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Chapter 23.06 (Part 2) Mountains are still mountains and water is still water

In the eighth year after joining Xuanchi Sect, Wei Keng began to use himself as a yardstick, relying on the stars of heaven and earth to do larger-scale surveying and mapping, and made more valuable discoveries.

In the clouds of the outer gate peak on the east side, Wei Keng's fingertips gently touched the space, and a melody response came from the space. Wei Keng paused, drew out a piece of spiritual energy, and then continued to capture the response. Soon, a light

The group appeared.

This light group flashed continuously, turning from virtual to real! This spiritual group disappeared after flashing, and it did not cause many profound energy fluctuations.

But Wei Keng looked solemn, because in his own observation, the phenomenon of this spirit group with less intense energy was very similar to the process of condensing golden elixirs by the monks in the aura area!

The only difference is: the earth-shattering process of forming pills in the world of cultivation.

But in the Xuanqi area, it is as harmless as the mature spiritual grass in the world of cultivating immortals.

Wei Keng: Are the realm of the Mysterious Realm and the realm of the Immortal Realm corresponding to each other like mirrors? System, please review the observation data of the Immortal Realm for me.

…The way is in rubble, the way is in dung, it is frost in winter and dew in summer…

The system began to index a large amount of data according to Wei Keng's direction. Analysis was quickly provided.

System: The physical function of the immortal cultivator's condensed golden elixir is the physical structure that carries his own consciousness information. It is an estimation process that allows the "field" in the environment to collapse toward himself as the center.

Immortal cultivators continue to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, turning into golden elixirs, Yuanying, and gods, with higher and higher "points" (particles). However, in the Xuanqi area, the physical phenomenon of the cultivation process seems to be reversed.

Wei Keng only practiced in the Human Martial Realm, and when he reached the Earth Martial Realm, he discovered that his "self" spread to multiple levels of physical influence in the world as he practiced.

For example, the "divine will" of the Earth Martial Realm originates from the Dantian on the center of the eyebrows, and the "union" of the quenching Qi to the heaven and earth spiritual objects starts from the Qi and blood of the character's realm. Mastering the Mysterious Realm produces "supernatural powers."

It’s not something created out of nothing. In fact, as early as in the human and martial realm, the movement of essence has been connected with the phenomena of heaven and earth.

Wei Keng's system has discovered the connection, but Xiuwu Wei Keng has not connected the whole piece yet.

But in the mind of Wei Keng, who was practicing martial arts, the memory of his past physics popularization popped up:

Physical quantities look different when observed in different environments. For example, after an electron leaves an atom, it collapses into a point, which is described as an electron. However, it cannot be imagined as a "sub" moving around the nucleus in the nucleus, but as a melt.

It exists in the mathematical sense of atomic space, just like the ingredient list of apple-flavored drinks does not contain how many physical apples, but only the proportion of apple juice.

De Broglie discovered that all matter has "wave-particle duality". Wisdom sees that the form of matter is not necessarily the only form, but a stable form in this environment, and it may be another form in another environment.

In fact, most practitioners, as well as those who have traveled to this plane of consciousness, will not conduct research on "Tao" from this perspective.

Just like for people who only know how to use electricity, the microstructure of electricity is not important. What is important is whether the electricity can boil a pot of hot water.

This is the same as most travelers in the cultivation areas and martial arts areas: the specific structure of the essence of power in the world is not important, what is important is whether you can penetrate a mountain.

As a time traveler who has experienced the pastoral era, worn a big red flower, and insisted on upholding scientific prosperity, Wei Keng had to take the path of observation.

Wei Keng copied the formation of the "Golden Elixir" in the Xuanqi world, and somehow felt that there was a possibility of reference for the promotion method in the Xuanqi area and the promotion method in the spiritual energy area.

It's like two snakes biting each other's tails!

The golden elixir for cultivating immortality and the martial arts field for cultivating martial arts can be seen as a correspondence!

Mountains are mountains, water is water, mountains are not mountains, water is not water, mountains are still mountains, and water is still water.

Wei Keng fervently established a hypothesis in his heart: "Cultivation of immortality" and "cultivation of martial arts" can establish a unified model in the summary of phenomena.

In this physical model, life searches for the negative entropy and higher consciousness-bearing structure of its environment (mysterious energy zone, spiritual energy zone), which is the so-called cultivation.

"The location of the self can be constantly changed, but what is the 'self'?..."

Wei Keng looked at the stars and asked himself questions in a low voice.

Question: Who am I? The answer is: I am the guardian of the earth, a disobedient person who holds a materialistic worldview.

Question: Where am I from? Answer: I traveled through a black hole!

Question: Where to go! Answer: Go in the direction of my mission. My mission is not to "live forever" or "to be honored as an ancestor", but to walk a path that belongs to me here.

Wei Keng discovered a way to increase his "cultivation" and could increase his cultivation at any time, but he began to care about the growth of his "Tao heart".

This chapter has been completed!
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