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Chapter 24.12 (Part 2) The loser leaves home

"It's impossible for Xingli to lead him away." Qingsu Yi, who was also watching, gave this confirmation.

Qingsu has also been paying attention to the war. The style of the Shuoyuan faction is the same as that of Taxi Qiduo, whom she first met that year. They both "fight" and make people unable to guard against them.

Qingsu also found a reason for the failure of the Promise Stars in this battle: "We are the only intelligent race in the universe, so we are not good at confrontation."

She guessed that in Wei Keng's universe, humans should have many enemies in the universe, so they are good at war and confrontation.

She had no idea that people on earth had no real meaning to expand in the universe yet. After the industrial era, they had fought five wars in the solar system.

…War only represents the intensity of elimination, not the level of development…

In the 134th year of the Human Era, Xingli couldn't bear the long and drawn-out battle pace, nor could she bear the lack of cooperation from friendly forces. At the same time, she couldn't stand the constant political censure in the Star Sea Council.

After she got rid of Shuo Yuan's energy encirclement on the planet for the third time, she chose to attack the dark energy smelting storage point marked in her own intelligence, that is, the magnetar controlled by the Alliance of Humanity.

Wei Keng commented as an outside observer: Well, we should aim at the Shuoyuan faction’s war logistics and carry out a gradual strategic weakening, rather than wanting to complete the victory in one battle as we did at the beginning. You (Dark Energy Traditionalists) finally have a clear understanding of the durability of this war.

Got the understanding.

If she had seven or eight times more troops, she would have a chance of winning.

But now: After Shuo Yuan learned of her movements, he happily let her go to the battlefield near Magnetar.

After the remnants of the Galaxy Alliance in other encirclements were eliminated one by one by Shuo Yuan, Xingli led the fleet and finally entered the outskirts of the neutron star. The only three remaining planetary masters who followed her were debugging the energy machinery for the next star space battle.

These sparkling energy machines are very artistic and are composed of arc-shaped spherical geometric bodies, like beautiful ocean jellyfish. Of course, if a 21st century metal fighter touches these energy machines, it will be cut off immediately.

The commander Queyue looked at the stars and hesitated to speak: This is an impossible war to win.

But she understood Xingli's plan, which was to awaken the vigilance of all forces in the Star Sea Council through her own defeat.

This kind of thing that wants to awaken the consciousness of the group it belongs to through sensibility is often when "rational" actions are unable to do anything.

…in low magnetar orbit…

Wei Keng, who was operating the project in the space-time crystal in the orbit of the magnetar, looked at the "letter of appeal" sent by Xingli to the Star Sea Council and laughed...

Suddenly Wei Keng was furious: "In a group where pure interest groups are riveted, are you trying to appeal with sensibility? Then why do we need reforms? Only with common interests and fair dispatch can people burst into combat effectiveness. Human sensibility is limited, Xiang

Mrs. Lin's narration of her tragic experience will make everyone bored if they listen to it too much, so sentimentality without interests cannot support change at all!"

Zhen Xun was shocked when he saw Wei Keng's sudden excitement.

Wei Keng realized that his sudden attack had affected Zhenxun, and he quickly took out his dimensional information to explain.

During his travels, Wei Keng experienced the plane of the mind field. In that plane, Wei Keng not only encountered the Holy Great Wall for the first time, but also felt the personal pain of the evolution of human "wrong emotions".

Wei Keng: In the plane of the mind field, human beings rose up due to the language of the soul. However, after killing all enemies, the language of the soul began to break away from survival pragmatism and began to move in the direction of seeking profit within the species, influencing development.

Zhen Xun was shocked when he saw this dimensional information.

There is no doubt that the human super-god of the Pandora plane is a very powerful existence. However, even for such a powerful star sea human group, after entering intra-species competition, the rich heritage will become heavier and heavier.

Zhen Xun looked at the story of this alien plane and couldn't help asking Wei Keng: What happened to the humans in that plane in the end?

Wei Keng looked at her and solemnly said: Time travel is risky, and I lost my consciousness there in the aftermath.

Zhen Xun paused and expressed her understanding to Wei Keng tenderly. She remembered Wei Keng's main world information in the dimensional space. Although most planes on the earth are currently safe, there is a risk of consciousness falling in a few high-risk planes. And Wei Keng

Obviously he is a warrior in plane exploration.

…Zhen Xun’s perspective from Wei Keng’s point of view, Wei Keng’s experience in the dark plane was also quite dangerous…

In the 135th year of the Shuoyuan calendar, the Battle to Defend Magnetar began, which was the most important industrial base belonging to the Human Alliance in the Behemoth Nebula theater.

The geometric apertures on the magnetar shrink one by one, compressing the energy. Then, beams of light are ejected from the Dyson rings on the surface of the neutron star.

