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Chapter 23.10 (1) Great Fall (Calamity), Great Uprising (Calamity)

 In the 900th year of the Gupan Calendar, Tukang grasped the second innate spiritual treasure in the world of immortality, the Haoyue Vase. There was also a world in this bottle, and Wei Keng determined that this world was on the Absolute Spirit Belt based on the star observation data.


It has to be said that the real core of Wei Keng, the "middle man", who is now able to defeat the true immortals of the upper world in various realms of cultivation, is that his "vision" encompasses the entire star environment, and he knows that there is such a set of "observables" outside the sky.

The "system" is called Tianshu, and it goes with the sky!

The "genius" that the "middle man" has defeated is the one who has achieved a cross-generational advantage in the system he mastered.

This is like Liu Bang entering Guanzhong first, and with the help of Xiao He, he obtained all the data of the Qin Empire. After the unification of the Qin Empire, he worked hard for more than ten years to collect national household registration, mountain and river maps, product information of various places, and the transfer efficiency of the station! Later, after leaving the customs, he started

Da Qin's machine for governing the world has restarted the "Liu family's sweep of Liuhe", and can easily recruit hundreds of thousands of troops, which has narrowed the gap between Xiang Yu's "50,000 against hundreds of thousands" terrifying military level.

Liu Bang, a "social person" in the first half of his life, is not as "experienced and seen" as Xiang Yu, a nobleman of the Chu family, but Xiao He, a county civil servant in his team who has the talent of a prime minister, knows that there is such a thing! Therefore, Afang

What if the beauties in the palace give up their jewels to Xiang Yu? Xiang Yu doesn’t even know until his death that he missed something.

For example, now, Wei Keng knows the rules of spiritual energy in the interstellar world, knows the various spiritual root qualities of each immortal cultivator, and what he has to do to advance! How to practice various spells and elixirs, which were originally "unfamiliar" to hundreds of cultivators.

Only through art can you apply your own "will", like an arm using your fingers.

Even the Wei Keng group in the Haoyue Ping world, determined to achieve a civilization breakthrough, had an accurate estimate of the Gangfeng layer in advance! It was no longer a "reckless" rush like the Sifang Ding, looking for a hope.

In the accelerating time of the bright moon in the bottle, Wei Keng, a huge variable, has completed a new round of rise with confidence.

The world in the Sifang Ding has ushered in its first cycle of decline. But so what? The civilization zone of Gupan does not stick to one "sacred center".

…Civilizations always rise and fall, but there is enough leftover…

Wei Keng objectively commented on the various heartbreaking actions of the interstellar political rulers who were "dazzled by immortality" in the Sifang Continent: "Humans, after understanding some things better than the fool, when facing the fool for a long time,

You will think you know everything."

The Sifang Continent is still too young, and the top level of its ruling group has not yet produced a strong enough foundation. It is difficult to control when facing Yuanying and the gods, and both the upper and middle levels have been led astray.

After systematically summarizing the "first-generation civilization" centered on the Sifang Continent, they knelt down and learned the lesson of immortality. They did not just make sarcastic remarks but decided to solve this civilization problem!

The method is to popularize longevity!

Wei Keng: Everyone will make problems, and it is not an individual problem, but a group problem that needs to be solved as it moves towards civilization. Only the majority of people do not need to make a choice in this regard. Then the problem will disappear.

Wei Keng carefully studied it: after compulsory education increases the amount of thinking and knowledge to a certain extent, life span should exceed one thousand years!

Changsheng is not wrong. Changsheng's group creates "aristocratic families" and "sects", forming a closed power circle.

Only when "something" flies from the front of the old Wang Xietang to the homes of ordinary people can the "shackles" of this system be broken.

After 900 years of Gupan's history, all the people on the Sifang Continent are crazy about cultivating immortals. In addition to seeking immortality, they also seek "spiritual thoughts" and "mana" to surpass their peers in combat.

After Wei Keng’s research, he found that simply increasing longevity does not require much energy.

But seeking those "high-powered" immortals and seeking the status of "controlling other people's souls" and "crushing others to death with your fingers" caused the interstellar political group centered on the four continents to quickly turn from reality to reality.

The fallen civilization will naturally be challenged by the new civilization.

While the entire Sifang Continent is still obsessed with its own civilization as the "first peerless region" and obsessed with the goal of collectively raising the level of life, other new civilizations in the Gupan region have begun to rise, and have begun to challenge the "old" civilizations of the Sifang Continent.

issue a challenge.

In the interstellar border areas of the Sifang Continent, the new rebels adopted a new social plan: everyone lives forever!

By adjusting the "string wave" technology of your own consciousness, you can complete plans similar to "building foundation", "forming elixir", "Nascent Soul" and longevity.

Under this model, what everyone needs to increase the resources for consciousness transformation and "energy transformation" is unity. Everyone only needs to consider whether their own self-cultivation is qualified to use this resource. There is no need to compete against each other with the goal of "surpassing the same level".

However, individuals in the truly new group can only gain the ability to compete with "Foundation Establishment", "Elixir Formation" and "Nascent Soul" on your battlefield, which comes from carrying high-energy "vessels", and this is public and is used for "public use".


Instead of "private fighting", all efforts are devoted to "public fighting". The efficiency of the new group has crushed the old and decadent interstellar politics of the four continents.

The new model prevents the Xinsheng Group from making the mistakes of its predecessors, which means that "the previous disaster has been dealt with."

Of course, Gupan, a civilizational belt, will have to deal with cultivating groups for a long time! In the future, we must deal with the past head-on again and again, eliminate problems from their roots time and time again, and do not avoid them.

This is "proving the Tao with force"!

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