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Chapter 24.17 (Part 2) Wei’s Space-Time Expeditionary Force

 In 183, the Alliance of Humanity has expanded like ink to the entire star sea, and signs of activity have appeared in all star regions.

At this time, the Human Physics Alliance experienced "changing times" progress in engineering.

In the past, the old forces were unwilling to explore the super-red giant. Now, the Human Rights Alliance has begun to build a large area.

Super-red giant stars burn too fast internally, causing the outer shell to expand when ejected.

At this stage, modulation technology is being created to allow the "furnace temperature" in the center of the star to drop in a controllable manner, gravity regains the upper hand, and the thin gas flow layer near the star begins to return, turning it into a main sequence star again. In appearance, the brightness of the star decreases.

Theoretically, as long as the heavy elements burned by helium and hydrogen are continuously evacuated, the life of the star can be extended to 30 to 40 billion years.

According to the "Hero-Russell diagram" (the relationship between the spectral type and luminosity of a star.) there are very few super blue giants, occupying only 0.00003% of the spectrum, but there are many massive red giants, occupying most of the upper end of the red spectrum. Quantity

Ten times that of super blue giant stars.

In the dark energy world, transforming red giants is an accretive resource, and the vicinity of massive stars is conducive to dark energy observation. However, the instability of red giants has prevented humans from taking advantage of the environment here in the past. After all, the outer shell is ejected at any time, which is tantamount to being moody.

It's impossible to farm in stormy weather.

In the past, the traditionalists occupied all the massive stars that were still in the "main sequence" period, which was equivalent to running out of mines and leaving no chance for other new forces to rise.

Earth's Devonian Period: The vertebrates (predecessors of amphibians) occupied all ecological areas suitable for spawning and reproduction that rely on water. However, they were not the dominant vertebrates on land later.

The Shuoyuan Sect's current large-scale "astrological transformation" operation has made the Dark Plane Traditional Sect really anxious.

The new technology has made the mining scope larger and there are more "mines". The Shuoyuan people are more organized than the old forces.

The main-sequence superblue giant is in a relatively self-stable period and is much less difficult to control. Now to take over the transformed red giant, the complexity of the work is by no means something that a small group of dark energy traditionalists can complete, and requires strict organization and planning.


Just like the tropics where there are no springs, summers, autumns, and winters on the earth, there is no need to build cities or plant crops. It seemed rich in the primitive gathering era, but in the agricultural era it could not compete with the material production of a group society.

If these artificial stars transformed from red giant stars are exposed before the first human war, there will inevitably be interference from all parties.

But now, after the first large-scale military competition, Shuoyuan has relaxed its hands in economic construction, and the grand project of "extraction" and "star core cooling" is broadcast live in the Star Sea, while the surrounding Star Sea forces just watch from the sidelines.

And soon, the Liling Star actually no longer had the strength to monitor the Shuoyuan Faction's "Controlling Star".

…After a defeat, the loser will face the strife of its former collaborators…

Le Xiaotian is in the sea of ​​​​stars, leading the fleet to move to the two sub-polar conflict buffer zones in the middle area of ​​​​Liling Star.

When Le Xiaotian's fleet passed here, the star sea map was updated, and three "dark giant stars" appeared here for supply.

A dark giant means that after the original red giant has been transformed, its luminosity has dropped, but because the outer gas shell has not yet completely shrunk, it still looks like a star with a dark atmosphere. Such a star overall appears to be a red giant

The size is similar to that of a brown dwarf star.

Le Xiaotian's fleet sailed into this "dark giant". After seeing the huge hexagonal grid lighting system under the thick atmosphere on the dark giant's surface, it was no surprise that he was shocked.

The Infinite Fire is three thousand kilometers long. If it is close to a rocky planet, it can allow people on the planet to see the solar eclipse. But now it is driving to the "insignificant" berth of this metal-glass building-style star creation, it is like a

Raindrops falling on the glass

In this dark giant star, the stellar vortex system constructed by a single magnetic level force has been constructed in the middle radiation layer of the star. This facility is like a water blower, evacuating the iron elements from the star and building an iron shell in the outermost layer.

What Le Xiaotian saw at this time was the completed iron-shell continent. This iron-shell continent looked very thick, but compared to the star, it was like a thin film.

As long as a uniform magnetic field thrust is maintained within the star, this iron-shelled continent can exist.

Le Xiaotian looked at the continent, with standard round metal ports like Lego blocks. These metal ports were all spewing airflow. These vents were elemental sieves for helium overflow and hydrogen inflow. Heavy metals precipitated inside stars.

The elements are all sent outside, allowing the light elements to gather towards the center.

All personnel on the Lexiaotian fleet silently watched this great engineering facility and fell into reflection!

Reflecting on such a great project, why our own civilization has not done it, or even had no intention to do it in the past hundreds or thousands of years.

The driving force for civilizational change is often the down-to-earth people in other regions who have accomplished feats that were previously unimaginable, giving the "elites in other regions a sense of urgency."

…The “cowardly” thing that makes people laugh the most is the “cowardly” way they walk with their heads down, but when they walk on, they make everyone feel embarrassed…

The current emergence of dark giant stars means that the Dark Era is over, and the era of human beings gathering together in small asteroids and searching for limited stars is over.

Wei Keng told Wei Qixian, who came here for an internship: For interstellar civilization, slums still appear, not a resource problem, but a social problem. When limited manpower cannot be utilized, the population will be stagnated in the corners.

