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Chapter 25.21 Active choice, Dongfang 1562

 In the Space-Time Management Bureau of the "Great Land" in the plane of the heavens, the supervision team is currently conducting a cause-and-effect inspection and killing of the "virus zone" of the "life system" in the "Virus Zone" of the heavens. Supervisors from multiple departments and teams meet each other wearing sky blue and green.

The uniform is reporting key data.

"The probability of introducing space-time causality is 94%"

"Import error"

Didi didi.

In the entire space-time management bureau, in the biochemical series sub-world monitored, the law of cause and effect system is stuck.

The vast earth department of Saturn and Jupiter was originally preparing to conduct an anti-virus operation against the "space-time worm", but unexpectedly an "alarm" appeared in the middle of the operation.

After Xuan Tianyao watched the dimensional projections representing space-time lines changing from blue to red and then extinguishing directly, he asked the supervisors: "What's wrong now?" - On her right side are more than 600,000 locked this time.

Among the goals of the space-time worm, "Rubik's Cube Space" is among them.

This time, the Space-Time Management Bureau is going to use the great mobilization of cause and effect to exterminate these illegal roundworms that are drilling holes everywhere in the sub-world.

As the target Rubik's Cube space to be "culled", if there is no back-up plan, their perspective will be exposed to unspeakable horrors during the next journey, and various powerful curses will follow them like a shadow, no matter which space they travel through.

You will encounter children of the plane and all kinds of bad luck.

But now! The system responded in front of Xuan Tianyao: "The cause and effect transfer is wrong. Part of the cause and effect system cannot be used. Warning. There is an unmonitored parallel timeline to divert cause and effect."

At this time, the supervisors in the Space-Time Management Bureau were completely blinded.

A few minutes later, the King of Biology, He Qiuye, arrived at the scene. Xuan Tianyao glanced at her, snorted coldly, and stepped aside. - Xuan Tianyao was on He Chongyun's side.

...Note: According to the official records of Haotu, Qin Xiaohan was previously transferred out of this muddy water by Qin Tianfang...

On the other side, "Zhu Xiaoyan", who had arrived at the plot line downstream of the corpse tide plane, stared blankly at the suddenly changing lines of cause and effect. She sighed: It was still a step too slow.

"Zhu Xiaoyan" is now on a "mission four hundred years later" downstream of the corpse tide plane. Now she is located in the center of the sterile city of the space station, waiting for the "parallel time in the dimension" dispatch

But at this time, due to Wei Keng's landing upstream, this plot line "timeline" was replaced in parallel. When Wei Keng's landing was successful, a more attractive variable timeline would appear in the original world of the emperors.

Qin Xiaohan is one of the few people who knows history: Wei Keng is an old man who has experienced four plane wars, among which World War II and Fourth War were the core participants in the decisive battles and the leader of the strategic decisive battle respectively.

If a plane war breaks out, Wei Keng knows exactly how to plan it, so these young men (Qin Yiyun and others) "guide" Mr. Wei into the trap. Little did they know: As early as the first plane war, Wei Keng

He has no other skills, and his level of "confrontation" with the supervisor is top-notch.

...In time and space, the beach landing has begun, and Wei Keng's "consciousness" has grabbed another upstream causal node...

The "dimensional rules" of the world of Zhutianzi are changeable, which is equivalent to "terrain diversity".

Let's put it this way, assuming there is a combat force preparing to land, they will not follow the ship and just rely on it to fight. Instead, they will take the initiative to choose a favorable battlefield for combat after careful inspection.

As a time traveler with the habit of "deep cultivation", Wei Keng will repeatedly compare the place he has determined to "end up" in the timeline of the heavens, and will not just fall into any place (Europe in the previous chapter) to start in hell.

In this great uprising of the heavens, Wei Keng was in a "refugee" state in the early stage, but in the end he still had to choose the "basic timeline" for variable expansion.

When the Haotou Department tried to deploy a large number of karma to block itself in an area, Wei Keng couldn't just hit it head-on.

Instead, we choose a more suitable area and build it into a "fortress area" for the development of civilization in the physical area, firmly embedded in the territory of the time and space lords in the area.

Since Wei Keng tends to come to the east in many worlds of emperors, in the pocket watch space of the Rubik's Cube space, the helpers Wei Keng recruits have Eastern faces, so in the corpse tide plane the cause and effect node is set at the "Western Middle Ages", Wei Keng is

Impossible to hit there!

