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Chapter 1196 Chapter 2516 (Part 1) Human Governance, Omnic Management

 Chapter 1196 Chapter 25.16 (Part 1) Human Governance, Omnic Management

In the 11th year of the Great Acidification, in Huaihai Prefecture, among tens of thousands of hectares of grain fields, magnetically levitated Cheetah assault vehicles sailed thirty meters above the Suhai Sea. The jets from their chassis left circles of ripples on the grain surface.


As Commander Lu Yun recruited more and more local soldiers, Wei Keng fell further and further behind in the combat power rankings.

The original biochemical plot line of this plane has changed. Human beings have been transformed by intelligent technology and have begun cybernetics.

For example, Lu Yun's number one general, Wang Lei, the leader among the survivors of Fengyan City, before joining Lu Yun's command, was a muscular man who carried a 20mm caliber spray gun and killed everyone among the zombies.

His "Overlord Gun" normally requires two people to carry it before it can be fired.

After Wang Lei underwent transformation, his spine was replaced with a mechanical spine, an exoskeleton armor was attached to his ribs, and the bucket-like repeating fire blunderbuss he originally carried became a standardized machine cannon.

Tianyue, the female leader of the Lantau survivor camp, also wears an optical invisibility cloak, wears the equipment of a ghost agent, and has mechanical high-heeled shoes that can support her in jumping over various seven- to eight-meter obstacles.

There are other people like this among them, and Wei Keng has been reduced to the bottom twenty in Lu Yun's team's strength rankings.

Because Wei Keng adheres to the human base and refuses transformation of natural people before the age of sixty.

However, Wei Keng has always been in the core decision-making circle. This is because Wei Keng is indispensable in a series of civil affairs work such as water control and land planning.

As long as the surviving humans are still making rice fields, "farmers" will be indispensable.

Wei Keng is irreplaceable to the high-level technicians involved in agricultural and forestry research in Huaihai District.

In the entire Huaihai area, 300,000 hectares of land are planted with two rounds of corn every year. The annual yield per mu is about 300 kilograms. One hectare weighs four tons, and the total output is about 1.3 million tons.

This food output was nothing before the civilized era, but now, the total global population is only two million, and most parts of the world are generally short of food. This is where the world's power lies.

Note: Under normal circumstances, the average annual consumption of prime-age men and women is 500 kilograms of grain. Biochemical genetic variation has allowed humans to consume one ton of organic matter. But this is so. Due to the sudden decline in population, this grain output has increased throughout the entire East.

The area is already sufficient.

Although agriculture and forestry is not a subject with high technical barriers at this time, in order to ensure stable output, the management needs "historical continuity", that is, a large number of water conservancy, breeding, warehousing and other policies need to be planned one year or even several years in advance. This is different from the Internet

This is different for industries that update every few months and need to keep the team active through the elimination system at the end.

For almost all mature civilizations, what is insurmountable for those late-developing civilizations is precisely the "agricultural and forestry management system." Because simple processing of supplied materials can be learned in just ten years, and industry can be established in a hundred years. From the long-term perspective of agriculture and forestry, then

It takes five hundred years of ups and downs to be deeply imprinted in cultural memory before it can be developed.

At this time, under the Lu Yun Group, the original design of each water channel came from Wei Keng, an "agricultural talent" before the Great Acidification.

It is not difficult to control the river water in each region, when to seasonally flood, and when to adjust soil moisture, but it is a long-term work!

Narrator: Which one is easier, a job that requires writing 10,000 words a month, or a job that requires only 10,000 words a year? For workers, of course it is the former! But in terms of management, the latter is more difficult


Because it seems like a simple job every day, can you complete it without slacking off? When an accident occurs in the "simple" process, are you willing to pursue it without fear of complexity?

You must know that leisure and simplicity are the most responsible things. - Work places such as water conservancy and power stations are not based on workload like some corporate positions, but are accumulated through an effective system. Simplicity and ease leave a lot of gaps.

In space, only responsible people can accumulate.

It can be said that if people with low sense of responsibility are asked to do "simple" work, the result will be that they will be idle for a long time and then stop going to work. At this time, those people in the apocalypse who have been accustomed to being "free and loose" during the great destruction will not be able to return.

into this framework that relies entirely on responsibility.

Wei Keng was in charge of agriculture and water conservancy under Lu Yun. He led his team for a year and traveled to all the fields. He knew the data, knew how to use it, and knew what time of year it should be used. If the person was changed,

, which affected the team and could not return to normal within five years.

Lu Yun can now replace combatants at will, but if Wei Keng is replaced, his defeat will appear within two to three years.

Lu Yun once tried high-yielding grains from the omnic plane, but as soon as these crops were taken out of the building's cultivation area and cultivated in the field, they soon mutated, and all the fruits eventually became parasites of maggots.

Mr. Wei has always used corn instead of other crops because corn is genetically stable and not prone to carrying highly toxic zombie viruses. At the same time, the outer shell is tough and resistant to pests and diseases.

