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Chapter 675 Isula Star

Chapter 675 Isula

"During the many years when the Machinery Empire's technology was stagnant, they seemed to have only done one thing, thinking about how to make themselves better off. I have to say, they did it. Such a scene is indeed based on the current technological level of the Machinery Empire.

The best that can be achieved.”

Ren Zhong sighed.

Here, he saw both prosperity and decay.

He couldn't help but think to himself, if humans on Earth had not been captured by Zero, if there were indeed only humans in the galaxy, and if humans would eventually break through the boundaries of the solar system by relying on nuclear fusion energy supply technology after the twenty-fourth century, and transform from a surface civilization

It will be promoted to an interstellar civilization, and then in millions or even tens of millions of years, it will slowly set foot on every inch of land in the galaxy with its strong reproductive power.

Then, what if humans really encounter the so-called Great Filter, develop to the bottleneck of wisdom, and ultimately fail to master faster-than-light flight, or perhaps there is no faster-than-light flight within the boundaries of human thinking.

In the end, mankind failed to obtain a power system that could sustain and operate stably for tens or millions of years. Instead, it reached the technological bottleneck and was locked up in the Milky Way. Then technology stagnated for tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years. Humanity finally

Is the shape of it going to be like this?

There is no pursuit, no hope, nothing to do, not only darkness, but also good food and clothing.

The more complex social division of labor also makes it difficult for ordinary people to find a job.

You can only know what is happening without knowing why. Anyone who is curious about anything will only realize his ignorance in the end.

From the moment a person is born, the second most meaningful thing in life is reproduction, and the third only thing is death.

Perhaps by then, the final form of human beings in the galaxy will really be like this.

The material resources are extremely rich, but the spirit is completely empty.

"Then, does this ethnic group, which controls the wind and rain in the galaxy with this attitude, but remains eternally unknown in the entire universe, continue to exist? Does an existence that is unknown to others count as existing? It is impossible to move on.

Is the so-called survival of the ethnic group still meaningful?”

"I do not deny my own potential, nor do I deny the superior wisdom potential of native humans. Even Zheluo does not deny this. But life always has infinite possibilities, which may be both good and bad.

If it weren't for Zheluo's slavery and capture, which allowed mankind to skip the stage of scientific foundation, the scenario of falling into the Great Filter would actually have happened. Because breaking through some major scientific barriers requires some luck. What if mankind

No luck?"

Ren Zhong sighed slightly in his heart.

He even thought it was a little ridiculous.

It seems that in a sense, Zheluo's capture and enslavement helped mankind to open up its shackles.

At least what can be determined for now is that the Red Front Legion has gone further than the Mechanical Empire and even the other three tribes.

His precognition also saw the future more and more clearly.

He already had confidence in his heart that he would win.

If he really wins in the end, he will really free mankind from the slavery of Zheluo, and even complete the snake swallowing elephant in turn.

So looking back, we can’t even say whether this sixth kind of contact, which has brought a history of trillions of years of suffering to mankind, was mankind’s chance or Zero’s chance.

Or perhaps it can be said that Zheluo is to human beings just like the so-called disasters that almost led to the destruction of human beings in ancient times, but in the end left two allusions to Noah's Ark and Dayu's flood control.

When thousands of years have passed and those in the 21st century are looking back on this historical allusion, they are unable to feel much about this catastrophe that almost destroyed mankind. They can only look back calmly from the perspective of a bystander.

Of course, the premise of Ren Chong's hypothesis is that he and mankind can win.

Only winners are qualified to review history and summarize gains and losses.

Ivan Romanov did not feel satisfied at this time.

Although he became the chosen one sealed by the empire and gained almost unlimited power, he found that he still could not do whatever he wanted.

The emperor and regent established huge research institutions in accordance with his requirements. The technical achievements he produced are being sought after by countless people and regarded as classics.

Duke Wenle's Mansion finally got rid of the relatively embarrassing position of a duke with a different surname in the past, and transformed into a direct duke with a respected status, and moved to the core star field.

This is just the beginning. Next, as the impact of the technological advancement he led continues to ferment, the benefits given to him by the imperial family will continue to upgrade. According to past rules, he will eventually become a new prince with a different surname.

