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Chapter 1178 Chapter 2505 (Part 2) activates the identity 'elements'.

 In the year 3265 of the main world, as Wei Keng steadily mapped the timelines of hundreds of millions of sub-worlds, the Vast Land Space-Time Management Bureau had been in a stable state for several years.

He Chongyun is acting as the governor in the center of the earth.

Over the past few decades, Qin Tianfang has deliberately let go and obtained the "Tiger Talisman" on the technology side, and now he is "one of the most powerful people" in the vast land.

Yes, it is just "one". When Qin Tianfang was in power, the center of the vast earth was the highest among all the heavens.

Since there are more frictions among the lords in various territories in the vast land, Wei Keng, an old time traveler who has sunk in the loess and has not participated in the distribution of core interests, is no longer in the eyes of the powerful people in the vast land.

What He Chongyun is facing now is the "Warring States" era. In the command hall on the side of his "Space Fleet" projection technology, He Chongyun is staring at the bordering parties in the territorial plane.

Especially for the "Life" system (Saturn), He Qiuye has now confirmed that he has obtained the Tiger Talisman and has begun to win over the territory of the "Martial Arts" system (Uranus).

He Chongyun stared at Saturn, feeling "disappointed" with He Yeqiu, his former ally!

It is worth mentioning that the current eight major territories are equivalent to the boundaries of sovereignty. They have differences in natural physical rules. Of course, they are more likely to cross historical and cultural heritage.

...picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the dividing line of Nanshan...

At this time, in the sub-world of the heavens, Wei Keng was standing in front of the magnetic facility, looking at the strong flow of true energy in his heart, and then using a microscope to collect blood sample data, he suddenly realized.

In this plane, the inner Qi of ancient warriors are some "high-energy proteins" that are linked to different planes. When the body moves, these "high-energy proteins" provide dozens of times more energy to explode the body.

Wei Keng understood the principle. As long as he connected with the rules of Pandora's plane, empowered some of the "proteins" in his body to a sufficient level, and then released Pandora's rules, and connected to the "Zhenwu" system, he would be able to create an extra "jiazi" out of thin air.

"Internal force. - The system support of the plane elevator is there. It is easier for Mr. Wei to cheat than anyone else.

But for Wei Keng, when it comes to "development" in any plane other than a life-threatening situation, it is best to follow the steps step by step like Monk Tang when he was studying for Buddhist scriptures. Taking shortcuts is easy, but hidden dangers will be missed.

Furthermore, if the rules of the plane are disturbed, the supervisors of the heavens will discover it. The people in charge of the relevant territories will counter-intervene.

In the political system of the main world's Space-Time Management Bureau, the "plane elevator" is equivalent to the king's explosive tool for the "Fantasy" king of Mercury.

This is similar to ordinary regional conflicts in the 21st century. Once a method like the "Dongfeng Strategic Missile" is used, don't blame others for making a fuss and use the same method.

In the gym, Wei Keng turned on the system and looked at the territorial divisions of the Space-Time Administration!

At this stage, the territorial scope of Haotu in dimension is one hundred and fifty natural planes. In the world of the emperors, the direction of plane promotion, well, that is, the final direction of traversing the entire sub-plane, is these natural planes.

The "near timeline" on the surface, such as the Tiberium timeline next to the Shenzhou plane, merged into the earth with many plots such as "Terminator" and "Super Beast Warriors". When Tiberium was almost destroyed

, in this way, the forces on the entire "technological earth" suddenly crossed over.

Regarding the division of the territories of the eight kings, it is actually the development direction of the power system of these natural planes over the past thousand years.

For example, the physical rules of "ancient martial arts" allow the system of ancient martial arts and the development system produced by the culture of past time travellers. However, this does not mean that this physical rule cannot develop other systems.

Wei Keng: Just like the Pandora plane, it is also a Taoist culture where "chemical information transmission" can occur, and a martial arts system where "vitality transmission" can occur. Everything depends on the familiarity with the basic rules and one's own tendencies.

In the gym, Wei Keng quickly condensed and combined the ancient martial arts energy under the framework of body fixation.