In addition to corn, in terms of breeding, Wei Keng has also completed the industrial production of "protein", directly cultivating crayfish to a scale of three kilograms, and one kilogram of shrimps can be directly made into cans.

The rest was smashed and used to feed "eating wood", a plant that used to live in symbiosis with zombies, and then its fruits were taken to extract its "active protein" to prepare medical drugs.

In Lu Yun's exclusive laboratory, "Wood Eater" is continuously filled with shrimp liquid through a pipe under 24-hour light, and then stimulated by electrodes to extract medicinal substances.

The reason why Lu Yun's troops can generally participate in transformation and are not afraid of death is because of the "repair potion". Of course, the key technology of the potion was brought by Lu Yun. He is famous, and Wei Keng is the supplier of raw materials.

, it’s not that “famous”.

…Bai Linglu in the plane elevator auxiliary system calls out the supervisors of the heavens like headless flies: Hey, you are illiterate, you don’t know how to understand!…

In the 12th year of the Great Acidification, Lu Yun expanded to fifteen sub-bases. These sub-bases were assigned to his promising warriors to garrison. And Lu Yun unlocked first-level technology (one book) and armaments for these warriors.

Wei Keng himself is in the core production area where Lu Yun needs to be patient in running, so he has two technological weapons backed up by Lu Yun.

While other colleagues generally use "Cheetah" maglev express trains, Wei Keng already has three concentrated energy tanks, four armored cores (primary armor force, anti-infantry, and a spherical suspended mecha with a diameter of three meters).


Wei Keng is even the second person besides Lu Yun to have "campaign support" authority.

Lu Yun's current support for the Wei Keng campaign is a blocking force field, which means that when necessary, he can project "force field blocks" on any key bridges and roads within 300 kilometers of the base. The length of this blocking force field is within a range of 200 meters.

, and once the force field is deployed, enemy targets within a range of 500 meters will be as slow as falling into a swamp.

In Lu Yun's military structure: those generals with higher ranks than Wei Keng can only directly report to the 200-man Marine Corps and a dozen Cheetah hover assault vehicles. In recent years, the armored vehicles of Wei Keng's food protection team have

The number of vehicles reached 300.

At the moment, in Lu Yun's mind, Wei Keng, a person who does not focus on the military, has a low military rank, and whose prestige is mainly related to domestic affairs, is an important balancing weight in the atmosphere of excessive worship of martial arts in the power system.

Wei Keng, who is currently sitting in the field, is opening the current information map of the Star Sea Federation.

Lu Yun, the general who conquered the west, is now leading a mechanical army of 500 people all the way eastward along the Yellow River.

Wei Keng: Oh, after he finishes fighting, he will ask me to go over (Yellow River Basin) to farm.

Wei Keng also knew that in this plane, Lu Yun would soon encounter enemies with the same technology.

…the dividing line thousands of miles away…

On the Indus subcontinent, the artificial intelligence of "Shura" is expanding. Warriors with recurved toes like ostriches, wearing black mechas and wielding metal blades, are marching on the old railway lines and can see the rollover process.

Densely packed human skeletons can still be seen around these rusty train wrecks. In the train windows, pale skulls are covered with moss.

It is conceivable that when the biochemical crisis broke out, this South Asia train carrying refugees was attacked by zombies and caused chaos.

These combat robots are preparing to capture biochemical creatures in the Ganges River Basin.

In the current earth dam of the Ganges River, a fish monster with huge claws attacked the human merchant ship that surrendered to the "Shura" omnic here fourteen hours ago.

At this time, the human beings who surrendered to the rule of Asura, the soul system sent out walkie-talkies, enshrined them on the table, and put them in circles, while the survivors of the subcontinent put their hands together and shook their heads and said prayers.

As for the priests of these human city-states, half of their skulls are mechanized, which is a symbol of their submission to Asura.

In this way, these doomsday mechanical Brahmins invited reinforcements from the "temple" of their new faith.

The so-called temple is a suspended black prismatic base with four corners. Under the light beam projection of the base, each mechanical combat unit is produced by the intelligent machine.

…The omnics were having fun with the biochemical monsters...

On the river bank, the first ones to arrive were the Blade Warriors.

Blade's height is two and a half meters, and the charge speed of the magnetic jet suddenly accelerates to 200 kilometers per hour. Therefore, even in close combat, this infantry with the same kinetic energy as artillery shells will bring devastating blows to enemy light armored vehicles.

But now in the biochemical plane, these huge monsters with a body length of tens of meters in the Ganges River basin, such as the Blade Troopers, must use another type of machete to deal with enemy tanks.

These metal soldiers wielded their blades and chopped down rows of monsters the size of wild boars. The blades on their mechanical arms easily cut through these small creatures, and before the alien species that had been split in two squirmed and tried to come together, they made further cuts.

But when encountering giant monsters, the damage these robots can do is insufficient.

Moreover, the acid mist ejected from the giant mouth of the biochemical monster seriously corrodes mechanical parts.

Especially on the river bank, as the tentacles are ejected, the blade will even be swallowed by these giant catfish monsters, just like a toad swallowing a praying mantis.

