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Chapter 4.10 The Second Plane War

 Oak City, underneath a lake and reservoir in the East District, is the No. 58 Underground Training Ground.

On this dome space battlefield with a radius of nearly one kilometer, Feng? tried his best to lock onto the target in front of him, but every time, every time he thought he had caught it, the light blade hit was just an illusion.

Another swordsman who was cooperating with him also thrust out a sword fifty meters away, and taunted: "Please be more accurate with your thrust. Are you reluctant to hit the cook?"

Feng? glanced at him and became angry. This guy also stabbed a hole in the air and said that he was...

"Hmm..." He paused, thinking about something in his mind. Looking at Wei Keng's direction again, he suddenly realized something. Perhaps the perceptions of the four of him had been deceived.

On Wei Keng's side, since he received Xi Kan's guidance and obtained a real sword at the same time, when Xi Kan proposed to serve as a sparring partner for his junior brothers and sisters, Mr. Wei wholeheartedly agreed.

"Isn't it just a sparring session?" Wei Keng said: "I am familiar with this routine. It is just a wooden stake for others to practice on."

After communicating with Xi Kan, Wei Keng already had a preliminary understanding of this spatial edge and easily updated his combat system.

Now he is able to fight with ease among the four young swordsmen.

This has nothing to do with the heart of the sword, but to use the algorithm system to design the optimal tactics based on the average level of time and space jumps in one's current training.

Now I put 6,000 coordinates out. Then I calculate and determine the flashes of these swordsmen, and then perform pre-interference.

When technology creates generational differences, skills have no effect.

The light used by these swordsmen to lock the direction of the guard was delayed, and other perceptions were also seriously lagging behind.

In the dome hall, the Wei Keng they could see was already "past tense". From many angles, Wei Keng's spatial trajectory could not be determined from subtle spatial fluctuations.

Wei Keng's flickering is actually pre-designed by the computing system, and this pre-designed flickering can prepare for the 100th step jump in the first step. It is mechanical, but perfect.

The mechanical automatic transmission is faster than the manual transmission! And the algorithm is not irreversible and can be adjusted after the war.

If you want to crack this tactic, you can only use the same amount of technology to compete.

Complete the deployment of a large number of spatial points, and use the perceptual effect of mutual tremors of spatial points to probabilistically determine the location of each other. At the same time, the central information algorithm processing capacity is updated, and the algorithm deciphers the rules of dozens of flash exposures.

Of course, there is no talent at all, it just depends on which one of the two parties has the deepest accumulation at this technical stage!

As a "middle man", Wei Keng remains in awe of geniuses on any path. As the saying goes, there are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the world. Relying on talent? There is always someone with greater talent.

Only the accumulation of hard work makes me confident: "On this long-distance running track, as long as I don't give up, I will never lose."

Half an hour later, the venue was filled with the smell of ozone, the smell of too much light blade cutting through the air.

Wei Keng had just warmed up a little, and the space ring controlled by his consciousness had just entered a smooth state. Feng? The flashing speed of several swordsmen slowed down.

But obviously, these guys are tough talkers and will not take the initiative to admit defeat and stop.

So Wei Keng could only call a timeout.

Wei Keng came to Feng? He lowered his attitude and asked, "How about we end here today?"

The suppressed old miserable Feng Shuai's face turned blue and white.

From Wei Keng's perspective, the system popped up a label window for these swordsmen: "Poor status, space confusion, cell and molecular metabolism chaos." In short, Wei Keng, a strong bull, was so tired that he fell down.


Wei Keng paused and turned to Feng? Other teammates read the machine: "So today, we will just practice here and continue tomorrow?"

"There's no need to continue." Xi Kan flashed out and sighed to Feng Xiu and the other three swordsmen, "Do you know how much you weigh in front of high-level swordsmen?"

Feng? and others put away their swords and handed over their hands, expressing their resignation.

Xikan nodded to Wei Keng: "Thank you for your hard work."

Wei Keng: "I'm fine, uh, I'm a little tired, but today was just fine. I'll be back tomorrow~" Feeling that the atmosphere was not suitable, he snarled and closed his mouth.

Xi Kan glanced at Wei Keng and said meaningfully: "Your method is indeed very interesting."