…Wei Keng: In the plot line of Dongfang, is there no cause and effect? ​​If you don’t have time to compile it, I will do it!…

In 1562 AD (the 41st year of the Jiajing reign), the door to super-time and space opened in Wudao, Tong'an County, Quanzhou Prefecture, and a team of 1,500 people came in.

The team determined the location in Fujian after passing the starlight position in the sky. They quickly discovered the local residence under the telescope. The village looked very dilapidated, but the smoke from the chimneys was sure to make it possible to find the local villagers.

Su Qianheng's group was originally an army and marched in a very measured manner. After learning that there was a Japanese invasion in the Eastern Sea these days.

Wei Keng: If a strange foreign army like ours comes in, it will cause disaster if it is not handled well.

Therefore, Su Qianheng's clothes are all Ming Dynasty clothes. As for his hair, it is also long and arranged into a Ming Dynasty bun.

Wei Keng followed the principle of "respecting the local customs of the plane" when it came to his hair, and kept his clothes compatible with the local area before arriving in ancient times.

How should I put it? The Manchus shaved their heads when they entered the Pass, which was necessary for their rule.

But as a visitor from the lower reaches of time and space, he is originally a descendant of the Yan and Huang Dynasties. There is no need to come up and play against the ancestors of this plane in unnecessary places like the server.

Wei Keng: Being labeled as a thieves by others, and then reminding the locals all the time that my group is a foreign race, it’s just for fun.

Wei Keng complained about some time and space teams: "In the original world, we didn't dare to compete with foreigners on the standards of ancient civilizations. We went back to the upper reaches of time and space to compete with the ancients on the so-called modern standards in various inconspicuous places. This guy is really promising."

Now that we have arrived in the "Ming Dynasty", if the time travel group wants to maintain system governance, it can establish its own core legal principles while implementing more advanced productivity and compulsory education culture bit by bit!

For example, there is a complete set of historical materialism, modern physics, chemistry and other knowledge systems. These were enough to trap ancient physicists and thinkers hundreds of years ago.

Wei Keng: If you want to fight, fight for the superiority of the system, instead of harvesting the admiration of the ancients from scraps such as treating them to a "buffet" or "watching a video".

Only the poor students dare not compete at the regular starting line. They like to play with fancy things and compete in crooked ways.

For those who are truly confident in their own achievements, directly grasp the advanced core.

This time and space corps arrived at the coast and met coastal fishermen. When these fishermen saw this disciplined team, they ran away immediately. However, their endurance was a little short, and they were caught. After questioning, they were determined to be from the Minhai area based on their accents.


When they first arrived in this area, Su Qianheng and other chiefs of staff went to various villages to inquire for information, carrying a large amount of "cooking oil", "compressed biscuits", "cotton cloth" and other items to express condolences to the veteran cadres.

After these investigators came back, Wei Keng, after comprehensive intelligence, discovered that it seemed that the local indigenous people had just experienced some disaster. Only adults and children, and the elderly had all disappeared.

The Time and Space Corps established a structure in the area, announced the establishment of the Sheji Army, and determined that its area was an island.

In the landing area, eloquent people from the space-time team were sent to four villages within a radius of fifty kilometers to read out the document of taking office here, which was regarded as announcing their legitimacy.

And the people here in Fujian, after listening to the reading in Nanjing Mandarin, did not notice that there was no imperial official in the signature of the document. They did not know what "since ancient times" meant, nor did they know how it was different from the county Yin appointed by the imperial court, but for the time being

Just kneel down and worship.

In kowtow, this island began its historical deflection.

At this time, a tragic scene was taking place in Quanzhou Prefecture, hundreds of kilometers away. As the merchant ships from Nanyang docked a few months ago, the disaster spread to this prosperous oriental city. People were dying in every household, and the streets were full of putrid stench.

The streets were full of paper money. Before the first wave of paper money could be cleaned up, a second wave of paper money was scattered. The family members of the deceased kept secret about the cause of death and closed their homes tightly after the funeral.

Every night, inhuman roars and occasional screams would be heard on the streets. After the next day, all you could see were the torn clothes of the beggars on the streets and the blood stained on the streets.

[In the 41st year of the Jiajing reign, there was a great epidemic in Quanzhou. Historical records record that seven out of ten people died. Dead bodies were seen in the market and temples, and there were no households left alive. All the city gates were closed, and no one dared to come out.]

