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25 Extra Volume Chapter 07 (Part 1) Family Unit, Letter

 Chapter 1238 Yang’s Filter

In the year 3324 of the main world, at the beginning of the war, the vast earth monitors of the heaven system began to mobilize the traces of Wei Keng's actions that could be captured in all dimensions to conduct personality analysis!

I have to say that this job is very difficult, because Wei Keng's traces on the plane are too hidden, and most of the ones that can be found are already the replacements of the new timeline in the new soul.

The supervisors in the new generation (as new as Qin Yiyun) took it for granted that they conducted dozens of analyzes in full swing, but were eventually stopped.

The one who called for stop was Mi Jia. The freshmen supervisors found that this reviewer always cut off their own analysis, and they couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied.

Especially at this time, the "biochemical" plane-level timeline in the heaven system was captured, and dozens of other "B-level" plots were also captured one after another.

The new generation of supervisors can’t help but complain: They are very busy now!

At the Saturn dimension node, He Qiuye invited Mi Jia in his palace.

He Qiuye opened the map of the current planes of the heavens. The "large territory of the biological system" she now governs has a plot world that has been integrated into a scale that has dropped by 30% compared to before the war.

He Qiuye said leisurely: "None of us would have thought that the world would become like this. Now these time and space worms themselves do not realize that they are participating in the "time and space battle" under the control of certain people."

What He Qiuye means is that the final core of all space-time worms now is Wei Keng, and now Wei Keng must be dealt with instead of protecting him. - Obviously, He Qiuye is doubting whether Mi Jia from the multidimensional plane is currently being protected.

Wei Keng's thoughts.

Wearing a phoenix-winged helmet, Mi Jia looked at the map of the heavens and regions, raised his hand, and marked the planes where the heavens and planes converged! These are the constant and stable territorial planes under He Qiuye's command (He Qiuye and others

The core area that has been deeply cultivated).

Mi Jia clicked on the world of heavens and got straight to the point: "The reason why I don't let you analyze the "personality data" in these worlds is because he (Wei Keng) was not the one who opened up these areas."

He Qiuye: "Huh?" She paused while taking care of the ecological garden.

Mi Jia, who has just been to the Ming Dynasty timeline: "In the past, you were the only one in the organic system and had no opponents?" (The fact that your opponents in the past did not jump out does not mean that there are none. Now you let the supervisors follow the rules of the heavens.

The "battle leaders" analyzed in the system data are not Wei Keng's personality.)

Mi Jia knows Wei Keng well: he will poke and accumulate advantages secretly, and will not jump out until the moment when the chance of winning is huge.

Mi Jia: "And now, in those worlds of emperors, in those plot lines where human base factions have achieved strong results, Tu Kang may have participated, but the person who took the lead is not that Tu Kang. Tu Kang is mixed among all living beings, and his traces are very unclear.

Obviously. Therefore, it is completely useless to analyze the traces of "travel personality" among those leaders."

He Qiuye frowned, it was difficult for her to understand what Mi Jia said.

Wei Keng can still stir up trouble in the entire heavens, but he still has his hands on it! It is even more unimaginable that Wei Keng is not the leader on the hottest battlefields in the heavens.

Narrator: Mi Jia's inference is correct. Now in the heavens, those who are chasing He Zhanxin to monitor the area are Yan Beixiang and her partners. What do you think? These time travelers have completely different personalities from Wei Keng.

Mi Jia looked at the thoughtful He Qiuye and felt helpless. To be honest, if she hadn't been in the same bed with that axis man for several lifetimes, she wouldn't have been able to imagine that kind of character.

Mi Jia: “His goals are very long-term.”

After that, he pointed to He Qiuye's "core planes" that were merged into the worlds of the emperors.

He Qiuye was slightly startled.

Mi Jia: "His main goal is not the world of the emperors, but -"

He Qiuye interrupted Mi Jia: "The territory of Gaia is not a multidimensional realm, and it is not the same as it was before the Fourth Plane War!"

He Qiuye's words were decisive, but Mi Jia felt that she was wary at this moment!

Because of the character of Wei Keng described by Mi Jia today, the Human Base is not competing with her for the mainstream status of the organic system, but directly "deciding life and death in a matter of life and death".

Mi Jia determined that behind Wei Keng's forbearance was an attempt to "solve the root cause of the problem."

Mi Jia thought silently in his heart: "So, it is meaningless for Qin Tian to give you the Tiger Talisman. You may want to compete for the mainstream, but he was not prepared to make your route meaningful from the beginning! (For Mi Jia,

:What a painful realization this is).”

In silence, He Qiuye asked: "What on earth does he want to do!"

He Qiuye also gradually thought of some details. That is, when she was fighting for the organic tiger talisman, Qin Tianfang had been holding back and took the initiative to reveal that there was someone else. This period happened to be when Wei Keng returned.

At that time, there seemed to be no news indicating that Wei Keng wanted to compete!

And now, Wei Keng has such a serious conflict with all the kings of the heavens, including her, so what is the reason?

