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Chapter 25.25 (Part 1) Martial Arts! Producing Essence and Condensing Gang.

 Chapter 1211 Chapter 25 (Part 1) Martial Arts! Producing Essence and Condensing Gang.

The dimensional perspective comes to the Yichou timeline (the Zhenwu plane where spiritual energy is revived).

This is the starting plane of the No. 1 space-time worm "Magic Cube Space".

At this time, it was already the eleventh year of the Great Reiki Restoration. Political order in various parts of the world had collapsed, forming organizations centered on families and corporate groups.

Because after the spiritual energy is revived, there will be no one in this plane equipped to hold public weapons.

A large number of soldiers who were originally loyal to the government and order, ordinary workers did not get the benefits, but were suppressed by the order and missed the dividends of the times! In the early days of the recovery of spiritual energy, due to duty and going to work, they missed the best period of martial arts training and cleansing.

On the contrary, people who did not participate in social production activities in the past, such as Taoist priests, nobles, and even second-rate people on the street, got the opportunity to jump up!

Therefore, as a middle-aged man, Wei Keng saw the loss of justice and sighed: In this world, what sense does he have?

In this world at this time, anyone who can still care for a little bit of people's hearts can be regarded as a decent person.

Baili Group has become a decent "peer foil". In the Baili headquarters in Qishan area, bright red characters are hung on the building: "There is a steelyard between heaven and earth, and the weights are the common people."

Since the first year of Zhenwu, the Baili Group has absorbed a large number of soldiers and civil servants from the old order, and conducts recruitment and assessment every year. And it still strictly maintains the promotion mechanism within the system, which is unique in the era of spiritual energy recovery.

Because after the establishment of the Rubik's Cube, the original high-level members of the Baili Group are now focusing on other plot lines. This leaves a lot of vacancies for the upper levels of the local timeline. People are constantly rising within the organization, so it is naturally full of vitality.

The development of the space-time plane also brings huge benefits to the Zhenwu plane, such as the biochemical plane virus!

Biochemical viruses will mutate after the human body accelerates and grows out of control, but before mutation occurs, it is a magical creature that can speed up the human body's metabolism, suddenly stimulate vitality, and make it vigorous.

According to the medical theory in martial arts, "biochemical viruses" are evil things that "return to yin and return to yang".

After injecting a certain amount of "biochemical virus", the yang fire is stimulated to rise, and the qi and blood are forcibly raised. At this stage, the appetite is strong and the spirit is excited. Of course, after it rises to a certain level, the qi overflows and the (mutation) state turns to yin. Then

The organs begin to be infected by evil spirits and begin to mutate.

According to ancient medical theory, if you are stuck before the mutation, what should you do if you use strong medicine to suppress the imbalance of yin and yang in the body?

In the Rubik's Cube space system, among several major forces, people from the Baili family started the "Life System Project" in many aspects such as Zhenwu and technology, and accumulated a large amount of data.

Qi cultivation in the spiritual energy recovery plane means that at the microscopic level, the proteins of one's own metabolism resonate with the magnetic field of heaven and earth at the same frequency. Now major forces have begun to artificially create magnetic fields, and then cooperate with breathing techniques to accelerate the refining of essence into Gang Qi.

How big can the protein that finally matches the magnetic field of heaven and earth become? - Based on the timeline prediction, Wei Keng determined that four to five hundred years later in the plot line, a strong man will be able to receive a nuclear bomb.

Narrator: The top management of Baili Group has no pressure on this now. When a strong man with a nuclear bomb appears in the world in two hundred years, it means that the world is about to collapse. At that time, the markers in the Rubik's Cube space will smash the vacuum and immigrate to other places.

In the world line, the group took all the technical backbone and civilization information and left. If you let yourself be strong, this world will only be left to you.

The so-called space-time worm means that when a world (plot line) is completely necrotic (plane promotion), it moves to another sub-world, just like rice worms buzzing with rice in the granary, resolutely not following the rice into the Five Zang Temple, and turning into a rice field.

...The members of O5, who are in charge of the Rubik's Cube space, boast that they can jump out of the three realms and not be among the five elements...

Back to the Zhenwu plot line, this plot line is the stage for Tianzong's talents, such as Qian Shengzhao, the Dragon Emperor of the Daheng Dynasty.

Rubik's Cube Space has statistics on multiple "Zhenwu Plot Lines": According to the qualifications of normal mortals, the amount of essence refined every day is limited.

Zhongren's self-substitute Wei Keng obtained the information: In the era of spiritual energy recovery, the best period for human beings to practice is to establish the foundation of martial arts between the ages of eight and sixteen. At this time, the metabolism is fastest and the essence is the most abundant.

