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Chapter 3.22 The destiny intertwined in chaos

 The establishment of the Shinra Research Institute is intertwined with the Omega Project of the Empire of the Rising Sun.

In the timeline before the Shenzhou timeline was derived, its person in charge, Dr. Shinji Shimada, was noticed by Oji Tatsuro because of an article about superpowers, and was given military funds to build the Shinra Research Institute.

The research institute is located in an extremely secretive area within the Sun and is equipped with an extremely dense defense system and rift generators to prevent it from being detected by radar.

However, because this research institute involves the disturbance of human consciousness and the physical phenomena of Jie Hongzi, and in Shengyang culture, it also carries the bullying concept of superiors in the community making decisions to subordinates, which resulted in the tragic death of a large number of superpowers during development.

The two most powerful superpowers in the Omega Project, Yuriko and Noizumi, also died and escaped.

However, in this new timeline of China, everything has changed.

When Dalang left the original timeline, in addition to taking away a large amount of military equipment information, he also packed up the results of the Shinra Research Institute and took them away.

On the new historical line, due to the achievements accumulated in advance.

Shinra does not need to conduct destructive experiments on those superpowers with great potential, and can completely handle the problem with gentle methods. Just like the developed forces in the main world have plundered and massacred in history to complete primitive accumulation, in the early days of the information age, they began Be humane, environmentally friendly and free.

Currently, two powerful superpowers are currently working steadily in Rising Sun.

Matsui Yuriko, in this timeline, was still born in a small town called Tanabe. Before her super powers were disgusted by the surrounding villagers, she turned into a monster. Shinra's mind detection device sensed the super power fluctuations, and Shimada The doctor came.

Just like the old man who provides assistance to the hot-blooded young protagonist in Japanese comics (Old Gennai in Digital, Dr. Oki in Pocket), Shimada behaves very knowledgeable and kindly, helping Yuriko become stronger, and Yuriko never doubts Shimada. The doctor regarded him as a doctor she respected very much. She brought the updated combat goggles given to her by Dr. Shimada to fight better.

As for Nozumi, just like the plot of the Japanese manga, he is Yuriko's old enemy. He is arrogant, indifferent, and pursues powerful power. In terms of conversation and behavior, he is obviously a bigger lady than Yuriko, and he even knows the secrets of Shengyang's top brass!

Therefore, in the original timeline, in various plans, Noizumi wanted to kill Shimada, but not to rebel, but to replace him and become the leader of the Omega Project.

So what is the origin of this guy? Even as the first experimental subject, the superpower's clone plan did not use her, but directly selected Yuriko to conduct the most cruel experiments, and even put her into the battlefield.

The time travel department of the main world figured out the ins and outs after some investigation.

Noizumi is indeed the eldest lady, well, and she is not an ordinary noble family. Her father is the top of Kanagawa Industrial!

This involves the secret of the original timeline!

The Kanagawa Industrial Group is only slightly less influential in the military industry than the top Tensai Zaibatsu (Kenji) and Shirada Shipbuilding (Naochou) in the rising sun.

It is equivalent to the status of Luoshui Group in China before Wei Keng traveled through it. It is not as good as the two giants Fenghou Group and Suhu United Industrial Group, but it is definitely a famous family.

Kanagawa Industries' signature product in Rising Sun is the wave energy cannon! The T3 unit, the land combat version, has a tonnage of more than 70 tons. The powerful energy beam can destroy targets 60 kilometers away. You know, this is only a vehicle-mounted weapon. range. What if it is designed as a naval gun?

The wave energy cannon competes with Shirakata Shipbuilding's more traditional artillery,

But after all, Shirada Shipbuilding is a long-established conglomerate of Sun, and Kanagawa Industrial is a latecomer in emerging technologies. Although it has the support of Prince Tatsuro, it cannot take all. What's more, Sun has a long history of sea and land not dealing with each other, and Kanagawa's grab If you place an order for land wave energy cannon, you will inevitably lose an order from the navy.

More importantly, Kanagawa Industries was caught in the act at that time, declaring at a sensitive moment in the Sun: "The wave energy cannon is the cauldron of divine judgment." This was considered an offense to the emperor, because No one but the Emperor can administer divine judgment to the enemies of the Empire of the Rising Sun.

After that, Shirakata Shipbuilding's products gained support from the upper echelons of Shenyang. However, Shirakata Shipyard did not want to let Kanagawa Industry go. It began to hire navy troops, no, and pursued them through the rising stars who were active in the court in Shengyang. Hit hard.

