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Chapter 612 Three Questions

Chapter 612 Three Questions

Ma Xiaoling also knew that he was lying, but there was nothing he could do against him.

Birth, aging, sickness and death are the natural laws of the universe.

Relying on cryogenic slumber can defy the laws of the universe and steal a life.

But as soon as you open your eyes and move your fingers, life will pass quietly.

No one knows whether the person lying in the cryo-sleep chamber is dead or alive, but there is no other way.

Ma Xiaoling is not greedy for life and afraid of death, nor does she have any ambition to change the world to see human beings tens of thousands or even millions of tens of millions of years later. However, when she woke up this time, after hearing the news of the deaths of Zheng Tian and Xiao Xingyue, she suddenly

He suddenly realized that the "old people" who had accompanied Ren Zhong to work hard to start a business on the Origin Star, walked out of the Origin Star together, arrived at the Nanxiang Star Cluster, and took root in the empire were disappearing one after another.

However, apart from those former "old men", Ren Zhong did not find any new friends within the Chifeng tribe.

The way he gets along with the newly emerging young talents in the Chifeng clan is different from the past. It is a clear superior-subordinate relationship, not a friendship relationship.

Except for the old buddy from back then, no one dared to treat Ren Zhong the way he treated his friends.

It's not that Ren Zhong has changed, it's just the inevitable change in his status.

It’s not Ren Chong that has changed, it’s other people.

In short, Ren Zhong almost has no friends.

So Ma Xiaoling has actually found his new historical position.

She wants to live, not because she is greedy for life, but because she doesn't want Ren Zhong to truly become a loner.

She wants to be Ren Zhong's emotional anchor and support.

The same goes for Ju Qingmeng.

Time flies by, and without realizing it, a hundred years have passed by in an instant. The Red Front Legion has successfully crossed a distance of a thousand light years and arrived at the outskirts of the Yupan Star Territory.

The Jade Disk Star Field looks like a squashed and enlarged Nanxiang star cluster, but the tens of thousands of stars inside are entangled together to form a cantilever structure, and the outer layer of the Jade Disk Star Field has no belt of broken stars, just a cosmic vacuum.

Just as the broken star belt is particularly suitable for collecting and capturing dark matter, the outer layer of the Jade Disk Star Field has richer dark matter reserves and is more suitable for developing energy.

This is the Chifeng Academy of Science's description of the Yupan Star Region, and it basically explains why Ren Zhong chose the Yupan Star Region as his target in the first place, instead of going to the Changhe Star Region, which is more suitable for escape.

But Ren Zhong actually had another idea in mind.

In addition to more utilitarian intentions, he chose the Yupan Star Territory because he was homesick.

The Yupan Star Field, composed of more than 50,000 stars, is actually more like a miniature version of the Milky Way than the Nanxiang Star Cluster.

Although Ren Zhong has never left the earth in his life, he has sat at home and looked up at the stars countless times, and he has also used the computer to appreciate the wonder and majesty of the Milky Way, a barred spiral galaxy, countless times.

After arriving at the destination, the space energy generator on top of the planetary ship sailing at the forefront of the Red Front Legion began to activate. After half a month of energy storage, it suddenly launched an extremely high-energy ring-shaped information flow impact belt.

Immediately afterwards, a circular hole was torn open in the subspace by the ring-shaped impact zone.

The hollow expanded naturally, and soon reached a level large enough for legions to move through.

Subsequently, dozens of medium-sized warships rushed out from the surface of the frontline starship and rushed out first. While attacking the surrounding wandering legions of sublimated space creatures that were moving towards the other side, they reported to the Red Front Legion in the subspace channel.

Information, providing cosmic coordinate parameters.

After confirming that the temporary passage opened by our side was stable enough and that the coordinates of the outside universe were in line with the expected position, the entire legion immediately jumped out at full speed.

What happened next was basically consistent with Ren Zhong's previous plan.

Forty-two years later, the Red Front Legion once again slipped into the subspace passage and headed for its next destination, missing the first-class Queen Mother who was rushing towards them.

This is not the first-class Mother Queen from before, but another latent Mother Queen that was originally hidden in the dark and used as an arsenal.

Obviously, the Ascendants have already put in reserves.

The march of this first-class empress could be said to be absolutely concealed, and there was no possibility of any news leaking out. However, the Red Front Legion was as slippery as a fish.

However, the Ascended ones are not frustrated. They have gradually surrounded the Yupan Star Territory, and have also controlled the entrance and exit of the subspace passage connecting the Yupan Star Territory to other star regions in advance.

The star gates within the Yupan Star Domain have also been completely controlled, and there is no possibility of repair for the empire.

The current difficulties are only temporary. As the troops continue to gather, no matter how cunning the Red Front Legion is, there will always be a day when they are caught by the tail.

This wave has stabilized.

A thousand years have passed.

The Red Front Legion pounced forward and back more than ten times.

The Mechanical Empire's supplies have also successfully broken through the blockade and been sent in nearly thirty times, of which more than ten times were successfully delivered to the hands of the Red Front Legion. The other ten times of material delivery ended up being turned into space fireworks.

The material delivery rate of Mechanical Empire is about 50%.

This ratio is basically qualified.

In this thousand years, the total size of the Red Front Army has not expanded much, only increased tenfold.

It's not that there is a lack of resources, but that it has the responsibilities to adjust the direction of civilization again and start to pursue the policy of elite troops in keeping with the times.

No matter how rapidly the Chifeng clan expands, the Ascendants' military strength will always have an absolute advantage.

The larger the size of your own side, the larger the area you need to pay attention to when fighting.

Instead of blindly expanding and turning yourself into a tall paper giant, it is better to temper yourself and build the legion into a steel warrior of normal height.

However, as time goes by, the size of the troops accumulated by the Ascendants in the Yupan Star Territory has become increasingly larger.

The activity space of the Red Front Legion is getting smaller and smaller. Every time it rushes out of the subspace channel, the time it stays in place is getting shorter and shorter. This is because the first-class mother queen is coming faster and faster.

According to the information provided by the Mechanical Empire, a total of twelve first-class queens have appeared in the Yupan Star Territory and its surrounding areas.

Not only that, the Ascendants have indeed received help from the Pilgrims, and have been using ultra-high-precision detectors to search for the subspace channels established by the Mechanical Empire, and then using continuous space oscillation to destroy the stability of the channels to completely cut off the Jade Pan Star Territory

connections with other imperial territories.

In addition, the Ascended Ones also established a large number of new subspace passages in the Jade Disk Star Territory, and with the assistance of the Psychic Demons, they completely brainwashed and transformed the Imperial humans in the Jade Disk Star Territory, turning these people into

Became a slave.

Subsequently, the Ascended Ones began to use slaves to repair the star gate and change the lock coordinates of the star gate, which further accelerated the movement speed of the first-class queen.

The situation of the Red Front Legion is indeed deteriorating.

But in this thousand years, the Far Frontier Star Territory and the Long River Star Territory achieved complete victory, not only driving away almost all the Ascendant armies, but also repairing a large number of star gates.

The order of production and life has also returned to normal.

There are only three final questions left before the Mechanical Empire: whether to take back the Jade Pan Star Territory, whether to save the Red Front Legion, and how to save it.

I changed my update routine, from one large chapter of 4,000 words per day to two small chapters of 2,000 words per day. The number of updated words is still the same, but I feel it is easier to write this way.

This chapter has been completed!
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