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Chapter 1183 Chapter 2508 (Part 1) The Clear Case of the Martial Arts Era

 On the initial timeline, that is, the timeline that Wei Keng traveled through as officially recorded by the system of heavens.

The "space-time source" currently contained in Wei Keng's consciousness is not in the system's records. The plane elevator system has kept Wei Keng secret. As long as Wei Keng does not manifest his "space-time destructive power" in this time and space, such as in a nuclear power plant.

Directly super teleport large areas of matter to other timelines.

The "system" of the system of heavens no longer knows how many "dimensional folds" Wei Keng has hidden. (Wei Keng's habit of saving private money when he was Bai Linglu was not deliberately aimed at the supervisor of this vast land)

In the system of the heaven system, to prevent such "rare cases" of cheating from hiding, it actually depends on the work of the supervisors.

But Qin Yiyun, who thought he understood Wei Keng, became impatient after seeing all the daily problems of the "middle man".

In Qin Yiyun's eyes, Wei Keng always likes to find a place to lie down in this time-travelling place, and is lazy. Sometimes when things go well, he gets carried away (howling blindly), or he is a little greedy for money and makes calculations when doing business.


At the moment, Wei Keng is still commuting to and from get off work in the nuclear power plant, reading books and newspapers, and has not even prepared the slightest plan to conquer the world. His daily chat with the supervisory system is, "Now, if you are a monk and hit the clock, after the catastrophe, once there is a fluctuation When you go to a nuclear power plant, you should moisturize yourself."

If Qin Xiaohan were here, he would be keenly aware that there is something big going on behind Wei Keng's laziness!

Because some people are very similar to their "lazy" and "blockbuster" states. There is a core factor that distinguishes the two! That is whether there is really no room for "indulgent" capital. - Indulging in seemingly small things

In the process, always stick to the bottom line and exercise the greatest degree of restraint on your biggest capital. This is waiting for opportunities.

"Space-time source energy" is considered a top-level "source energy" system in the eyes of Qin Yiyun and other supervisors.

After ordinary civilian-level time travelers obtain this power system, they will immediately become high-spirited and show off their own characteristics at all costs.

But for Wei Keng, this kind of thing that still belongs to the "sub-world power system" is not enough to expose his own characteristics in this superficial time and space travel.

In other words, only low-level time travelers look at the "power system", while high-level time travelers control "cause and effect".

The top leaders of the major territories in the vast land are now very confident in their theory: any time traveler faces the endless plots in the world, and as long as he makes a choice, the "character" of the time traveler will be thoroughly analyzed.

Narrator: This is similar to the big data theory of the 21st century. As long as an ordinary consumer starts to go online, a merchant can guess what kind of products you need. In other words, the top-level structure can perfectly grasp the needs of the people.

But is Hao Tu’s “theory” really correct? Can we really grasp the direction of all those who enter the sub-world through the “elementary interest” of this complex and infinite plot line?

The "middle man" seems very simple, but he is just like the unruly people in China for thousands of years.

Even though the emperors' scheming has been continuously accumulated in the history, and the Neo-Confucian masters of the family have studied carefully over and over again to control people's hearts, they still cannot curb the problem of unruly people's rebellion in the 300-year dynasty cycle.

The history books have tried many times to separate the loyal and honest tillers who work when the weather is good, and the rebels who rebel under the pressure of natural and man-made disasters, but they are actually the same type of people.

...Wei Keng was underestimated from the beginning, and Qin Yiyun was not aware of the "high-end game" from the beginning...

At this time, the Wei Keng dimension was initially differentiated, and the timeline of the heavenly stems, earthly branches, and heaven dimension modules was no longer under the supervision of the Haotu system, and Wei Keng developed one identity after another.

Yichou timeline area. This is a Zhenwu plane, and Wei Keng settled here.

The current (Yichou) timeline that leads to the plot of Zhenwu is the year 2248 of the Qin Dynasty, which is still the time before the "dramatic change" occurred.

The Imperial Capital, due to the current 150 years of industrial modernization, is the most important big city in China. Airplanes come and go in the sky, and huge holographic billboards are indispensable. But next to the skyscraper city, there is a lot of silence.

Classical building area.

In the core palace of Chang'an City, compared to the peripheral cars that shuttle back and forth on the main road, in the ancient private building surrounded by blue brick walls and in the rockery garden, a thirteen-year-old boy who worked hard to learn martial arts made a living.

