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25 Extra Volume Chapter 01 Vertical Standard, Time and Space Equality

 Chapter 1227

On the road between fresh rapeseed flowers, a large truck speeding past appeared in the twist of time and space. This was Wei Keng's unpretentious way of traveling.

In the Rubik's Cube space, "Sun Sheng", the traveler of "Tianxian 2525" grouped according to the thirty-six heavenly gangs and seventy-two earth evil spirits, is Wei Keng, and he is sure that he has returned to the Yichou timeline (Zhenwu plot).

While driving in the truck, Wei Keng gathered up his surge of martial arts energy. Yu Qi picked up a newspaper that was floating around in the wind 400 meters away. The newspaper slapped onto the windshield. Wei Keng took a look.

It was the thirty-second year of Zhenwu's reign, when the Qi was released, the newspaper drifted away with the wind.

Wei Keng got out of the car and looked at the growth of the rapeseed flowers. He nodded and gave the "Human Emperor's affirmation".

Wei Keng: No matter what the various planes look like, your own fields must be cultivated.

After the true martial arts plane was mixed with the development of modern technology, it became the interstellar martial arts plane.

When the first batch of warriors came into contact with super giant beasts and various secret realms of civilization in the interstellar world, the strong men on earth in today's plot found themselves in a novice village. Plane promotion will begin.

Wei Keng determined based on the plot deduction that all this will happen about three hundred years later.

Among them, after several wars, martial arts masters threw nuclear bombs at each other, leaving the earth in a mess.

When the number of so-called "True Martial Realms" is sufficient, plane promotion will begin. At that time, True Martial Arts will be divided into one-star warriors, two-star warriors, and five-star warriors at a higher level.

At the end of the plot of this sub-world, even the nuclear explosion of the "true warrior" could only break the skin.

Narrator: The hard-wired nuclear bomb here is not what ordinary people think, which is to catch a mace with one's own head, but a warrior of the Zhenwu level. The warrior's "Martial Arts Qi" can be used within a thousand meters.

The formation of field energy control can instantly provide "one Tesla unit" (NMR instrument is three to ten Teslas) large-scale magnetic field protection over a wide range.

Within this kilometer range, when something radioactive enters, the true warrior's senses are like ice entering the bed, and they will immediately use powerful true energy to dismantle the nuclear bomb.

Most of the contemporary nuclear bombs that are delivered by missiles will only successfully explode when the warrior is a thousand meters away.

From the perspective of ordinary people, a nuclear weapon exploding at an altitude of one thousand meters above the head of the martial arts master is a hard-wired nuclear bomb in the center of the explosion. However, if you slow down the effect, you can see that when the nuclear explosion particle fireball expands, the true energy of the martial arts master forms a powerful

The magnetic field forms a shield below. For details, please refer to nuclear fusion magnetic confinement. Tomak can constrain high-temperature ions of hundreds of millions of degrees within a range of tens of meters.

So in the plot of Zhenwu World two hundred years later, the nuclear explosions seemed to drown the Zhenwu, but the Zhenwu formed a magnetic protective shell.

Wei Keng made the key point: It is not that the carbon-based body can directly withstand high temperatures of tens of millions of degrees. If faced with high-energy penetrating weapons with stronger binding force, it can still be blasted to death.

In the next era of the solar system plot, there are many real warriors who are forced away by the cannons of space battleships. The yield of their cannons is only a few hundred tons, which is far less than the energy of explosive nuclear weapons on the earth.

Returning to the topic, Wei Keng's plot has been deduced to the end. After the nuclear war on the earth on the Zhenwu Line, many strong men on the earth determined their rankings, determined those they could defeat and those they could not defeat, and began to extinguish their thoughts of fighting and prepare.

We should definitely establish a sect and divide the sphere of influence. - If nothing unexpected happens, something will happen.

The plot will be thoroughly advanced, and outer space exploration will discover that there are a large number of space gates in the solar system that link the ruins of various "martial arts civilizations".

Therefore, just like the Dragon Slaying Sword, Nine Yin Manual, and Liancheng Jue, if these things appear in the world, they will cause a new round of bloodshed.

Wei Keng, who had finished the deduction here, shook his head: Don't stop.