Mi Jia looked at the planes of the heavens and whispered: "During the second plane travel through the era, he (Wei Keng) summarized the seven taboos of travelers: indifference, double standards, trampling, neglect, greed, and overdraft.

Indiscriminate love. But he later admitted that everyone, including himself, might have such a problem.

In the current world of the heavens, the plane where the weak consciousness is located will be like this in the end. So~ he is studying a method~~~"

…theater dividing line…

Wei Keng: The reason why we study the route of "morality, intelligence, body, art, and labor" is to complement the human beings in the heavenly world, and even repair the remaining poison of the main world's spiritual injection system in the past two hundred years!…

Wei Keng: I have done extensive research on the "human base system". In the history of the development of human civilization, the evolution of human beings lags behind the social structure. But the modern structure of the world of the emperors not only weakens the power of human evolution

(Consciousness), and also strengthened the difficulty.

At this time, Wei Keng stared at the Guihai District, the human homeworld area.

Wei Keng: "The meaning of socialization is not for the form of "true society". Without even learning the most basic relationships between people, you want to get started with "super society". Let me give you a step-by-step guide."

The space-time worm in Guihai District was designed by Wei Keng. It is still a space traveler, but the concept it completes is very obscure.

Wei Keng found Bai Linglu and made a serious note on his reasons. Human society and ant society have the same functions, but their evolutionary routes are different! This leads to different purposes of "society".

Ants are established when the number of eggs they lay is sufficient, and the group regulates the division of labor through pheromones to establish a "true society".

Human beings do not have such a high egg-laying capacity. The social nature of human beings is an acquired society formed by working and cooperating together after the birth of language. There is an important transition zone between human beings' individual survival state and social state! Family!

Family, as a trace in evolution, plays a vital role in development.

Before humans entered society, all concepts of "cooperation" were actually based on "trust."

Wei Keng looked at the cyber city in the distance, the humans under mind control, and whispered: "Trust must be cautious."

The first trust after a human being is born is absolute trust. Only after giving absolute trust to others can a person have rational trust!

Most human beings will exchange "secondary trust" in society only after they have given their first trust to their family members, and most normal human social activities are achieved through second trust.

If second trust wants to reach the level of absolute trust, the price it pays will be much higher.

Sometimes it’s a teacher who has devoted his teachings for ten years, or it’s a life-long friendship on the battlefield. Of course, it can also be the kindness of finding a talented person among tens of thousands of people!

Therefore, religions like to educate boys, or warlords like to engage in boy scouts because they can easily obtain the "first faith in life". When Chinese emperors established a stable dynasty, they would put "loyalty to the emperor" before "filial piety"

"The previous propaganda was in the hope of gaining the first believers of most young adults.

In the millet plane, Wei Keng realized this (Chapter 14). The group of children brought out from Lantau City, after becoming familiar with killing zombies, were not afraid of anything. In the end, they even laughed and killed each other, but for themselves (Wei Keng)

) were cautious in every order they gave, because in this chaotic world, they handed over their first letter to Wei Keng!

And what did Wei Keng pay at that time? It was just eating instant noodles every day and taking them to exercise together. At least this kind of sacrifice would not be able to exchange for the kind of absolute trust for the same adults in Lantau City.


Of course, Wei Keng did not let these children down in the end, and guided them to the age of fifty according to the principles of "morality, intelligence, physical education, beauty and labor". To a certain extent, after assuming the responsibility of a father, he also gave them the concept of family.

All in all, the "family" that absorbs people's first beliefs when they are born is an important unitary structure that prevents society from developing "fanatic beliefs."

In modern times, there were many sociologists who seemed to want to further mobilize social mobilization and then hypothesized that the future society would eliminate the obstacle of "family".

But these sociologists have overlooked one point: "cohesion" can also be divided into benign and malignant forms.

Taking the 21st century as an example, the cohesion of fan circles and micro-businesses is malignant cohesion. A large number of people give their trust cheaply to unknown forces in society. The family structure is precisely the social basis for filtering "malignant cohesion"


Wei Keng and Diao Min, who are all rebels against the rulers, said: "No way, no way, there will be no rulers. I hope that with just one word I can make all the people at the bottom unconditionally believe it. I don't need to take the lead or demonstrate by myself. It will be easy."

To gain leadership, right?”

…the dividing line at the end of the note…

Bai Linglu: "As an important part of the human base. (She knows that Wei Keng wants to make up for the shortcomings of the consciousnesses in this sub-plane)"

Wei Keng: "Yeah, my opponent."

Bai Linglu: "Do you need my help?"

Wei Keng: "Yes,"

Bai Linglu: "So." - Bai Linglu smiled, thinking that Wei Keng's next step was to propose marriage and form a family, as an example, and as for her, her mother's respect for the world.

Wei Keng: "Please stop monitoring the space-time worm within this space-time zone." (Wei Keng is sure that the split body wants to understand the family and does not want the supervisor to peep.

Bai Linglu: "..." Then she smiled and said: "And you also want to enter this time and space, right?"

Wei Keng: "Well, yes. Check it out. Don't roll your eyes."

With a click, Bai Linglu hung up the communication.


This chapter has been completed!
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