From a scientific perspective in the 21st century, this is a disaster that coastal cities around the world would inevitably encounter during the early world maritime exchanges. Because pathogens from all over the world have an opportunity to travel among various human races, the Ganges River Basin

The virus multiplied by corpses will come to dirty London, and then to the European continent.

This is just like how all early farming civilizations recorded great floods. The silver brought from South America not only carried blood, but also viruses. At the same time in the main world, smallpox and plague were prevalent around the world, and the Queen of England was almost killed.


But this is the plane area of ​​​​the heavens. There is no materialist causal history here. All special events in history are nodes of dimensional penetration.

As the number of deaths in Quanzhou Port increases, people gradually spread rumors that it is the work of evildoers.

Wei Keng went to Quanzhou Port alone to investigate and confirmed this situation.

Wei Keng "The positive and negative physical world (the plane of the God of Destruction) can not only accommodate Western gods and demons, but also the good and evil cultures of the East. At this time, great plagues are raging in the East and West, and the strange things behind them are all reflections cast by dimensional interference.

In the west, the devil opened Pandora, while in the east, it was the Asura world that unleashed the disease."

After walking around Quanzhou Mansion, Wei Keng sighed and left the city.

When Wei Keng took three steps out of the city wall, he was stunned for a moment. He felt a wisp of dust falling on his body, and his true energy immediately began to surge.

Wei Keng suddenly sneered and said, "How dare you, you evildoer, you want to poop on me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Keng held a piece of rune drawn on hard paper between his fingertips. The paper immediately turned into a sword light and penetrated for more than ten steps. At this time, a centipede as long as chopsticks was penetrated and nailed to the tree.

The centipede tore off its body, and the remaining head tried to pounce on Wei Keng. Wei Keng raised his hand and blocked it with his mind power, forming a lens. Rows of scorching light swept through it, and the monster was instantly destroyed physically and mentally.

This Daozhen exorcism was not seen by anyone, otherwise a wealthy family in Quanzhou Prefecture would spend a lot of money to do it.

…The perspective spans the mountains and rivers all the way to the north, from the mist in the south to the splendor of the Ming Dynasty in the north…

At this time, in the north, a fierce internal struggle was going on in the heavily restricted Ming Dynasty.

Since the Japanese invasion in the southeast has subsided, the entire Ming Dynasty has entered a rhythm of declining severity. And all this did not happen overnight.

In the fifth month of the fortieth year of Jiajing, Yan Song's wife Ouyang died. Yan Shifan was not allowed to enter the cabinet because of his filial piety. Yan Song was unable to answer many edicts, and most of the poems he submitted were written by others and did not meet the requirements. As a result, he lost Shizong's favor even more.

In November of the same year, the Yongshou Palace in Xiyuan where Shizong lived caught fire. Yan Song asked (Jiajing) to move to Nancheng Palace where Yingzong lived when he was the Supreme Emperor. Shizong was very dissatisfied. Xu Jie, a great scholar, asked for the reconstruction of Yongshou Palace. Shizong was very angry.

I am happy that Shi Zongyi credit Xu Jie so far.

Soon after, Shizong adopted the advice of the alchemist Lan Daoxing and intended to dismiss Yan Song.

The imperial censor Zou Yinglong learned of Shizong's intention and impeached Yan Song and his son on May 19th, the 41st year of Jiajing. Shizong was impeached and used Yan Song to indulge Yan Shifan, betraying the country's favor, and ordered him to return to his hometown as an official.

In front of the Taoist temple, an old cabinet minister kowtowed humbly and resigned to the emperor behind the curtain.

Emperor Wanshou, who had been in charge for more than 40 years, was still in the process of cultivating himself. After the veteran minister left, he put down his monastic gestures and lamented that the muddy foot-washing water he had accumulated for twenty years was finally going to be dumped elsewhere.

However, the water temperature of the new foot washing water (Xujie) is still too cold and needs to be warmed up.

...In the deep palace, there are waves of sandalwood. Although the charcoal fire exudes warmth, it still can't suppress the coldness...

Tong'an County, also known as "Kinmen" in the market outlook, is opposite this place and is Da Yuan Island.

So now, the "Socialist Party" is speeding up the construction of a port and starting to process wood.

Pieces of giant wood felled from the mountains were sent into a room filled with desiccant to be evaporated and dried.

The "Soji Party" processed so much wood for shipbuilding, and at the same time batches of specially selected artemisia were also planted.

Wei Keng made a plan to immigrate and cultivate the great officials, but the Dutch have not yet arrived.

