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Chapter 4.12 Fight early and end early, but you can’t bear the delay late.

 Oak City is a big city, and Wei Keng once tried to live here as a piece of gravel. He drove a small car and mingled with the crowd, and based on the information in the newspaper, he followed the trend to chase a little nourishment just for his own survival.

But now, with the launch of the mission cycle timeline, Wei Keng: "I have become a overlooker."

In this timeline of multiple splits, Wei Keng walked through the central area of ​​Oak City. Three hours after he left, the tip of the building collapsed from the roof. A large amount of dust flooded the streets, and people hurriedly looked for shelter.

This is already the third time.

On the middle floor of the other half of the building that did not collapse, An Xite, a Mediterranean traveler, turned pale for a moment.

The floor he was on happened to be in a delicate position. The steel bars of the building hung down on the fault zone, while the floors below were cut off. When the structural layers of the floors below the building were cut off and collapsed, he heard the floors above falling off under the action of gravity.

The harsh noise of steel bars being pulled away from the floor.

This high-ranking figure in the Mediterranean system has long lost the composure he had when he first arrived, and there are not many teammates who came with him.

The smoke after the collapse hit the building next door like a stream of water, and then spread around along the abyss-like streets.

An Xite tried to lock down the suspicious target in the crowd before the smoke completely filled the surroundings. At the same time, he used his peripheral vision to observe the pillars that had just been cut off dozens of meters away. These fractures were very sharp. This experienced high-level traveler only used

It took only a second to determine the type of actual sword that produced this cutting effect.

To be honest, An Xite and his team are indeed experienced in aerial twisting planes! If the battle can really get started, these abilities of theirs can be revealed. However, the situation in this city is not mainstream, and they are not allowed to use it.



A few kilometers away, Qiwen on the roof of the building used the reflection of the building to observe the enemy in the smoke, and at the same time used the inter-building scanning system provided by Wei Keng to determine whether the opponent was retreating or going crazy.

Qiwen raised his finger to his lips, with empty nodes flashing on his fingertips. He (under this type of communication) said to his teammates: "You can't do things more than three times! Let's finish this battle!"

Huang Sheng, Yue Ping: "Received."

Qiwen paused for a moment and then started to contact Wei Keng: "Sergeant Wei, move out from your current position."

After a few seconds, Wei Keng confirmed: "Okay, captain." Three kilometers away from the combat zone, Wei Keng, who was slurping noodles at a food stall, picked up his bowl and sat a little further away from the window.

Qi Wen took a breath and said: "Military regulations, I can't say more to you at this time. After the war, I will make a detailed evaluation of the auxiliary effect of your actions on the war situation."

Regarding the plane war, the process of this death battle is limited to the space of Oak City for the first time. Beyond the scope of this space, the systems of both sides will fail.

The time set for the first phase is 100 days. In the intelligence analysis of the Mediterranean supervisor, the original most conservative estimate was that in the first phase of this battle, both sides would suffer losses from each other, and then the primary space restrictions would be lifted and a fight to the death would begin.

The battlefield spread to the entire continent, and the fight for the late stage began.

But when the Mediterranean traveler really arrived at this seemingly unremarkable timeline, it turned out that his own side was completely at a disadvantage. Let alone maintaining a balance of power, it couldn't hold on from the beginning. There were immediate battle losses and they were forced to start multiple times.

Backup. (That is, archive to escape)

The laureates in charge of monitoring this timeline in the Mediterranean also fell into panic: "This is a trap. There is no transformational technology proliferation and innovation in this timeline in the intelligence, and there are no major character plot changes that break away from the plot. Why is this? The Great River System

What's hidden here?"


In short,

Because the system deployed by Wei Keng in the city was too advanced, one of the Mediterranean system travelers was locked by the Great River System on the eighth day of their first arrival. After one person was killed on the spot in the team of Mediterranean system travelers led by An Xite

.They are sure that they are under firepower lock and can only reverse the future and activate the backup timeline. (Open the archive)

In this case, although Anxite could escape to the next timeline with the memory of the first battle in the city, he would also give up the first timeline to Wei Keng's team. Then the first timeline of the river traversers

All time memories can be brought to the next timeline.

This is already the biggest advantage.


It's just that someone who is fighting this kind of plane war for the first time is still forcing Lai Lai.

Wei Keng's thoughts were still unfinished: "Oh, we only have this hundred days left."

