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Chapter 96 It's a last resort, embrace death with the wildest gesture

After a whole day's work, everyone jumped out of a hole in the middle of the abandoned mine, and then followed the winding road upwards.

In the past few days, every time everyone left the abandoned mine, Ren Zhong and Wen Lei would carry the corpses of level four ruin beasts on their shoulders.

Sometimes Bai Feng would also carry one.

But today the three of them were empty.

The chip storage box in Chen Hanyu's backpack only contained a few chips of second- and third-level ruin beasts.

Ren Zhong did not explain much to the others, but when leading the team in-depth, he followed the guidance of the magnetic field line network model that had been completed to a considerable extent, avoided the ruin beasts as much as possible, and moved through the wasteland in a way that seemed to be headless, but actually had a clear purpose.

Running around like a fish in water in the mine.

He is seizing the last moment to perfect and verify the magnetic field line network algorithm.

Of course, it's not that he didn't discover the fourth-level ruin beasts, but he discovered quite a few in advance. But every time, he just made sure from a distance, and then turned around and left without thinking.

Even if it was a level four ruin beast that he had dealt with before, had experience in, and could win reliably, he would not touch it.

Although everyone had doubts, Ren Zhong did not take the initiative to explain his intention, and others did not ask more questions.

Ren Zhong walked up the last step, stepped on the edge of the abandoned mine, and paused for a moment.

The others who followed him also showed surprise and hesitation.

Not far away, Lin Wang and Bei Lihui were standing on both sides of the armed Qingfeng heavy truck.

One sneered, and the other stared at everyone with a ferocious smile.

Zheng Tian vaguely understood the reason why Ren Zhong tried to avoid fighting today.

But for this reason, she would rather not have it.

Today is the day that Lin Wang returns. Ren Zhong has made the most extreme and worst plan to get everyone to recharge their batteries and prepare for a life-or-death battle.

It's over.

It's really over.

Zheng Tian felt both fear and sadness in her heart.

Although she is a big shot in Xinghuo Zhenren, she is as insignificant as an ant in front of people like Lin Wang and Bei Lihui.

She couldn't figure out why.

She was a little confused.

Among the entire team, the one who speculated the most about Lin Wang's attitude after returning and thought of the most ways to ease the relationship was probably not Ren Zhong but Zheng Tian.

Zheng Tian resisted the fear of chattering teeth, smiled and took an extra step forward, danced, and carefully greeted with a trembling voice: "Captain Lin. Hui...Brother Hui. What kind of style are you two..."

Lin Wang ignored her, just kept looking at Ren Zhong, and said, "Zheng Tian, ​​although you have to die, you have no right to speak here."

Zheng Tian suddenly turned pale, speechless, and all her strength seemed to have been drained away in an instant.

She originally wanted to test it a bit.

Although the team is currently dominated by Ren Zhong, she had been working under Lin Wang for a long time before Ren Zhong appeared.

Even if it is just a tool, the commission provided is far less than the current responsibilities, but there is still hard work without credit, and the acquaintance does not take a day or two.

She thought she still had some value, but she didn't expect that the other party would sentence her to death as soon as she opened her mouth.

What's even sadder is that even though Lin Wang was announcing her own death sentence, he didn't even glance at her.


A firm hand gently placed on her shoulder, and Ren Zhong, who was wearing armor, walked in front of her and blocked her behind him.

"Captain Lin, I haven't seen you for half a month. It's like three autumns. I miss you so much."

Ren Zhong's slightly joking and relaxed tone sounded from in front of Zheng Tian.

Zheng Tian looked at the back of this not-so-tall mecha warrior and was in a trance for an instant.

Although he already knew in his heart that death was inevitable, the power that had just dissipated quietly returned to him.

Wen Lei, Bai Feng, Ou Youning, and Chen Hanyu also came forward from behind and stood side by side with Zheng Tian.

"You're still glib. But it doesn't mean anything."

