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Chapter 679 Someone is Hometown

After meeting Jin Shi, these people who were originally a little confused about the future suddenly felt much more relaxed.

As for Jin Shi, before meeting these people, she already knew that Ren Zhong had mobilized personnel and resources in the Far Frontier Star Territory in order to detonate the Source Sun, and she also knew that Ren Zhong had a group of people under house arrest here.

But she didn't ask any more questions, and she never expected that she would actually see a new ethnic group living and working in peace and contentment.

She sighed: "I seem to finally understand something."

Ren Zhong asked: "What?"

"Actually, it doesn't matter where your hometown is. What matters is where the people are. The Starry Sky Chifeng Armor is your weapon, but now it has become their hometown. Talent is fundamental. Wherever there are people, it is hometown. You see, they have lived

Very happy."

As she spoke, Jin Shi picked up a child. The child's grandparents were the management of the Zhenjiang Marquis Mansion Transportation Team. They were the people who could be named by Jin Shi, and they were also her old friends.

Now those two people have passed away, but they left behind a whole family.

This family has extraordinary significance to Jin Shi.

But Jin Shi didn't expect that her words would be like enlightenment and enlightenment in Ren Zhong's ears.

Ever since he realized that the Milky Way was definitely gone, Ren Zhong had actually been in an unspeakable negative state.

He knew that his biggest dream could no longer be realized.

He felt like he was a rootless duckweed.

His heart has always been empty and he can't find a place to stay.

The reason why he continues to insist on trying to do something for mankind is just driven by his inner sense of responsibility. It is an instinctive behavior rather than an active pursuit. Just like what he said to Jin Shi himself, anyone who knows

All human beings who know the truth will have this sense of mission.

But Jin Shi’s words awakened Ren Zhong.

Ren Zhong found the problem. The time gap between his 21st century and the present was too far, and the space distance between the Milky Way and the Ancient Pan Galaxy was also too far. Therefore, after finding the truth, he was still unable to get out of his thinking dilemma.

But in fact, when I think about it, the disaster caused by Zheluo is essentially the same as the prehistoric floods in the history of the earth.

Whether it is the previous generations of humans like the city lord and himself, or the four active races in the Gupan galaxy now, they are actually the continuation of human beings. Just like the Neanderthals became extinct, Homo sapiens eventually became the absolute leader

, but are Neanderthals no longer human? Have Neanderthal genes really disappeared completely?

After a long time, Ren Zhong said, "You're right. Where there are people is hometown."

Jin Shi gave Ren Zhong a slightly strange look. She didn't quite understand why her casual sigh resonated with Ren Zhong, but she shook her head to clear her mind of these complicated thoughts.

Next, Jin Shi encouraged the residents of Chifengjia again as the original sect leader, and then went to the conference room with Ren Zhong.

Jin Shi asked: "Can you tell me your next plan now?"

Ren Zhong pointed to the star map and said: "Wait another half month, and the temperature in this area will drop below three million degrees. The Starry Sky Red Peak Armor can stay in this environment for a long time. By then, we will be close

There. I need you to help me communicate with some of the remaining consciousness in that space."

Until now, Ren Zhongya still doesn't know that the real nameless city has moved into his mind, and he is still focusing on the static subspace.

Jin Shi hummed to express his understanding.

While waiting, time passed quickly.

In this half month, Ren Zhong and the Chifeng Army did a lot of things.

Ava finally completely deciphered the information in Ivan's brain clone and obtained copies of many new technologies held by the Mechanical Empire. Although the technological level of the Chifeng Legion is now stronger than that of the Empire, the Chosen One is Zheluo's "

"Container", this technology package contains a lot of information worthy of reference by the Chifeng Legion.

At the same time, Qiu Tong, a close disciple of Yang Misi who was seconded to the Department of Biological and Information Sciences, also assisted Vettel Hatton in completing a new generation of human thought resonance amplifier.

This resonator uses a large amount of fifth-level god particle-level technology, and also received the help of Baihuang and Erheiwu. In order to achieve thought resonance amplification, Erhweiwu Mao has been transformed to the limit of the life level of the velvet bearded man.

Death underwent further transformation, and the evolutionary route of the psychic demon was added to the original genetic fragments. Then, with the help of the eldest daughter Ava, the eldest daughter Ava was able to integrate the information flow and sense of smell of tens of billions of Velvet Beards.

, linking Jin Shi’s thoughts with the brains of the young girls in the corpses of the two god-level demons.

This process sounds complicated, but when it is actually executed, there is a complete information transmission chain.

In the subconscious world of heavy responsibility, Taihong chose to self-destruct to burn his spiritual power and pass on all his spiritual resonance ability to the young girl.

At the same time, the child, who was suffering from an energy impact far beyond the upper limit of her ability, used the connection between herself and the corpse in the outside world to pass on the things the city lord told her to her corpse. This kind of transmission can ignore the distance of space and time.


Later, Jin Shi and Ren Zhong here were next to the static subspace. Relying on the support of the finished zero-point vacuum energy that could be freely extracted from the static subspace, Jin Shi and the corpse of the young girl hundreds of light years apart

The brain resonates.

Originally, this was impossible to achieve, because the young girl was truly dead. Her brain became blank under the attack of death particles.

But precisely because of Jin Shi's thinking characteristics, with the help of the Thought Resonance Amplifier and Uh-huh, she was not only able to successfully establish a link with it, but also read the fragments of information transmitted by the young girl from the afterlife.

After Ren Zhong finished recording all the information dictated by Jin Shi, Jin Shi passed out.

In his mind, the memories of Taihong and Zhannu were completely shattered, and their thoughts collapsed into the purest chaotic information flow.

Looking at this not-so-thick stack of notebooks, Ren Zhong's mood was extremely complicated.

In the process of recording, he already knew many answers.

First of all, the city lord is indeed still alive, and he is not somewhere else, but in his own mind.

The other ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine residents of the nameless city are also there.

That is indeed the world after death, but in the Gupan Galaxy, only true native humans like myself can enter after death.

As for the accidental entry of the two outsiders, Jiao Nu and Tai Hong, it was purely an accident of chance. It can even be said that the city lord did not hesitate to spend the remaining real universe energy to actively introduce them. The matter of these two people,

It cannot be copied.

The most important thing is that Ren Zhong finally understands the nature of his resurrection ability and precognition ability.

In a sense, this is indeed the return of Poincaré.

Ren Zhong's guess at the beginning was right.

However, the energy held by the city lord and others is limited, so the scope of Poincaré's return is only limited to the gravitational boundary of the source star galaxy.

This chapter has been completed!
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