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Chapter 4.17 Thorough research, miscellaneous work?!

 In the year 1128 of the Dangxing Calendar, Wei Keng of the Tianze Sword Sect took five years to transform from a swordsman to a swordsman.

In the winding valley terrain of Cassia Peak, which is 500 meters deep, 100 meters wide, and 15 kilometers long, beams of light blades intersect with the movement of the space jump points.

This is a space team battle between two teams of swordsmen in Cassia Peak, with a total of eighty people. During the team battle, all the groups found their positions in the space to flash. Wei Keng was also among them. And in this group battle for as long as

In the fifteen-minute chaotic battle, they became the last quarter of the field.

Team Tian wins and Team Xuan enters the loser group.

The referee made a fair verdict, and the Tian team began to cheer. Wei Keng, as a member of the Xuan team, was breathing heavily in the empty pavilion. As a member of the team, he often showed above-average combat ability.

He has never been close to the first place, and has very few words. He belongs to the second level in his group and cannot be included in the conversations of those in the core circle. Therefore, whether the group wins or loses, Wei Keng cannot speak out in such a team.


Wei Keng: "System, play back the battle just now for me."

Just now, Wei Keng lowered his perception and thinking to the level of a junior swordsman.

System: "The data model has been opened, please take a look." In the mathematical modeling, the system played the logical judgment sequence of all actions in Wei Keng's memory. Even Wei Keng himself did not analyze the logical intuition just now. (Intuitive logic

It’s very simple. You often just make a choice just because you think the color is brighter and the direction of other people’s eyes. In complex situations where you don’t have time to think, your intuition can easily be tricked.)

In the competition just now, Wei Keng will divide himself into two parts, one part is survived by the will of 160,000 Kong Twist, and the other part is himself after physically shrinking his perception and vision.

This self-segmentation lasts very briefly, just like riding a bicycle on the road and suddenly closing your eyes for a second. You can open them at any time when you feel the wind is not blowing.

When encountering some unexpected threats, the Class A plan will be quickly integrated and it will counterattack within the reserved safety time.

If you are really careless and fail to arrange the safety line properly, causing some very capable people to sneak attack you, then activate the D-level plan, directly cut off the brain and main nervous system, send them away, and wait until you are in a safe place to use Pandora Field

Repair yourself. (Qin Xiaohan: At present, in all timelines, you are shrinking very well. You have to think about such an extreme escape method yourself.)

As for why we have to separate ourselves from such a weak self, of course it is to find out all the possibilities of making mistakes.

The truth is that hindsight makes sense.

When planning and analyzing, you often feel how smart you are and how impossible you are to make mistakes, but when you actually do it for the first time, you will find that you are stupid and the chances of failure are all kinds of strange.

Wei Keng: When you are strong, you often ignore these small mistakes because mistakes can be easily remedied. When you are weak, "making mistakes is the most fatal!" becomes the last memory in your life. I am not a genius, there are thousands of mistakes.

possibility. Therefore, when studying the applicable system, we must take the fool-proof route.

This working mode of restoring "all states that may be encountered under ordinary circumstances" is the normal work of Wei Keng on almost 10,000 timelines.

This time, Wei Keng collected another failure data. Adjustments can be made.

In the simulated space training ground, as many as fifteen swordsman-level Wei Keng were fighting against swordsman models from various factions.

In the Kung Twisting Plane, no sect will teach students to cross steps and be strong, but will teach their disciples to escape as much as possible.

But Wei Keng felt that war must involve the use of swords.

Even if the enemy is strong and we are weak, we are outnumbered, the enemy is a steel chariot, and we are only flesh and blood, we must have the determination to fight for victory.

The individual combat power is not good, but when organized, you can also use sacrifices in exchange for time difference. (In the high-level military plane elite soldier system, various sects will never have this concept in the inheritance of elite disciples)

In Wei Keng's initial calculations in the past five years, the fifty swordsmen from the beginning suffered 40% individual battle losses, completing the annihilation of the swordsmen.

Now we can achieve the tactical templates of 15 losses of 3 and 5 losses of 4.

This has approached the limit of what the combat team can achieve at this stage.

Six hours later, Wei Keng came to the valley where the exercise was taking place again. At this time, Wei Keng was the only one.

However, Wei Keng simulated the flash again according to the battle in the morning.

Just when Wei Keng flashes, there are a large number of tiny crystals flashing next to Wei Keng. During the flashing process of these crystals, filaments will be emitted. These filaments will scatter more than 99% of the time, but

At 100% of the time, the brilliance just gathers in one place, forming a precise sword light!

War and the evolution of tactics are accompanied by sacrifices. But the ultimate direction of the evolution of tactics is to minimize sacrifices and effectively complete the mission.

Just like machine guns and squad automatic rifles, the number of personnel who originally fired in platoons on the array line was reduced to squads.