As for sparring, Wei Keng just showed a very incompetent performance. A real sparring partner needs to be taught one move after another until the novices improve step by step. But Wei Keng is something they can't even touch. There is no point in practicing moves. On the contrary

Wei Keng himself seems to be making progress.

However, although it was a tiring day, it was not in vain. In addition to getting a sword beforehand, Wei Keng also obtained a set of combat uniforms from Hongqie Sect for free. The whole body was covered with blue ceramics from head to toe, and the face was

A transparent energy mask is attached to the front of the face.

After Wei Keng got the new "toy", he naturally wanted to try it. He took the elevator to the rooftop of the building and faced the side of the building that was as steep as an abyss, but the lights on each floor were like ants marching. After Wei Keng determined his

After teleporting a few positioning points in space, he jumped down like this.

In the process of falling high, in addition to the airflow around the ears getting faster and faster, the adrenaline hormones are also increasing. Through space magic, after popping up the flying wings and jet system on the back, propelled by blue flames, he stopped falling from the middle of the building.

With a swish, he flew to the top of the building.

A person who has always been a vegetarian will get out of control after suddenly coming into contact with meat.

And a person who has always been an ordinary person suddenly goes to a place that is usually inaccessible and suddenly finds excitement, which will also produce a feeling of addiction.

This space suit allows people to maintain a carbon-based life state in the universe, so Wei Keng began to jump upward, surpassing the troposphere, then the stratosphere, and reached the mesosphere.

[This is a high-tech world with space cities and spaceships. At the same time, with the blessing of space jump technology, the nuclear reactor of the spaceship can easily obtain energy from the interior of massive planets and conduct interstellar navigation]

Wei Keng made more than 60 jumps and reached the edge of the atmosphere. His body spread out in a large shape and he looked up at the starry sky. On the ground behind him, Oak City was only a handful at the bottom.

Wei Keng turned over again and looked at the continent beneath him through the transparent mask of his combat uniform: "It turns out that this world is a world of technology."

System: "It has always been that your vision has been limited to the ground in the past twenty years."

Wei Keng held his breath and murmured in reply: "Well, maybe so, you can't see the stars from the ground here."

While Wei Keng was roaming around, in the system space, Qin Xiaohan was receiving a pre-war inspection from upper-level communications.

Qin Xiaohan: "Yes, indeed, his level has reached sword master."

While Qin Xiaohan was answering the above questions and answers with a straight face, he was answering with another batch of complaints in his heart.

"Fighting at the same level, he has no interest, jumping?" Qin Xiaohan sighed: "Oh, Ah La La ~" Holding the impulse to knock on his dizzy brain.

"He should be able to think about step-up tactics, but?" Qin Xiaohan: "Hmm~Aba~Aba" he squeezed his fingers unconsciously, just short of making a toothpaste skin appear in the space bubble. He showed that his fingernails kept moving towards

Scrape forward and feel unable to come out.

The end

When answering the above seriously and rationally, "Okay, I understand, I will reset the guidance mode."

The manic roar in my heart: "Re-?! Re-change, do it again. I hate these words the most now."

After Qin Xiaohan ended the call, he leaned on the recliner with his toes a little higher. After turning the chair seven or eight times, he finally admitted to himself: "Oh, I chose the wrong task."

Qin Xiaohan tugged on his single ponytail that was lying aside to confirm his judgment. Wei Keng was doing the task "slowly" in a way that looked very crooked, but was actually quite orthodox.

Outside of using plug-ins, Wei Keng behaves like ordinary people in the world.

But when using plug-ins, they are completely different from most traversers who use plug-ins. Other sergeants seriously use plug-ins as tools and use them most effectively. As for Wei Keng, he is testing plug-ins and exploring the physical basis. (For

The new plug-in provides a basis for observation)

This is the quality that the Space-Time Administration strictly assessed on some pioneer travelers in the last century!

Oh, Mr. Wei's quality in this area is not very high, because he is too careless. It's just that over time, people are sure that he is capable in this area.

In January 2685 AD in the main world, when the newly built star Dyson ring in the main world completed a "fireworks" projection into the earth's night sky.

The Space-Time Headquarters in Los Angeles publicly issued a comprehensive mobilization order for the entire high-dimensional area.

The Oriental Space-Time Management Department, in Puhai, Nandu, Beidu, and Chang'an, simultaneously issued comprehensive mobilization orders for the sixty-eight demarcated physical areas of the alien plane in the dimensional space.

