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Chapter 24.24 History Line, Timeline

 Around the beginning of the 34th century in the main world, the Time Dam began to create the first wave of historical streams.

For example, there is such a historical stream: a group of dark energy users from Jiulan Star in 545 years of the Anthropic Era were selected and released to the Jiulan Star in 135 years of the New Era. (Of course, this timeline contains very low potassium content.


This group of time-travelers who came hundreds of years later came to this era before the second human war. They were not at a loss, but soon became excited and began to decide to let this era write its own chapter.

This group of people arrived here with more than four hundred years of dark energy smelting technology.

Of course, this group of "Burmese travelers" from the lower historical line have not thought deeply about whether they are following the historical trend or going against it.

Ge Zheng is the leader of this group of dark energy users. He was promoted to the seventh level of dark energy after three hundred years. After understanding the history, he decided to join up with Le Xiaotian and prepare to conquer Liling Star first.

However, when Earth Pregnant came to Su Lixing, he did not see Le Xiaotian and Zheng Ting, but another dark energy user from the Jiulan Star era. He reluctantly formed an alliance with this guy who had poor historical performance.

The dark energy smelting technology that Ge Zheng mastered was a technology three hundred years in the future. However, even though he had mastered advanced technology, he who was standing in the lower reaches of history also knew how strong the Shuoyuan Sect was at this time!

According to Lin Lin's statistics, after 136 years, the number of third-level Shuoyuan practitioners in the Alliance of Humanity has reached more than 6,700. However, at this time, they are all less than 200 years old. According to the human base theory, they have just passed the natural human state and are teenagers.

He is a middle-aged boy, so he has not yet become a planet master level dark energy user.

After the end of the Second Humanistic War, this number exploded to 50,000. In the following two hundred years, these Shuoyuan third-order people completed their own "star control" one by one, lighting up the entire star sea.

Ge Zheng knew that the entire dark energy traditional sect would not be able to survive no matter what. But he wanted to preserve some traditions for Jiulan Star in this era.

In the 172nd year of Shuoyuan calendar, within the scope of Liling Star, sixty-three level six dark energy users were promoted to level seven in a well-controlled red giant star he selected. The dark energy technology he brought played a great role.

crucial role.

Oh, the dark energy smelting technology he brought is only equivalent to workshop-level technology compared to three hundred years later, but it is not weak in this era.

In the 183rd year of Shuoyuan calendar, the second human war started. A "third force" appeared here on Liling Star.

Ge Zheng looked at the battle line of Zangbu Star and the gravitational channel of the yellow dwarf star behind it. As a visitor of later history, he clearly knew that the four yellow dwarf stars were finally named "Tianzhui", "Zhudang" and "Luofeng"

"Danger", this will be an unprecedented and terrifying battle for mankind in the past 20,000 years.

In the 185th year of the Shuoyuan calendar, the second decisive battle of the Human Alliance began. At the most critical moment, the "Fusion Alliance" of Liling Star appeared on the scene. Adhering to the "principle of the middle", Ge Zheng brought his own power and decided to be "rational and neutral"

"End the war,

Just when Mu Changxu defeated the frontal battle front, Ge Zheng activated the gravitational focusing weapon on Luoyin Star, using the gravity of the massive celestial body to tear apart the small-mass brown dwarf.

Although it is not possible to destroy a celestial body as large as a brown dwarf, there are errors in the plates of the entire brown dwarf.

The following year, he built his own Titan battleship, activated the Gravity Sword to block the brown dwarf's military deployment continent, and rescued the general of the Galaxy Alliance who originally died in the war.

Ge Zheng was sent over to negotiate an agreement and asked the Humanity Alliance to agree on a border line.

As a mediator, he guided the country on such a historical stage and came up with this plan: the new and old forces use the Void Star Belt as the buffer zone for the dividing line.

Of course, on the east side of this border zone, the two thousand light-year star fields of Jiulan Star and Liling Star, which is his base, will remain "permanently neutral."

Naturally, the Alliance for Humanity and Humanities, which was one step away from annihilating the traditionalists, would not be reconciled to such a request.

As a result, during the Battle of the Innocence Star, Ge Zheng used advanced dark energy equipment to map the planet's strange "star core instability" after fifteen autobiographical cycles. Of course, this should have been a human technological achievement three hundred years later.