In the current era of spiritual resurgence of the true martial plane, most people who are serious about going to school and working have missed this age of foundation-building in martial arts.

In order to expand the scope of people who can build the foundation of martial arts and practice martial arts, Baili Group's Time and Space Management Bureau has begun targeted research.

The new plan: first let the volunteers in the group go into seclusion with a normal schedule for a week. Then, after confirming that the physiology is stable, a biochemical virus will be injected to accelerate metabolism. Before the body is about to mutate, drugs will be directly injected to stop it, and then directly enter a strong magnetic field.

Lian Gang.

This is a bug caused by the card virus to proliferate essence, which assists martial arts foundation building.

The advantage is that it allows those who failed to complete the accumulation of boy skills before the age of twelve to have the possibility of entering martial arts. (Most of these are the well-behaved children of ordinary middle-class families during the Great Destruction)

Of course, for young adults after the age of 20, this kind of foundation building is quite mentally and physically demanding. It requires constant attention to various physical data, and it requires adults to have a steady mind to coordinate.

For example, when the "yang fire rises" (the virus changes the cell metabolism and accelerates it), you should follow the time and place every day, do exercise and take medicine, restrain your impatience, complete regular breathing, stretch the limbs and other exercises. As the body re-develops, a large number of

The nervous system will return to that of a teenager. Although the body is still in a stable line and has not collapsed, the muscles and movements are suddenly strengthened and are uncoordinated, and the nerves need to be redeveloped.

…Wei Keng: Oriental medicine seeks tonic in balance, not something out of thin air…

If we say that normal martial arts practice is about refining energy and transforming it into spirit.

Using "yang poison" (biochemical medicine) to stimulate the true qi is the opposite, refining the spirit and nourishing the essence, and refining the essence to transform the qi.

If adults do not have the willpower of adults, this road will not work. And the most common method of "training will" is to continuously improve test scores while young people study hard.

Obviously, the large number of "civilized establishment" people gathered by Zhou Xing Group are the biggest beneficiaries of this route.

Wei Keng's concept of human posture: Don't ask to make way for easier walking, but make the way wider so that more people can walk together.

In the 11th year of Zhenwu's reign, the Baili Alliance began to take over the political functions of eight western provinces.

At a time when the spiritual energy recovery has begun, the five provinces in western China are the only local forces in the world that maintain nine-year compulsory education, encourage vocational education, and firmly grasp public higher education.

Wei Keng once again returned to the "Martial Arts World". In the missile base in the Qinling Mountains, looking at the educated young people selected by the Baili Group, he slowly said: "When I was a child, I also thought I had talent, but when I grew up, I understood

"You can't compete with others on the road, but you try to pass most people on the narrow roads and corners. That's the way to win your own spirit."

The young generals of the Baili family shouted loudly to these young people with knowledge, discipline and ideals: "Don't look at the arrogance of those people (martial arts) in this world, we are not playing a game of chess with them!"

Following Wei Keng's words, the space-time door behind him opened. Although the young people of Zhou Xing Group had done their homework, seeing the "door to the world" open with their own eyes also aroused enthusiasm and pride.

Wei Keng stared at these young people. Although their consciousness will become slender in the shuttle plane in a few hundred years, like those powerful people in the Rubik's Cube space who are "controlled by pondering the system", but now, they have that

It's a bit of a "pastoral time travel".

In Wei Keng's deeper calculations: the space-time worm (the Rubik's cube space) will also fall to death, and before death, it will leave behind seeds, and in certain sub-spaces, a new generation of spaces will develop.

From then on, the "flow of time and space" began to flourish throughout the entire system of heavens.

As Wei Keng yelled at the sub-world travelers in the sub-world Rubik's Cube space, variables in the world were aroused. Of course, such variables are definitely not what the vast land supervisors would like to see.

Just as ordinary people like the wonderful energy of young people, it is because this energy is used for their own use. Listening to me, an old man, I am definitely not like a naughty child who throws stones at the furniture that I have carefully arranged.

At this time, in the Space-Time Management Bureau of the Heavens, Yuan Fei (the same supervisor as Yan Beixiang) was bewilderedly looking at the various causes and consequences in the time-space flow of the world of the Heavens.

The logic of various plots is extremely complicated.

Yuan Fei immediately wrote a report to the above: The space-time worm swarm has wreaked havoc on a large number of quantum worlds, and this year's dimension convergence (plane promotion) may not be achieved as agreed. The expansion of time and space in various territories will slow down.

In words that people in the 21st century can understand: farmland has been infested by insects, and various regions have to cut back on food and clothing this year.


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