As an old farmer who just wants to "farm honestly", he has decided on the right time to evacuate.

Trees are moved to death, and people are moved to life. Such a plane in the heavens, Diao Minwei Keng is not interested in being a stepping stone, and it becomes the so-called nutrition for the plane to ascend to the dimension under the system of the heavens.

In the spirit of free prostitution in the 21st century, as long as I get out of the trap early, you can't harvest me.

"Magic Cube Space" will next organize an evacuation as the plot progresses. This organizational evacuation occurs in waves every five years, with a total of 105 waves.

Previously, the traversers were grouped according to "Thirty-six Tiangang" and "Seventy-two Disha". After the Zhengwu plot started, the traversers were grouped according to their age of enlistment. The identity of "Sun Sheng" is the third wave No. 2525, so it is Tianxian

Group, now the Tianmeng group is recruiting time travelers in the 32nd year of Zhenwu. The Tianmeng group currently has a quota of 43,344 people. And now there are more than 7 million people registered in the register, and there are already more than 7 million people ready to evacuate. When the Tiangang wave comes, the number of people to be evacuated will be

Just evacuate, the Disha Group will recruit those with special abilities from the generation born after this world officially enters the martial arts era.

The "Tiangang Group" recruits people who can organize modern scientific research and industrial labor production, while the "Disha Group" recruits thugs in troubled times.

Wei Keng's plan is to leave this world to the "top ten masters" to sing and dance rap.

In a barren place like the plane of the heavens, Wei Keng's strategy is: "Just take away the possibilities."

When Wei Keng (Sun Sheng) was chewing green and sweet rapeseeds, magnetic levitation aircraft were approaching in the sky, and a loudspeaker instructed Wei Keng to stop where he was and be monitored.

Near population centers, the defense system built by the Baili Group will screen anyone suspected of being a spy.

…the dividing line after mission return…

Sun Sheng (Wei Keng) was brought back to "Zhou Xing"'s research institute. Since this body did not return through the fixed space-time gate, but suddenly shuttled back "randomly", this made "Zhou Xing" responsible for the Space-Time Rubik's Cube.

The research department is very interested.

Of course, since there is someone on top of the "Tiankui Group" (Wei Keng Baili Yueran's split) acting as a guarantee, the Space-Time Rubik's Cube is now unable to interrogate and study Sun Sheng.

Naturally, Sun Sheng "cooperated" with the investigation and said a lot of specious nonsense.

For example, when describing the "corn plane" encountering the "pocket watch space".

Wei Keng: Time and space are very vast. In this vast dimension, what we can locate is very small. This time it is a parallel time and space with different histories~~~

In the above sentence, the only useful word for space-time researchers in this sub-world is "positioning".

But for myself, another space-time entity within the Baili Group, - this includes the number of space-time wormholes in the "sub-world" that have been randomly inspected by the Haotou Supervision Department, as well as the current number of space-time worms in the "Rubik's Cube Space"

The level of corruption of the central system, etc.

As a worm, you need to update your insecticide methods, and you also need to calculate your lifespan and lay eggs when it's time to lay eggs.

Sun Sheng (Wei Keng) can now return without using the Rubik's Cube, because a time-travel group has also been built on the millet plane, which is a new "time-space worm".

Space-time worms, "worms beget worms", have endless descendants.

In the world group of the Sons of Heaven, as the number of worms increases, space doors open one after another. Although there is despair on the other side of the time and space door, if people are busy going back and forth in different disasters, they will get used to it and then forget the despair.

…the dividing line of “mobilization of time and space”…

In the 33rd year of Zhenwu history, in the Zhouxing Alliance, in Laboratory No. 3, experimenters specially selected by professors from the Baili family entered a new type of shuttle. This shuttle was like a hexagonal wellhead. People fell into it and their whole bodies were

Information is decomposed into infinitesimal collapse points at the bottom of the wellhead.

The time traveler Mo Heng is the first batch of experimenters.

When his body gradually condensed into a solid body in the collapse point, he suddenly stepped on the ground and felt a solid feeling from the ground. Suddenly, it seemed as if there was no wind around him, as if he was in a world of isolation.

Mo Heng: "It seems, it seems?"