Sakura Party leader Hiromoto Shika was the biggest anti-wave cannon voice at that time.

She urged Shengyang to embrace the roots of tradition rather than succumbing to "the false temptations of anti-traditionalism and technological hedonism."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is looking for trouble! How come traditionalism and technology are in opposition? To put it another way, no one can see that this is an opposition between sea and land?

As a rebel and involved in the factional struggle within Shengyang, Hiroshiro will inevitably bear the price.

Hiroyuki died in the end, the poison-quenching dagger, and the death poem all showed that this seemed to be the work of the Syndicate, the largest criminal in the rising sun.

But later everyone knew which party was responsible for this. But it was not over yet. Then a series of accidents occurred during the test firing of Baitian's weapon prototype! It is said that this was a scandal that the upper management of Sunrise tried their best to cover up.

However, time and space investigators from the main world believe that this is ultimately determined to be directly related to someone within Kanagawa Heavy Industries, although this person believes that his actions will prevent the Shinyo Police Department from finding any evidence.

The imperial court of Shengyang knew the facts, but eventually covered it up.

After all, Kanagawa Industries and Shirakata Shipyard are the mainstays of Sun. Moreover, Kanagawa Industries has also participated in a major weapon research and development in the empire (Shogun's Executioner's Wave Energy Blade).

Yequan! In this way, she was recruited by Shengyang's senior management to the super laboratory for testing and experiments. As an experimental subject, she was earlier than Yuriko. Yuriko was only an upgraded combat power based on her Yequan's ability.

But Yequan was not a picked-up wild girl after all. She had great energy behind her, and Shimada did not dare to conduct a comprehensive test on her.

She was not even able to completely block her psychic ability, so that she was able to directly instigate another superpower with abilities comparable to her own - Yuriko, allowing Yuriko to break through the defense and retaliate against Shimada.

Even for such excessive behavior, Yequan was not punished because he failed to leave any significant evidence.

In the uprising timeline, although Yequan was not put on the battlefield as a humanoid weapon, his equipment was always better than Yuriko's. His body had some alloy armor materials that were in line with the general's executioner, and he had a certain probability of being attacked by the Soviet Geostorm troops. Avoid death and instead absorb damage to repair yourself.

To know this material is Shengyang's absolute secret.

The Shinra Research Center is only affiliated with Tatsuro. The level cannot be higher than the Shogun Executioner ordered by Emperor Yoshiro. And it was this clue that allowed the people from the Overworld Time and Space Administration to find out Nozumi's background.

The time traveler responsible for exploring the historical secrets, Heberlin (affiliated to the Western Ocean Time and Space Administration in the main world), commented on her: "This is a woman with a very bad character. She is unwilling to participate in experiments, but instead confuses others to experiment (Yuriko) , obtaining data to improve one's super powers, but not allowing others to surpass oneself, is really the evil in the world."

Now, in the Shenzhou timeline, all this has not happened. Tatsuro has reconciled all the conflicts in the previous timeline. Noizumi did not kill anyone, so he was recruited to Shinra by Tatsuro in advance and became Shimada's subordinate. The person in charge of a group.

The Shinra Psychiatric Research Institute was divided into two, with Yuriko and Nozumi each occupying a part.

Yuriko is responsible for the explosive damage caused by super energy fluctuations.

Yequan is responsible for controlling the nanorobots and assassinating enemy armed cockpits.

Therefore, in terms of hard destructive power, the Lily sub-project is even better.

But in terms of power control skills, types of super power usage, and super power recovery and durability, Yequan is stronger.

In order to prevent the two projects from interacting, that is, in the previous timeline, one party (Noizumi) had the idea of ​​control when the other party (Yuriko) was weak.

After starting a new history, Tatsuro asked Shimada to separate the two projects. Wait until Yuriko and Nozumi are successful on their own routes, and both sides understand that they cannot replace the other's role, then let them meet again.

However, due to Wei Keng's disturbance, the official meeting between Yuriko and Noizumi has been moved forward.

In the Shinra Laboratory. In the test command hall covered with white ceramic walls, Tatsuro's projection appeared on the platform and gave orders to Shimada.

[Tarang has never arrived here in person. He knows what will happen if a superpower goes wild in the small space of this laboratory. Of course, the more important thing is that Shimada has "charm" in Yuriko's project. Mind control project.]

And due to the prophetic advantage of time travel, Dr. Shimada in this timeline is also in awe of the mysterious prince and does not dare to make any mistakes.

After the lecture, he first sent a signal to recruit Yuriko and Noizumi.

