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Chapter 70 I Was Locked Up

Now that Ren Zhong has his own house, many things that were inconvenient to do before have become easier.

After getting home from work, he logged into the Internet through his watch early, opened the stock market, and then searched for the Chinese Pinyin code for "YBZY".

The full name of the company pops up.

The enchanting concubine he selected today is named Yibin Paper.

This is a secondary subsidiary of the Bass Group, which produces specialty commodities with relatively small uses-all kinds of paper, from writing and printing paper to household paper.

Yibin Paper has a fully automatic unmanned production line with mature technology and few employees. The huge enterprise only has 120 skilled workers.

For an enterprise like this, there is little room for technological innovation. The market size has long been solidified, the production capacity is basically fixed, and the stock price is as stable as a pool of stagnant water.

It has been listed for ten years, and the stock price curve is like a dead person’s electrocardiogram.

Shareholders basically do not expect to make money from rising stock prices, they only wait for dividends.

But it is today’s Demon King of the Day.

This is a bit ridiculous.

Yibin Paper has some information, but Ren Zhong feels that this is of no reference value.

A few days ago, the company announced early that it planned to expand the number of workers from 120 to 180.

This is a trivial matter.

For a company of this size, the increase in production costs caused by adding 60 new employees is not worth mentioning.

At first, this news was indeed calm and did not cause any waves on the daily headlines financial channel.

Until this morning, a well-known retail investor also named Huang published a column publicly criticizing the company.

He believes that even if such a mature company wants to slightly expand its scale, it only needs to add new unmanned production lines.

This act of recruiting 60 more people is meaningless.

He even believed that there was something wrong with corporate management.

The formal employee qualifications of these 60 people are probably just an additional citizen establishment created by the relevant person in charge to deal with the harem of his cronies, and sooner or later it will explode.

At that time, ordinary investors who are just sitting on their shares and enjoying the dividends will surely rise up to resist, and the stock price will then experience a crazy drop.

He said: "The current single share price of Yibin Paper is 3.48. I will accurately buy the bottom when it drops to 2.2. Everyone will wait and see."

As soon as this statement came out, a storm arose.

Ren Zhong clearly remembers what happened in the next six and a half hours.

The retail investor surnamed Huang can be called a reverse beacon.

After the fermentation of his news was completed, Yibin Paper's stock price took off from 3.48 on the spot, rose 40.8% to 4.89, and then did not fall back. It stabilized near this figure and continued to fluctuate slightly, becoming a relatively calm small market today.

The little demon king who stands out among the crowd.

The retail investor surnamed Huang became a god on the spot, and people in the world called him a dark lamp-level reverse stock fairy.

There is not much to do, he only plans to buy one accurately at the short-term lowest point of 3.41, with a total cost of 341.09.

Then at 3:30 in the afternoon, he will cash out accurately at a single share price of 4.89, with a total net gain of 487.9 points.

Then go straight to the flea market, take away the Thunder Car, and complete a new level of preparation for this resurrection to take off quickly.

I bought Yibin Paper first, and I didn’t waste time going to the daily headlines video section anymore.

In the entire section, the first chapter of "Sid Meier's Armor Experience", which is currently the most valuable to him, has been memorized by him.

He only had a brief taste of the last three chapters and didn't have time to savor them in detail, but he wasn't in a hurry to use them, so he put them aside for now.

As for other free videos, the meaning of their existence is just to kill his time, and by the way, slowly kill his life and ideals. It is a crime to look at them more.

Ever since, Ren Zhong simply looked at the basic tutorials for each profession in the vocational teaching system.

Although these things are boring, they are concise and comprehensive, and they are somewhat useful after reading them, which will help improve the perfection of his world view.

Ren Zhong focused his attention on the explanation of professional level upgrade.

Take MechaWarrior as an example.

The hard data of brain-computer synchronization rate is divided as follows:

Level 10%

Level 2 20% (after the carrying power exceeds 10 kilowatts, it will start to increase to 20%, the same applies later)

Level 3 30%

Level 4 40%

Level 5 50%

The data of bioelectricity carrying power are divided as follows:

Level 1.10~50 kilowatts.

