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Chapter 26.24 (Part 1) A boring confrontation

 After the disastrous failure of the Lunar Landing Suppression War in January 1940, the earth-lunar confrontation in the Earth Federation from all walks of life entered a state of "lack of interest". People always expect a war to achieve miraculous results with various "splendid" developments, rather than

Protracted armed confrontation.

The Earth Federation's initial public opinion war failed, and then it became angry and started a space confrontation. However, as the landing suppression plan went bankrupt, it could only announce a blockade of the moon. This boring blockade forced all parties on the earth to stand in front of the forces trying to take advantage of the fire.

Savor this bland endgame.

The general name of the Earth's region is called the Earth-Moon system, because both sides are in the same system. So who is blocking whom? The moon revolves around the Earth.

The moon's atmosphere is thin and the speed of the first universe is low. Cannonballs thrown on the moon can force the fleet that blocks the moon to spend more energy to change its course.

Even if it is energy equivalent, regardless of scale cost, when materials are sent from the moon, the price is one-thirtieth of the price of materials sent from the earth. What's more, now that the Humanitarian Alliance has rebuilt the industrial chain of "electromagnetic ejection into orbit" on the moon,

A large number of solar thermal salt melt power stations have been built on the surface of the moon to obtain energy. Since the moon is not affected by clouds and weather, it is easier to carry out reasonable power planning.

That is, it can predict the peak period of solar power acquisition by lunar surface power stations and match the launch mission.

The Lunar Physics Alliance's electromagnetic orbital launch system can arrange more launch missions during windows of sufficient sunlight during the day, reducing energy costs to one-tenth of those on Earth.

Therefore, rather than saying that the moon is blocked, it is better to say that the earth and the moon are interlocked. Even in terms of necessary supplies for space activities, the earth is locked up even more.

During the blockade, not only the progress of lunar space shipbuilding was affected, but the earth was also cut off from trade with the moon.

This means the decline of light industrial products in a series of orbital industries in the Earth-Moon system.

You must know that before the war, the moon was a large population gathering place at the Lagrange point and an important organic matter supply center.

Ordinary employees of the Earth Space Station used to be able to choose from hundreds of flavors of "fish", "beef" and "vegetable" packages in front of the station, but now they can only eat "toothpaste paste".

In the past twenty years, the Humanitarian Alliance has developed agricultural and sideline industries on a large scale, reducing the price of materials in the Earth-Moon space orbit to the lowest ever. The price of vegetables sent from the moon to space is only 1.5 times that of supermarkets in big cities on Earth!

For the residents of the Earth-lunar system, the price of agricultural and sideline products has skyrocketed due to the war with the moon. Many daily necessities that were not noticed before have suddenly become a big problem.

There is no shortage of energy in the sky. When the solar panels are deployed, there is endless energy, not to mention the nuclear fusion systems on some battleships. However, there is a need for a "container" to carry the energy, which is a "lithium battery", a "sodium battery" and other gadgets.


These gadgets directly determine the living standards of some small space maintenance warehouses.

For example, replacing eight batteries a day in a space suit can maintain the comfort of long-term out-of-space workers, while the space game cabin is equipped with the highest-end batteries, which can support the simulation of skin perception in holographic games.

Only with these "comfort levels" can the grassroots work stably. Now that these are suddenly cut off, the leaders at the Lagrangian point above still arrange the same work tasks, or even increase the tasks, and these days with the war

If this continues endlessly, a lot of resentment will accumulate.

At first glance, light industry supplies are not important to the war, but in a capital system that only talks about interests and not ideals, if part of the "good life" is suddenly taken away from the people's basic material needs, the entire morale will decline at a rapid rate.

Very quickly. - After all, capital has not yet reached the stage of final product, and cannot yet restore morale like a panacea by distributing chemical bliss.

The most demoralizing reason for the earth's low morale in this war is that there is no hope for the war. - After the politicians' "chicken blood" injected before the war was not fulfilled, ordinary people who calmed down were asked to review their own deterioration.

Life brings about many "negative" thoughts.

Qian Zizai's ruling team did not know that life in space was deteriorating, but they still learned from the decline in industrial data that there was a lack of "stimulation" at the grassroots level. Therefore, they continued to create great victories.

In fact, in the war in the past few months, batches of martial arts warriors were hired by the federation with huge sums of money to go into battle, but without exception all died in the battle. Except for the strongest martial arts warriors who could escape the early firepower and were eventually captured, the middle and lower-level martial arts soldiers

The casualty rate reached almost 90%!

In June, various martial arts teams on the federal landing ship had already rejected the order to directly land on the moon.

The warriors put forward very stringent fire cover requirements for the fleet, and only after a sufficient number of unmanned equipment was put into lunar orbit to open up the battlefield before they were willing to fight.

The federal high-level officials are basically unable to meet the requirements of grassroots warriors. A large number of drones and missile firepower mean that they must fight for informatization. The final implementation is based on the cooperation of personnel, which is their current weak project "Soul Language".

Since the beginning of the war, Mo Ya and other generals of the Earth-Moon system have adopted a "satellite and missile density" strategy in the low-Earth orbit of the Earth-Moon system.

The earth cannot afford to compete at all levels in this new field. The cost of launching a rocket to launch a satellite in the dense atmosphere is dozens of times that of the moon.