Although before this, in these areas, the travelers from the two sides have been fighting fiercely, but now they are officially mobilized, representing the highest will of both sides, officially ending, and officially announcing the start of the second plane war! The global travel forces are officially divided into "Great River System"

"Power", "Mediterranean Power".

After more than a hundred years of large-scale exploration, the once-rare Shangqing level has reached thousands on both sides.

Shangqing represents the highest standard power of the Space-Time Administration in multiple planes: it can reach the peak that humans can achieve on more than 90% of the planes, as allowed by the rules of physics.

Before the all-out war, the two time-traveling forces defaulted not to invest strong consciousness time-travelers in popular planes. Qing (Archon) only expanded outwards in high-risk planes. Now this boundary has disappeared, and both sides are starting from various distant areas.

The plane calls back its own Qing-level travelers.

In the contemporary era, before the start of the Second Plane War, in addition to personnel, both sides have made major achievements in the application of plane technology. The idea of ​​crossing time and space and gaining experience advantages through rebirth cannot be taken for granted today.


In the Chinese plane where Wei Keng is located, the technology that allows the local time and space changers to stop eating is the time and space counterattack system being tested by the space and time management bureau.

Before the time-travel war, in the peace-time time-travel convention.

Traveling through the main world must be separated by time distance! If they step into the same timeline, travelers from the same side can coordinate, but travelers from different sides will be at war.

Because, the one who comes first has the advantage of time information. (Here, first, calculated according to the main world time)

If a certain party on a certain plane or a certain timeline is in the state of crossing, and the other party follows up and breaks into this plane,

Rebirth is absolutely not allowed, and the archive must be reported to the first comer to avoid misunderstandings. Because these have already stepped into time and space once, and if they want to disturb the upstream, they will be passed to the upstream traveler first.

For example, Wei Keng is the first to travel through this plane. If another traveler comes through, he will try to make a save! Wei Keng can directly feel the situation.

When this later time traveler clicked on the save file again, Wei Keng could easily enter his save file and continue with him. Moreover, he completed the memory fusion of his other timeline before him.

It's okay to just open a save file and pause, but if the party coming in is a party hostile to Wei Keng, failed in the first time adventure, and wants to open the save file and want to start over! Then it will be a big problem.

[Oh, if you want to time travel to before the other person time travels? Sorry, we can’t block this time traveler. The two parties will not be on the same timeline. 】

Due to various restrictions, there are not so many complicated routines in the battle of contemporary time travellers. It is to fight head-on in the first timeline. Relying on hard power and killing the earliest time travellers on the plane, only then can we seize the initiative in the timeline. And

Such attacks are by no means uncommon in plane wars.

Now that Wei Keng's plane is in a moderately hot space-time area, he is very likely to act as a defender against the "Mediterranean system traversers". However, Wei Keng's task is very slow, and the probability of being attacked is even greater.


If the timeline where Wei Keng is located is captured, at least he will be passively leaving this timeline, or at worst he will be captured at the control node and part of his consciousness will be imprisoned.

[Supplement: Jiaomo Xing is not a time traveler, he gets an unmanned system. For the main world, such a system is scattered in the vast ocean of time and space, and is recovered according to probability. If the timeline where it is scattered is different,

A traveler in the main world may be intercepted by the traveler (actually intercepted by the supervisor) when returning to the main world. Of course, if the traveler fails to catch the node on the timeline! It is equivalent to no

Keys and information will be automatically destroyed]

This was Wei Keng's first serious involvement in a plane war. He had just finished the novice mission of the last plane war, and he encountered the second plane war.

When Wei Keng was above the atmosphere and falling downwards, he suddenly saw a pop-up window from the system.

Wei Keng: "What? There's a war, and someone wants to kill me?"


"Is there competition value on my timeline?"

"Oh, I understand, this is war, and all targets with war potential will be hit."

Wei Keng's reaction was a little calmer than Qin Xiaohan thought, without much excitement.

Wei Keng popped up the monitor's pop-up window and asked: "What do I need to do if I want to win?"

Qin Xiaohan: "Sixty-eight hours later, it is the peak period of the fluctuation of the dimensions of this plane. It is the most suitable time for travel. Both our traveling force and the opponent's traveling force will arrive. What is your decision?"