In the past, the highest treatment for the chosen ones was nothing more than this.

But there are still shortcomings in his perfect life.

In the Mechanical Empire, many people knew about the "dirty relationship" between him and Zhenjiang Hou Jinshi.

He previously proposed that the royal family recall Jin Shi. The apparent reason was that he believed that Jin Shi's strategic command ability was very reliable. Whether it was his past resume or the latest three-domain war, he could be regarded as the most powerful person in the empire today.

A top commander with heavy responsibilities after Chi Fenghou. But his true intention is to satisfy his unique hobbies and make up for the shortcomings in his life.

But what he didn't expect was that after arriving, Jin Shi underwent a joint assessment by the Royal Academy of Sciences, the Supreme Military Headquarters, the Tianxuan Guards, the General Intelligence Agency and the Administration Department. In the end, these people actually gave Jin Shi

Ability comes with a seal to verify.

The result was good. Ivan Romanov, as the instigator, was not even seen. He could only watch helplessly as Jin Shizhen went to the Royal Academy of Sciences to assist the Academy in the strategic-level cold-blooded handsome cloning project.

This so-called cloning is a different concept from cloning in the 21st century. In the 21st century, the kind of clone that starts from one person's stem cells and continuously divides an entire person has been proven to be worthless. The person cloned in that way basically has no complete

Logical thinking ability can only be used to create a super network auxiliary brain.

The current cloning is to deeply scan the neuron cells in different key areas of Jin Shi's brain, including logic, analysis, reasoning, drawing, imagination, creativity, etc., and then use an atomic synthesizer to directly print new ones like a 3D printer.

of neuron cells.

These cells will then be partially implanted into the brains of alternative commanders who have turned off their immune systems.

Part of the memory of these commanders will be lost, but they will be able to gain Jin Shi's logical analysis ability and comprehensive war intuition. But they will also have to pay a price, and this price is that their life span will become very short. They will completely lose the protection and immunity of immunity.

After other people's cells are implanted in their brains, they can only stay awake for anywhere from five to three years before they become brain dead.

These people are indeed capable of fulfilling the duties of cold-blooded commanders and can command star field-level battles like Jin Shi, but unfortunately they are only consumables.

In short, because Jin Shi unexpectedly showed surprising importance, Ivan's dream was ruined.

But he's not in a hurry either.

The docking personnel in Tianxuan Guard told him that the mass production project of the cold-blooded handsome man named "Warman" will not last more than two hundred years. After the project ends, Zhenjiang Hou Jinshi will lose its use value. By then, naturally

The person will be given to him and he will decide how to deal with it.

Ren Zhong didn't know these details. He only made a prediction based on the changes in the empire's center and the information collected by Sun Ai, setting Jin Shi himself as the pivot point of the deduction, and then roughly judged that although Jin Shi had lost

You live a free life and cannot contact the outside world, but you will not encounter serious crises for a while.

At least still alive.

In the past, the planet Ysula was once a famous resort in the core star field.

This planet has an ocean area that is highly similar to the source star, and the star magnitude and spectrum of the planetary system it is located in are more than 99.99% similar to the source sun.

The most important thing is that there is a special kind of plant growing on the surface of Isola. The pheromones it secretes can make people's brains particularly happy. It can not only effectively improve the quality of sleep, but also have the effect of extending life span.

The imperial family occupied the planet and banned the construction of Dyson sphere structures in the outer layers of the star of Isla.

Later, the royal family turned this place into a resort.

The royal family invested a lot of resources and built a large number of artificial landscaping on Isla.

In order to improve the quality of the landscaping, many landscapes are simply transported from other planets. Such as mountains, rivers, amber and even oceans are all the same.

Although the Empire has very advanced material synthesis technology, these natural landscapes also contain stable isotopes with properties similar to rare minerals. The Mechanical Empire is not as advanced as the Red Front Legion in terms of material synthesis technology, so they came up with the idea of ​​moving mountains and seas.

means to create a garden.

If outsiders want to live in Ysula, they must pay a high price.

Among the imperial aristocracy, the small group of people who hold the most power and wealth, many have chosen this place to rest. Only these people can afford the cost.

