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Chapter 4.15 Qi Escape, Creation, Casting

 After the incident on October 23, 1102, the Ephemeral Calendar, the cities on Purple Jupiter encountered serious chaos, which also allowed several sword sects to reach a consensus with Yun Steel Star afterwards.

In Oak City, a ray of light flashed, and Xiu Ruo, the sword master of the Hongqie sect, came to the city.

At the top of the ruined building, another Sword Lord, Jiandu, flashed out with an immortal air. His spotless clothes were in sharp contrast to the environment where the upper floors of Oak City were broken and mixed with debris of different sizes.


Two people are in the sky.

Xiu Ruo glanced at this old enemy and said, "Fellow Taoist, we should have found out."

Jiandu asked with a smile: "Isn't that one of your people?"

Xiu Ruo: "Of course it is."

Jiandu continued to study: "Why, you haven't found one of your people?" There was concern in his tone, but there was a meaning of "taking advantage of the corner" between the lines.

The most surprising thing about the incident in Oak City was the swordsman who was originally disguised as a cook.

Some people speculated that this was a sword master, otherwise how could he easily defeat the fighting incarnation. But some people said no, because if it was really a sword master, he would not run away after making a move.

A sword lord is an existence that can suppress a party. Compared with a swordsman who can make a small local family shine, a swordsman (strong enough) can garrison a large city. The sudden appearance of a sword lord attracts the most attention from above.

Xiu Ruo showed off his cards: "That one is not a sword master, he just has some means."

He took out his sword, and the spatial ripples on the sword spread toward the city, activating rows of weak crystals on the building, and thin threads of space appeared. Countless spider threads seemed to appear between the slightly dilapidated buildings. But once

It disappeared after an instant.

Jiandu naturally found this out before the conversation and said: "Indeed, but this method is amazing." He released a spatial projection with a snap of his fingers and played the incident. Wei Keng cut the back of the leg with a sword and floated away lightly.

means to go.

Jiandu: "Our faction will also invite that person."

Xiu Ruo paused, his eyes clearly showing hostility. Before the incident, when he was talking to Xi Kan, he had already regarded Wei Keng as a chess piece in his hand.

Although later, Wei Keng's strength was revealed, proving that he was a much heavier chess piece than he had previously thought. Therefore, between the gains and losses in this sword master's heart, he still did not want others to get involved.

The two sword masters were high in the sky, and the wave-shaped sharp edges caused by the distortion of the space around them were facing each other, like two suns.

But the contest was limited to the space field. The two sides did not draw their swords in Oak City.

When it comes to finding someone, the two sword sects each rely on their own methods.

At this time, in the dimensional space where Earth's Xi'an No. 889 gravity well is docked, due to the beginning of the space-time war, the flow of computing data here is unprecedentedly large.

In the space-twisting plane, before the Battle of Oak City, Wei Keng was given a very difficult assessment by the Space-Time Administration.

In the two missions that Wei Keng is already aware of (air twisting and Pandora plane), Wei Keng has shown very strong commanding ability, which is suitable for the war system plane in the era of star table technology. But his abilities in other planes

It remains to be verified.

The swordsman system of the empty twisting plane is the classic path of a top soldier in the high martial plane.

Classic means universal. Some time travelers can apply their experience gained in the air twisting plane to certain fairy-styled planes to build combat power.

After the battle in Oak City, Wei Keng was given enough data. Qin Xiaohan quickly sorted out the situation and handed it over to the department. At the same time, he notified Wei Keng's younger brother Wei Qiang Shangqing that he could check it out.

After Wei Qiang obtained first-hand information, he found the Shangqing-class shuttler who had achieved the highest breakthrough in the aerial twisting plane from his own Space-Time Management Bureau.

After reading Wei Keng's information, Yu said: "Huh? It has verified the world's core power. It's a pretty good start. Is this also a Qing-level shuttler?"

Wei Qiang: "It's my brother."

