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Chapter 1205 Chapter 2519 (Part 2) The Army in Time and Space

 The good news that Wei Keng successfully moved north to remove the Iron Eagle Empire base was sent to Lu Yun.

In the flagship anchored in Liao Port, Commander Lu Yun contacted Wei Keng through the interface.

After reading the entire battle report, Lu Yun said: "It seems that your commanding ability cannot be underestimated." He focused on the "Iron Eagle Empire" base. Judging from the damage to the paint on the shell, it was almost

Captured without bloodshed.

This base deployed by the Iron Eagle Empire in North Asia, after Lu Yun's personal artificial intelligence program calculated all the equipment, he thought that he would at least have to bring the regular army to handle it.

Now Wei Keng can "steal" it directly at a very low cost. This kind of ability to see the enemy, accurately grasp the situation and use it flexibly is a rare general!

It is not a joke to find a thousand troops but a general is hard to find, because "A soldier can die, and any mistake will lead to a big mistake." A general who can stabilize the situation in a difficult situation and seize every opportunity for victory will win the battle.

Given that the recruitment and training systems for soldiers on both sides are the same, there is a huge advantage.

Sometimes under a famous general, even if the army is not equipped with enough weapons, by controlling the rhythm of the battlefield and maneuvering to win battles, the morale of the army will change sharply! Then it will become stronger and fight against powerful enemies.


During the founding war on that peninsula in the east of the main world, General Peng sent out was definitely one of the top three among the "Ten Philosophers of the Martial Temple" after the industrial age.

Lu Yun came to this plane before and promoted a series of generals who were "capable of fighting", but obviously none of them could reach the level of true "general". However, Wei Keng's qualities that he inadvertently showed now were definitely worthy of the level of admiral.

...Wei Keng: I am a "middle-class person". In war, I have gained a little more experience...

After looking at the anti-gravity MiG fighter jets taking off in the sky, Liaogang Wei Keng said calmly: "No, it's just opportunism."

Master Wei knew what he was worried about.

Nothing more than that when he was marching south, he was in the north to seize his power.

Now the two sides are engaged in a game thousands of kilometers apart.

When Lu Yun heard Wei Keng's words, he sneered: "The entire Imperial regiment-level force has been opportunistically exploited. You are really humble." He clicked on the Imperial Armored Destroyer (square turret with five pairs of wheels) that Wei Keng had captured.

There were a total of fifteen vehicles and three squadrons with a total of twelve MiG-37s (the anti-gravity facilities allowed them to be filled with explosive anti-reflectors). He had already calmed down and said to Wei Keng: "Even if it is a trick, it is also part of the strength.


Seeing that he could no longer hide it, Wei Keng simply revealed it: "Are you going to send someone to receive these equipment, or should I seal them up?"

Lu Yun: "It's up to you." Wei Keng: "Then send someone to take it over."

Lu Yun: "Huh?"

Wei Keng: "We are unifying the standardization of weapons here." Wei Keng sent information on the mismatch between his military production system and the captured weapons.

Wei Keng: "Also, the North American empire has been destroyed this time. According to my intelligence, there is a high probability that there will be retaliation. I lack air defense capabilities."

Lu Yun was silent for a while, then responded: "I will repair the Land Shield vehicle for you." (The Land Shield is a tracked anti-aircraft cannon.)

Wei Keng: "That thing doesn't have an air defense module. This?" Lu Yun: "It will be provided."

Wei Keng: "I also submitted a report on supporting the corresponding armed forces in North America. Do you have any instructions?"

Wei Keng looked at his expression calmly. After all, he was supporting the establishment of a force outside the territory that he could not directly control.

In this communication, Lu Yun wanted to know whether Wei Keng had selfish motives in this matter, but now that Wei Keng had spoken out, he had also opened a curtain, but he still had a headache about this issue.

Lu Yun covered his forehead: "What are you going to do?"

Wei Keng once again reiterated: "I am a farmer, and I only care about restoring the Eastern Sheji in this dimension. Regarding the situation in North America, my hand cannot reach that far. This involves foreign strategy, which is your business. This matter is mine.

Only responsible for intelligence preparation."

In the air command module of the Glory battleship, Lu Yun thought for a while and said: "I will give him (Mr. Li Ang) a sub-base. The combat technology is the empire's own technology, and you are responsible for the related food and other materials."

Wei Keng was stunned: "You have imperial military technology."

Lu Yun told the truth. In his omnic plane, all parties had already deciphered their respective bases.

Then Lu Yun added: "I also have production technology for the Iron Eagle Empire's armored destroyers (five pairs of wheels tanks) and land shields (tracked radar machine gun carriers) that you captured. These armed production technologies will be transferred to you immediately.

You. You are responsible for the production of corresponding ammunition to supply Mr. Li's freedom of resistance operations."