Nowadays, there is a new building complex on Isla, which has slightly ruined some of the scenic spots on this beautiful planet.

But the building complex itself is a new attraction.

This is the newly established star-level research institute built around Ivan Romanov.

The research institute covers an area of ​​more than two thousand square kilometers. It is designed by authentic masters and has a beautiful design. The architectural aesthetic style is unique even if you look at the entire empire with tens of billions of stars.

At this time, Ivan Romanov was lying very comfortably on a large and soft chair, happily watching the slightly unfamiliar and indescribable dance of the more than ten women below.

He had just woken up from cryosleep about three hours ago.

Although now he can do whatever he wants, no one will restrain him, and he can indulge as much as he wants and enjoy a pleasant life.

But he is not stupid. He finally got the opportunity to enjoy the fast lane of life. How could he die so easily because he was at the end of his life? Of course, he had to save his life.

In addition to enjoying the various special benefits provided by the Royal Academy of Sciences that can extend his life, he only wakes up regularly once a year, and then pretends to scan the progress report submitted by the institute.

But he would not put forward any suggestions for revision, and would only keep nodding his head in approval. It was not that he deliberately made a statement, but that others expected him to suddenly awaken to science like a true scientific research-oriented chosen one.

Talent, he became a real master scholar. But there is no such good thing, he is still just a porter. He is in a state of knowing all the knowledge he has and not knowing why. He is just a professional porter.

That's all.

His awakening like this actually makes no sense.

So he added some new fun to himself.

As soon as he finished his business, he called a group of witches.

Yes, it's a witch.

The mechanical empire is so huge and there are so many planets. Different environments breed different people and give rise to different cultures.

These dozen or so witches are exactly the dozen or so lifelong barons in the original frontier galaxy.

They united to rule the slightly wild planet, and established a unique promotion system for witches. They renamed the planet Witch Star, completely cut off the scientific path of Witch Star, and allowed the people to live an extremely original so-called life.

Environmentally friendly living.

Compared with people from other planets in the empire, the living conditions of the people of Witch Star are extremely difficult. The average life expectancy is even less than forty, which is even worse than the original Source Star.

But it is precisely because of the special social atmosphere of Wu Xing that the people here are extremely strong and easy to control, making it an excellent training base for front-line warriors.

These dozen or so witches have lived comfortably for tens of thousands of years relying on the human trade, enjoying a life of being worshiped as gods by others, and enjoying the generous rewards brought by exporting warriors. As for the extremely low income of the people

They don't care at all about the survival rate and extremely short life expectancy.

The so-called witch system is nothing more than a new type of slavery system implemented by them in order to maintain their absolute authority.

If you have the most technologically advanced things on the planet in your own hands, it will naturally be impossible for you to rebel.

When faced with the threat of all-out war, these dozen people immediately chose to run away, taking only a very small number of close associates with them and abandoning most of the unsuspecting people on the planet.

They originally placed a large number of transport ships in the satellite orbit of the planet, but when they fled, they chose to use their precious transport ship carrying capacity to move the mountains instead of rescuing people because they were reluctant to part with their own Mount Goddess.

But now, the witches have been punished.

It was not that Duke Wenle wanted to seek justice, but that when he was looking for prey, he happened to see the scene of these witches enjoying the worship of millions of people on the planet. He immediately became interested and named these people to the Chosen Guards.

As the saying goes, one thing brings another down. The witches who once ruled the planet like gods for tens of thousands of years have now become Duke Ivan's playthings.

Ren Zhong did not expect that out of curiosity, he asked Sun Ai to track down this group of "strange women" who also disappeared mysteriously, and actually found the target person on the planet Isula.

Previously, he had wandered around two suspected targets, but unfortunately he missed them and wasted more than ten years of traveling time.

When choosing the third target, Ren Zhong recalled the conflict between Duke Wenle and Jin Shi. A flash of inspiration made Sun Ai slightly adjust the direction of his investigation, and now he has indeed gained something.

At this time, the light Red Edge Armor transformed from Ren Zhong's single-person spaceship was turning on its dark matter form and was quietly suspended on the roof of Duke Ivan's main palace.

He looked down condescendingly, with a strange smile on his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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