The true energy flows according to the standards of body fixation, and the body shape is condensed to be the healthiest, with all attributes even. It does not follow the route of pure strength and majesty, nor does it follow the route of high agility in bone jutsu. Although it is more powerful in this way.

Wei Keng: At present, it is not possible for me to provoke too strong an enemy.

The only advantage of the Body Fixation Technique is that the accuracy of each movement of the body is within the "micrometer" or "0.01 second" error level. In the future, it can match the mechas in the technological field. It can also improve the related acuity of the brain. In the future, it can awaken the spiritual power.

Wei Keng accurately calculated the "possibilities" in his mind. Although these data were neither good nor bad, they were not progressing in the eyes of the public system monitors of the Zhutian Economy.

After Wei Keng finished his physical exercise in the gym, and after a few jokes with his big-muscle brothers, Mr. Wei started to go home.

…Cultivation of both life and life, increased numerology, and natural sex…

A month later, Wei Keng came back with a pair of sneakers purchased online.

The sneakers are very cheap and I bought them at a discount.

However, after Wei Keng got it, he looked at the sneakers, took out some hot-melt plastic, and began to add some structural points to the bottom of the sneakers. After drilling the spiral metal wires into the soles of the sneakers, Wei Keng inserted them into the chassis.

Equipped with its own "powerful battery", the entire sneaker chassis has the magnetic elasticity of mechanical equipment in the interstellar plane.

After Wei Keng put it on, he jumped lightly and bounced up to a height of one foot. Then he continued to exert force and bounced up to a height of one meter like a trampoline.

Wei Keng took a deep breath and looked at the barbed wire fence outside the garden. He jumped slightly after running three meters, and jumped over the 2.5-meter-high metal fence. When he landed, he didn't bend his knees much, which was very cool. This was certainly true.

For the effectiveness of physical skills, the magnetic elastic structure of the soles under your feet is also key.

"This is a good pair of shoes!" Wei Keng couldn't help but admire. He emphasized "cheap" again.

In the source energy plane, although all the source energy projected from the alien plane cannot reach the peak, each source energy is well matched, and each item increases by 30%, which is very impressive when stacked together.

In the year 3268 of the main world, in the multi-dimensional area, Bai Linglu looked at the personnel who came to take over the "Tiandao management" of the multi-dimensional plane and showed a playful smile. (The Tiandao supervision set up by Wei Keng in the multi-dimensional plane is similar to the godhead in the liberal period.

The biggest difference is that there is a time limit and you have to take turns)

Qin Xiaohan: "Bai Linglu Supervisor, I was ordered to take over the position of Tiandao Supervisor"

Bai Linglu: "Well, Qin Tianfang has already given me the official document. Supervisor Qin, please give it to you here (the words are emphasized very strongly)"

When Qin Xiaohan monitored the multidimensional data, he connected this place to the system of the heavens.

Of course, during this process, Bai Linglu saw a familiar figure, and the reflected dimension channel submerged into the system of the heavens.

Bai Linglu thought silently: Micah?

However, Bai Linglu shook his head, laughed, and then left the hall.

In the dimensional space, Bai Linglu's light spot quietly left through the back door of the multidimensional plane and the dimensional elevator.

In the Zi world, in the year 2247 of the Qin calendar, in the Meiyou Airport area of ​​Suzhou, there were rental houses in a commercial complex.

Wei Keng opened the newspaper and took a look at today's international news. The situation in the East is that war has begun in Java. The DPRK has announced a blockade and embargo. The import of external weapons from the Nanyang war zone prevents the New World United Eagle from intervening in the Southeast Asia.

At the same time, a new round of bloody conflicts broke out between the Ottoman United States and Indostan in the Great Eclipse region.

"Mo Di: "I will never give in (Bara Bala)"

In the East of this world line right now, the political system is the "meritocracy" with Eastern characteristics.

This state body was formed 150 years ago after the southern Pao Gehui and the Caoyun Gang jointly took power and fought a revolutionary war with the northern royalists.

Here, the Pao Ge Association had the characteristics of a modern capital group during the uprising. It adopted the hall system. There are fifteen halls, namely the steel hall for heavy metal smelting, the shipping hall for the shipbuilding industry, the steel wheel hall for the railway industry, and the telegraph hall.