Lin Wang didn't take action immediately, he just said calmly.

Ren Zhong shrugged, "Captain Lin, you were very optimistic about me half a month ago. We just agreed on the Tanyuan Alliance. My admiration for you, Captain Lin, is like a torrential river, the Yellow River is rushing out of control. I carry my love for the big city.

I have become your reserve team member with infinite admiration. Why did you change your face this time? Did I do something wrong? Oh, by the way, why are you two alone and where are the others?"

While talking, Ren Zhong's eyes quietly drifted to the side.

In fact, the panel of his tactical helmet already showed that on a hill several hundred meters away, dismantling engineer Sima Wan was looking over here from a distance with a telescope in his hand.

Lin Wang: "Dead."

Bei Lihui, who was standing next to him, snorted coldly, "It's all your fault that everyone is on horseback."

Ren Zhong was stunned for a moment, looking surprised.

"I've been staying in Xinghuo Town for the past ten days and haven't gone anywhere. I don't even know where Captain Lin and you have gone, so why do you just rely on me?"

Although he was expressing doubts, he had actually drawn a conclusion from the signs in Lin Wang and Bei Lihui.

In no more than one day at most, Lin Wang's team must have experienced a cruel life-and-death battle.

Of the six members of the team, only Lin Wang, Bei Lihui and Sima Wan survived.

Demolitionist Pan Fenglian and two others were killed.

Ren Zhong just wanted to laugh out loud.

And ask, is there anything in the world that is better than risking one's life, only to find that the opponent loses troops in advance and loses the future?

But he suppressed his smile and instead expressed sadness and regret, "That's it. That's really unfortunate."

Pei Lihui finally couldn't bear it anymore and raised his gun brazenly.

The black muzzle of the Manticore-191 was pointed straight at Ren Zhong's chest.

At the same time, he cursed: "If you hadn't been a traitor and turned to Mr. Yang without even saying hello, you would have made us so angry. The captain was worried that you bastard would escape at night, so we took a shortcut and rushed into Level 5 when we returned.

In the territory of the Ruin Beast, how could Pan Fenglian and the others die! I was shot dead..."

Lin Wang raised his hand slightly to signal Bei Lihui to calm down.

It's a heavy task, but I have already followed the clues and figured out a lot of information.

Lin Wang endured it for half a month and did not call himself to question him. He only asked the staff of the recycling platform in a roundabout way. He seemed calm, but that was all an illusion.

He really couldn't bear to be teased.

However, doubts still exist, and these two reasons alone are still not enough to explain why Lin Wang's murderous intention is so strong.

But Ren Zhong is not worried about not being able to dig out the news.

He had already died once at the hands of Lin Wang.

Ren Zhong knew about Lin Wang's vicious habit.

Lin Wang is different from Pei Lihui, who does whatever he says and kills without any sense of art.

Although Lin Wang seems elegant and indifferent, when he punishes others with killing, he has a hobby of completely destroying others mentally, just like a cat playing with a mouse.

The reason why his identity as a census officer was leaked from Zheng Tian during his last resurrection is one of the strong evidences.

Lin Wang hasn't taken action yet, he is originally looking for an opportunity to destroy himself psychologically.

Just a little temptation and he'll fall for it.

Ren Zhong became nervous, rubbed his nose, and said in a reluctant tone: "It's your decision to take a shortcut, and it has nothing to do with me, right? And I didn't run away either? Although I have some involvement, it still doesn't matter. It’s too far-fetched. I don’t think I’m worthy of death, right? Besides, Captain Lin, you are even more short of people now. It’s time to hire people, so shouldn’t you just recruit me as a substitute member?”

Lin Wang shook his head slightly, "I don't need you anymore."


"It seems like you really don't want to die in an unknown way?"


"Then I will tell you with great mercy!" Lin Wang's tone suddenly rose, and he even smiled triumphantly, "Although I lost three team members because of you, I should also thank you. Because of you, I joined the team The connections of the big shots in Chongyi County!”

