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Chapter 23.19 (Part 1) Life has an end

 After entering the Xuan Realm, Wei Keng stayed at the Chamber of Commerce. Once he arrived in the Xuan Realm, Wei Keng felt that the bed was really comfortable.

The former master, Wei Keng, finally saw the true face hidden by the mechanical armor. She was a beautiful girl. But it had nothing to do with Wei Keng.

This beautiful girl master followed her cheap junior brother step by step, seizing opportunities, climbing dangerous peaks, and overcoming many obstacles. As for Wei Keng himself, he was doing his daily work in the chamber of commerce as if nothing had happened, so that decades later, as a young man

After the accomplished junior brother returned, he saw his former senior brother and said silently: "Even if you have talent, but do not have a firm heart in martial arts, you will still be mediocre."

But this junior brother didn't know that he saw Wei Keng "doing nothing" in the caravan, but Wei Keng did not give up cultivation.

Compared with his junior brother's life, Wei Keng did not go out to work hard, but he completed the tasks assigned by the group and completed surveying and mapping in the mysterious world where he settled.

Wei Keng spent twenty years deploying the spiritual energy resonance system in the area, and with the help of the group, Wei Keng was able to mobilize high-energy strikes at this point, which was a level higher than that of his junior brothers.

The reason why I didn’t was to take the path of being a junior! I gave up that wonderful opportunity. Wei Keng: “In the words of a furry I once met, if I succumb to something that is not right, then I would rather be inactive.”

...Wei Keng: What goals do people need to strive for in life...

What the Wei Keng cluster is uniting to do now is something that scares even the great powers in the upper world. The true spirits in the inner circle of spiritual energy have already felt that the "catastrophe" is accumulating, and many great emperors in the mysterious circle, as well as

Those Taoists who are on the front line of the battle for heaven can also notice it.

At this time, in the mysterious realm, on the eternal road. Jiang Mingle, who has crossed the realm of annihilation at this time, is heading towards the Emperor Mountain step by step.

This Imperial Mountain looks like a mountain. In fact, if you look at it from the perspective of the starry sky, it is the cone-shaped reflection of the original star gathering point on the periphery of the quasar on the mysterious land.

When Mingle reached the top, he looked in one direction and slowly said: "Why, as I move forward, I feel that the farther I am from the goal."

At this time, Wei Keng flashed to his side and appeared. Wei Keng said: "Maybe our goals seem to be the same, but we have different paths." (Wei Keng is very implicit. If the translation is not implicit: the path you are taking is completely opposite to your goal)

Jiang Mingle, who had shed countless blood step by step to get to this point, was slightly startled when he saw Wei Keng who could always follow him, but then he took a deep breath and said, "You follow so fast."

Mingle's path is a very orthodox cultivation path. It is referenced by other Taoist ancestors.

On the contrary, Wei Keng's path is one that no other cultivator can follow in the known quasar universe.

It is precisely for this reason that even on the scale of space and time in the universe, Wei Keng axis's "proving the Tao with force" is too accidental.

Of course, in the eyes of many top powers, this is too crazy!

Now that Jiang Mingle has reached this point, he has begun to fall into entanglements again. His original consciousness is increasingly leaning towards harmony, just like "self-encouraging his will to go to bed early" at seven or eight in the morning. After ten o'clock in the evening, he is tested by his mobile phone and has to postpone it.


Although he saw Wei Keng this time, he felt ashamed that he could not walk on this path; and the deep consciousness of "harmony with the Tao" in the universe was shaken by "proving the Tao with force".

On the mountains of the "Emperor's Seat", the energy field on his body is now getting wider and wider, and a wisp of will left over from a deeper level is aligning with him.

Mingle was his mortal name, and his name after he became famous in the upper world was Qinghong.

A powerful man who returned to the divine realm from a mortal within three thousand years, his reputation as a genius is now as loud as thunder in the ears of the powerful men in the entire Xuan Realm.

These top powers are all attracted by the direction of "Ming Le", the son of fate.

But Mingle knew that opposite his "luck", the "Wei Keng" cluster was so dark that he could not see the bottom.

It is true! In the entire Xuanjie, Wei Keng does not seem to be that genius. In every promotion level, Wei Keng is at the tail end of the ladder, just promoted (please refer to Wei Keng's twenty-seventh century, who was evaluated by Wei Qiang's younger brother, every final exam)

Mid-range, I’ll make up for it with a summer vacation.)