He tried hard to recall the circumstances of his arrival from his now dream-like thoughts.

Right now, it's like sensing the holographic game world. Although the world senses a lot, it still feels unreal. You are just a ray of data projection of this world.

Mo Heng's situation lasted for twenty seconds. He struggled hard and finally everything became reality. A wisp of fresh (warm and smelly) air entered the trachea and lungs, and at the same time he felt the spring breeze on his face.

Yes, with his subjective consciousness completely freed, he has truly reached another sub-world!

As for Zhongren Wei Keng, it is when the consciousness of the sub-world is "struggled" in the last step of the journey that it completes its final descent.

Narrator: Currently, Wei Keng is at the third level of origin tracing. He can suddenly break away and follow the source energy dimension channel to reach any world.

Wei Keng’s remarks to Bai Linglu: At present, in all planes of the heavens, during my “struggle” process, my consciousness penetrates the world of the heavens, and can even change physical constants on a small scale.

The inherently unstable world of the Sons of Heaven, faced with the tyrannical third-level traceability consciousness, and the barriers of plane material rules, are like fences that cannot stop the assault of tanks.

Wei Keng is like a person who is not fully asleep, able to escape from dreams and jump directly out of these constant and uncertain worlds.

...The plane that Mo Heng arrived at is a biological rule plane...

Mo Heng was sure that he had successfully traveled through the world. He looked at the clearly colored walls around him and pinched his body. But in his daze, he felt the color change around him. He paused slightly. At this time, the system reminded him that he must maintain his attention.


At this time, from an external perspective on this plane, Mo Heng is now in a human body state of luminous particles. The energy level of the human body is like a high-energy electric field, which may be destroyed at any time. He needs to continuously lower his energy level in order to be stable in this world. (

The scene is similar to Doctor Manhattan.)

Of course, in the following dozens of minutes, Mo Heng repeatedly switched between solidification and dissipation until the aftermath of traveling through time and space was gone.

The next day, Mo Heng drank and excreted normally, feeling his body exchange with the natural substances of this world.

Narrator: The reason why it is so troublesome is that Wei Keng's definition of "conscious life" during the time travel is very complicated. In order not to damage the "variables of consciousness", he adopted a very gentle and gentle mode.

In the plane that Mo Heng is traveling through now, according to the plot planned by Haotu, a biochemical crisis broke out, but it did not trigger global extinction. Except for the death rate in big cities, which was as high as 30% or more, there was a wave of corpses, causing huge panic.

.But in the end, the army was allowed to suppress the riot.

This is attributed to the "Zhu Zi Dan" that was widely circulated in the self-media before the war.

This kind of cinnabar-based material contains lead and mercury, although it is said to be harmful to the nerves if taken orally.

Before the biochemical crisis, the advertisement for "Zhu Zi Dan" did not say that this product could be taken orally, but that it was only used to remove acne and kill mites.

And it is precisely this humble gadget that was inexplicably popular among Internet celebrities before the Resident Evil Crisis. Then after the popularity passed, a box of three yuan a box appeared in small supermarkets, and there was a large amount of stock in the warehouse.

By the time of the Great Disaster, people discovered that applying this stuff to wounds bitten by zombies could reduce infection.

Someone else found that after taking it orally, although it caused general discomfort, it could also curb zombie infection. It became the most important material for a while, from three yuan per box to three hundred yuan per box. But fortunately, this thing is not available.

The price was unmarketable. A large number of people survived.

After the end of the world, although many large cities were lost, the government preserved them. The government began to distribute all the effective materials in the warehouse, including cinnabar pills.

In this dimension, Wei Keng is a government official. Of course, he is responsible for opening up the dimension and receiving the arrival of relevant personnel.

After Mo Heng finished adjusting, he came to a researcher in a white coat. Naturally, this researcher was Wei Keng.

Wei Keng: "Mo Heng, 31 years old, was born in the 2nd year of Zhenwu. Well, in the 10th year of Zhenwu, he had a fight in elementary school and broke the chest and ribs of a classmate. In the 14th year of Zhenwu, he got into a group fight and was sent to prison."