Ren Zhong was even more confused, "How can I say this?"

Lin Wang: "You have been acting in front of me. You are playing tricks on me. But those who play tricks on me must pay the price, including citizens."

Ren Zhong: "Huh?"

"What do you think is going on with your old mistress Ju Qingmeng now? Oh no, you two are completely innocent! I don't know what kind of ecstasy you gave her to convince her that you can stand up for her. .Absolutely ridiculous!”

Ren Zhong's defense was indeed broken this time.

He didn't take his life or death as a big deal.

But suddenly he heard that Ju Qingmeng was also implicated, and he became a little unsteady.

He said slowly: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Even though he was very turbulent in his heart, his testing was still professional.

At this time, seemingly taking Lin Wang's hint, Bei Lihui stood up and told the story from beginning to end.

It turned out that after a sudden attack, Lin Wang, Bei Lihui and Sima Wan were injured and fled in embarrassment. Behind them were a group of beasts controlled by a powerful special type of fifth-level beasts in hot pursuit.

In desperation, the three of them randomly chose a direction and tentatively headed towards the nearby town of Chongyi County.

Just when the three of them almost thought they were certain to die, they luckily bumped into the county guard of Chongyi County who was responsible for escorting important supplies.

Hearing that the three were professional scavengers who had just completed excavation work at the new mine, the county guards who wanted to connect with the new mine came to help and rescued the three and provided medical services for a fee.

The person in charge of the guard also heard that the three of them were from Xinghuo Town, so he casually inquired about Ju Qingmeng's situation.

The Ju Qingmeng incident three years ago caused quite a stir in Chungyi County and was cited as a topic of conversation by many citizens.

Lin Wang casually told the person in charge of the guard that Ju Qingmeng and Ren Zhong were hooking up.

Unexpectedly, the person in charge of the guard was an old acquaintance of the fourth-level citizen who chased and punished Ju Qingmeng, and he immediately contacted him.

This is great, it has stirred up a hornet's nest.

Back then, the pursuit of Ju Qingmeng was unfavorable, and others would rather give up and go to Spark Town than give in. This had already caused the fourth-level citizen with background to lose face.

If it weren't for the slight restriction of civil laws, and later he fell in love with another woman, how could Ju Qingmeng have escaped.

Hearing that the woman who had mercilessly rejected him at the beginning actually took advantage of a lowly and desolate man, even three years later, that man still felt extremely ashamed and humiliated.

He immediately started walking around and sent Ju Qingmeng's recall order to Xinghuo Town at noon. At the same time, he had dispatched a small airship in advance to carry two female lackeys straight to Xinghuo Town.

The functions of these two women were, firstly, to check whether Ju Qingmeng had been poisoned by the desolate man, and secondly, to restrain him on the spot and take him back to Chongyi County, without giving her a chance to struggle.

The speed of the small airship was much faster than the motorboat of Lin Wang's team. As early as noon, it arrived at Spark Town almost simultaneously with the recall order.

Pei Lihui said more or less, and Lin Wang began to express his position.

"The two women said, your good lover, Manager Ju, is still a baby now. Ren Zhong, you are really good at acting. It would be a shame not to become an actor. At that time, I saw the look in Ju Qingmeng's eyes when he looked at you. It was true that our love was deep. .But the fact that you didn’t touch him shows that you are not lewd at all.”

"Then your approach to Ma Dafu is naturally not because of Ma Xiaoling. Just being a tea party friend is not enough. Are you actually from Ma Dafu? Then Mr. Yang wants to kill you. The big shots in Chongyi County also gave us instructions to kill you. And he promised that when the time comes, he will give me a chance. Do you think I will spare your life?"

Ren Zhong did not care about his own life and death, and only asked: "How is Manager Ju doing now?"

Lin Wang shrugged, "Who knows. Calculating the time, we should be almost at Chongyi County."

At this moment, Ren Zhong's watch shook slightly.