Yu Kanfo said with a three-dimensional face: "No wonder, contemporary time travelers are increasingly focused on fast-track missions and lack patience for long-term missions. Well, what do you want to say?"

Wei Qiang smiled helplessly: "My brother is exploring this mission according to the information combat mode. He has not completed the accumulation of energy upgrades in this plane. (That is, there is no normal structure for high combat power)"

Yu looked at the information again and was surprised: "Are you saying that in this plane, he has not adapted to the changes in combat power levels?"

Wei Qiang nodded.

Yu frowned and said: "It's hard to say. Every Qing-level traveler has his own way of exploring the plane. Some of the ways that we don't seem to be smooth are not necessarily wrong. This? You can wait until he upgrades.

Let’s take a look again when we reach the highest level of this plane.”

It was October 26, 1102 in the Star Calendar, which was the third day after the Oak City Mining Incident.

After leaving Oak City, Wei Keng casually took his lightsaber and changed into a large truck on the street. As for the process:

The owner of this large truck looked at Wei Keng up and down, as if he was very doubtful about where Wei Keng's lightsaber came from.

He even came up with a "genius" idea: If this lightsaber was stolen by a stupid guy, could he just confiscate it and threaten him to get out and get the sword for free?

As a result, Wei Keng drew his real sword, and a sword light inspired it, cutting off a tree trunk twenty meters away. The original owner of the truck completed the transaction with "sincerity".

By the way, Wei Keng was given six barrels of diesel as a gift.

Half an hour later.

On the newly bought second-hand car, Wei Keng put one hand on the rudder and gnawed sesame seed cakes with the other. As the car bumped, he hummed a ditty of his own: "I am a sunfish, and I never overturned. One day, I had a sudden impulse.

, I cheated and attacked the shark, I stared at the dead fish eyes, I felt very proud. I don’t know why, I was called naughty~"

The accelerator was pressed to the bottom, and as the diesel engine's power generated enough energy into the space tube, Wei Keng's car jumped directly to a distance of five kilometers, and then jumped again after driving for ten minutes.

Just like this, one after another, jumping towards the north.

Six days later.

Hongqie sent a swordsman to follow the trace and came to the bus station where Wei Keng changed his sword.

He already had the lightsaber originally held by Wei Keng in his hand. After picking up the data code and comparing it, he turned on the satellite communication and showed the sword to Xi Kan.

Swordsman: I have recovered the lightsaber according to the location. Can you see if it is this one?

On the other end of the phone, Xi Kan said: "Yes, where is the person?"

After the swordsman collected a piece of hardened steel passed down by the owner of the old station, he reported to the superiors: "He (Wei Keng) sold the sword to an ordinary person when he was not here. We only know that he drove away in a truck.


On the spaceship, Xi Kan, who was on the operating platform, slapped the map on the interface in front of him and said in a solemn voice: "Continue searching."

In less than three days, Wei Keng had broken into the north of Zimu Continent.

In the north, due to the numerous mountains and rivers, the territory of the Tianze Sect is within the mountains, and the places where people live are on the gentle slopes between the mountains. Therefore, it is impossible to build a large city on the plains like Oak City. However, because

The space blade can easily open tunnels and roads between mountains. The road network in the separated areas of each mountainous area is very dense. Due to the continuous communication with the outside world, the city streets are still very prosperous.

For the sword sect that could take root in the mountainous area, Wei Keng had some expectations when he came here.

Mr. Wei Keng's truck has been transformed into a dining car again with a weakened laser sword (welding gun). Of course, this is an illegal modification on earth. There are freezers, various circuits, and gas stoves. In addition, Mr. Wei Keng's daily

The carbide lamps used to set up stalls at night are a serious safety hazard. Of course, there are not so many departments to manage them here.

The soup made with ham, vermicelli, vegetables, and refreshing and delicious snacks such as fried eggs quickly generated profits. At night, under the light of incandescent lamps, Wei Keng counted the money he earned in a day and sighed.