As a sudden landing party armed with guns and cannons, the Tong'an County Government did not know what was going on.

The Qianhu Guard Station on the island seemed to be dissatisfied with the outsiders grabbing the territory, and was planning to educate the pirates. However, the Traveler Legion countered with a wave of education. The two sides started a "friendly" fight.

Tang Shiyuan led the second brigade, carrying a wave of police shields and holding electric batons, and advanced to the suppression post layer by layer, without waiting for the artillery on the earthen fortress to open fire.

Tang Shiyuan found a position with a tricky artillery firing angle, and while using carbon fiber crossbows to cover the fire, he sent people to advance into the dead zone of the fortress, and then used the lever principle of the bamboo pole to throw the explosive package in.

This method of projecting with a bamboo pole can throw a two kilogram bag fifty meters away.

The explosive bag with the fuse and the crackling sound happened to fall on the top of the city, and with a roar, the city was scattered like birds and beasts.

Since all of them have excellent ability to travel through objects, and all of them have basic knowledge of high school or above, this battle with weapons is overwhelming.

It can be said that every soldier recruited by Wei Keng can become a captain of thousands (battalion level) in the Ming Dynasty.

However, from a long-term perspective, Wei Keng did not regard "fighting for world supremacy" as his first priority.

Although every household was clean during the Jiajing period, the entire Ming Dynasty still had national strength. The coastal navy still had a certain fighting capacity.

Wei Keng read through history: "Just two years ago, Zhang Lian from Guangdong in the south next door rebelled and was directly crushed to death by Yu Dayou with more than 10,000 people."

Wei Keng took a closer look to confirm: Oh, this Zhang Lian is also seeking death. He directly built a palace, proclaimed himself emperor, and then named the year "Zhao Li". It would be strange if the court did not suppress it. You think you are a time traveler

Woolen cloth!

Wei Keng, who quietly occupied the coastal islands with thousands of followers, was just like a bandit or water bandit, and the Ming court had no time to care about it.

At the end of the armed battle, Tang Shiyuan directly dragged the small steel cannon with a crawler truck and tested the cannon on the spot. The brass warhead smashed a big gap in the city wall like a steel chisel breaking through a water tank. This further gave the beaten military households a further step.


Of course, after the big stick education, the next step is to give sweets.

The heavy weapons surrounding the military camp forced the guards at the camp to call this group of "pirates" "heroes."

Wei Keng finally chose to negotiate with the people from the Wei Institute. Faced with the Qianhu Master, Wei Keng talked eloquently, but then he made a condition that confused the Qianhu Master.

On behalf of the "Hai Ren", Wei Keng's request to this low-ranking officer, who represented the official status of the Ming Dynasty, was that all of them should become military households.

In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, becoming a military household was equivalent to losing one's household.

But Master Wei doesn't think so. Once we all become military households, then armor, weapons, and ships will all be legal. We can bomb whoever we want. Even if Yu Dayou and Qi Jiguang come, there is no reason to destroy ourselves.

Faced with the pirate bandits who came knocking on their doorstep and wanted to become regular members, Qianhu on the island refused at first.

However, Wei Keng took out a box of silver bars and placed it in front of Master Qianhu.

Chihu, who had brown teeth, took the silver bar and put it in his mouth and took a few bites before confirming that it was pure silver.

So the military authority of Qianhu was handed over to Wei Keng as an agent at a price of three hundred taels per year.

The price of the four inspection divisions under his command is fifty taels of silver per year, and the brothers at the guard station are also paid one tael of silver per year.

The Ming Dynasty was a period of great development of the commodity economy. Even if a prostitute had enough assets after becoming a prostitute, the man would be allowed to pass the marriage by default.

As for Wei Keng, who put a knife on the neck of Master Qianhu of the Wei Institute and stuffed money with him to buy an official position, this can be regarded as "knowing" the ways of the world.

All the military positions in the guard station were taken over by Wei Keng. The air force staff officers who originally thought they were going to fight a war were stunned when they found out that this was solved.

Wei Keng was afraid that they would not understand, so he held a small meeting and explained the principle of "money exchanges for time, and time exchanges for space".

Wei Keng: "How precious our lives are. Thirty taels of silver for the Ming Dynasty Qi Army's recruitment is the money to pay for their lives, but what about your lives? One hundred taels of gold? One thousand taels of gold, I will lose! The organization chose you to enter time and space.