Level 2.50~300 kilowatts.

Level three. 300~1000 kilowatts.

Level 4. 1000~10000 kilowatts.

Level 5. 10,000~50,000 kilowatts. The data here has skyrocketed.

The data increases of the brain response index and physical fitness comprehensive index are consistent with the values ​​of bioelectricity carrying power.

Of course, in the later stage, these two indices will not simply increase linearly after numerical amplification.

The so-called index is actually a comprehensive weight value obtained after calculation of a huge data model.

In terms of actual ability improvement, at each stage, mecha warriors can clearly perceive some changes.

For example, at level one, in addition to the continuous increase in the power of operating the armor, as the brain-machine synchronization rate increases, the synchronization delay time will also gradually shorten, starting from the standard value of 35 milliseconds and continuing to shorten until the overall value is reduced by 10%.

, arriving at about 31.5 milliseconds.

If an amplifier is used, the delay time will be slightly more than three times longer.

Ren Zhong's perceived delay when using the amplifier was 100 milliseconds, and his actual delay at that time was 33.33 milliseconds.

When the four parameters exceed the second level, in addition to the increase in carrying power and shortening of delay, his own physical fitness will undergo a real transformation, and various indicators such as musculoskeletal strength, explosive power, endurance, and neurological response will all be significantly improved.


In addition, his auditory nerves will resonate with the chips in the armored exoskeleton, resulting in almost no delay in neural hearing.

At level three, neuro-visual resonance is expanded.

At level four, the five senses of hearing, vision, smell, taste and touch are completed.

At level five, in addition to another transformation of his body, his brain and nervous system will fully resonate with the level five exoskeleton "super armor" until it triggers a sixth sense response and achieves complete human-machine integration.


Anyone who has worn a helmet and ridden a motorcycle or scooter knows that even if the mask is lifted, the ears are exposed. When walking on the road, the sight and hearing are no different from without a helmet, but you can always feel that you are different from the outside world.

There is a sense of alienation between environments.

Sounds of the same decibel level will always sound quieter than usual.

For sudden dangers on the road, you will be slower than when not wearing a helmet.

Cyclists need to adapt for a long time before they can barely overcome this sense of alienation.

Mecha warriors wear armor all over their bodies. In a sense, they are the same as being locked in a human-shaped coffin in the Egyptian pyramids, which will not only bring claustrophobia but also a stronger sense of alienation.

When a mecha warrior moves from level one to level five, he has to overcome this discomfort throughout the process and form the integration of man and machine.

Compared with the previous upgrades, whether it is pure numerical changes or potential real combat power, there is indeed an almost insurmountable gap between level five and level four.

The greater the improvement, the harder it is to break through, and the greater the rewards after breaking through. This is the truth.

No wonder there are no level five combat professionals in the town so far.

No wonder level five professionals can be the life-saving straw of Spark Town. This is the reason.

After carefully studying the information, Ren Zhong sighed and muttered to himself.

"Under normal circumstances, the annual census will not go so far as to require level five professionals to come to the rescue, but the situation faced by Spark Town this time is different."

"Ma Dafu's connivance with the professional team has actually been explained. He didn't know that Spark Resources was up to something, and he regarded the professional team that grew up in the town as half of his own."

"The ones who are most likely to break through the fifth-level natural chasm are really the fourth-level masters like Lin Wang who are just one step away. Concentrating the resources in the town along the pyramid-like blood supply network into the hands of professional teams has the highest success rate.

Optimization choice.”

"It's very reasonable to sacrifice a few and save the majority. Although Lao Ma is relatively kind, he actually has a cold-blooded side. It's a pity that he was stabbed in the back by Xinghuo Resources. No wonder he didn't directly inquire from Xinghuo Resources, because it is meaningless."

"But since this is a secret, how could Lin Wang tell it in front of Zheng Tian and others? At that time, Lin Wang only wanted to kill me, not Zheng Tian. When Zheng Tian and others returned to the town alive, the news

It will definitely leak."

"Lin Wang has no such concerns. So, in fact, the ban has been completed in advance and is irreversible."