The Shenxun Hall of Industry,...

These leaders are oligarchs in the upstream and downstream industrial chains, and they have joined forces to form a "business monopoly" group with oriental characteristics.

One hundred and fifty years ago, the entire Kyushu was still a monopoly group centered on the royal family.

During this revolutionary war, the northern officials were forced to separate the cabinet power and the three public powers and retain the royal ancestral temple.

As for why the Emperor has not been deposed? - The Emperor is in charge of "sacrifice". This belongs to the right of "teaching".

As long as the last dynasty is still the "Emperor of the Han Dynasty", the result of political reform in the East after the first industrial revolution can only be "separation of church and state"

The business areas of Pao Gehui and Caoyun Gang are concentrated in the Yangtze River Basin and the eastern basins, such as Henan, Shaanxi, and the Western Regions. They cannot radiate influence, so they can only compromise.

In the words of this time and space historian, the East is too big and must need a centralized authority!

The capital route like that in Europe, where the losses are insufficient but the surplus is made up, is completely unworkable in Eastern civilization.

After the Royal Family failed in its struggle with the new capital upstarts such as the Pao Gehui and the Water Transport Gang, the Royal Financial Group also carried out reforms.

After the constitutional system, the royal family also carried out internal reforms, appointed talented people from the three Jin Dynasties, and worked hard to develop the country to the west.

In the past hundred years, the Southeast Chamber of Commerce, which merged with Pao Ge Hui and Cao Hui, devoted its attention to the entire Taipingyang trade route.

From the official (royal) side of the Daheng Dynasty, there was a railway passage that passed through Xianhuan, and then went directly south into Boshi Bay. They controlled the oil there,

Coupled with the mineral trade between the north and Lucia, as well as the two grain-producing belts of the Central Plains and the Nenjiang Plain, it can be used as operational capital.

The old sect centered on the royal family can be considered to have landed firmly in this capital era.

Especially in recent years, the New Business Party has split into two factions: "Jiangnan-Shanghai" and "Dong-Guang-Zhu".

Both factions are among the best in terms of economic aggregate, but when they compete, they have to give up profits to a third party, the Royal Consortium.

[For the equity allocation of a company, if one party has 40%, and the other party also has 40%, and the two 40% are competing, then who will listen? Of course, it will listen to the third party, because the third party only needs

If it exceeds 10%, whichever faction you stand on will be victorious.】

Wei Keng murmured: How come the development of modern history is so familiar?

The history of the topology of this sub-plane is taken from neighboring planes such as the Shenzhou plane.

"Prince General Xiang Ning has the guts." Wei Keng muttered these words, but crossed his legs.

…Plot line, passively opened dividing line.…

When Wei Keng was working as a foreigner, Qin Yiyun suddenly thought of Wei Keng in the dimension.

She opened an interface and saw Wei Keng with his legs crossed, using a drone to take aerial photos of the city. Well, the camera was only focused on the center of the city. The young ladies at the comic exhibition were a little more frequent.

Qin Yiyun suddenly felt bored because she didn't come, so she activated the cause and effect system...

After living in Jiangnan for several years, I suddenly received a letter from this family. Of course, I also discovered that a "time and space change" suddenly appeared in the upper reaches of time and space, causing some historical traces of the world to deflect.

Let Wei Keng's original solitary identity become connected with the world.

Wei Keng, who was slicing noodles in a small shop, saw a sudden call on his mobile phone. Mr. Wei said speechlessly: "I still have an identity in this plane?"

At this time, the plane assistance system said: "Yes, as a traveler, if you stay for more than a period of time, you can activate the identity system."

The causal system directly gave Wei Keng a fabricated identity in his own plane.

Wei Keng looked at his cell phone and saw an "email" suddenly sent to him from his hometown in Jinzhong. This email was nothing more than returning home to inherit the title.

Wei Keng came to this plane with the identity of a concubine. If he followed other time-traveling teams, he would be traveling in a big city with no news. But now that Master Wei has traveled from Shanghai to Su Chang, his identity is still there.

I came directly from my hometown.

Wei Keng looked at Zhutian's system interface and murmured: "Actually, I want to follow the rules."

This chapter has been completed!
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