But once there is a way to use manpower efficiently, its history will reach the stage of civilization sublimation.

At this time on the Dark Giant Continent, Wei Qixian nodded. He looked up at the tiny "Inorganic Fire" flying overhead.

Wei Qixian was told by the system that the battleship he saw was also the romantic debt left by his father Wei Qiang here. He couldn't help but feel helpless!

Yes, you can always meet people from the "family" here in the Eastern Department now, and Wei clan meetings are held every once in a while.

Speaking of which, Wei Qiangqiang must be the best at spreading the branches. Wei Qixian couldn't help but look at Wei Keng. He was a little curious: How is the uncle's branch? Why didn't he bring it out to introduce it?

…Wei Keng: I’m busy taking care of the cub. I’m too busy with Wei Qiang’s cub,…

Based on the calculation formula, Wei Keng concluded that after entering the state of knowledge sharing civilization, human congestion may never occur.

Experts from the ancient industrial era: Human beings will continue to multiply, increase exponentially, and resources that are dozens of times cannot stop them. That is because they are superior, specialize themselves, and lock the needs of most people on low-level interests.

When human beings reach a higher stage, because the threshold is higher, the nurturing stage will be longer. The process of transformation from a natural person to a starry sky is no less than a new growth catastrophe. Most people will lack willpower and will not accumulate enough self-efforts.

Unable to complete, it began to precipitate.

This is just like when organisms have evolved to a high level and become mammals, it is impossible for them to lay hundreds of thousands of seeds like fish.

In the starry sky age, humans will break through the natural human barriers (life span, wisdom), and there will be laggards at every level.

Taking the Plane of Darkness as an example, 130 years old is the limit for a natural person to survive. If you want to live for more than two hundred years, you have to study hard and improve every day during the natural person stage, and accumulate body data.

In a developed area like the Dark Giant, the success rate of the Shuoyuan Sect will be higher. However, it requires a huge amount of energy and it is impossible to train seven or eight children in a few decades.

In the dark space capsule of the asteroid belt of the old forces, the population may still be increasing exponentially, but these populations lack higher development guidance, and they die one after another according to the most basic carbon-based life span (within a hundred years), unable to continue to transform.

Become a seed in the starry sky that has "worked for thousands of years".

The theorem of life evolution, large-scale reproduction and breaking through the limitations of life cannot be accomplished at the same time. If you want to become an advanced life, you must give up large-scale reproduction.

At this time, Wei Keng hopes that Le Xiaotian can also become an adult and not fall behind.

Wei Keng also looked at the Inorganic Fire coming up from the sky to supply supplies: He (Le Xiaotian) has reached his age, and it’s time to teach him to understand the correct view of human history...

The Inorganic Fire was docked in the dark giant. The broadcast inside the ship woke up every voyager, and everyone's energy consciousness woke up from the inorganic tower and started working.

In front of the dark giant star, this planet-level spacecraft is like a sesame seed.

After Le Xiaotian's battleship sneaked into the stable atmosphere outside the dark giant star, it was trapped by the ring star port.

After docking with the Promise Fire at the star port, Le Xiaotian and other crew members had not yet recovered from the "swallowing" feeling of the huge ring-shaped creation that covered the ship's hull, when they received the message from the port communications department: Energy supply, ecological services

, personal leisure and other hundreds of service department window communication requests.

The "requirements", "suggestions", "instructions" and "arrangements" of these densely packed service departments allowed the crew members of the Promise Fire to experience the feeling of entering a bustling port from the sea.

In the current era, the "variable" fusion era, for tens of thousands of years, there are a large number of progressive people among the interstellar civilians who have accumulated in the dark residential areas of various interstellar colonies. Now this progressive force has found a way to develop after joining the Humanitarian Alliance.


After the Shuoyuan Sect appeared, Xinghai's core interests changed.

Before the Shuoyuan Sect became a phenomenon, the superpowers in the dark plane were all competing for control of the star gates in the massive celestial body area to prevent other forces from interfering with their own material transportation and military mobilization at key star gates by controlling gravitational tides. This is like

From the 18th century to the 23rd century on earth, the largest military expenditures of the top powers were mainly on golden waterways.

In the dark plane of stars, the few interstellar wars over the past few thousand years have been fought for this reason.

For example, Chang Hengxi’s war against Psalm,

It seems that Anthem created the Fallen Empire. The fundamental reason is that Anthem's bad money drives out good money, strengthens low-end competition, proliferates a large number of fourth-level low-level dark energy users, and penetrates a considerable number of star sea areas, forming more than 200,000

The center of a star gate.

Before Chang Hengxi's expedition, the Xinghai Council ordered him to hand over half of the star gates. Sheng Song was only willing to hand over 50,000. The two sides argued and the negotiation could not reach an agreement, so they ended up fighting.

But now the core competitive point of the Shuoyuan School is not these "waterway nodes" because it can "encircle the cities from the countryside."

The "farming" that Shuoyuan Party understands in Xinghai is that as long as the "people" are large enough, all the stars will be accepted, and there is no need to be picky about food at all.

The Shuoyuan School dispatched "teachers" to carry out scientific education and absorb the population into the center.

One is the "right of navigation" that maintains the world, and the other is the "right of production" that maintains the world. a>vas>div>Scan the QR code to download Red Sleeves United with Xiaoxiang to receive benefits. Newcomers can read for free for a limited time div>div>div>

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