For time travel, all kinds of training cost six to seven million. Isn't it just a few thousand taels of silver a year to replace the official power? If it can be solved with money, don't fight. As for war, it is only necessary when all kinds of efforts (surplus) have been exhausted.

start up."

Chief of Staff Du Yi: "We understand the principle, but, well, we are not used to it."

He smiled shyly.

In the Zhenwu plane, the people above just regard their lives as bargaining chips and don't cherish them when they invest in a certain direction.

But Wei Keng's thinking here is too "compassionate" and he doesn't look like an experienced "soldier".

But there is no doubt that Wei Keng can convince people.

...Silver bullets and artillery shells, used in combination, can create deeper holes in the dilapidated towers of Ming Dynasty...

In this way, the Wudao pirates were wiped out in the report from the guard station. From the Fujian General Soldier, the military affairs report on this small island was also buried in the paperwork.

Even though the famous general of the Yu family has a keen intuition about the situation along the coast, he is still a legion in the feudal era. His staff system does not exceed fifty people and cannot handle all aspects, especially since the Wei Keng Space-Time Legion has not yet moved to Fujian in this era.

The biggest interest chains, "sea trade" and "private salt", are even less likely to be within the eyes of big shots.

The entire Yu Family Army is also a local unit. The priority of this army is to deal with the Japanese pirates who burned, killed and looted, and to protect the land and the people. It has not yet reached the goal of pursuing strategic radiation for external interests in the capitalist era.

In short, if Wei Keng, a "sea man", did not plunder the people of the Ming Dynasty or attack the state capital, he would not be attacked.

Moreover, among the generals of the Ming Dynasty, there is a deep-rooted contempt for the coastal guards.

The Waudao Guard Station claimed to have wiped out the pirates, but the Fujian military officials believed that they probably killed a few "seamen who accidentally got lost". This military achievement did not even lead to a loss of lives, so there was no need to take it seriously.

...In the time it took Da Ming to yawn, he gave the Space-Time Landing Army a rare and precious time...

Three months later, on Wu Island, with a group of fishermen recruited from the coastal areas, the training had begun.

There are 324 fishermen in total. They will first start training in the most basic formation, and then provide nutritional supplements with instant noodles and the sea fish brought in every day. This group of people must quickly learn to practice firearms and form conditioned reflexes to execute orders to replace the Super Dimension Corps.

Become the military pillar of this plane.

At present, more than two-thirds of the 1,500 people who arrived from the Super Dimension Corps are no longer in military positions.

The lime cave dwelling started with refractory bricks.

The builders of the salt field began to use a level, a total station, and a theodolite to direct the workers to build the dam.

In Wei Keng's words: "To fight a high-loss thing like war, you must quickly localize personnel. You are not here in this time and space to work hard without thinking. You must quickly seize productivity, steel, salt mines, sulfuric acid, and caustic soda.

It all needs to be done quickly.”

Most of the training materials now are obtained from different time and space.

For example, in the plane where Lu Yun is, Wei Keng's annual corn output is millions of tons. Every year, expired food must be packaged and processed urgently, so it is sent to this plane to clear the inventory. This is the advantage of the plane of the heavens, and the plane materials

There is almost no loss in transmission.

It is worth mentioning that "coarse grains" are not unpalatable, but they cannot be refined in ancient times. Modern industrial processing methods grind miscellaneous grains into powder and the taste is completely different.

After a meal of rice and noodles, these soldiers who were born as fishermen in the Ming Dynasty cried bitterly and shouted that they would die for the commander-in-chief.

Of course, when I looked at the Tieniu steam engine that was digging a field next door, I almost knelt down and it was almost magical.

In order to prevent superstition and make it easier for these ancients to accept it, Wei Keng called it "Taoism" in his propaganda, which was of the same line as Prime Minister Zhuge's "Wooden Cow and Flowing Horse".

When the instructors of the Super Dimension Corps were doing basic science popularization, they could only explain these emerging things by using things that were "inherent from ancient times in China."

But at the evening meeting, Wei Keng emphasized this plane specificity to all the leaders of the working groups of this space-time article.

Wei Keng: This is a fantasy plane, and the science we have learned so far may not be able to explain it. There are strange arts of evading armor in the countryside, and there are currently plagues in many places including Quanzhou. In addition to drinking raw water, there is no way to explain it.

Disinfection and not bathing will remove lice, but there are also demons and ghosts at work.

Done, I'm taking a rest

This chapter has been completed!
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