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Chapter 26.03 (1) Monster Moon Castle

 If we want to say, in the 29th century of the Qin Dynasty, which place on the moon is the most dangerous, then of course it is the city that has experienced "demonization". [Read the novel with the correct chapter, search on google]

Even if it has developed into the interstellar era, the "biochemical" plot still exists as a dimensional element and is a normalized disaster.

At this time, in the space residential area where Li Gui is located, there has always been such a "biological risk" theorem.

Where there are more people and more communication, viruses will accumulate over time.

When the biochemical crisis broke out, a large number of infected people gathered and turned into terrifying monsters.

Sixty years ago, there was an unprecedented "biochemical disaster" on the moon. Demented and bloodthirsty humans first killed 70% of the same kind in the city.

Many of them even had the ability to think. At that time, the Moon generation, like some crazy people in the history of the Earth, ignored rationality and collectively fell into cannibalism.

For people on the moon, living a depressed life in the space station for a long time will accumulate a lot of depression if chemical castration is not performed. Therefore, although the biochemical disaster has viral factors, it is more of a bloodthirsty camp roar.

For a long time, human beings, as carbon-based animals, have longed for freedom, but it was suppressed for too long by the increasingly strict ruling structure at that time, which demanded rationality without any goal. This led to a general explosion.

Contemporary humans are all descendants of the victors in history. No one wants to be a stepping stone like bricks and tiles. In the early days of the lunar biochemical disaster, those residents who wore various powered space suits and were required to live ritualistic lives once seemed to be

So polite.

But after they became ghouls and discovered that they could gain vitality by ingesting their own kind, everything changed.

These ghouls may have some moral values ​​that remind them not to do this at first, but once they break the rules, they are as free and easy as women who have lost their shame after entering the sea.

It is worth mentioning that the demon power only brings strength, but the appearance of the individual does not change. In the space age, home medical fixation cabins (similar to the surgical cabins in the Alien movie) will also regularly remove diseased tissue, so this kind of "

"Monster Transformation" has a strong latent potential under the subjective concealment of early demon transformers.

So compared to other zombie crazes in the original timeline, a most special and expected thing happened.

In the zombie crisis, zombies can be identified. However, in the interstellar era, due to the popularity of medical cabins, "demonization" cannot be identified in the early stage.

The reason why this is expected is that in the zombie crisis, in addition to zombies, you also have to worry about other apocalyptic survivors. In the interstellar era, the "demon disaster", these people are the main force of the Resident Evil crisis, these internal organs

Mutated guys with human faces and animal hearts will be like the monsters in Journey to the West, letting female mutants lure ordinary people into the camp, then subdue them collectively and eat them!

Of course, there will be retribution for cannibalism, and the role of the medical stabilization chamber is not unlimited.

As organic matter "enriched with quantum information" precipitates in the body, the ever-expanding energy quickly reaches its upper limit.

These demonizers found that devouring more of the same kind would not increase their energy, and they would not necessarily remove the "demon power-enriched" tissue, which would harm their strength.

Soon, some of the big demons in the demon team began to behave badly and instead fell into competition to kill each other.

At this time of the urban demon disaster, urban human security organizations have already withdrawn from this "Lion Camel Ridge"-like city.

On the once clean and tidy streets, you can see those 30-meter-tall men with eight arms, who are like the demon generals in the movie Fengshen. They are hunting and killing those who are not of their own power on the relatively narrow lunar streets.

"Weak demonizer". Until the leader of this force comes out and fights with him.

When these two demon generals, who were like super demonizers, wielded heavy hammers and wore steel plate armor and collided, they looked like a battle between giants in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

At this stage, the demons could no longer stop becoming human beings. The little demons also gave up their normal bodies and began to grow to three or four meters one by one. At this time, the medical cabin could no longer fit in, and the extent of body mutation was also reduced.

Start to speed up.

Soon, the human genes in the body began to lose control.

Some monsters became swift invaders, while others turned into tyrannosaurs weighing seven or eight tons.

To this day, the remnants of these mutants are still hiding in the city, turning the place into a ghostly place.

This is the chaos of demon spirits.

For cities where mutations have been discovered, the Human Federation adopts a blockade strategy, because even if they are rescued, the people who squeeze into the spacecraft may no longer be "human".

In a catastrophe, the most terrifying thing is "people who take advantage of kindness, and then ridicule kindness as stupidity after success."

Sixty years ago, when the demon changed, the moon government was like a "first-time prostitute in a brothel". It gradually lost its "responsibility" in this incident and began to let things go. It began to break the rules and adopt the lowest-cost model.

Three months after the fall of the first lunar cities, the remaining human governments calculated by scientists that the energy consumption of the abandoned cities could only last four months, and they would disappear after four months. If the energy consumption of these infected cities could be destroyed,

An organic circulation system can speed up this process.

After the fifth month of the Cataclysm, the Solar System Federation chose to break the glass protective shields of these ecological parks, destroy their oxygen and water circulation, and then tried to starve these monsters to death.

Soon those cities where demons were dancing around were like glass warehouses filled with cockroaches stuffed with mosquito coils, and corpses began to litter the fields. But! It didn’t end when the first batch of cities had their isolation shields broken open and were directly exposed to solar radiation.

At the same time, the rate of infection in cities on the moon has accelerated.

In the "demon disaster", the virus directly traveled through the lunar vacuum zone and infected other cities.

At first, the human government thought that the isolation was not complete and some people were close to infected urban areas.

It was not until later that scientists discovered that some of the seemingly dry dust on the moon was actually spores. These spores looked like an octagonal state under a microscope, but they were in a dehydrated state. Once they encountered water, their activity was activated.

And such spores can actually roll and spread under cosmic rays! They are attached to human spacesuits, pass through many layers of disinfection at the base, and mix into new settlements.

There is no doubt that this is an ability that viruses in the "biological territory" can only evolve.

In order to understand the situation in the infected area, the human government sent a task force into the infected area one year after the first wave of disasters in the city. When they entered the city through the passage, they were surprised to find that the oxygen concentration in the city still existed, and the dome

It is covered by various blood-threaded flesh fungi, maintaining an ecosystem called the "Gaia System".

For a single life like human beings, it is quite dangerous to enter such a "Gaia system". Take the picture captured by the camera of the third team of the task force at that time as an example...

When the expedition team was preparing to advance further, the only picture captured by the camera showed that the city was empty, but suddenly the photographers saw a large amount of black mud seeping out of the ground, spreading like stagnant water.

At first, the detection members raised their heads to observe, but as soon as their eyes glanced over, these fleshy flesh seemed to be like shy living creatures, automatically shrinking back to the corner, waiting for the humans to turn around and reappear.

The expedition team dug with shovels and found nothing, but as soon as the people left, black mud began to follow them in the gaps.

As we went deeper and deeper into the city, more and more black mud became available. Finally, when the exploration team felt something was wrong and was about to evacuate, the black mud suddenly sprayed out and drowned all the explorers.

In the last picture transmitted by the camera, in the surging black mud, those meat balls were like the development of insect eggs, and they gradually developed into monsters with wings and claws inside. The organic matter seemed to be kneaded by the hands of a kind of "Creation of Nuwa"

Various species come out.

Then the camera fell down, blood dripped on the lens, and there were roars and the "buzzing" sound of panicked laser gun fire coming from the empty glass cover.

This chapter has been completed!
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