When drones and automated artillery appeared, the light infantry squads were replaced by a small number of sharp soldiers.

When Wei Keng was deducing the progress of personal combat technology, he was also deducing how the world could use equipment to reduce casualties under the conditions of productivity advancement and industrial technology development.

After the exercise, Wei Keng, who honestly handed in the report, concluded: "This is the only way to be worthy. We, Supervisor Qin, who come from a scientific and civilized area, I'm right."

[When he first came to the plane, Qin Xiaohan lost his temper and asked Wei Keng to write an 80 million-word report. Now that Wei Keng's route has been chosen, the outline has been added up, and he has started to submit it step by step. It is expected that the first phase will be completed and it will take

Forty years.]

In the dimensional space, Qin Xiaohan, who is recording, has seldom talked nonsense with Wei Keng in the past few years. Now he has no choice but to explain: "You are right, but I must remind you that further updates to your tactics are urgently needed."

of industrial technological productivity.”

[As for why it must be explained now, Qin Xiaohan complained in his heart: I will never joke with this fool again, he takes it seriously.]

Wei Keng received the supervisor's approval of his work route, nodded, and then explained the progress of the work: "It's almost, it's almost, this is what I want to do in the next stage."

Wei Keng used his air-twisting detection ability to look at Wu Zhuangfeng and his oldest old friend, Song Dian.

Wei Keng took a breath and said, "Help him."

It was easy for Song Dian to help him. He blocked him in the sword practice field where he was practicing alone, and then used the air twist to practice the spatial jump sequence. He immediately understood his mistake and faced the surroundings.

After saying goodbye, Wei Keng solved the problem without even showing his face.

However, after he had finished helping, Wei Keng then thought of the possibility of "giving roses to others, leaving a lingering fragrance in their hands", which was also a way of "getting rewards for just anyone", so he chose another person to help.

Six months later, in the Tianze Sword Sect, on Wu Zhuang Peak.

Swordsman Chen Xinjia was jumping there, practicing with a real sword, one move after another, each move faster than the last, but the sword light in his hand never exceeded 20 meters.

He has been stuck on the threshold of being a swordsman and becoming a swordsman for seven years.

Luo Shen and Qi Hanlian, who were in the same class as him, had already been promoted to sword master. Even Song Dian, who was less qualified than him, got inspiration from sword practice one day and was suddenly promoted to sword master last month.

Chen Xinjia is extremely anxious now, and the more anxious, the worse it gets. (This is the norm when most geniuses reach the point where their talent cannot gain any advantage.)

In the past few months, Master has become more and more disappointed and rebuked: "I am impatient and impatient."

An hour later, he stopped flashing and stopped at the pavilion on the mountain peak. When he wasn't paying attention, a man flashed between the two peaks and began to perform swordplay.

This made him frown, and said irritably: "Where did this disciple come from, so unruly? Don't you know how to ask someone like, 'How are you doing, senior brother? Can I borrow it now?'

If so?" Of course, he just snorted in his heart and didn't want to argue.

But in the next few minutes, he became angry. The guy who jumped out actually imitated the swordsmanship he had just done with a lightsaber, deliberately acting like a random stab.

Chen Xinjia's original anger immediately turned into: "Fuck xxx"

Chen Xinjia entered the scene in a blink of an eye. After staring at this guy for ten seconds, he waited for his explanation. But on the opposite side, he had no intention of explaining at all, and deliberately used optical distortion to cover his face. The entire face was like a mirror.

Chen Xinjia let out a breath, raised his hand and raised his sword. A ten-meter-long sword light appeared on the actual sword! Although the distance was short, he was an experienced swordsman and was very skilled in leaping skills. Of course, he didn't bother

Use your lightsaber to teach the person in front of you a lesson.

In an instant, Chen Xinjia jumped up and tried to approach the opponent's chest with a sword.

Of course, after he jumped, he was stunned and found that the other party did not dodge, but jumped head-on to a distance of five meters away from him, and raised his hand to rest on his sword light.

Chen Xinjia's heart flashed: "Arrogant!~"

The second half of the sentence was immediately interrupted in my mind.

When I saw this person, the light and shadow changed from close to far in an instant. This seemed to be retreating in the air, but Chen Xinjia noticed from the ripples in space that this was going from close to far, jumping hundreds of times, and the flickering images were stacked together.

It creates an image that seems to be going backwards.

What's more important is that this guy slid his fingertips and moved his sword light, thus extending hundreds of meters along hundreds of jump points!

Chen Xinjia did not use his second sword. He was confused and could only realize one word: "chance".

When Chen Xinjia didn't know what to do after the sword light disappeared, the word "continue" came from the other side.

Chen Xinjia completed the etiquette: "Yes, senior."

When he struck the second sword, his sword blade was pulled out more than a hundred meters again. At this time, he also saw the senior projecting a light and shadow two meters in front of him. This was a three-dimensional quadrant! He stayed still for the time being.