The Earth Federation was forced to launch an attack, but facts have proven that when forced to attack, they often end up heading into a pit.

The Earth's largest battle on June 23 involved 6,700 nuclear bombs and 30,000 mechanized troops, but it still failed to gain a foothold on the moon's surface. The cost of one-time loss was accumulated over decades in space, far more than before.

The "battle for satellite airspace" is much more difficult.

In that battle, the Human Rights Corps directly intercepted more than 90% of the nuclear weapons. Only 314 nuclear bombs exploded, all of which were nuclear explosions with an equivalent of less than 10,000 tons. There was no shock wave and only caused a small amount of light radiation damage.

As for the 30,000 mechanized and unmanned robot troops on Earth, after they were sent down, they did not establish an effective communication and command system at all. They were all harvested by artillery fire from the moon.

The martial arts warriors who came down from the cockpit were still high in the air, and saw with their own eyes that the unmanned troops were beaten into pieces by the direct firepower that emerged. Then they were glad that they had survived, and then frantically called on the earth not to be "small-minded".

The supply of drones and nuclear weapons must be increased.

…the difficult dividing line where the war cannot end…

The supreme chief executive of the Earth, Qian Zizai, is currently at a military base at the equator.

Now, as the supreme governor of the earth, he spends almost half of the year at the military base. He stands in front of the map of the universe surrounded by the double spheres of the earth and moon system for a long time now.

Under Qian Zizai's serious expression, his thoughts would turn to the moment before the war that is absolutely ridiculous when he thinks about it now!

At that time, the Earth Family Group chose to collide with the Moon Emerging Group. He chose to "kill the chicken to scare the monkeys", Li Gui, an inconspicuous lunar aristocrat. However, after two years of investigation, he finally realized that Li Gui was purely reserved.


Qian Zizai said bitterly: "Who would have imagined that a guy who even cares about high-end restaurants on the moon has never participated in upper-level meetings, but quietly invested a huge amount of research funds and research into the most cutting-edge interstellar information system.

Human power has made a revolutionary breakthrough."

Li Gui has saved money in many areas, but the amount of resources he has deprived the Federation of is the largest in history.

In the two-and-a-half-year war, the Alliance for Humanity became more and more courageous in fighting. Whether it was a defensive war on the lunar surface or a frontier suppression of the absolute information zone in space, the earth was dragged into a quagmire of a losing war.

Even though the Earth Federation is still in a "focused attack" situation, judging from the map in front of Qian Zizai, the Moon is like a seasoned chess player, pawns crossing the river again and again, squeezing its own space.

At present, these "absolute information areas in space" on the moon are about to advance into the earth's "synchronous satellite orbit".

Narrator: Once this "absolute information control zone in space" covers the entire geosynchronous satellite orbit, then the earth's surface area can be suppressed by floating artillery, that is, the lunar corps can counter-land!

Earth Federation, Qian Zizai: The only luck now is that the moon does not yet have frigates and space landing fleets, and it does not have the ability to launch a surface landing war on the earth. This war can still be dragged on.

But is it really what he wants?

…The dividing line between the age of ships and the age of gods…

In the center of the moon, in the huge human-band amniotic pool, Wu Xuan stepped into this place.

His oxidative metabolism here is hundreds of times faster than that of normal humans.

In "Amniotic Fluid of Life", Wu Xuan looked around blankly.

Although he has reached the seventh level of spiritual language, he still cannot accurately describe this feeling of "magnificence of life".

This seems to be the evolutionary history of the human species for hundreds of millions of years, from the original underwater coral absorbing the negative entropy of the sun and the moon during the four hundred days and nights a year, to finally becoming a worm, then into a worm, and then into a vertebrate, crawling in wet areas

, and finally landed on land...

If the soul could shed tears, this feeling of tracing back the bloodline of the ancestors made Wu Xuan want to burst into tears.

Then, in this high-energy amniotic pool, Wu Xuan saw the one-hundred-meter "celestial being" and an umbilical cord of life connecting him to the heavenly being.

At this time, on the moon base, Mo Ya was watching more and more information coming from Wu Xuan's spiritual language. He murmured: "Is this the fourth development!"

Wang Shan on the side nodded: "This process is not about the disappearance of consciousness! It is about the self-consciousness carrying a heavy burden!"

Wei Keng selected Wu Xuan as the first person to be connected with the umbilical cord because his physiological condition reached sixty-eight years old and he could be considered to have completed the "natural man's pedestal journey."

Furthermore, if heavenly beings are born in this plane, then people from this plane should be selected to establish a "genetic pedigree."

Yuexin Weikeng used spiritual language to speak to those related to the moon: "The time for the development of the umbilical cord link is eighteen months! We can prepare for a counterattack against the earth."

In the high dimension, Bai Linglu took a look through the space-time worm system codenamed "Evolution Space". He smiled and said, "It seems that we are ready to enter the "Spiritual Man" stage."

Human base route: Homo sapiens sits on the land, wise man steps on the stars, and spiritual man invites the universe.

At the level of organic matter evolution, Gaia's consciousness cannot reach the late stage state of "spiritual man" under any circumstances.

The dimension of Li Gyu's plot line is about to be "promoted", and the starting move for the Greater Gaia Territory is "Spirit Man", "Spirit Man is out of the cage now", you can refer to the similar situation of "Homo sapiens came out of Africa".

This chapter has been completed!
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