Qin Xiaohan: "One hundred days is not bad. Enemy time travelers are short-term when choosing to save. How can it be possible for you to have decades of time left in the new timeline."

Wei Keng: "Is it okay to add up a little and make a big thing? I mean, let them open dozens of timelines, so I can make a big difference?"

Qin Xiaohan paused, shook his head and said, "Your idea is too strange."

The time when the Mediterranean traveler first arrived was the semi-finals of Oak City's first virtual swordsman competition.

When a Mediterranean traveler activates the save file, the place of arrival will be changed, but the time point of the second arrival cannot be before the first time, but after the finals of the first Virtual Swordsman Competition.

For those who travel through the large river system, because their own side (Wei Keng) is the defender, they always have a positioning point upstream in time. When the second time point is opened, they can still be at the original time point.

Wei Keng had two more days to prepare in this timeline than in the first timeline. Qiwen's team was also 48 hours ahead of the opponent.

If we talk about the first timeline, the two sides still tried to confront each other, and the second timeline is that the Mediterranean system travelers tried to escape and survive the remaining ninety days, trying to survive and get out of the city, preparing to survive in the long-term in a few decades.

In terms of time scale, hit the late stage.

However, by opening the archive and conducting the second phase of the battle, you can further examine your shortcomings and expand your advantages by comparing your advantages with your disadvantages.

There was the first contact within the Great River System, and the two sides already had a tacit understanding. Under Qiwen's guidance, Wei Keng directly deployed the network on 60 streets with a high probability of the opponent appearing.

At the same time, Wei Keng also knew why Captain Qiwen's team had to keep a certain distance from him.

[As the earliest time traveler on the timeline, the Crystal Tower is the one that cannot be cut and exploded. During the entire battle, the captain makes decisions. The "Crystal Tower" must give priority to saving itself, and the "Crystal Tower" cannot run to the military line.

It's a waste. The combat captain should also pay attention to the possibility that the "Crystal Tower" will become emotional after getting familiar with some teammates in the battle. - These regulations are lessons learned at a great cost in the first plane war.

During the battle, some of the opponent's targeted behaviors also explained to Wei Keng the necessity of doing so.

After the Anxi Te gang failed in the second battle, they started to ridicule on the radio. They left messages of low quality and abuse on the street: "The guy who took the initiative to provoke a fight to the death, you are a coward who dare not come out, your life is miserable.


These extremely insulting taunts made Wei Keng break his guard. He accidentally added twice as much chili pepper when making egg-filled pancakes, which made his mouth drool like a fool.

Breaking the defense is still breaking the defense, but the IQ has not been reduced.

Wei Keng's rare cunning thinking: "In the current advantageous situation, the enemy is taunting because he wants to take the lead. He is determined not to be fooled. He will not give the opponent any restless hope and make the opponent angry to death."

Just eight days after the start of the second timeline, Qiwen's team once again forced this group of people into a desperate situation! Killing three people directly, forcing them to reverse the future again.

This time it was the third time, and the opening timeline was once again extended by three days.

An Xite and two teammates arrived in embarrassment near a casino, hurriedly robbed money and motorcycles and ran away. However, this third time, their whereabouts were not captured for more than half an hour, and Wei Keng refreshed himself with both hands.

The time record of searching for the target

Immediately afterwards, Captain Qiwen arranged for two plot characters to appear in their perspective.

The only three people left in the Anxi special class were confused. They were lucky enough to think that the opponent was so fast. Of course, it might be due to the decadence caused by two consecutive failures. They thought that there was no point in resisting if it was "so fast", so they simply took a gamble. So they went directly.

To be honest, Anxi assigned a person to influence the characters in the plot, and directly appreciate the "skynet is huge, omitting but not missing".

Immediately afterwards, the building collapsed, and only three people were surrounded and killed.


Due to winning two timelines in a row, the Eastern traveler has gained two hundred days in this plane.

For the cheating time traveler, two hundred days is enough to raise the swordsman level by a large step.

The third time the group starts, not only does it have the advantage of up to eight days of advance deployment, but it also has the advantage of level. That is, now, Qiwen is in a state of complete blockade of Anxi Te.

On this third timeline,

The building had collapsed for fifty-seven minutes. When the smoke on the street had not dissipated, with dozens of space cuts in the smoke, the last three Mediterranean travelers were all killed and the nodes were captured.

