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Chapter 26.04 (Part 1) The Cruel Route of the Human Base

Regarding how to deal with the black mud of this plane, with the head-on confrontation between the human base and Gaia's consciousness, Wei Keng summarized various methods on a large number of other timelines.

In short, there are two words, "kill" and "do".

Evolution Space Bai Linglu: "Ou Huo, this is a simple experience in the Pandora plane."

Wei Keng immediately corrected him: "I have been educated in the Pandora plane, don't slander me."

Bai Linglu glanced at Wei Keng, and said in an angry tone: "I said it was the simple experience of the Pandora plane, not your experience. Why are you so anxious! Why, do you think you are talking about yourself?


Wei Keng remained silent and silently operated the "carbon-based radiation emitter" inserted into the black mud.

…On the “human base” system, there are many unexplained “privacy histories”…

In 2816, in the first base captured by Wei Keng, as the person in charge of group travel, Wei Keng prepared all conditions for the frontline travelers who were on the front line to recover the "Gaia-contaminated" ruined city.

Wei Keng's material supply list is very detailed, including a lunar electric vehicle and an electromagnetic rail gun.

Wang Shan, a first-level tracer of the "Pocket Watch Space" asked: "These technologies are civilian technologies of this plane. Is it a bit risky to let them (soul-traveling) travelers just attack like this?"

Wei Keng: "It is better to take risks at the beginning than to develop a habit of taking risks."

Facing Wang Shan's doubts, Wei Keng waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I will maintain justice. Everyone who is injured and dies in this battle will not be let down."

Wei Keng opened a synchronous time flow. Each time traveler travels through multiple timelines at the same time. If a person dies in this timeline, other timelines will not. After the final mission is over, every time traveler will also have to die.

Different consciousnesses are merged. So even if some timelines fall, you can still see the historical torrent and the future.

It's just that right now, the comrades on this plane don't know all this.

"Huh?" Wei Keng raised his head and saw Wang Shan staring directly at him.

"You stare at me like this, it makes me feel bad!"

Wang Shan snorted coldly: "Justice, in this era, it is impossible for you to have such conditions."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Shan suddenly felt that the person in front of him suddenly became serious.

Wei Keng said solemnly: "I know what this world is like, and I also know what everyone sighs about most. But if I start to achieve some goals step by step, I hope you can give me the corresponding trust."

Wang Shan was startled by the sudden change in Li Gui's complexion. The gentle and elegant appearance was suddenly revealed to be strong and unyielding. Wang Shan found that his first impression of this lord was wrong.

Of course, he suddenly felt that this kind of Li Gui seemed a little familiar.

Wang Shan was also there during the time travel in the Ming Dynasty. Unlike Qian Yun, he was a native of that plane at that time. (The soul caller caught by Wei Keng.) After so many time travels, once upon a time, he thought it was beautiful.

The "fairy world" is actually a more cruel human world. Countless worlds have fallen, and the royal way is missing!

But now, Wang Shan secretly felt that the person in front of him seemed to have a "kingly aura".

…the dividing line between human emperors…

In the year 2816 of the Qin Dynasty, Wei Keng took charge of the territory occupied by the base and assigned the functions of each group of time travellers.

The operation codenamed "The Battle of the First Man" was launched in the northern part of the lunar earthquake zone.

On the first day of the operation, all the attackers looked at the city named "Tiansheng" chosen by Wei Keng with cruel expressions on their faces.

It is worth mentioning that all soul-travelers are unaware of the dispute between the "Human Base" and the "Gaia Route", but they have all completed their cognitive summary according to the "Human Base" method.

Take Qian Yun as an example. After he came out of the mental hospital, he lived peacefully to the age of 90.

And now, start cultivating both life and life! That is to pay attention to your "nature" at each stage of your "human base". There is no good or evil in your "nature".

In the evolution of the human species, it is preserved because it is "useful", and it is also natural to kill the weak and alien.

At this time, all the travelers in the battle group wore "carbon-based frequency band" equipment. While communicating with each other in spiritual language, they also maintained a keen awareness of the "abnormal organic reactions" in this ruined city.

Troops with "faith" and "ideal" are not only highly disciplined, but also quite flexible when formulating plans.

After exchanging information from their own perspectives, the traverser team conservatively applied for fire support from the rear. Based on the characteristics of the enemy's carbon-based radiation, they formulated a bold raid plan. That is, following the monthly attack, the enemy would attack the inner and outer layers of the city.

During the opening process of the "dung waste area" passage on the first floor, it penetrates directly into it.