In the original timeline, after the third-level Shuoyuan of the Humanistic Alliance clearly studied the mechanism of the "variable star" explosion, 490 years after the Shuoyuan calendar, he popularized knowledge among all humans who stepped out of the star sea. (Just like the principle of chain reaction 21

All college students in the 20th century knew this, but in the early 20th century, this was unverified by scientists and was a science fiction theory.)

But now, Earth Pregnancy took advantage of the planet's impending transformation into a variable star, and a powerful gravitational shock erupted, interrupting all the star gates of the Human Alliance! A large number of Shuoyuan legions lost their mobility, and were subsequently counterattacked.

The Human Alliance was forced to defeat, and peace fell on the Jiulan Star front.

The historical line turned out to be the timeline he had hoped for.

Ge Zheng: The next step is for the two sides to compete in technology. In the long peace, everyone will pay attention to dark energy smelting. - This is Ge Zheng's impression of the original history, because the Human Alliance fought in the second Human War.

Win, and mankind begins to enjoy long-term peace.

…Frustration is the normal state of most history. History that does not resolve conflicts is destined to be unstable…

In the 194th year of the Shuoyuan calendar, after the first defeat of the Humanity Alliance, a ten-year tactical summary was conducted. (Wei Keng's historical line has too much margin, and the Humanity Alliance basically did not fail)

Shuoyuanzhe held his breath and conducted a comprehensive analysis of the "accident" of the Innocence Star battle in the tactical meeting.

The scientific research group of the Human Physics Alliance is working intensively to break through the "variable star excitation control" technology system that monopolizes terrestrial pregnancy.

However, the Human Alliance has worked so hard to figure it out, and how did the research team of Geozoology discover the unstable structure in the Innocence Star during the Second Human War? This will be a historical mystery.

The high-level Shuoyuan practitioners did not attribute the defeat to "God destroyed me, not because of the crime of war". Since the "accidental factors" were not grasped last time, they will completely stabilize all unexpected factors next time.

In the next one hundred years, the Human Alliance strengthened detailed observations of stars at all possible points of conflict, and sent out scouts to detect signs of related star control projects by the Star Sea conservatives and the so-called neutral factions."

In the 274th year of the Shuoyuan calendar, the third human war began. What made Di Zheng feel speechless was that this battle was an active provocation from Jiulan Star.

When Terran looked at the large number of gravity beacons scattered all over the battlefield in the war zone, he understood that the Humanitarian Alliance was quite well prepared for this war, had matched the technology he brought, and would not give him a chance. And now in history,

It was completely different from what he had in mind.

The Human Science Alliance is still rising strongly. Even though it has attracted many outstanding people, such as Yuan Su, these outstanding people have not shown the same level as in history. (Historically, when these outstanding people fought against the Human Science Alliance, they were still variable.) However,

Now, Yuan Su and others still have no contact with reality because of their deep hatred for Shuo Yuan.

The third human war was one-sided. The new generation of traditionalists on Jiulan Star won the initial battle and broke through 300 planets, triggering the third anti-human alliance. These regiments attacked from multiple fronts, right here

When victory was approaching, the Shuoyuan faction launched a major counterattack.

Li Shanbin of the Human Management Group led the troops to raid the inner side of Jiulan Star. This advance route was the same as the attack route in the ejection zone of the Great Black Hole of Arctic Creation. This caught the Jiulan Star army off guard. After returning to defense in multiple ways, they fell into an encirclement.

, was dragged down on the thirty-seven-star battlefield.

Such a chaotic situation was completely unknown to the "prophet" Earth Pregnancy.

In the year 287 of the Shuoyuan calendar, it was on the reddish-brown planet of Venus.

The Titan battleship that had arrived was blocked here, and the surrounding energy formations had been surrounded by three layers inside and three outside, forming an ambush from all sides.

The founders of the Human Rights Alliance looked highly upon this disruptor in the last war.

When it was determined that the gravitational tide of Venus had locked the terrestrial Titan, the sublight-speed charge group rushed over by the Humanitarian Alliance had already arrived at the offensive position.

Facing the Sky Knight Group armed with "strange quark materials" after technological updates, Ge Zheng's heart skipped a beat.

He took a deep breath, looked at the battlefield that was compressed to the size of seven light seconds, and was finally forced to order the entire army to retreat in a clockwise direction.