According to the plot arrangement of Zhenwu in the timeline of the world, when the era of Zhenwu arrives, this young man born in the royal family will be ranked sixth among the top ten masters on earth, named "Dragon Emperor".

In this era of industrialization, rich people learn martial arts as a hobby, but royal families and military families learn martial arts to practice their skills!

One hundred and fifty years ago, the Daheng Dynasty was forced to surrender its constitution and parliament during the Great Revolution. As an old family, the royal family began a round of royal reforms. This meant ensuring that the royal family was in a key position and establishing strict family education.

The military is definitely a key department. At that time, the royalists were all in the Western Regions, and the Chinese Council could not disband these old troops. They maintained them through finances every year, trying to eventually subtly undermine the old forces' influence on this army from the perspective of food and salary.

Control, but ah, at that time, Prime Minister Wang (posthumous name: Wen Zhen), the "broker" hired by the small court, directly pushed the strategy westward, opening up the economic channel from the Western Regions to the coastline for the surviving small court. In terms of food and salary,

It cannot be disintegrated.

As for personnel matters, after the royal family was stripped of some of its dignity, it was better integrated into the military.

In many "constitutional" societies that mirror modern society, it is very common for male members of the royal family to serve.

These royal families also have some hidden rules regarding honor and disgrace in the military: for example, directly throwing away one's royal identity in the military is the most disdainful behavior.

The founding emperor of the Daheng Dynasty once told his heirs who joined the army: Your royal status will have people below you taking the initiative to help you avoid dust and dirt, but your eyes and ears are always stuffed with orbs and covered with silk brocades, so you have the power to kill.

The weapon is in danger.

The founding emperor's meaning was very simple. He warned his descendants that if they really want to know the military, they must share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers. At least they must know the details of the young men in the army, so that they can control these future proud soldiers.

Therefore, the royal heirs have been practicing martial arts before joining the army. With this martial arts, they can be strong enough in the military circle at the beginning.

…At this time on this timeline, Wei Keng, codenamed "Wang Shou", stretched and yawned in the Jindi Nuclear Power Plant. He was not "strong" at all.

Wang Shou (Wei Keng): There are more and more plots.

Note: At this time, if you go to this branch first, the person in charge will be yourself with another identity.

Zhongwei Keng of the Nuclear Power Plant turned the pen around his fingers. The pen was not just wrapped around one finger, but three fingers alternately turned the pen in his hand.

The legions of the Daheng Dynasty are divided into three types. One is the one built by the Daheng Dynasty in imitation of the Tang Dynasty three hundred years ago.

The influence of these meritorious groups was continuously weakened by successive emperors through multiple rounds of military innovations after the founding of Daheng, but they were the backbone of the royalists in the great war initiated by the southern revolution 150 years ago.

These soldiers born in military families are the largest source of volunteers for this dynasty. These generals' children are born with glory, just like the knights and nobles in Europe. They start reading military books and practicing physical fitness since they are born. They have a strong will to fight and a high level of education. Joining the army is

A non-commissioned officer will become a school officer in one to two years, and then wait for the Tianjia to announce the expansion, gain military exploits, and become a general and knight.

The second type is the compulsory army, which is also a professional army. The historical evolution is that 150 years ago, southeastern merchants recruited good families to train the army. Compared with the nobles at that time, the officers who organized this army were blocked from promotion routes.

Later, it was this group of people who forced the emperor to step down from behind the scenes and return power to the people in the Daheng Dynasty.

The important armed forces of the Southeast Chamber of Commerce and Industry Party are still recruited from good families. Even after their service is over, the military industry will give priority to these people to start their own industries.

Of course, we are no longer the poor disciples of a hundred years ago. This type of conscripts are recruited from universities in big cities every year. Usually, they are college loanees, and those who owe more are selected to serve.

Conscripts also have opportunities for promotion, and if they perform well and pass the assessment, the longer they stay in the military, the higher their qualifications will be.

Of course there is a third type, which is to assemble thieves with the army.

Since the feudal era, the labor force of prisoners will not be wasted. As early as the Age of Discovery, various countries have begun to deal with criminals according to the circumstances of different crimes. For example, petty thieves will be served with a killing stick and then carry out industrial labor.

For example, major crimes such as rape and robbery. During the Age of Discovery, death squads were formed and entered Southeast Asia, Australia, and South and North America to start the navigation industry. (Don’t think that the Western voyages were so enterprising and the Eastern thieves and armies were so barbaric. Navigation

Thirty percent of sailors die at one time.)