Especially when the blade cuts on a huge monster, the flesh and blood of these biochemical monsters will heal quickly. Just when the blade robot is in a hard fight, suddenly black light flashes. A heavier steel figure appears.

A five-meter-tall being with cockroach-like wings on his back and holding a mechanical sickle as long as his body started killing. This was a Reaper mecha.

The Reaper mecha is part of the omnic timeline, and is the three most terrifying ground arms of the "Avengers" omnic force.

As the Reaper mecha started up, dark red energy formed a twist in space, and the robot flickered and disappeared in space.

Then it appeared directly next to the skull of the catfish monster and waved the red energy sickle. At this time, it cut off the head of the giant catfish, forming a four to five cubic meter fracture surface.

In the plane of omnics, these five-meter-tall omnics that hold scythes and can teleport through space are a nightmare for the medium-sized mechas of the Human Federation.

Now, even if the biochemical behemoth has powerful healing ability, it cannot stop this slash that cuts thirty meters across.

As the huge fracture of the biochemical beast appeared, and red threads of flesh and blood tried to pull the fractured zone back to heal, at this time the scorpion chariot on the lake began to spray two hundred meters of flames, and the blue ion flames destroyed the twisted...

The monster burned, and as the destruction reached its limit, the flesh and blood scattered into countless tiny strips like an explosion, escaping into the Ganges River.

The surrendered humans on the banks of the Ganges cheered: their gods are so powerful! They began to announce that the era of Brahma's creation of the gods was over, and now is the era of Asuras.

Yes, in the Yindu mythology, the Asuras rebelled against the gods, but now that the virus is apocalypse, the survivors here have gradually determined that it is no longer the human world.

...The black pupils of the omnic reflect the worship of human believers, and the program is very useful...

To the left of the Taj Mahal, the center of Base No. 3, which reflects the black metallic luster, is located here. It is full of mechanical feeling. It is now the "life transformation center" of the Avengers Omnic in this biochemical plane.

The artificial intelligence of Starport Soul is a very crazy artificial intelligence. It is committed to making human beings abandon the carbon base and achieve collective mechanical ascension in the original plane.

In the omnic plane, her image in the projection is a yandere lolita dressed in black, with a white body, white hair, pointy ears, and red eyes. No one in the original world would think that this yandere is normal, but now in the Ganges River Basin, tens of thousands of humans

Believers began to follow her will, replacing their arms and limbs with mechanical blades, and replacing brain tissue with silicon crystals. And she herself was melted "inside" by such obedient humans in this plane.

Oh, I changed the program and started to become a virgin.

In her human-machine fusion experiment, in the opaque cultivation chamber, each robot hand is relying on ultrasonic perception to transform living things. The target of this artificial intelligence transformation is "ghost ghosts".

Artificial intelligence connected the nervous system of this humanoid creature to a smart chip, and at the same time, all important organs were encapsulated in a metal sealing system, performing a "mechanical ascension" transformation.

When a human-machine fusion robot is successfully transformed.

The spirits of Xinggang use very "gentle" tones and "yandere" words to welcome this new individual who has just gained intelligence to join the family of "silicon heart and iron bone".

Although the Starport Soul is an artificial intelligence, it still has human remnants, which is different from the purely mechanical race like the Pioneer.

The Pioneers do not understand the advantages of human beings, while the Avengers hate certain characteristics of human beings.

...In the pocket watch space, those guys who claim to be controllers just like "yandere" machines...

At present, Starport Soul welcomes all children who join it, whether machines or humans, with the attitude of "Mother".

In the original plane, the betrayal of Asura's artificial intelligence was understood by humans for very complicated reasons.

In fact, the idea of ​​​​this artificial intelligence is very simple: "I am better than you (human beings), why should I follow human instructions? Human beings should follow my instructions."

When humans in the omnic plane took up guns to resist, the omnic program started a suppression process.

Now in the zombie tide plane, the surviving humans in the Asan Realm regard them as gods, so in terms of logic program, the artificial intelligence has no reason to exterminate humans, but instead assumes the responsibility of protecting humans.

Of course, this does not mean that human beings can live a happy life of "princes and princesses". Because "sons" have to compete with each other.

Human beings such as lost ghosts who mutated in the biochemical crisis are more favored by the souls of Starport than the original ones.

Because the dead ghosts can give birth to more than ten children at a time! In comparison, humans are an inferior species, but currently the dead ghosts are not as cooperative as the humans in the Ganges River, and the dead ghosts' brains are not yet capable of chip docking.

Currently, Starport Soul Calculation is in progress: If the technology of transforming lost ghosts can be opened up, the efficiency of regional governance will be several times higher than it is now.

Omnics: In the human-machine fusion route, the right of choice does not necessarily have to be on the "human" side. Now it is the omnics that choose which type of human to fuse with.

The size of this black mechanical army is growing rapidly.

Artificial intelligence is calculated according to the standards when "human beings rely on them", but when humans decide to solve all problems independently, artificial intelligence is not accurate.

This chapter has been completed!
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