: "Well, my ordinary life is back again." It seemed that he felt too lazy, so he solemnly recorded a diary on the system: "I successfully settled in today and plan to enter the Tianze Sword Sect."

The system was not interested in refuting, but instead reminded Wei Keng that as a foreigner, he should be prepared to deal with local flies.

There is no public administration department to check the safety hazards of food truck stalls, which means that they will not take care of the troubles that food truck stalls may encounter.

So while Wei Keng was counting the money, several young gangsters walked toward his car shop with sticks.

Seeing a bowl of cockroach-infested noodles hit his frying pan, Wei Keng sighed in his heart: "Everywhere you go to make a living, you have to use your fists. It's not easy to live a stable life." While putting the money in his pocket,

, and at the same time picked up the kitchen knife and prepared to fight.

A few minutes later, Wei Keng had several blood pools on his body, and several green-skinned men fell to the ground in even worse condition.

Although it is difficult to fight with two fists, it is difficult for four hands to fight, but at 1.95 meters tall, it is really a slap in the face for these 1.7 meter green skinned people.

These green-skinned men were also dumbfounded, and they slashed at Wei Keng several times. He was obviously bleeding, but just like the blood was blocked, he just wouldn't fall down.

When his body became red, some flesh appeared on Wei Keng's originally square face. He exerted so much force on his wrist that the whole elbow of the man who stabbed him was broken and dislocated. Master Wei hit his knee and Qingpi's ribs were broken.

Very crisp.

Wei Keng now cannot see the state he was in during the Battle of Oak City, but uses primitive methods and the most vulgar fights.

Wei Keng: Yang Zhi left too much room for Niu Er back then. In the end, Niu Er felt that he had not lost the battle yet and was heading towards death. He should be like Lu Zhishen and simply throw him into the cesspool.

It's not that much trouble.

Wei Keng didn't want his shop to be splashed with shit the next day, so he beat him up when he was caught today. As for having a few cuts on his body, he even told these green men that it's okay to see red, so don't

As a baring dog.

Wei Keng's injuries were repaired by soaking in Pandora's space (water spring) and quickly bonded.

Since there was no light blade or sword light, the big shots in the city did not pay much attention to the fight between ordinary people, so there was no big trouble later on.

Wei Keng recorded in the system (actually for the supervisor to read) "Use equal means to deal with the problem." (Supervisor, do you think I did the right thing?)

In the space bubble, Qin Xiaohan, who wanted to see Master Wei enter the mortal world with his sword, was not interested, but showed interest in Wei Keng's interest.

Since the fight ended, dozens of young people delivering food have appeared on the streets.

After renting a shop, Wei Keng's daily workload increased several times. He was busy teaching ingredients and daily operation procedures to these young people with bruised faces.

Wei Keng was very strict with these prodigal sons who turned around and did not allow bad habits, alcoholism, or gambling. If they disagreed, he would beat them with his fists.

Wei Keng: "Sometimes it's impossible not to beat them up. Can you imagine these guys spitting in the food? They take great pleasure in doing things that harm others and do not benefit themselves. Their quality is extremely low!" (Guys who do this kind of thing,

Wei Keng forced him to finish all the dishes, and then deducted all the dividends.)

Of course, two months later, after paying them dividends and helping them settle their accounts, how can they buy a family property? These young men will be considered prodigal sons.

Half a year later, in front of the restaurant that was about to close after a busy day, Wei Keng, who was holding a salary ledger, looked at these young people who had changed their appearance, took a deep breath and said: "So, people should earn money steadily for a few years, and then support their families.


But then he denied the preface. Wei Keng looked at the sky and said slowly: "No, that's not right. Apart from small luck, maybe~ I still need some 'extraordinary directions' for myself, or for the next generation to aspire to."


As a small citizen of a big country, we yearn for stability, but we are willing to burn an inch of flame and forge a strong blade.