After Mr. Wei turned over the dark history one by one, he turned to the last page: "In the 24th year of Zhenwu, during the Zhenwu Battle in Pudong, the dormitory building was hit by the aftermath. You were not afraid of danger and saved fifteen people."

Wei Keng smiled and said: "A prodigal son can never change his fortune." - Wei Keng's notes in his monitoring system stated that Mo Heng had gone through a "death struggle" and had the possibility of advancing to the first level of traceability.

Please note that this is not the first level of traceability, but it is possible to reach the first level of traceability.

In this dimension, Wei Keng can now filter out mostly seed players like Mo Heng.

Wei Keng: "Do you want to know the meaning of life?" Master Wei invited him.

Wei Keng thought silently: If you are willing to pursue the meaning of life, I can make the meaning of the world (cage) end!

Here Mo Heng is holding a pen and filling in the meaning of his understanding of life: eat well, drink well, sleep well...

Facing this tough answer, the corners of Wei Keng's mouth twitched and he complained in his heart.

Wei Keng was complaining about himself: "Damn, I'm stupid. Such a complex philosophy of life as "the meaning of life" cannot be expressed in words. - Alas, asking directly and openly will not work. If you want to enlighten others to trace their origins, you have to use your heart.

Fellow missionaries, there are no shortcuts.”

Wei Keng is very confident about the traceability route. Mo Heng answered "tamp" on the paper, but Wei Keng will not make a judgment based on the answer on the paper. Variables are passed down from one another, and one needs to trust the other party's

possibility, and such "trust" should not be given lightly.

Wei Keng glanced at Mo Hengjiao's report, stamped it, and finally wrote a comment: "No bad habits."

Wei Keng clicked on the global map of this biochemical plane, as well as the 600 possible lines of plot timeline development in the next hundred years. He said to him: "In this month, you can eat and drink well, and take a look at the world.


Wei Keng said to him: "When the plot of this future plane comes to an end, we, the "comrades" of your space-time group, will have to fight against those black hands who "repair the world" in the end.

Your task is to determine the landing plot point for our army in the downstream space and time (Wei Keng points his finger to the downstream dimension map).

Mo Heng seemed to understand but didn't understand and asked several questions.

Mo Heng: We only landed in one world line, so what about the others?

Wei Keng: The heavens and worlds we are in now are all sub-worlds, but just like only one sperm will merge into an egg, in countless parallel and similar time streams, only the plot moments in the future with the greatest consciousness variables will

Integrating into those large-dimensional territories. And in the entire time flow, the "variables" will eventually be concentrated on the hottest timeline. As for other dull timelines, they will completely solidify into a "corpse plot" at the end.

By the way, our opponents, those who control large territories and claim to exist as time and space lords, will call this integration process "plane promotion". They benefit from this process.

The Dan subplane collectively tunneled into the world they planned. From one cage to another.

Mo Heng: Well, then why are we fighting? I mean, the reason to fight.

Wei Keng: For the healthy growth of consciousness, we take "morality, intelligence, physical beauty, and labor" as the program.

Virtue: Right and wrong are judged from the consequences of development on different scales, and good and bad are judged from the possibilities involved in one's actions. (Tracing to the source)

Wisdom: Find all the elements that are compatible with your own negative entropy and the negative entropy of the world, and connect them. (Induction between Heaven and Man | Bu Tian Xin)

Body: develop and grow healthily, and do not easily modify the basic principles of natural human life evolution. All future evolution should be based on the life span extended by the development of science and technology. Do not scribble on the answers made by predecessors. Those who are responsible should re-open new papers.

to do (human pedestal)

Beauty: Establishing aesthetics based on standards adapted to survival, and implementing it into every move we make (forming our own rhythm). All the things we prepare for long-term accumulation and development will give future generations a reason to continue doing it, and will eventually develop into latecomers."

"Aesthetic Art", so the roots cannot be distorted (Zhongren Theory)

Lao: Stretch your own nature, change your destiny, sort out the "higher and lower levels" of your nature for your own destiny, and according to your own goal of "holding your destiny in heaven", during the execution process, make yourself most suitable for this process.

"Nature" is cultivated. That is, you can cheat and you can cheat. These character choices are all for the purpose of controlling life! (Double cultivation of life and life.)