So, within a month, when the moon was closest to the earth, six combat platoons, riding land-based combat mechas, aerial hover vehicles, and mixed in with the robot brigade, began to sweep holes into the "demon cave" Liting.

The consciousness of Gaia in the city was obviously very unexpected. At first, a large number of fleas wrapped in glazed shells began to bounce over, but as the assault team fired out liquid splash bombs containing phosphorus organic pesticides, the splash bombs dispersed

The "nano hysteresis cloud" stuck to the "tympanic membrane" biological structures of these flea-like structures. These fleas lost their ability to distinguish and began to collide with each other.

At the same time as the assault team penetrated, the frontal assault team also followed. The so-called combination of good and strange means that the enemy cannot be allowed to concentrate on seeing his tricks!

With a clang, the assault combat team drove large combat robots and rushed into the central underground tunnel of the moon. Regardless of the number of enemies or ourselves, these monsters made of titanium alloy machines with a thickness of 30 centimeters were holding a welding machete to chop melons and vegetables along the way.

Open the way at the front

A wheeled chariot began to disperse, ejecting nano clouds, which were contaminated by the black mud creatures.

Of course, these nanoparticles alone are "harmless", but as the tank begins to emit microwaves! These creatures contaminated by the nanocloud begin to heat up abnormally, and then fall to the ground like a swarm of mosquitoes sprayed with insecticide.

On all fours, he was in a half-dead state.

Among them, Qian Yun's group attacked the surface buildings in the city in order to cut off the Gaia consciousness in the city from obtaining energy from sunlight.

In the square area where Wei Keng once set foot, Qian Yun broke off the steel bars of the "sports stepping" facility with one hand and started using it as a simple launcher.

Qian Yun's team has a cloud explosive rocket launcher. When the plastic tube is fired, "dark red firelight" transmits through the wall of the tube, and then the Iron Fist warhead enters the central third of the building. Then the green nano clouds are like water flow.

, "flowed" down from the floors like mist, and every time it flowed to the first floor, the glass in the building would shatter. It was as if it had been shattered by sound waves.

Note: The moon has no air, and the air in most ruins cities is very thin, so there are no "sonic weapons".

But without air as a medium, it can act as a medium through nanoparticles and magnetism, conduct resonance, and form infrasound damage!

In this city called "Tian Sheng", this wave of frontal attacks suppressed the situation of Gaia's consciousness on the surface. It reminded Gaia's consciousness that it must deal with the war situation on the surface and distract the attention of "the manure channel is penetrated".

Narrator: The human base’s combat experience against Gaia’s consciousness is to use Gaia’s consciousness to be too centralized and decapitate it.

Wei Keng, who was fighting fifty kilometers away, clearly observed in the carbon-based frequency band that the city's consciousness was emitting a "hate" emotion. This "hate" was like a person seeing a snake, disgusted with fear.

Wei Keng slowly commented on his opponent: "This is not a fairy tale world if you are so quick to label and describe your understanding! Is your good and evil useful to me?"

After five plane wars until now, Wei Keng may know the Gaia route better than most of the veteran Gaia route time and space lords.

Gaia's consciousness also has "emotions", but such "emotions" have always been used to instill in other carbon-based individuals. ——Wei Keng: I have seen this kind of "emotion of incompetence and failure" in the Pandora plane.


For example, Long Ximin and her sisters in Chongqing City began to have internal emotional conflicts when faced with the approaching Wei Keng swarm.

Under Wei Keng's comprehensive overall planning of the battle, Wang Shan, the leader of the main attack team, penetrated the ruins in the area in just three minutes and emptied the main underground corridor of the ruins. This corridor was specially filled with "black mud".

It's not long, if compared to a street. You can finish it in twenty minutes by riding a bicycle.

The combat team opened up the ruins area, and Wei Keng immediately dispatched unmanned equipment to secretly transport nuclear fuel rods and "super-oxidized carbon-based rods."

As the big stick was inserted into the delicate black mud, Gaia's consciousness in the city suddenly lost its resistance.

The various mutated biological groups surging outside the city lost their leadership ability in an instant. When facing the line of fire of the human group, they suddenly stopped charging and began to twitch. Their mouths that were originally devouring people erupted like a sea cucumber surge.

Organs! The carbon-based signals in the city howled miserably, as if shouting "I'm going to die" and "I'm going to go"

All the Soul Travelers who were on the vehicle preparing for a fight to the death were stunned when they saw this scene, until they heard the message from Wei Keng: the assault team successfully completed the mission and our side won.

This chapter has been completed!
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