Qiwen and his team telegraphed Wei Keng, which began with: "Sergeant Wei Keng, we have won."

After the disaster, Wei Keng, who was squatting in the noodle shop and drank all the soup, slowly stood up and looked at the system's "Victory End" sign and the hourglass that was only one third of the way through: "Well, a hundred days of battle,

It took you 35 days to complete it? It’s really amazing.”

[The three timelines of An Xite’s team were stacked together, and none of them survived half of the 100 days. The loss was extremely frustrating. Xue Lite, the team’s think tank: “The resources mobilized by the opponent are definitely not what the non-commissioned officers can mobilize.”]

Facing Wei Keng's envious tone, Qi Wen smiled: "Three branch timelines have been developed, and the other party has no advantage. Please continue the exploration mission, and we look forward to continuing our cooperation next time."

[After this straightforward battle, the Mediterranean Space-Time Management Bureau was helpless in the face of Wei Keng’s time stream, three of which were completely defeated.]


Qiwen's team had a discussion when they returned on the light beam.

Qi Wen thought deeply: "The attributes of this Wei Keng during the journey should be in the direction of the commander?" The voice was not loud, but it was just enough for the people around to hear.

Pingsha was still immersed in the joy of victory, so he commented "not stingily": "Yes, it seems that he is a person who has just come out of the information combat mission, and he has done very well in this single combat plane.


Huang Sheng thought: "Travelers with mismatched attributes and mismatched exploration tasks can easily be killed in a plane war. But now? Haha~" His tone was a mockery of the loser.

Yue Ping slowly replied: "But now, does anyone (the enemy) dare to come?"

Wei Keng directly swallowed up three sergeants here, and has formed three branch timelines in this plane. In the short term, the field has formed an absolute advantage. - This is the advantage of starting the plane war early. Now the Mediterranean Group is Shangqing

We have already made preparations, and Wei Keng's timeline is no longer suitable.

Qi Wen felt that the team was a little proud, so he blew a cold wind on the topic: "Also, in this mission, the highlight of Sergeant Wei Keng is that he provided us with the lattice information network. However, he still has something hidden in his hand.

If we can't defeat him in terms of fighting methods, he will show them."

Qi Wen realized that Wei Keng's space bubble logistics scale might be unusually large. Therefore, Wei Keng had the confidence to start a fight to the death.

He thought this might be a projectile prepared by the (Eastern) Space-Time Administration before the war started.

However, in this advantageous situation, Wei Keng has a trump card and can remain calm throughout the battle. This cannot be underestimated. It is no wonder that the upper management of our own Space-Time Management Bureau is such a reliable first mover in provoking a plane war here.

In the higher dimension, as the vanguard combat team of the Second Plane War, Qiwen Team was the first wave to come out. As the victors, they were welcomed by the special effects of fireworks.

The system has learned about the entire battle process, and generous combat rewards have been awarded to this team. The central system announcer also affirmed this in a clear tone.

Victory in battles on the plane is not isolated.

The defeat of the Anxi Special Team put the Mediterranean system in the air twisting area, and the information on the Temple's timeline was exposed, giving the Dahe system a counterattack route. And it just so happened that the relevant "Sword Intent" system on Wei Keng's timeline was opposite

It's not clear yet whether you can go through it and fight back.

The Space-Time Management Bureau in the East is conducting a scheduling meeting. Supervisors and superior-level combatants are conducting analyzes on various warring planes.

And in the space bubble where the supervisor is located in the void twist plane.

Bai Linglu, as the chief researcher of the "Carbon Information Space-Time Region" (Pandora Plane), was also arranged to discuss at the meeting here. After all, the projection of the physical phenomena of carbon life in the Pandora Plane produced the Sword Intent of the Space Torsion Plane.


As the current backbone, Bai Linglu no longer has some of the "little temper" of the past. At least under the guidance of his aunt, he will not let outsiders discover it.

She took out a large amount of calculation data of the "initial template" for a certain suggestion, and after giving a well-founded explanation: Increase the importance of the Pandora Plane No. 1 timeline.

Several ministers looked at each other and voted.

Kong Twist Plane, Holy Sword Historical Area. Wei Keng's side~

The battles on those three timelines no longer exist now because the winner can save and restart them. Well, it seems they no longer exist.

The war passed like this, like a moment of coolness after a fire.