Wei Keng: It shouldn’t be difficult to memorize these five basic principles.

Mo Heng was stunned for a while, then nodded and said: It's not difficult, um, yes, I've written it down.

Since Wei Keng traveled through the pastoral era, all the useful things he has summarized have been verified in the dark plane before he can head towards the "plane of the heavens" with confidence.

Great ideals often exist, but programs do not always exist. In the process of pursuing ideals, various means must be used. Programs are for people who pursue ideals to judge whether their actions are reasonable.

After entering the planes of the heavens, many young time travelers were unknowingly deflected by the "reversal of cause and effect".

…the dividing line separated by a wall…

After Mo Heng left, Wei Keng continued to work, opened the drawer and took out the thermos cup he had been using this month.

The automatic water dispenser in the office pours out crystal clear water. At the outlet, it looks like a still frozen crystal column. However, after falling half a meter down, it breaks into trickling water.

When the water comes out of the faucet, each layer does not interfere with each other, just like crystal. However, after it falls, the laminar flow effect disappears and the turbulence effect increases, turning it into splashing water droplets.

Jie Shuiwei Keng: "From the beginning, the laminar flow in parallel time and space turned into turbulent flow with different development trends?"

This is the case with the source energy plane. An original "karma" template world will turn into a plot world of different disaster colors under the disturbance of various powers of the heavens.

Dimensionally, Bai Linglu and Wei Keng were quite in tune with each other, and immediately mobilized the information on the "World of All Emperors".

Bai Linglu: "Now we have counted the final types of the sub-world, and we have roughly calculated the point where the cause and effect of the sub-world ultimately originates."

Bai Linglu opened the earth plot map. Compared with the "future" plot development that Mo Heng saw, this plot map is "past".

It highlights several important ancient myths and legends in human history.

Just like a long river has a source, the cause and effect manipulation of the Haotu Group in the world of heaven does not go back infinitely to the past. All cause and effect are concentrated on a few myths in human history.

For example: Cain murdered Abel, Zeus cut open his father's belly, and other events.

By tracing back to these origins, we can identify those behind the scenes from the system of the heavens.

Wei Keng paused, exhaled, and did not answer. He knew what Bai Linglu, the "Gong Huo Bao", wanted to say.

Bai Linglu means: Like the multidimensional planes, he penetrates the entire heaven system and directly takes down the main source of all "cause and effect" (this is equivalent to controlling all plots at the top), defeating Qin Tianfang's original plan.

"President", something he couldn't do.

Bai Linglu blinked and looked at Wei Keng, his eyes seeming to say "Don't be cowardly".

However, Wei Keng avoided Bai Linglu's gaze and whispered: Let's take a break.

Bai Linglu was annoyed: Why should you rest? You are always like this. Back then, you kept a hand in the Pandora plane, but you didn't want to stay until the end to complete the original goal... Bai Linglu's posture with arms akimbo now is just like that of a village woman.

A man who scolds his own slowness.

Because Wei Keng is currently an "annoying" existence in the Haotu system. And she, who followed Wei Keng, was also "ostracized" among the supervisors. She, Bai Linglu, was also a lady back then, could she stand this kind of anger?

Although she knew that Wei Keng's decision was as irreversible as a donkey's, but now she took the opportunity to get angry and show that she was aggrieved.

Facing Bai Linglu's troublesome conversation, Wei Keng was smoking a cigarette. Oh, no, biting a spicy stick.

After a while, he replied: "I just want them (Haotu) to be patient enough to cultivate plane variables."

Bai Linglu continued to pick up which pot he didn't open and said: "Oh, I'm afraid you are not sympathetic to the fragrance and cherish the jade."

Wei Keng: You, but after seeing Bai Linglu pull out Michaelina’s information, you were immediately prepared not to say anything, Die Jia, come on.

…Wei Keng is prepared to be a human being and stay on the sidelines, while Bai Linglu is prepared to eradicate the weeds...

Approaching the territory of time and space, Qin Yiyun from the Haotu Department hurriedly left the Zhutian primary plot monitoring area after ending his confinement. In addition to coming into contact with his mother, Qin Yiyun also made some new friends, such as Li Ximeng.