But realize this may be important information.

After hundreds of consecutive moves, the unknown senior stopped, handed him a tablet to record information, and jumped away directly.

Chen Xinjia looked through the graphic descriptions on the electronic tablet at the pavilion.

The dynamic diagram uses some quadrant systems and mathematical modeling to explain the mistakes he made when coordinating the frequency of front and rear space jumps during each space jump.

Until the sun went down, Chen Xinjia still stayed where he was. In the gradually darkening environment, his face showed a mesmerizing expression under the light of the electronic screen.

This was the first time that he understood so clearly the reason why he had been stuck for so long. It was like the rain coming from a severe drought.

He finally understood why his master scolded him for being "impatient". In his previous state, it was impossible to detect the subtle conflict between his spatial jump and the sword light.

[Even if Chen Xinjia works hard to find the right direction and wants to figure out the gap, he will have to draw the sword at least tens of thousands of times before he can find the clue. Wei Keng even gave a function diagram. 】

Chen Xinjia understood that this method of helping him to lengthen his sword and allow him to carefully see the process of his mistakes might not be possible even for his own master.

But why would senior help him?

The tablet finally gave the answer.

Chen Xinjia looked at the list above and thought for a while, because the mystery of the faceless senior was really suspicious, but in the end he breathed out: "They are just some miscellaneous jobs. This senior's thoughts,

I can't know."

On the tablet, there are lists of hundreds of people, all of whom are swordsmen and swordsmen who have no hope of promotion. And on the list of swordsmen, there is a "firm star".

Miscellaneous business.

As a huge force, the Tianze Sword Sect takes the sword as the core of its supreme force.

But after all, this is a swordsman developed in an era of science and technology. The manufacturing of various weapons, the extraction of energy, and the maintenance of the basic population of swordsmen are all inseparable from a modern system. And these service swordsmen

The modern system is "miscellaneous business".

Wei Keng accidentally learned about Chen Xinjia's situation after calling Song Dian.

This is a disciple of a swordsman family that has been passed down for generations. Wei Keng observed several such "second generation practitioners" and finally chose Chen Xinjia.

Regarding his impetuousness, Wei Keng thinks this is not a serious shortcoming. Wei Keng: "I sometimes even pay two hundred and fifty."

According to the modern educational concept, if you can enlighten and teach, relying solely on your own to understand is an insult to the spirit of education. Just like "when a big plague comes, let everyone use their own immune system to fight" is an insult to modern disease prevention science.

Wei Keng then taught several more times (a total of one hundred hours of lessons), helping him become familiar with the specific feeling of the sword's elongation, and steadily helped him reach the level of a sword master.

At Wuzhuang Peak,

Chen Xinjia stared blankly at the empty practice field. The senior had already left. He didn't come back the day before yesterday, yesterday, or today.

Although he has been promoted to sword master, he can be sure that he has not even learned the basics of that senior.

Of course, "becoming a disciple" is absolutely unthinkable.

After teaching for more than 20 consecutive days, even though the other party did not reprimand me, every time I made a mistake, it was continuously marked in a large number of projection dynamic analysis, and I made the same mistake dozens of times in a row. This made me fully understand my stupidity.


Chen Xinjia will never forget this great kindness that broke through the bottleneck. He just wants to be able to confirm the identity of his benefactor.

Now, he picked up the list again, looked at the people on the miscellaneous business, and silently looked at the people on it. His mind was spinning again and again.

Chen Xinjia whispered: "You should do something that is inconvenient for outsiders to know?"

Four months later, Wei Keng was naturally given up by his swordsman instructor due to his lack of spirituality in swordsmanship (he learned it from Chen Xinjia), and he became "disheartened" and turned to miscellaneous work.

In the industrial area of ​​the Molten Mountains, Wei Keng witnessed the industrial manufacturing here.

A flame energy pillar comparable to a building stands inside the mountain. This energy pillar is connected with countless hot to golden lines and enters various machines. It is converted into steam and drives the cylinder runner with a diameter of fifty meters to rotate. The cylinder wheel with a diameter of twenty meters

The rotation of the shaft filled the mountain with a noise that could make ordinary people faint.

Wei Keng: "Oh, this industrial crankshaft is indeed an interstellar civilization."

The cattle farming in Novice Village and the individual lightsaber weapons in the Swordsman Academy once made Wei Keng feel that the style and background of this world were wrong.

Until now, Wei Keng felt that it was a bit too much.

In the force field isolation area two hundred meters to the left of the mountain, the lava is pumped up by super-large machinery like water, and then rare resources are extracted and poured into the ground.

Wei Keng has always felt that the productivity of the eighteen planets in this plane is not up to the level of the Starry Sky Age, but now he feels that the technological level exceeds the state of society.

However, the system answered the question: "The technology you see here is the planetary resource collection technology that existed before the eighteen administrative stars traveled."

This chapter has been completed!
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