But every step that every Wei Keng accumulates is to step firmly on the previous steps and provide shoulders for future generations to stand on. With accumulation and accumulation, it becomes increasingly unattainable.

Now in the upper world, dozens of high-level elixirs, perfect deployment techniques, and forty-seven high-energy tactics and weapons have emerged, all related to Wei Keng.

The thousands of innate spiritual treasures collected in Mingle's hands were also given by Wei Keng.

The innate spiritual treasure, something that was originally fought over by old enemies, was taken by Wei Keng and handed over after a human breakthrough.

Wei Keng helped Mingle on his path. It was precisely because of this boost that Mingle felt that he had been falsified on the "Tao".

Wei Keng's Taoist mentality is also quite clear, and he is committed to reform from the bottom up.

Speaking of making mistakes, Wei Keng's grassroots often made various mistakes, but these mistakes were all solved by the rustic Wei Keng, without any burden from the great emperor or the venerable one.

In the rustic atmosphere, the will to "achieve the mission" has been growing vigorously.

Wei Keng, who is currently standing with Jiang Mingle, will be dispersed into many small selves and return to the grassroots level after the mission is completed.

Narrator: This is the mode of harmonizing a certain skin science in multiple planes.

However, in Wei Keng's own explanation of system data, he "shamelessly" claimed: This is his theory that lays the foundation for life in the Pandora plane. Lifespan must be limited, because only a limited lifespan will prompt each generation in the life of a species.

We must realize the value of life based on the concept of "time flow".

This principle can also be reflected in ordinary people's common sense, "Only before the exam deadline comes, learning can be efficient."

Wei Keng's understanding of "life span" was integrated into a "BuTianXin" project. (Please remember this project)

Therefore, Wei Keng, who has set his own life span and stage of life, has abandoned the core philosophical goal of "eternal life and long-term vision" in the cultivation world.

And that's why Wei Keng's progress on the Xuanqi Avenue is countless times faster than that of the great powers of the heavens! As a middle-aged person, although he is not comparable to those "Tao Ancestors" on any avenue, all earth pits

They all "understand a little bit" and are chasing after the top ones closely!

Wei Keng's evolution in the direction of the only "disadvantage" in the eyes of this great power is undoubtedly "great courage". Because of Wei Keng's attitude towards "Tao", he will either be suppressed by all the first-class people forever and never be able to stand up, or

, that is, one day! Reopen Eternity.

Only when you stand high can you see the distance. The powerful person Mingle is hooking up with at this moment, Taoist Master Qinghong, is much older than Wei Keng.

But now Wei Keng has become a cyclical and proliferative existence! Qinghong no longer dares to compete with Wei Keng on the "Tao".

…Wei Keng: Do you know the meaning of life?…

Mingle here has become a great emperor,

At this time in the past, when Mingle decided to join the path, he felt unwilling to do so. He condensed the thoughts of "returning" into original memories and sent them back to the mortal world.

In the center of the quasar, Qinghong tried to use this method to get rid of his obsession with returning again and again.

And every time Mingle returns to the mortal world, he does not know the plan of the "high-energy world self" at the beginning. He just thinks that he escaped from it. It is not until he practices step by step that he will understand himself again.

But this time, Mingle did not send his obsession back to the mortal world. He turned to Wei Keng and asked: "Do you think this universe is more exciting than the universe before you came?"

Wei Keng said nonchalantly: "Wonderful?! It will only be wonderful if you keep going. I feel that there are not many peaceful days left."

Jiang Qinghong frowned: "Oh? Are you about to pass the tribulation of decline?" (The characteristic of the tribulation of decline of heaven and man is that it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain the calmness of the immortal heart)

Wei Keng: "I find that I am getting more and more impetuous." (Wei Keng claims to be "impetuous", but that is modesty. The real situation is that Wei Keng feels that he has done everything he needs to do, so there is no need to wait)

Qinghong: "You? Or 'you'?"

Wei Keng: “It’s ‘all of us’!”

Qinghong looked towards the Gupan area and the Xuanjie. There, all living beings were still chasing the road to immortality. He couldn't help but shook his head. He said leisurely: "You, who are among all living beings, always say that you are a middle-class person.