"Now, on the one hand, Ma Dafu is struggling to his death, but on the other hand, he has put his hope in me and Sun Miao, hoping that we can take away some of the deserters."

"This is the way out for Lao Ma, who has no choice."

After analyzing this wave, Ren Zhong's heart was covered with an additional layer of haze, but he was not disappointed.

It is better to know the difficulties ahead of time than to know nothing at all.

Only by knowing the difficulties can we overcome them in a targeted manner.

As a former scientific researcher, what he hates has never been difficulties, but ignorance.

In the morning, Ren Zhong only slept for a little more than four hours.

At 12:30 noon, he was already at the training ground.

I finished my work at three o'clock in the afternoon, and then I went to the lounge and lay down, taking a nap to replenish my sleep while waiting for the stock genius named Huang to finish his work.

Time's up!

I'll leave you with the sell order!

The funds were withdrawn and the account balance reached 622.63.

Ren Zhong didn't even bother to exchange greetings with Ju Qingmeng. He dragged his slightly tired body out of the training ground, got on his motorcycle and went straight to the flea market.

He had already successively asked Zheng Tian about the identity of her acquaintances in the market during casual chats with her.

After searching according to the picture, at 3:43, Ren Zhong found the seller.

A fat middle-aged man with a mustache who looked cunning and cunning stood in front of the car and said to Ren Zhong while dancing.

"Brother, as you can see, this Benlei multifunctional tank is almost brand new. The market price is at least nine hundred. My price is only six hundred and fifty before tax, which is equivalent to giving you two hundred and fifty for free."

Ren Zhong: “Brother, it’s too expensive, please order less.”

Fat businessman: "Brother! I gave you two hundred and five hundred for free! It can't be said that it was a massive hemorrhage, it was because my carotid artery was severed!"

Ren Zhong: "Six hundred and fifty is too expensive."

He squinted his eyes and watched the other party's performance quietly.

Pretend, keep pretending for me.

Your base price is 600. I can see through all the colors of your underwear and even put a basket in it.

The fat businessman refused to give up: "I'm not bragging, this thing really has no worries about buyers. If I put it here, the powerful semi-professional teams in the town will come up to grab it. Do you want to buy it or not?"

Ren Zhong was actually a little anxious.

Due to Bai Feng's injury, Zheng Tian's team did not go out hunting today.

It was impossible for him to keep an eye on people during the day.

Zheng Tian hadn't noticed it yet, so she was already thankful.

Zheng Tian may come over at any time now.

At that time, everyone will be on their own, and it will be difficult to resist in person.

What's even more tragic is that the rated capacity of the Benlei car is five people. If the shameless Zheng Tian saw it, she would offer a favor on the spot before using the car, which was really hard to refuse.

That would be a real collapse.

If the suppression fails, they will be taken away for free.

Wouldn't the plan be completely messed up?

Ren Zhong gritted his teeth and conducted a final test, "As far as I know, your car has been here for three days. If it was so easy to sell, wouldn't someone have snatched it away earlier? Why is it still there now? Stop talking nonsense and take a bite.

The price is five hundred and eighty, not a penny more. Just nod and I’ll transfer the money to you right away. How about it?”

Under Ren Zhong's aggressive gaze, the fat and cunning businessman who had been in the world for many years finally gave up.

He caught a sore leg.

This is a fact. It should be a very popular item, but after three days, all the poor people came to ask for a price. They heard it was more than 600, and they all left faster than rabbits.

It’s like a ghost!

He was even doubting life.

Has the people's livelihood in Spark Town declined to this point?

There isn’t even a semi-professional team that can afford 600!

How poor are these people?

"Okay, okay. Then let's sign the contract."


The transfer was successful and the money and goods were cleared.

Ren Zhong pushed the motorcycle into the cargo box of the Benlei truck and drove away with a roar.

The fat businessman, who had clearly sold his goods but felt as wronged as his little wife, stared at the car in the distance in the cold wind.

Ren Zhonglin couldn't control his expression well when he got in the car.

He glanced at the treacherous smile on this man's face.

His heart is bleeding.

He murmured to himself, "I lost the bargain. I lost completely. I met a master and I was locked up!"

This chapter has been completed!
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