For example, Yan Beixiang, who came out of the multidimensional plane, had a "deep" friendship due to their mutual dislike of the "most important suspect" in the multidimensional plane.

Bai Linglu’s (sarcastic) evaluation of Qin Yiyun: Tsk tsk, I really inherited the attributes that everyone loves from sister Xiaohan. Unfortunately, times have changed. (Qin Xiaohan is naturally white on the inside, but has a tough outer shell.

She found reliable people, such as Qin Tianfang, Wei Keng and other trustworthy people for long-term cooperation, but Qin Yiyun thought that she was Snow White and that she would be reliable if she made friends, so all parties infiltrated her.)

Note: At this time, Yan Beixiang was communicating with Bai Linglu. As she was more sophisticated than Qin Yiyun, she easily continued to lead Qin Xiaohan's daughter into the fire pit.

No, when Qin Yiyun was hesitating whether to stay in the Earth area or go to other areas, Yan Beixiang suggested that she go to Saturn.

Saturn, the corresponding dimensional node is the "life system" cultural area. And Qin Yiyun also happens to have a good girlfriend there.

He Zhanxin (female) is a mid-level plot supervisor of the "Gaia Consciousness Department". Although her position is not high, she is the same as Qin Yiyun. You must know that the king of the heavens on Saturn is also named He.

When Qin Yiyun invited Yan Beixiang to come with him, Yan Beixiang agreed well, but an "urgent matter" came up.

In this way, Qin Yiyun violated Qin Tianfang's warning and returned to the dimension. In the dimension's "heaven-level" garden of the life system, two good girlfriends met.

For women, all beautiful things can create a common topic. (A common topic for men is to do things together)

In He Zhanxin's "paradise" garden in this dimension, there are all kinds of fragrances, as well as suspended rockeries across the lake area, and a golden arch bridge built between the rockeries. - Of course Wei Keng can only watch this for fun, and he is uneducated.

A sentence "very literati flavor"

Qin Yiyun also knows this very well and can tell the meaning of every flower and grass.

It is worth mentioning that every time Bai Linglu sees these supervisors who have been in charge of the past few hundred years playing this, he will mercilessly venom: "Hey, where is the Queen Mother Xuexi?"

Therefore, Wei Keng cannot be blamed for Bai Linglu's inability to integrate into the contemporary world. She is dubbed the "evil old woman" by contemporary supervisors. Bai Linglu has always been "very generous" with such a title.

On the other side, Bai Linglu, who had just finished quarreling with Wei Keng, said to Yan Beixiang who had returned from the dimension: "Yan Beixiang, tell me, who is the most worrying and responsible supervisor today?


Yan Beixiang's hair stood on end and a stiff smile appeared on her face.

…the cultural divide between Saturn and Earth…

Here, the chat between Qin Yiyun and his best friend came to the topic of the recent increase in "worms" in the system of heavens.

For female supervisors, "bugs" are the most annoying thing and must be killed.

He Zhanxin, who wore a prince's crown and dressed as a man, obviously became interested after hearing Qin Yiyun's description of "grassroots experience"

He Zhanxin suggested to Qin Yiyun in a playful and bold tone: "You mean, if I take the initiative to cut into the boundary of the territory (the plane of the heavens is the boundary of the space-time zone), will this cause misunderstandings in other transfer areas?"

Qin Yiyun: "As long as you are willing to send troops, I will coordinate with the lords of other adjacent time and space areas."

He: "That's good," she didn't refuse because of the difficulty. On the contrary, her heroic eyes showed eagerness to try.

Qin Yiyun couldn't help but add a warning: "It's just that behind the time and space worm is the time-travel consciousness of that pastoral era."

He: "Hmm?"

Qin: "I'm just saying, don't underestimate the enemy."

He held his snow cheeks with his hands and whispered calmly: "Was the human base route four centuries ago? Ha (sarcasm)~"

Then she tightened her grip, and her expression showed the determination to "fight".

"I'm looking forward to the battle between the two routes!"

He is a staunch hawk of the "Gaia route", and her impression of the "human base" only rests on the situation of a female time traveler opponent named "Zeng Shuxie".

The crisis of the fifth plane war was triggered by the conspiracy of Qin and He, two "little princesses" who knew nothing about the world.


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