After leaving Oak City, Wei Keng's armed forces did not stop.

In February 1103 of the Ephemeral Era, in the space bubble of China's physical rules, the large laser furnace has been working stably for a year.

After the First World War in Oak City, a new batch of materials was also accumulated. Thousands of tons of carbon nanoparticles and silicon-based nanoparticles were laid flat in the gravity-free, absolute vacuum forging warehouse, and synthetic forging began.

First, they are closely brought together under microgravity, and then the condensation is completed. From dust to a real sword!

Technically speaking, it has caught up with the technology of forging real swords in space in this world.

In the third month after arriving in the north, Wei Keng succeeded in making his first real sword. This was the first sword. Some isotopes were experimentally added to ensure the stability of the spatial oscillation excitation frequency.

There is no doubt that this sword has a sophisticated nanostructure inside, but from the outside, it is exactly the same as the sword that Wei Keng got from the boy who left the village before he left the first novice village. Especially when it is made of nickel-titanium alloy.

The scabbard is the novice's village outfit.

The swords worn by village students like that are the same model across the Purple Jupiter continent, and factories in various cities ship tens of millions of them every year.

Making high-end goods very ordinary may be because Wei Keng is nostalgic, but of course he is also afraid of being noticed by "people who know goods", and then letting himself be remembered again.

In the small world of Shenzhou rules that you can carry with you

After Wei Keng installed the sword, he clicked on the projection interface in front of him and asked the system above: "Now tell me, the current mainstream sword classification."

System: "Real swords are divided into magic weapons, spiritual weapons, and treasure weapons."

Hearing this, Wei Keng sighed, and then realized that this was because this historical line was influenced by his own culture.

According to the detailed standard system on the data sheet, Wei Keng compared them one by one and determined that his first real sword was a magic weapon level and sword master level weapon.

The spiritual weapon is a precise arrangement of radioactive particles with an internal structure, which has the function of chip calculation in space fluctuations, so it has a certain degree of intelligent judgment ability. Because at the level of the Sword Lord, the process of space jump battle will be very complicated, and individuals cannot complete the calculation.

,Therefore, it will be necessary to pursue the intelligence of ,equipment.

As for the treasure, its material is extremely unstable under normal conditions, and must be combined with the will of the Sword Master to maintain its 'normal existence'. (If the Sword Master takes out the space to twist the structure, the nuclear material of the treasure will be

Immediately exceeds the critical value and explodes directly.)

After confirming the information, Wei Keng reviewed the industrial foundation he had achieved in the corona plane.

Technically speaking, I can create a spiritual weapon. I currently have enough materials, and my current space twisting ability indicators are almost there.

During the technology accumulation period of the next five years, as long as a few dozen are built, the secret to spiritual weapons can be figured out.

But for the treasure level, all parts of the existing production chain are not large enough, so they need to be upgraded. And how to upgrade?

Crossing the river requires touching stones.

It was another off-season day, so Wei Keng put down his spatula and lay on his roof, leaning against the chimney behind him.

Wei Keng looked at the green mountain peak in the distance, which was one of the hundreds of peak areas in the Tianze sect!

The sword sect of Tianze has countless primary sects. Each sect occupies a hilltop, with a radius of tens to hundreds of kilometers between the hilltops. And just on the top of the hill, force field barriers are often set up to block some of the green mountains.

The mountain peaks protect the outside world from entering. (Also because of Eastern culture, the scientific name of these force fields is called prohibition)

The gap between the rivers and mountains between the mountain tops is a place full of fireworks for ordinary people, but the climate on the mountains is completely different.

There is a closed subway between each mountain top for material transport, and spaceships also transport people in each mountain peak. Therefore, the Tianze Sword Sect can overlook the outside world, but it has cut off humanistic ties with the outside world.

Although we are in the age of science and technology, there is a saying in the Tianze sect’s territory that “there are experts at the top and ordinary people at the bottom.”

This chapter has been completed!
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