, is actually different from all sentient beings.”

Wei Keng turned and looked at the Taoist Master: "Actually, they are the same, but I have experienced more tests."

In the face of this, Wei Keng still argued that he was "a middle-class person", and Qing Hong did not argue at all.

In the year 5783 of the Gupan Calendar, four rounds of the "Dharma Ending Age" have passed in the Gupan area, and four batches of spiritually resurrected civilizations have also developed.

Note: In the Jueling Belt, it will take more than a thousand years for every continent whose spiritual energy has been exhausted to "recover spiritual energy" or "recover mysterious energy".

The civilization in the Gupan area continued to develop, starting from the Jueling Zone and igniting the Low Spirit Zone.

Society develops over and over again, separating two types of people like a centrifuge. The first type is mediocre people like Wei Keng. They can only stay on the ancient plane and build their lives over and over again, while the other type yearns for heights.

People who leave.

Of course, for life, only by adapting to the cycle and accumulating over and over again can the basis for the next step of evolution emerge.

Wei Keng (said in a complex tone): All the monks are talented, I feel ashamed, so I just want to leave.

There is no one traveling with Wei Keng in this world. Even if Jiang Qinghong responded to his request, he would not stop him and would never help him.

In the inner circle world of spiritual energy and profound energy, it is already a world where true spirits and powerful willpower are projected. This is because Wei Keng accumulates more and more in the Gupan area, and the true spirits have to follow up and respond.

Among all living beings, traffickers and pawns, princes and generals, mountain spirits, ghosts and monsters, they are all the split projections of these powerful beings.

In fact, the situation in the world of cultivation is very cold. The success of a certain cultivator in a desperate battle is not because of his excellent nature, but because the projection of his linked consciousness is strong enough. After being reincarnated again and again, he encounters the upper world.

There are fewer and fewer connections to the original powerful consciousness, so it becomes increasingly ordinary.

Wei Keng is the only being who unites around the quasar after projecting from the center of the quasar. His willpower does not rely on the quasar projection, but instead takes root in his own plane and becomes stronger and stronger!

As for how Wei Keng's consciousness became stronger in the Gupan Zone, it was no longer from quasar projection, but direct cross-plane resonance of will. You must know that on the dark plane next to the quasar, Wei Keng himself is already in the "fourth stage"

"Shuoyuan" can cross planes without the need for wormholes.

In fact, in the entire main world travel record, Wei Keng has a special route. The projected part of his consciousness may not be overbearing at first, but it can grow stronger in the plane.

…Before the sky opens, the ax-raising begins…

In the year 5844 of the Gupan Calendar, the civilization belt gradually moved toward the inner area of ​​the spiritual energy zone.

They began to establish strongholds on the periphery of some spiritual continents. These strongholds would be destroyed by the immortals who ascended on the continent with one sword every time. It seemed that the immortals won every time. But except when they ascended, they stepped on a wave of guards.

Keng has no other effect. If you step on it, you have to pay it back, especially if you step on it, it will still be a pit.

After being supplied over and over again by the factory, the remaining fleet finally blocked these powerful men in the transformation stage. After each attack before their ascension, Wei Keng leisurely recorded their ascension data.

On the periphery of the Xuanqi area, all 60 million related massive celestial bodies, that is, the positions of emperors, have also been counted. The prelude to the "exploitation plan" has been prepared and completed.

The only thing Wei Keng has to wait for at this time is to wait until the contraction period of the quasar's rotation cycle arrives, which is probably between 8,500 and 12,000 years in the history of the ancient disk. Once the optimal time period is reached, Wei Keng will completely start

Develop a plan.

As for this moment, Wei Keng couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "After walking such a long road, at the end, I have to say goodbye to life in this world!"

"Come here", "leave from here", "I have seen many people and many things here, so who am I?"

Wei Keng: "For the vision in my heart, I have reached the end and looked back silently. I am still me, but the world seems to have become dull and boring from the wonderful moment when I first saw it."

Wei Keng couldn't help but recall his own self in modern times, and his "proof" of being dissatisfied with the imposition of "rules" on the world in the midst of fire.

It seems that it is still like this today.

Gupan Tiandao Broadcasting broadcast the opening remarks in 5800: The opening of the sky is a calamity. All innate gods and demons, please respond to the calamity...

This chapter has been completed!
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