This kind of beam injection requires consciousness to control. It requires integrating consciousness into a high-risk and short-term energy configuration, which requires great sacrifice.

The Shuoyuan faction's mobilization system selected a group of second-order people, and 70% of these second-order people were Wei Keng individuals, demonstrating "Follow me."

In the supervisor space, Jing Guyu recorded the decisions of the Wei Keng cluster as usual and took the lead in the charge. Jing Guyu tried his best to get used to it, but the other new supervisors in the space were not used to it yet.

…Energy Impact, Wei Keng: The war mode with the highest intensity of civilized confrontation.…

When it turned into blazing light and rushed towards the one hundred and eighty battleships of Xingli, it was like a knife cutting through these huge battleships at once. And since then, the largest wave of third-level births in the battle has appeared.

Wei Keng's current main body in this plane, whose consciousness is linked to the dimensional axis, is the fourth-order Shuoyuan.

This makes the threshold for Wei Kengfan's body to advance to the second and third levels is already low, and his consciousness can explode and ignite at any time.

Now faced with the great mission of the "Charge" assembled, these mission-bearing Wei Keng suddenly exceeded 3443 third-level individuals in this battle.

So much so that after Wei Keng finished this battle, he had to gather up these third-order selves and project them into the black hole facility to conduct dimensional detection like the great black hole of creation. Otherwise, other members of the Human Alliance in the Dark Plane would

People will lose their stage.

[After many planes, Wei Keng’s Holy Star charge tactic against the ‘Pulse Wheel’ in the mind field civilization is shown again in this plane. In the astral universe, this is the highest tactic. It is invincible and can only be broken quickly.]

The golden spear penetrated Xingli's golden silkworm-like battleship, and more than one golden light was incident, one of which pointed at the golden beam of light in the power cabin, clamping the dark energy core of the energy warehouse in a ten thousandth of a second like a tachyon.

.It’s like pinching a small bean.

The star battleship was destroyed, and he himself seemed to be extinguished,

...The brilliance of life, the silence of death, when the stars turn into death in the bright flames, it is like jumping from the blazing flames into the cold water...

Finally, Xingli woke up in the plane elevator. She paused, looked at the surrounding space, and asked doubtfully: "This is here?"

Light Group: "The plane elevator is also a dimensional elevator. Welcome to the time and space travel system. It has just been established here and has a variety of tasks."

Example: "Who are you?"

Light Group: "I am the system."

At this time, Wei Keng was facing "life", so he became more measured in his words and was not as mean-spirited as before.

...No matter how much you ridiculed her before, but now when faced with her choice between life and death, you have to be extremely serious...

Xingli is a seventh-level dark energy user with at least twenty planetary cores. Logically speaking, it is impossible for her to collapse in this universe due to the destruction of the fleet.

She used up all the star core energy in this battle, and after the failure, she walked directly towards the Promise Star wormhole.

If Wei Keng hadn't stopped her, she would have assumed that her life was over.

After Wei Keng systematically interpreted her proud journey from childhood to adulthood, she understood the reason.

Wei Keng: "Tsk, tsk, did I beat her to autism?"

Zhen Xun pouted at this: She didn't win a war that the Galaxy Alliance regarded as a must-win, and she would definitely face all kinds of criticism after returning. Instead of receiving all kinds of questioning looks, it would be better to just jump into the wormhole and get it over with.


Regarding Zhen Xun's explanation, Wei Keng shook his head after looking through Xingli's memory. He tried his best to still be defeated, which was just one of the reasons for her death.

There is another most important reason, that is, she mastered the "star core" dark energy system. After witnessing the high-density and high-quality beam emitted by the neutron star, she determined that she could not surpass the emergent planetary transformation ability of "Taxi Kaiduo".

, lost the pursuit of existence.

Such a "strong" will is like a tall tower with a weak foundation. After the few pillars of self-confidence are blown down, the spiritual building instantly turns into ruins.

Wei Keng: Cultivation of life is strong but sex is not cultivated. Life is strong but sex is weak.

In the plane elevator, Wei Keng met her directly as Taxi Qiduo.

When Xingli finally saw his opponent appear, he felt like he was reflecting on his past, but what he finally said was a sigh: "You are a double dark energy user. In addition to this space-time dark energy system, there is also a star core that controls dark energy. It seems that I

It was a complete defeat.”

Wei Keng walked up to her and patted her shoulder: "I have been unlucky more times than you, but how do you define failure? Objectively speaking, many things that you originally wanted to do have not been completed, which is a kind of failure. This

Everyone has this kind of failure. But if you completely give up your own will subjectively, such failure is absolutely inevitable."

Wei Keng turned back into a ball of light and asked her: "Do you want to know the meaning of life?"

Xingli suddenly laughed: "You don't want me to die?"

Wei Keng: “I don’t want to see the possibility disappear.”

This chapter has been completed!
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