When these two superpowers faced the doctor's recruitment on the interface, they immediately expressed their dissatisfaction with the competitors.

Yuriko and Noizumi: "With her? Huh!" Nozumi floated in the air with his chest in his arms, dismissing her, while Yuriko also turned her head.

Shimada pushed up his glasses: "This mission is very critical. It is related to the fate of Shengyang. You must cooperate."

Yequan: "I know, as long as that braid doesn't hold me back."

Yuriko: "Who are you saying is holding you back? Doctor, this arrogant guy, I can't cooperate with her!"

Shimada: "Don't be grudge between you two. After the mission is over, we will let you two compete fairly, but in this mission, Yuriko."

Yuriko: "Yes."

Shimada: "During the mission, we have prepared three grids of energy for you in the energy storage base in the south. You can activate two super waves of destruction. Please use it with caution."

When he assigned Yuriko a task, Noizumi, who was wearing a face mask, had disdain on his lips, obviously thinking that he could do it too.

So Shimada finally said to Yuriko: "At the end of the mission, you are responsible for covering Nozumi. Nozumi."

Before Yuriko could refute, Yequan floated down and said, "What do you want me to do?"

Shimada: "The target this time is the general of China. Although he must be destroyed in order to rise to the sun, if we can control the prisoners."

Yequan held the mechanical glove tightly. When his palms were closed, light waves burst out from his fists. Yequan said: "High-value prey."

Fifty minutes later, after finishing the conversation with the two superpowers, he closed the interface.

Shimada walked into the upper floor of the laboratory through the elevator. At the top of the laboratory, there was a psychic radiation tower. Shimada himself was also a superpower, but compared with Yuriko and Noizumi, his ability was too weak. He can extend his influence remotely through the radiation tower. Through Dalang's funding, he can influence some valuable people.

In China, in Shanghai, and on the river, there are already military controls, but there are still many people who are reciting poems and writing poems.

As a national spy, if you want to control a person in enemy territory, you often use drugs in the past.

However, China is a country with the strictest drug control. The use of drugs is the easiest to expose. After all, local government officials can take care of this crime and get bonuses. Therefore, Shengyang adopts a more covert method of controlling spiritual desires.

Xu Zhuoqun, the eldest son of the Xu family, has desires in his heart, and he is on the Junzi cruise ship.

Mr. Xu looked at the friend in front of him and shouted in a low voice: "I will let him die!" At this time, the man opposite Mr. Xu had a strange light in his eyes. After reading Mr. Xu, After revealing the information and the waist card, he said very politely: "Xu Jun, the great revenge of your family will definitely be avenged. Our people will not let that violent man continue to run rampant."

Xu Zhuoqun took a breath and said, "Well, I've endured it for a long time. Previously, due to the difficult situation of the country, I let him survive for a while, but now, huh."

The mind control expert from Shengyang couldn't help but be stunned and began to wonder: "Is the previous blockage of mind control due to this person's remaining sanity?"

But in fact, the Shengyang people did not understand the "flexible moral bottom line" of these scholars in China. They had no chance to assassinate them before, but now the so-called "letting the enemy live for the country" is just a cover-up suitable for the current actions.

On the Shanghai River, the turbulent water is flowing into the ocean. The sediment and debris swept into the river have made the river water extremely turbid. And only the sea can accommodate such hundreds of rivers.

In the cabin of the Esquire cruise ship, under the cover of individual phantom equipment.

(In this plane), Wei Qixian stared at the young master of the Xu family. Gritting his teeth, he heard the disgusting conversation between the young master of the Xu family and the Shengyang man.

The task left to him by the Faceless Man is to keep an eye on certain villains in this world.

Wei Qixian, who had always been under the broad wings in the past, found himself living in confusion, but now he has seen the lower limit of the world he lives in.

More than ten years ago, he had been unable to understand his uncle. But now he began to feel that his uncle was not worthy of him. The army was fighting desperately on the front line, but these people were sanctimonious and playing "unwarranted".

He picked up the knife and couldn't help but want to take action, but at this time, the faceless man's voice sounded.

Faceless Man: "Let go of your emotions."

Wei Qixian gritted his teeth: "Don't stop me, are you with them?"

Faceless Man (Transcendent Wei Qixian): "If I were with them, I would let you see things from another angle, and then you might help them."

Wei Qixian stared at the person who taught him Qi: "You? Who are you?"

Faceless Man: "I am the one who helps you see the true nature of this world. Don't worry, your uncle will not die. It's just the fate of this world that he can't continue to change."

This chapter has been completed!
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