killing

Ren Zhong turned his head and looked out the porthole of the command flagship.

His combat flagship, which had transformed into a bullet shape, was parked nearby.

The planetary ship that was originally responsible for helping him repair the battleship had already gone to the front line and was broken into countless parts.

That planet ship was also a good consumable, but it also became a victim.

The heavy-duty flagship was flickering in space.

Every time he changes places, he will arrive in a new area, and then the broken parts floating around, the heads of the Red Front warriors, and the remains of some sublimated combat creatures will be driven by the micro-power equipment.

Returning to the sea, he quickly came closer to join the heavy-duty warships and became part of them.

These parts were not simply piled up after being combined with the battleship, but immediately began to be combined organically.

The newly installed micro-power equipment includes more than just power modules.

At the moment of collision and handover, countless metal fibers spread out quickly like a neural network, quickly gathering these originally scattered fragments into a whole.

Subsequently, these metal fiber networks continue to spread and expand, continuously strengthening the structure, adjusting the internal configuration, and generating circuit networks responsible for transmitting energy, joints responsible for providing structural stability and movement performance, pipe networks responsible for transporting materials, etc.

Immediately afterwards, some special parts, such as the helmet with the heads of fallen soldiers inside, gradually converged towards the hub of the heavy-duty battleship body under the continuous push of the rolling ciliated metal.

Next, the heads of these fallen soldiers will be gathered together like the supernet itself to form a frontline auxiliary supernet mastermind.

Sun Ai will use this auxiliary brain as a carrier to complete the station, and build a combat specialization module internally to provide computing power assistance in Ren Zhong's subsequent battles.

As time goes by, heavy-duty battleships are becoming larger and larger.

But he is not in a hurry to attack, but just keeps wandering around, absorbing, assembling, splicing, and changing configurations.

The original deformable chain weapons on his battleship have long since changed their functions and become the core torso, arteries, veins, lymphatic ducts, bones, tendons and other functional devices of the starry sky megastructure project that is gradually taking shape.

The newly adsorbed spare parts and other debris form functional modules such as flesh and blood, capillaries, lymphatic capillaries and capillary nerves.

Yang Misi's plan is to put the heavy burden on the front line to build this starry sky giant project with new bionic technology based on the third-level god particles.

In the past, biotechnology was Ascension's absolute strength.

Many of the bionic technologies mastered by the Mechanical Empire are just scraps obtained by absorbing the achievements of the sublimators. For example, the Chifeng tribe has gradually withdrawn from the stage of history, and can only rely on Shi Lin's mistletoe to barely support the colonial equipment.

Warrior type. Unfortunately, Shi Lin's lifespan is running out, and now he can only be frozen for most of his time. This time, he stayed at the Far Frontier Star Gate to guard the rear.

But the third-level God Particles have brought new possibilities, giving the Chifeng people the opportunity to rely on bionic technology to try to defeat magic with magic.

"The starry sky red front armor is 10% complete..."

"22% completion..."

"Completeness 100%. Ready for combat."

A long time passed, and a giant claw-like structure with a length comparable to the diameter of the original planet Saturn, that is, the starry sky giant battleship finally revealed its complete shape.

But at this stage, Ren Zhong, who had been holding back and recuperating for a long time, finally turned into a fierce tiger and charged out brazenly.

There are not many comrades left with heavy responsibilities.

The originally very large Red Front advance army has now been reduced to ten pieces.

Only a small number of ships and an equally small number of fighter planes and armors are still resisting.

Due to the insufficient number of large and medium-sized ships serving as communication centers, the strong information pop starships with the strongest communication performance have also fallen. As a result, the communication between the remaining Red Front Legion soldiers and command ships at all levels is not very stable, and the command system

It has failed and can only allow the combat units in their respective areas to coordinate and cooperate on their own.

If you change to a certain ethnic group, after the command center fails, they will probably lose their ability to resist. Fortunately, Ren Zhong has always attached great importance to conventional communication methods, and has also strengthened special responses in special combat environments, regardless of the shipboard personnel.

Whether it is fighter pilots or mecha warriors, they have all encountered similar scenarios in the virtual system. They can only rely on the naked eye and a very small amount of intelligence to identify the battlefield, and they can also make reasonable tactical cooperation.

In addition, fortunately, forcibly eating the second-class mother queen of the Red Feng clan consumed a lot of money, and the number of space creatures in the battlefield also dropped significantly.

Even the physical space life transformed from the shadow of space has been destroyed a lot.

Therefore, despite the small number of remaining combat units of the Red Front Legion, they are all the best among the best, and they are not so easy to be wiped out.

Now, everyone's focus of attention has unknowingly been focused on the giant space claw that is jumping in space one after another, slowly approaching the second-class Queen Mother.

The Starry Sky Red Front Armor is the strongest individual combat force in the history of the Mechanical Empire, which was built up by almost depleting half of the resources of the Red Front Clan and nearly a trillion lives of its people.

The energy of nearly half of the group is now concentrated in Ren Zhong.

Half a month later.

The starry sky scarlet armor in the form of giant claws once again penetrated the body of the second-class queen and rushed out.

The parts of the second-class queen mother's body that were broken by the giant claws glowed red, and a huge amount of active energy was brewing and accumulating.

A spike suddenly protruded from the tail of the Starry Sky Scarlet Armor, and a beam of light blue light shot out from the top of the spike, accurately hitting the edge of the hole.

Then, there was a series of chain explosions.

If a knowledgeable person observes it closely, they can identify it with the naked eye. It is a nuclear fusion explosion.

Ren Zhong's giant claws will not only tear apart the body of the second-class Queen Mother, but will also leave a large number of fist-sized nuclear fusion balls in the breach. It only needs a little more energy to push it past the critical point and detonate it.


Then there is a very reasonable chain explosion.

Ren Zhong has done this operation many times before.

The body surface of the second-class empress was already riddled with holes.

But this time, it finally passed its critical point of endurance.

Accompanied by a devastating and brilliant explosion, the Jupiter-sized second-class queen was suddenly ignited.

The dazzling light illuminated almost the entire starry sky for a while.

The body of the Second-Class Empress expanded rapidly in the strong light.

The terrifying energy tide even distorted the three-dimensional space coordinates again, blocking Ren Zhong's ability to jump.

The high-temperature flare generated by the chain explosion almost caught up with Ren Zhong, who was fleeing frantically.

Fortunately, the Starry Sky Scarlet Armor was highly maneuverable, and Ren Zhong managed to rush to a safe distance before being swallowed up.

His mind is observing the rear through the optical camera of the megastructure.

The second-class Queen Mother has disappeared.

In its place, a newborn star is rising.

The size of this star is still expanding.

According to analysis instruments, the final volume of this star may even be several times that of the source sun.

But its lifespan will be extremely short.

This is the first time in the history of the Mechanical Empire that a single soldier has destroyed a quasi-stellar second-class Mother Queen, and it was also a second-class Mother Queen who was blessed by the abilities of the Pilgrim and the Psychic Demon at the same time.

This chapter has been completed!
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