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Chapter 1198 Chapter 2517 (Part 1) Qin Tianfang’s ‘release’

 In the year 3275 of the main world, the Space-Time Management Bureau and Qin Tianfang arrived at the forefront of the Zhutian System.

He conducted a final inspection before retiring on the "Zhutian System" he had built with his own hands. At the same time, Qin Tianfang was also very concerned about the challenges this system would face in the future. Qin Tianfang cordially participated in a meeting with the supervisors here, how to

Meeting discussion on preventing and controlling "plane borers".

In the private space, looking at his frightened niece who was being manipulated by Qin Xiaohan, Qin Tianfang shook his head helplessly. He looked at Qin Yiyun who was asking for asylum and motioned for her to hide from her mother first.

Qin Tianfang: Ahan, don’t be so anxious.

Qin Xiaohan glanced at Qin Yiyun, who was anxious to leave, and then snorted and agreed that she could get out.

Qin Xiaohan opened the current situation map of the planes to Qin Tianfang: At this time, among the planes of the heavens, the boundaries of the planes are experiencing abnormal changes, and the originally stable and differentiated timelines are intersecting irregularly, forming a space-time vortex.

"Time and space worms" (a system developed by natives of the heavenly planes such as the Rubik's Cube space) drilled out space-time tunnels one after another. The technological plane, the biochemical plane, and the martial arts plane intertwined with each other. At the same time, the magic plane also intersected with the martial arts plane.

The planes are intertwined. This kind of space-time vortex will not only cause the "nutrition" that each "sub-plane" originally supplied to the big plane after being promoted to be lost, but will also expand like a cancer cell, and eventually enter various large territories, destroying the targets of large territories.

Leak (to the plane elevator).

You must know that behind the territory, there are the domains of various time and space lords.

Originally, these time and space lords themselves were restless. The time and space management leaders in some territories would select some lucky consciousnesses in the sub-world, install a trap on them, and then smash them into the worlds of the emperors in other people's spheres of influence. So - this gave them another

Inspectors face huge difficulties in identifying true "shafting intrusions".

The realm of time and space is about to enter troubled times, and the major princes themselves are throwing nails at each other. How can the supervisors and guards in uniforms distinguish the real "rebels".

Even He Chongyun's main attention now is not on the "sub-plane" worm, but on the invasion of other territories.

There was a classic case last year: a lucky man who traveled to the high demonic plane needed faith when approaching the gods. He suddenly opened the crystal wall system and discovered a planetary plane with network and modern transportation, and saw

After arriving on earth with billions of people, he immediately used the power of his own gods to return and control the world, gaining hundreds of millions of faith and support from modern civilization that other gods did not have.

The above is an example of the "gods and ghosts" territory successfully invading the "omnic" territory, which caused He Chongyun, the chief officer of the "technology side", to be furious.

You know, among the eight major systems, the "technology" jump center is set up on the earth, which belongs to the first sequence! Now he is being provoked by his colleagues in this way. He Chongyun feels that he has been slapped in the face, even more so than Wei Keng, the unscrupulous man who didn't find him when he returned.

He is accommodating, but also makes him intolerable.

So next, He Chongyun created a large number of "examples of the inviolability of technology."

Some time-travelers (returning groups) who returned from the high demon and high martial planes came to a modern society where they thought there was no "higher power" and were ready to show off their skills.

As a result, these "high-tech world" plane guardian organizations directly used "freezing" and "super magnetic field locking" to arrest these "alien magicians" and tied them to military bases as "humanoid energy sources."

He Chongyun has joined forces with his ally Wang Shengzheng from the "Superpower" territory to form a dimensional alliance.

Therefore, in the joint plane of "technology" and "superpowers", you can see that many technology groups have set up experimental departments to "dissect alien demons" to draw power.

...an organization specially set up to deal with different systems is equivalent to starting to prepare for a plane war in terms of dimension...

The current situation in various major territories is that Qin Tianfang can still control the situation, and the Space and Time Administration has drawn clear boundaries.

It is worth mentioning that among the "sub-worlds" that merge into major territories, only the plot time is relatively slow, and the rest of the time is quite fast compared to the main world. For example, when there is no biochemical crisis in the biochemical plane, in a few years

There are only a few days here in the main world.

And the world of martial arts has gone from "the early days of spiritual energy recovery, and modern society has not yet collapsed" to the finale of "the decisive battle of the top ten masters", which is five years. And now new timelines are constantly opening.

Therefore, for the masters of the major territories, space-time moths such as "Rubik's Cube Space" and "Pocket Watch Space" are currently just scabies. Even if they eat away a part of the world, there are other timelines. At present, the Space-Time Management Bureau is establishing this economy.

District, there are as many lines as there are travelers entering each year.

So at this moment, the Lord of Territory is more concerned about his colleagues of the same rank in the vast land system.

…=Everything is just like ancient history, the severity of the initial signs of civil uprisings has been weakened,…

Qin Tianfang looked at the sad Qin Xiaohan and said slowly: "Are you nervous about him?"

Qin Xiaohan's hair bun was dramatic, and he immediately asked: "Aren't you nervous? Don't you know the consequences of him getting serious?"

Qin Tianfang, who is as free and easy as a casual person: "I know." Qin Xiaohan: "Then you still~"

Qin Tianfang: "You and he met in the early 27th century, right?"

Qin Xiaohan nodded while keeping his gaze on Qin Tianfang.

Qin Tianfang: "Do you think he, this person, can survive the next era?"

Qin Xiaohan was slightly startled, her eyes flickering. She vaguely sensed her brother's intention, as if he wanted to "connive" the future to lead to chaos.

Qin Tianfang: Time and space will continue to flow. The person who controls the current flow of time and space in the heavens cannot actually be eternal...

…The cognitive dividing line between the older and younger generations in the Space-Time Management Bureau.…

While the Qin brothers and sisters were discussing the future structure of the main world, in the time and space hall next door, a new generation of young time and space honorary groups was ready to take action. Qin Yiyun even brought the information to He Chongyun.

Xuan Tianyao (a new generation time traveler), after watching many mutated time streams, asked a question: "Is it really impossible to catch him?"

In the system hall, Sun Liyue: "We sent at least 60,000 team members, but once he went down, his consciousness was no longer within the target's identity."

Sun's words have another meaning, that is, if it is not the target's identity, it does not mean that someone (Wei) has no other identity disturbing the time on that timeline. In terms of "margin setting", it is the best

The entire plane.

He Chongyun: "Is there any way to warn him?" This sentence seemed to be addressed to everyone, but it was actually a question to Qin Yiyun.

Qin Yiyun didn't answer anything, just looked down at the information.

He Chongyun: "Okay, then continue to observe. Since he is making trouble in the territory now, let him make trouble. Tell him that if the fifth plane war breaks out, he will be fully involved. By the way, Yiyun? You

You should know some of his character weaknesses."

Qin Yiyun got angry thinking about this: "Don't talk about him!"

Qin Yiyun really does not regard Wei Keng as a veteran time traveler, just like a large number of emerging countries in the 21st century do not regard the only "thousands of years of orderly inheritance" in a different light.

He Chongyun heard Qin Yiyun's attitude, nodded and said: All things are free in the frost sky, and because they are sufficiently enlightened, no one ranks them based on seniority.

This chapter has been completed!
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