Ju Qingmeng's calm voice sounded in his mind.

"The task is heavy, remember to avenge me. You promised."


This is a gunshot.

What followed was a sound of chaos.

Some people are shouting that Ju Qingmeng committed suicide.

Soon, the wearer of the watch died completely, and the communication was automatically cut off.

There is no need for Lin Wang's explanation, Ren Zhong already knows the answer.

This is also the butterfly effect he left behind.

If it was the former Ju Qingmeng who was captured and taken back, he might have just resigned himself to it, and might even feel the joy of relief from returning to Chongyi County.

But because of the heavy responsibility, she changed back to her former self and even became tougher.

Under the power, she chose the most intense and desperate way of resistance, death.

Ren Zhong narrowed his eyes slightly.

He looked up at the sky and looked in the direction of Chongyi County that businessman Wang Zhaofu had told him.

He thought to himself, of course I will take revenge on you.



The small box embedded in the armor on the back of his neck opened quietly.

The sharp needle quickly pierced out and struck directly at the connection between his spine and brainstem.

Ten times the dose of a secondary psychostimulant was pushed into his body!

His brain response index started at 326.9, soaring into the sky like a rocket!

Ren Zhong chooses to embrace death with the wildest attitude.

Over there, Lin Wang smiled jokingly: "How is it? I heard that you are a good person. You also selflessly helped a young man you didn't know. You also tried to join forces with Mada Fu to save this town. But what is a good person? What's the use? Can you do it? You will die, your team members will die, and the boy who is related to you will also die. You are not capable of being a good person. It is a mistake for people like you to live! Look at it. Are you doing a good thing? What do you think will happen to Ju Qingmeng after he returns to Chongyi County? I heard that that person has learned a lot of perverted tricks recently..."

Lin Wang knew that his guess might not be accurate, and there were too many doubts about Ren Zhong.

But he just needed to find an unfounded reason to convince Yang Bingzhong.

Although he climbed to a high branch, Lin Wang had no intention of leaving Yang Bingzhong's wings now.

Lin Wang sneered.

He thought he had completely destroyed Ren Zhong's mentality.


Suddenly, a shrill roar sounded beside Lin Wang.

A powerful information flow pulse that cannot be seen by the naked eye, but whose outline can be vaguely glimpsed on everyone's tactical helmet, spreads out like ripples!

The information flow interference bomb that Ren Zhong had placed in the left front wheel hub of the Qingfeng heavy truck exploded.

Of course he knew that with Lin Wang's character, if he wanted to kill him as soon as he came back, the most likely way would be to wait next to the Qingfeng heavy truck with a cat-and-mouse mentality!

The abandoned mine pit, where the Qingfeng heavy truck was parked, was his chosen battlefield!

Ren Zhong has already completed all the arrangements here!

Moreover, Lin Wang attaches great importance to his own position of power and defends his authority all the time.

In the original Linwang Manor, his room was on the top floor.

So this time, Lin Wang is going to kill the traitors and clean up the family.

This is not a trivial matter, it is also related to him maintaining his authority.

Lin Wang's thinking instinct will still guide him to the position he is most familiar with.

Ren Zhong could deduce by observing the furnishings of Ma Dafu's house that at least in Xinghuo Town, left is respected!

Last time when Ren Zhong and the other party were having a meal at Delicious Fresh Food, they also observed that Lin Wang was also sitting on the inside left hand side.

So the best place to detonate this level 5 special bomb worth 20,000 yuan is not on his body, but on the left front wheel hub of the Qingfeng heavy truck!

Lin Wang is closest to the tipping point!

The heavy tasks must be taken into consideration, and there are details in the recklessness. It is by no means just words.

This was the first time that he had accurately predicted and arranged everything in advance without relying on the power of the time spiral.

He wants to try to accomplish the feat of killing a level 4 professional with a level 2 body, perhaps the first and unprecedented feat on the Origin Star!

This chapter has been completed!
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