This is like the college entrance examination in the previous life. Although it was extremely exciting, it actually only lasted two days.

As the first shot in the Second Plane War, Wei Keng lasted three hundred days and grew a lot.

Now I'm back to the starting point, the world is still this world, but I am no longer that myself.

The electronic information swordsman competition is still being held. Even the soundproof glass cannot stop the carnival of the young contestants and fans.

Facing the arena building with flashing lights, Wei Keng was in a daze for a few seconds before deciding to go in this time. Before the building security personnel blocked him, he flashed his crystal card.

There was a time when one dollar had to be deducted every day, but today the deposit of 80,000 yuan was thrown away.

He lay down in the information warehouse and competed in seven games in the virtual world, but was rejected in the audition.

When the six-hour activity was over, Wei Keng walked out of the building and looked back: "Before the ship sank, the drunkard who had no idea of ​​the approaching danger was the happiest?"

Since he had gone through it three times, Wei Keng was as familiar with the subsequent conflict in Oak City as if he were replaying it.

The next day, in the Crystal Light Hotel, a 600-story high-rise building, the sunlight outside the windows was much brighter than on the ground floor, and the greenery from the balcony shone into the lobby.

Today, Xi Kan took a third of the team to participate in the swordsman conference held by the city lord. The public activity room was a little less serious.

But in fact, Wei Keng knew that today the top chief executives of all the cities in Purple Jupiter participated in the mainland's top meeting through remote information links.

The focus at the meeting was whether the three-star alliance in the form of a joint alliance or the Blade Alliance.

The position of the six god-level space controllers (Sword Masters) is the key, and the major forces in Purple Jupiter now have their own interests.

Wei Keng looked at the news screen and said inexplicably: "Have you found the original civilized area of ​​​​Xinghai?"

System: "No, according to the current data, in the early days of the Star Calendar, the top consciousness in the area tried to establish a space measurement across the planet to calculate the deviation speed of the star sector and infer the direction of their homeland.


Wei Keng: "What happened next?"

System: "The sudden war disrupted the plans of this plane."

Wei Keng: "Hey, let's interfere and end the war, right?"

System: "The war happened because of our interference."

Wei Keng was stunned - he retrieved the data from the First Plane War. Good guy, the Earth's two space-time administrations at that time abruptly divided the history here into two.

Wei Keng refused to give up: "There must be a timeline that has not been interfered with by us, right?" He complained in his mind: "In addition to destroying the first plane war, didn't you think about exploring it in depth?"

System: "Due to the expansion of time and space, it is difficult for us to determine the starting point, and we cannot reach that time and space now."

Wei Keng: "My Pandora plane is also -" (Wei Keng wants to say: My time and space are also expanding in the Pandora plane, so the probability is also small.)

Before Wei Keng could finish speaking, the system said: "Your space-time margin in those two planes has not ended yet. The Space-Time Management Bureau has booked a hundred-year margin with you in the Pandora plane. Time-space expansion can only allow you to reach

The origin is difficult, but you can still reach it. And here, the shuttlers from the first plane war have all used up their original surplus and cannot return to the original timeline (the void plane)."

Wei Keng paused and sighed: "So from a long-term perspective, time is still flowing forward, and the time that flows away will eventually leave our perspective."

In the afternoon, Xikan's visiting team returned.

Wei Keng placed the sword horizontally in front of him and waited for Xi Kan to return before returning it.

Faced with Wei Keng's politeness, Xi Kan said: "A swordsman cannot live without a sword. Give it to me after this trip to Oak City is over."

Xi Kan looked at Wei Keng and his idea was to bring Wei Keng back to the sect.

Wei Keng, on the other hand, did not deny it, which made Xi Kan nod.

After bidding farewell to Xikan, Feng? stepped forward, took a careful look at Wei Keng, and asked, "You seem to be a different person."

Wei Keng: "Why has it changed?"

Feng?: "Well, you seem to have become like a swordsman."

Wei Keng: "Don't I look like a merchant now?"

Feng? was stunned for a moment and thought to himself: "You shouldn't ask: Don't you look like a swordsman?"

However, Wei Keng did not wait for his answer, but nodded and walked away.

Feng? spread his hands and asked the junior brother beside him: "I said he looks like a swordsman, but he seems unhappy."

The junior brother on the side said: "He is a sword master. If you say he is a swordsman, of course he will not be happy."

This chapter has been completed!
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