However, when the really impregnated giant Titan started its antimatter engine and began to accelerate suddenly in space, he encountered the "odd" in the "combination of good and odd".

On planet No. 6, a solar eclipse occurred at this time, and a white light group appeared at the Lagrange point between it and the star. This light group turned into a mirror, and the mirror reflected a huge

Titan. This is a space gate erected towards the fleeing warship.

On the Shuoyuan sect's side, fifteen third-level Shuoyuan practitioners have joined forces to analyze the characteristics of the dark energy of earth pregnancy.

At this time, from the perspective of the terrestrial pregnancy escaping, when I evacuated at full speed, I felt as if my clothes were being grabbed, and my dark energy field was "absorbed" by a "singularity", and then my dark energy collapsed uncontrollably into dark bodies.

point, although he urgently eliminated these collapse points from the periphery of the Titan, these points spread out on the ship's hull, and the Humanitarian Alliance's springboard fleet jumped directly to the Titan battleship through the Lagrange point to the space gate.

Ge Zheng froze when she saw this scene. The persistence of the idea that she traveled through time one hundred and fifty years ago came to an end at this moment.

He was completely blank about this kind of history, and his mind was also blank at the last moment.

As the flow of armed quarks penetrated his 20,000-kilometer flashy battleship, he tried to resist, but the huge dark energy control facility was cut off in many places on the hull, making it difficult to return.

The entire Titan lost the force field skeleton that supported its own gravity under the blow of "a white blade piercing the chest".

The entire ship was like a domino structure collapsing inward. After the quark flow was ignited, large parts of the ship's hull fell to the center along with the gravity of the ship. Four hours later, a hot lava was visible to the naked eye in the center of the ship's gravity.

Small ocean planet.

The scene of the battleship's middle section being destroyed and reduced to a ball of hot liquid metal far smaller than its original size will be sent to the Humane Alliance headquarters.

At this moment, Li Shanbin, who was sure that his side had won, looked at the still bright Kejin star and remained silent. In addition to glory, this victory also brought heavy historical responsibilities.

In this battle, in this time and space, the Jiulan Star interstellar area became a "historical line", and the time traveler Ge Zheng also completely lost the qualification to survive in the "river" and was transported to a higher level by the plane elevator.

In a narrow "brook".

…dimension dividing line…

With the operation of the space-time dam confirmed, Wei Keng's mission in the dark plane has been perfectly completed.

Wei Keng: As a traveler from the pastoral era, every time a plane mission is completed, there must be a sense of ceremony.

Mr. Wei asked Jing Guyu to embroider a big red flower for himself. As a result, Jing Guyu, who was not good at female craftsmanship, gave him a lecture "inexplicably": How old are you, and you still need to wear red flowers?

Jing Guyu felt resentful: I don't know how to embroider, and I will never let others (her supervisors) do it for you.

In the supervisor space, Jing Guyu still carefully helped Wei Keng summarize the results: several of the highest standards in the plane mission not only conformed to the early explorations in the Pastoral Era to ensure the correctness of the plane direction, but also conformed to the contemporary counterpoint.

face the requirement of complete control.

The time-space dam is one of the highest achievements of the time-space system in the current thirty-third century time-lord world. However, because the current "system of the heavens" is too popular, it will not be noticed by most people.

Time and space dam: stores all the information of an era. This information is a historical torrent driven by high probability.

When the possibility of any historical flow drops to a certain level, it is a "timeline".

Downstream of any blazing era, "history line" and "time line" exist in parallel dimensions.

The difference between "historical line" and "timeline" is that the historical line is created by the people, while the timeline is a stage play of a few people.

Jing Guyu: This facility is the most perfectly coordinated facility in the "plane development" theory of the Pastoral Era. It ensures that time travelers can resonate with wisdom on a healthy historical timeline, and at the same time, they can understand all aspects of the "timeline" unscrupulously.

A hidden plot element.

But now! This system is facing a threshold in the contemporary era.

Just like the dam body must be built on a river, the time and space dam must also be built on a glorious historical node. First, this plane must be glorious and thick. - This requires "deep cultivation" first, and the traversers need to be the core.

Elements break the threshold for the development of civilization in this plane.

However, the latest "world of heavens" in the main world is converging through the timeline and creating a "slow time" (relative to the time of the main world) plane, so there is no need for deep cultivation!

This chapter has been completed!
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