Multiple pop-up windows appeared in front of Wei Keng, roughly divided into three categories: evacuation, limited defense, and...

Wei Keng clicked on the last one.

Qin Xiaohan: "Excuse me, are you sure??"

Wei Keng had already opened the explanation and said: "Of course I am sure. If there is a big war, of course there can be no luck. If you want to fight, then fight hard."

Wei Keng chose the option of "fight to the death" which looked redder.

The definition is: "Once the other party travels, neither party can leave the timeline until the upstream player is killed."

Relatively speaking, the defense is much better: "After defeating three to four points of the opponent, force the opponent to be wiped out from this plane and kicked out of this plane forever."

Qin Xiaohan thought, what happened to Wei Keng? He just performed a few sword tricks and then drifted away? Oh, it seems to have indeed drifted away. He is now jumping off buildings in space and is a little excited.

There is no joke in the army. Especially in this wartime situation, the Eastern Time and Space Administration quickly approved Wei Keng's death battle mode.

When Wei Keng was confirmed, he immediately felt a large amount of information. From now to the past, his memory became as clear as taking a photo every second. This clear feeling of the past lasted until the moment he arrived!

When I first arrived, I spent an afternoon in a daze under the big tree, and every second after that.

At this time, in the time and space control center, the timeline when Wei Keng traveled through has completed a large number of save points. The deployment of such save points makes time and space expand. Such expansion of time and space makes others want to travel to Wei Keng and reach this plane.

It became very difficult at the previous point in time. (If you forcefully travel through, it will consume a lot of time in the main world)

Of course, the drawback is that such a large-scale save point has been noticed by top travelers from both sides on the general map of time and space.

In the temporary shuttle space station docked with Xi'an No. 2334 gravity well, Luo Hongxing asked Wei Qiang: "That brother of yours has now decided to fight to the death. What do you think?"

Wei Qiang took a deep breath and helped his brother find an explanation: "A deadly battle has appeared on the timeline of a medium-level plane! As a minister, will you go there and fight?"

Luo Hongxing paused, then thought about it and said: "Probably not, the Space and Time Administration will not invest us in non-key battle nodes. Oh, wow, this is a severe posture to put an end to the Mediterranean system.

The rash action of a high-level time traveler."

Wei Qiang rubbed his temples and said absently, "That should be it."

In a plane war, both sides will invest Qing-level forces, but it is impossible to fight at the beginning. So a fight to the death? And it is also a time and space plane where the position battles of both sides were balanced in the last plane war?

Therefore, in the current situation on this plane, the battle lines between the two sides have not yet been fully opened. Wei Keng and Leng Touqing were the first to jump out and adopt a posture of entering and not exiting in his own timeline, which indeed made the opponent look very strange.

In the all-time and space observation field where the time and space supervisors of the Mediterranean system can see the sky full of stars, in the space twist plane where Wei Keng is located, in the Holy Sword History, and in the modern history area, this shiny stronghold that suddenly jumped out is somewhat "


The newly established space-time operations center of the Mediterranean Department,

In the simulated Athenian-style stepped square in the space bubble, members of the Space-Time Elders Council wearing golden laurel crowns had unanimous opinions on this small issue: "Conquest is a must. The other side is not defending, it is provoking! Now the two sides have just pulled

Initiate the mobilization order. There are sergeant-level time travelers in the east. If we don’t fight, it will appear that the (Heaven Time and Space Technology System) is weak.”

But how to fight specifically? The time and space monitors of the Mediterranean system recalled all the travel traces observed before the war, and determined that the brightness of the traveler before reaching the space twisting plane seemed to be only that of a sergeant-level traveler.

At the same time, the air twisting plane was evaluated and it was determined that the Holy Sword Historical Cluster controlled by the Great River System had not experienced any significant technological breakthroughs in this plane. Therefore, it seemed that sending an elite team of pure high-ranking veterans (sergeants) would be a good idea. Enough.

On January 3, 2685, at 13:22 California time, the dimensional space bubble connected to gravity well No. 344 in the Yellowstone District.

After launching the mobilization order, the Mediterranean Administration added a list of nodes to be attacked in the first batch of time and space wars.

In the void twisting plane, in the historical cluster of the temple, and as a backbone archon-level monitor, Meng Xena selected a team with a higher winning rate and issued the order to "defeat the river traversers on this timeline."

This chapter has been completed!
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