At the beginning of modern times, with strikes all over the world and young people purchasing food for zero dollars, after various countries completed their suppression, these laborers would be tattooed on their backs and sent to atonement camps.

In modern society, electronic collars are used to assist monitoring and management.

In times of peace, such "criminal armies" are the most frequently used force in Eastern global military activities.

They can be found in the Dashi area and East Africa, and the wars they fight are also public security wars.

This is quite economical for the commercial and private countries. First of all, there is no need to arrange retirement expenses like the regular army, let alone to confer honors and social status like nobles. When they are classified by the ruling class into the "debt" class, they are regarded as the "debt" class by the whole society.

Contempt, at this time, as long as forgiveness is a favor.

The weapons used by the regular army and the martial arts troops are tanks worth millions each, fighter planes worth 80 to 90 million dollars, and frigates worth 7 to 8 billion dollars. The cost of training for those who drive such heavy weapons is already very high.

Fighting a security war is an invisible loss of weapon life.

As for the criminal army, they use light weapons, their heavy weapons are mortars and individual smart rockets, and they drive armored jeeps. As for the various support teams required for strategic delivery, the criminal army commander does not have command authority.

Daheng is responsible for mobilizing air force transport planes to transport them there, and the top commander of the local military base organization is responsible for truck logistics and ammunition supply.

As for the military salary of the thieves, it only needs to be a little higher than the price of mercenaries in the world. It is 10,000 yuan a month in non-combatant areas, 50,000 yuan a month in combat areas, and one hundred thousand yuan can be paid for a tactical mission. In strict terms

During the evaluation, it was determined that he had been killed once, and he only had to settle for 350,000 yuan.

… Seize first and give later, this is the art of controlling others.…

In the year 2245 of the Qin Dynasty, the number of criminal troops used by China for overseas intervention was 50,000. Calculated at the price of one tael of silver and three thousand yuan, the monthly military salary was one million taels of silver. This military salary was very important for farming.

Feudal countries are very dangerous. For example, in the 150th year of the Qing Dynasty, they spent a total of 400 million taels on troops in the northwest.

Wei Keng: In the 21st century in the main world, everyone only looks at the U.S. military and is tired from fighting the security war. In fact, they don’t know that it is not the local resistance forces that really wear down the lighthouse, but the regular troops stationed there who have turned into tumors.

The military outside national borders does not have a clear goal, there is no progress in the personnel system, and it cannot be said to be clean. A large number of unclear financial reports are reported every year.

Relatively speaking, using "thieves to support the army" outside the system is a very economical method. Rewards and punishments do not need to consider the myriad constraints within the system. Even if you order them to disband on the spot, you can do it, and you cannot take credit for it.

However, in recent years, with the advent of the martial arts era, the suppressive power of heavy weapons such as tanks and artillery on soldiers has weakened, and the individual carrying capacity of martial arts practitioners will increase. That is, an individual can withstand the recoil of a heavy machine gun and can carry 50 kilograms of anti-tank missiles.

Moving as fast as flying. Between the 5th and 13th years of Zhenwu, both the Eastern Criminal Army and the mercenaries from the European continent became the first grass-headed kings to reign supreme in South Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

Of course, these criminal armies can only be arrogant for seven or eight years, because as the spiritual energy further recovers, the subsequent turbulent waves will kill them.

After 2 to 15 years of Zhenwu, with the advancement of human body technology by Daheng and the Western Alliance, powered armors matching the Zhenqi of martial arts appeared. The vacuum period of force caused by the failure of traditional tanks and fighters of large forces will end.

In the early days of Daheng, those frontier officials who were living in a state of intoxication in the tropical rain forests and deserts would be immediately eliminated if they could not clearly see the situation.

...In the great upheaval, the glory that once declined will also return. The law of cause and effect has arranged the rise of a family with a large number of ancient medical and military books...

The young Dragon Emperor Qian Shengzhao walked into the palace at this time.

This small court no longer has the magnificent palace it had a hundred years ago.

It's just a comprehensive building covering an area of ​​thirty acres (equivalent to a department store).

The Dragon Emperor opened the door and greeted his father, the emperor today.

Qian Shengzhao described the slight changes in his ancient martial arts energy in his body. At this time, the emperor was watching TV. On the TV, the Chinese navy was dispatching helicopters and ships to salvage the meteorite in the sea area where it fell.

When the emperor heard what his son said, he frowned and did not believe what Qian Shengzhao said.

Instead, he called the "Imperial Medical Clinic" and asked his son to have a good physical examination.

This chapter has been completed!
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