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Chapter 608: The Drawbacks of Imperial Power

Chapter 608 The disadvantages of imperial power

If we want to return by conventional flight, even with the current technological level of the Red Front Legion, it will take at least 120 years. Including the battle time, the return trip of the advance legion will probably take more than 200 years.

Two hundred years are enough time for the Chifeng tribe to rapidly multiply and expand their population, and to build a new and even larger fleet.

Ren Zhong originally thought that he would take the initiative to take on the heaviest combat mission, but Jin Shi would agree immediately.

Unexpectedly, she actually thought about it for a moment and then said: "You have a good intention. Although your fleet has been severely damaged, we all know the potential of you and the Chifeng tribe. Your proposal can indeed significantly reduce the distance."

The loss of the allied forces in the Star Territory. However, the current fleet size of the Chifeng tribe has far exceeded the limit that the Marquis title can bear. The reason why the empire did not pursue the case before was because the temporary war management regulations gave you relatively loose conditions. However,

With the abilities of you and your people, the size of your fleet will be completely exceeded when you return... This is not my personal opinion, but there are already some different voices in the empire center."

The burden of responsibility suddenly became clear.

What is supposed to come will always come.

This familiar smell.

He suddenly understood why the Mechanical Empire could launch cheats like the Chosen One from time to time, but still always lost.

This is probably a drawback that cannot be ignored due to the nature of the feudal imperial society structured around blood families.

Obviously, the imperial family did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

The Ascendants, Pilgrims and Psychic Demons have begun to join forces. The crumbling mechanical empire is about to be destroyed. How dare you still worry that the frontline generals are too powerful and will not lose their tail?

In my previous psychological examination, the loyalty I showed was all for show, didn't it count?

Due to Ren Zhong's silence, Jin Shi seemed to be aware of his mental activities, and then said: "I know what you are thinking, but your loyalty to the emperor is unquestionable, but the empire must be built on these rules, and no one can


Ren Zhong took a deep breath and decided to take out something.

"I have submitted a complete battle report with the second-class Queen Mother before. I don't know what the Empire's Supreme Military Headquarters and the Royal Academy of Sciences think, but there are some terrible speculations on my side that have not yet been determined. I did not submit it before.

, because the conclusion has not yet been reached and we cannot be alarmist. But now, I feel that I must say something."

Ren Zhong finally achieved his goal.

Even though they knew that this might lead to danger, the empire's highest military headquarters still agreed to his plan.

The three hostile branches of humanity are suspected to have united.

Few words mean big things.

This bad news almost instantly blew through the power structure of the Machinery Empire from above.

Ren Zhong asked the Chifeng Academy of Sciences to come up with some ambiguous conclusions based on the extremely large-scale psychic shock released by the Second-Class Mother Queen, while covering up Yang Misi's theory and the God's Particle Theory.

This conclusion is not so conclusive, it is more of a speculation, but it is sensational enough.

The impact of that initial round of psychic impact was not limited to the Chifeng War Zone. The nearby Far Frontier Allied Forces also felt it and suffered heavy losses. However, this psychic interference came and went quickly, and was later affected by complex changes in the battle situation.

Covered up.

The Far Xian Branch and the Royal Academy of Sciences also did a lot of analysis on this phenomenon, and after the war, they also obtained a detailed battle report submitted by Ren Zhong.

But their feelings are not as deep as those of the technical personnel in the Red Front Advance Corps who are right on the front line, next to the second-class Queen Mother.

Therefore, we just thought that the Ascendants secretly learned new technologies from the Psychic Demons, but we did not realize that there was the participation of Psychic Demons and Pilgrims behind this matter, which is also very reasonable.

Now Ren Zhong has raised this possibility. After comprehensive calculations, we believe that the probability of this coming true is as high as 80%, which is very reasonable.

After confirming the bad news, both the royal family and many high-ranking nobles, ministers, and ministers in power at the center of the empire felt some unspeakable fear.

The four major branches of humanity have been at war for nearly tens of millions of years.

During these tens of millions of years, the four parties fought on their own and fought endlessly whenever they had the chance.

In the early days of that year, the Machinery Empire, as the origin of mankind, occupied an absolutely dominant position. Gradually, it was beaten to the point of being unable to breathe, and its territory shrank again and again, and now it is in an absolutely weak position.

Nowadays, any of the other three parties is stronger than the Mechanical Empire. Let alone the alliance, if any one of the other three parties is chosen by itself, as long as a full-scale war is launched, the Mechanical Empire may be destroyed.

However, these three parties also have frictions with each other. No one wants to take the lead in launching a full-scale war against the Machinery Empire, lest the other two parties benefit from it, so they have never launched it.

But now, since the three parties who were already at an advantage have chosen to join forces, the purpose is self-evident, which is to make the three tigers fight each other and kill the trembling prey before the decisive battle, lest the prey take the opportunity to escape.

Or sit on a mountain and watch the fight between tigers and finally come up with a desperate counterattack.

If the popular saying from the era when Ren Zhong lived was still there, these senior executives in the Machinery Empire would have wanted to jump out and yell, "You don't follow martial ethics."

It's a pity that this is a civilized war, and words can't solve the problem or change the situation.

The Machine Empire has indeed reached a fork in the road of complete destruction.

The rules that laid the foundation of the empire as stated by Jin Shi and Ren Zhong, the Marquis of Zhenjiang, were naturally abolished quietly.

Maintaining rule is important, but the prerequisite for rule is that your country must exist.

No matter how sacred the imperial power is, it must be based on the country and ethnic group.

If the empire is really defeated and the original human race is really strangled to death by the other three parties, what is the use of this imperial power?

Six years later, the mighty new Red Front advance army was finally launched.

Thanks to the resources provided by the remains of space creatures, the size of the newly formed advance legion has expanded by nearly half compared to the fleet that set off from the Far Frontier Star Gate on its return journey, but the number of personnel has not changed much.

But everyone knows that this is just the beginning.

Over the next two hundred years, this fleet will continue to expand.

More and more ships will be built.

More and more Chifeng people will be born, grow up, and take up combat positions, scientific research positions, and production positions on the way back to the battle...

Just as Ren Zhong had planned, his counterattack seemed to have delayed the time for him to obtain the title of marquis, but in fact it was to allow the Chifeng tribe to adapt to this kind of nomadic warfare in the "closed door and dog fighting" campaign.

While recuperating and flourishing, civilization forms.

At the meeting, Ren Zhong said to Han Zhixin: "You used to be the best administrator in the Earl's Mansion of Chifeng, and you were the best general quartermaster during the Second Queen's Battle. Now your position is the commander of the legion, and I leave it to you.

My mission is to ask you to use the elite warriors who survived the previous battles to lead the new ones and train me a 10 trillion strong army during the raids and sieges."

Han Zhixin nodded simply, "Understood."

As for military training, I, Han Zhixin, am the best at it.

This chapter has been completed!
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