Wei Keng paused and said: I'll do it, by the way, I may not stay here long.

A look of confusion appeared on Lu Yun's face.

Wei Keng smiled: I am also a time traveler. I can connect with not only the space gate here (corn plane) but also other regional spaces. Oh, oh, I'm sorry, because when traveling through time, the "energy frequency in the body" must be consistent.

Target plane, (without your information) I cannot take you to other planes.

Lu Yun was slightly startled, then clenched his fingers, annoyed.

This was really a big turn, because before, Lu Yun was still worried about Wei Keng seizing power, and after making up his mind, he started to comfort him. In the end, Wei Keng said to him: "I am a temporary employee, and I have to leave after I finish my work."

.”——It is simply impossible to seize his power!

Lu Yun cursed: "Are you leaving to fight this battle and show me?"

Wei Keng spread his hands and said: Well, because I have to leave, I have to do things beautifully.

After a long time, Lu Yun looked at Wei Keng and said with emotion: Can you control the space gate?

Warehouse Zhongwei Keng wore control gloves and slowly expanded the energy frame of the space gate like a magician rolling a fireball: he barely calculated the physical characteristics of the space gate - my time travel has a goal and will not leave a mess.

Narrator: In the plane of the heavens, as he observed the causal movements of the main world on multiple timelines, Wei Keng had already deduced a plot node in the upstream causal chain of the zombie tide plane.

During the Spring Festival of the 18th year of the Great Acidification, cold winds blew across the north, and all water pools were frozen with a thin layer of ice. Zombies once roamed the ground, but in this winter they are all frozen to the ground, making it impossible for them to pop out suddenly.

VIP, the search team has basically not encountered any zombie threats in the north.

Covered in heavy snow as we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a fleet of rows of old white thousand-ton destroyers passed from Bobin, through the Jiaozhou Peninsula, and returned to the Lianyungang base.

Wei Keng, who came back with the fleet, arrived by train. In this tunnel energy center, fifteen sets of thorium reactor power stations were supplying strong energy. This was the "source energy" Wei Keng obtained from the Zhenwu plane. At this time, the people around him

They are all Rubik's Cube space soldiers from the Zhenwu plane.

Wei Keng now holds a light group in his hand. This light group is a time wrinkle. This is a "new thing" developed by our side (Wei Keng in the will cluster of the heaven system).

This is called "time margin".

All the planes of heaven are parallel on the timeline.

When you open the space door and go to other planes to do things, the starting plane is also flowing in time. And this "time margin" is when you go from plane A to plane B to take risks, the action time on plane B is

The time margin is consumed so that when returning to plane A, the time in plane A does not move!

This is actually a tool for protecting "archives".

…Researching applicable tools in other people’s systems will consume the same amount of work, and you will not be praised.…

Now, as the zombie tide timeline gradually changes and merges into the high-tech physics area, many causes and effects are exposed.

Wei Keng was going to go back to the timeline of the zombie tide, which was the medieval period three hundred years ago.

When the main plot of biochemistry breaks out in modern times, there are ancient legends about the use of viruses as early as the medieval European timeline!

Those ancient legends are the causes and effects prepared in advance by the Vast Space and Time Administration when preparing the plot for the sub-world. If you use the "time margin" to block the plot in advance to prevent its time from flowing, when you are ready in the next world,

Then go in and sway left and right, wouldn't it be beautiful?

Wei Keng asked the personal system: "What territory is connected to the source plane of the Resident Evil crisis?"

Bai Linglu replied consciously: There are certain magical properties, well, it seems to have "Mars" (Gao Mo, Li Ximeng).

Wei Keng was stunned and asked Bai Linglu: "You don't have any personal grudges, do you?" (Although a certain matter in the Space and Time Administration involved both Wei Keng and Bai Linglu, Bai Linglu was more concerned about it)

Bai Linglu rolled his eyes.

Wei Keng turned around and said to all the time-travel soldiers: "We are going to a very dangerous era next. Everyone should check their equipment and be prepared for the failure of their electronic equipment and the weakening of martial arts energy."

These soldiers were covered in composite armor, with a Kevlar layer outside the ceramic inserts. They were coated with a layer of black metal paint for waterproofing purposes. After hearing Wei Keng's warning, they all followed the orders and prohibitions and remained unmoved.

Wei Keng: "Okay, then get ready to leave." The 150 soldiers began to line up.

The dark blue space door opened, and everyone, wearing sports armor and driving jeeps, armed with repeating crossbows and large-caliber pistols, lined up silently to enter the space.

Both Wei Keng and Lu Yun attached great importance to the army, but their emphasis was different.

Lu Yun focused on the equipment system, while Wei Keng focused on the personnel organization.

Technology is only suitable for one plane, but personnel organization is suitable for all planes.

This chapter has been completed!
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