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Chapter 4.14 Attacks in the Regular Plot - Bystanders

 On October 23, 1102 Ephemeris, two planets, Baiyun Star and Purple Jupiter, 7 light years apart, happened to be in the docking cycle.

As a small person, Wei Keng, who is almost regarded as a cook, has finally arrived. The "big event fluctuation" that he was wary of has finally arrived. Of course, with everything that happens outside the world, people who are not high-level in this world have no right to "worry about the world".

Purple Jupiter’s outer space,

Continents, oceans, and clouds are the background below, the bright and shining sun in the distance, and the stars in the dark night are the external background. It is peaceful and quiet here.

However, all of this was suddenly broken, and the space array like chess pieces flashed and flickered.

At the same time, the Purple Jupiter Sword Master, who was in the southern hemisphere to calculate the southern magnetic axis pole, sensed the invasion and launched the sword array system.

A circle of light spreads out in outer space with the southern magnetic axis as its axis. Then, diffuse light with this place as its axis also appeared at more longitude and latitude coordinates in the southern hemisphere of Purple Jupiter.

These rays of light are "probability clouds" composed of flickering transition points in space.

After these apertures expanded hundreds of kilometers, they disappeared into space and seemed to "disappear". However, when touched by extraterrestrial invaders, dark space windows immediately burst out. The broken windows blocked all matter and energy.

The shattering spread into farther space.

The Sword Master-level sword formation is the strongest armed system on the planet. Only the sword formation can defeat the sword formation.

A thousand years ago, when the eighteen planets had just moved to this star field and the era of the Star Calendar had not yet been determined, some of the planets in the early days suddenly became kings and hegemonies relying on the few remaining interstellar battleships.

But three to four hundred years later, after the first generation of sword gods in the sector, that is, the sword masters of later generations, appeared on the scene, the early order of the star sea that was maintained by the overlord planets that received a large number of space fleets disappeared.


The Sword Master has sword nodes all over outer space, guiding treasure-level weapons and capable of crushing all invading space fleets.

The treasure-level weapon is a nuclear material that is far beyond the supernatural critical value and remains stable in the twisting of the sword master's space will. Calculated according to the energy density, it is a proper pure energy weapon.

This thing is like a "ship-based missile" that broke into the battleship era. It is fatal to the space battleships left over a thousand years ago. No protective cover can block such a high attack.

Since then, the space fleet has ceased to be a firepower projection vehicle and has become an interstellar transport vehicle.

Right now, high in the sky, the sword formation slowly unfolding from the south magnetic axis like a scroll, in the short term can only protect against the same level of power from space invaders in the southern area, that is, the interference of the miniature sword formation, and

Large areas are unprotected.

In the atmosphere, space coordinates were opened one by one, docking with spacecraft points in dozens of cities on Purple Jupiter. The confrontation of penetration and destruction began, and Oak City was one of them.

In the sky above Area 34 in Oak City, the floating spaceship that appeared to be a commercial trade vessel completed its energy storage, and the hatch opened. Unbridled airflow poured in as the hatch opened.

In the control cabin of the spacecraft, as the energy light flashed, the hatch opened, and a personal combat puppet ejected and fell towards the building on the ground.

When the war started outside the sky, the ground was still peaceful for years until the disaster struck.

In the Oak City building complex, in the sky garden occupied by the Oak Academy fruit group alone, groups of young swordsmen are practicing space jumps under the leadership of their instructors. In the world of these beginners, the most important thing to think about now is

The question remains: should I choose the strong or light style?

In the fifty-meter-diameter spherical space at the top of the building, the swordsman who made rapid progress selected by the instructors began a practice battle.

[Obtaining a lightsaber is the current graduation goal of swordsmen. All swordsmen who enter the academy have a long-term dream of walking on the road of swordsmanship, hoping that one day they will be able to stand high and defeat all enemies in their way with one sword. 】

The bright forest superstructure of the building, batches of metal balls, smashed into the protective layer of the building, and the dream seemed to become a reality.

These metal balls click, click, and the parts system, under the preset space jump program, the spheres with few movable joints, seem to be disassembled by invisible hands, and then reassembled, turning into spider-shaped combat puppets. These

From the puppet's ferocious thrust, a swordsman's light blade-level energy blade popped out with a buzzing sound. Following a sword dance, fiery fractures were carved on the walls one by one.

The war started outside that day, the mainland was busy, and Oak City was not spared, and even received extra care.

Wei Keng walked silently at the bottom of the city. However, the gravel falling from hundreds of meters above Wei Keng's head was erased by the continuous space jumps.

Now above the city, the mechanical puppet sent by Yun Gangxing to attack the swordsmen in the academy looks very scary, but it can only make sixty jumps, but it is thick-skinned and tough and not afraid of death.

Experienced swordsmen are actually capable of killing these mechanical armies, but for the now panicked swordsmen of the academy, this is a disaster.

Seventy percent of the young swordsmen have never seen a real fighting battle.

This is like the teenage children in school in the 20th century who fought fiercely with each other, and could even kill their peers with a brick, but when they encountered a dog in the orchard, they were chased and bitten.

In just ten minutes, countless swordsmen on the top floors of the building were hacked to death. Broken limbs and arms were smashed down from the building along with broken glass. There happened to be a foot wrapped in shoes that fell fifty meters away from Wei Keng.

Outside, although the fracture was scorched black by the light blade, blood still seeped out from it and dripped on the ground where the broken glass shards were.

Wei Keng ignored it and continued toward his intended target area. Through the gap between the canyon-like buildings, he could see the central building of Oak City in front of him - the Oak Building.

All of this has been seen in the mission timeline.

In the three mission lines, Qiwen (captain) bombed the sources of trouble in these cities in advance in order to prevent the Mediterranean travelers from using them as resources.

[This kind of mechanical puppet is a historical cluster entrenched in the Mediterranean system, a certain characteristic historical line. - As long as a historical line is changed by the innovation of the main world travellers, and has novel technology, it is a characteristic historical line. As for Wei Keng's current situation

It still looks so ordinary, oh, "egg-filled pancakes" and "egg-fried rice" have spread along this historical line. Well, this is a feature that is not noticed by people.】

Wei Keng said angrily: "Mechanical puppet, artificial intelligence? Avatar, isn't it just a concept? It makes me seem like I don't know how to do it."

Wei Keng has already verified that it is actually best to use firearms to fight these junior puppets, because they cannot hide. According to the red marks he made in the perspective, each series of bullets can take away a large number of mechanical puppets. But there is no such thing in the mission.

Talk about gaining experience by defeating mobs. Only the super boss in the center is what Wei Keng wants to defeat now.

In the space bubble, Qin Xiaohan sighed and said: "If you are willing to do the task, I will definitely add a system to you~ You can gain experience by defeating monsters, and you can win prizes for leapfrogging challenges. I have given you a chance, but you don't need it."


The chaos in the city cannot stop at the swordsman level, and the battle here will soon escalate.

Wei Keng has already flashed to the building. Under some of the outstretched platforms of the building, some internal spaces have been hollowed out, and firearms and bullets are placed inside. There are no less than a thousand such storage points in the city.

This time the chaotic battle in the city is the action of Wei Keng, a time traveler.

This chapter has been completed!
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