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Chapter 1.12 Ke Feijia's Busyness

 Wei Keng knew that Ke Feijia's work was much busier than his own. The five groups of people who arrived in this space-time zone were operating on different historical lines.

The five groups of people Wei Keng belongs to all have Shengyang, Soviet Russia, and the Western Alliance on the historical line. As for China? It is not certain. For example, on another historical line, there is "Celestial Dynasty", and the group it leads is called " "China Revolutionary Alliance", Ke Feijia's research on Jie Hongzi is not only a business in his plane, but also has the task of "sharing data with other companions on the historical line".

Super technology! This is also the commonality of several historical lines reached by this group of time travellers.

When the space-time management department determines that there are strange forces and chaotic gods in this area, they must determine how many space-time distances this phenomenon spans. In order to cut out this space-time area that was originally divided according to the local plane, classify it as a near plane.

In Wudang Mountain, surrounded by green pines and on the tarmac with the Tai Chi pattern, Ke Feijia raised his sleeves and bowed, and the three Taoist priests were invited to board the plane.

The "please" here is not easy. In addition to renovating the entire Zhenwu Hall, a Tibetan Buddhist temple was built in Wudang Mountain that can be fully electronically queried. At the same time, Ke Feijia showed his sincerity and personally transferred Taoist scriptures such as the Tao Te Ching He copied each word correctly seventy-seven forty-nine times, and at the same time fasted for seven days in front of Emperor Zhenwu. Only in this way could he cooperate with these Detao Quanzhen people, no, ask for advice. Ke Feijia did what he did before. , is already a lay disciple of Wudang, and when meeting him, he must be called Master, Uncle, Master.

In the laboratory, various types of precision human body measurement equipment were used to measure the status of macromolecules in the bodies of these true qi owners. Then, with the plan in hand, they asked these uncles and uncles whether they could use this plan in the next step and continue to search for the path.

Superpower is actually a modern term. Since China has a very long history, even ironmaking has early ancient documents. Therefore, the aliens who awaken superpowers will more or less learn from Taoism, Confucianism, and Confucianism. He left his own magical powers in Buddhist and other classics.

Therefore, from today's perspective, Ke Feijia's research can find a large number of planning ideas for classics, and find different people to conduct satisfactory experiments in accordance with the culture.

On the contrary, in the West, cultural unity has been severed several times, and monotheistic religions have extremely low tolerance for aliens. There have been several large-scale witch hunts in history, and a small number of superpowers have had to hide in dark corners for a long time. It is impossible to talk openly and openly with ancient rulers about the art of nourishing qi and immortality like Chinese Taoist priests.

After entering the age of science and technology, it is recognized that superpower phenomena exist objectively. However, when these foreigners admit something, they admit it from a modern perspective and will not overturn the ancient behavior.

In fact, there is nothing they can do about it. If they really want to completely overturn all history, then it will be okay. No, the modern West talks about human rights to show off its modern civilization. How can it go back to the era of colonial expansion and talk about massacring Indians and buying and selling Africa? Human? Isn’t that just criticizing our own civilization to the point of being worthless?

Western philosophers also evaluate themselves: "All history is contemporary history."

The core element of Western civilization's competitiveness in the industrial age, "maintaining cruelty," is based on "being able to calmly cut away from the past emotionally, only calibrating the past from the perspective of a bystander, and not substituting one's own morality into the present.

On the basis of in-depth understanding and objective summary of ancient times.

Therefore, "superpower" is a system developed in modern times in the modern Western scientific world!

There is a clean historical connection between this thing and ancient witchcraft. They will only admit that it was observed by modern scientific equipment and may be a reference to ancient witchcraft phenomena. They will never say that this is ancient witchcraft.

A modern version of the art.

In the East, various circles do not recognize certain things from ancient times, and there is no hope of inheriting such things in the contemporary world.

In the West, they do not admit that the things they do in modern times are inherited from the branches that were oppressed by monotheistic religions. They will only say that these are their great discoveries that now represent the civilized world, so there is no "baggage of sin". Even today's methods are to some extent the same as those of ancient times.

Similarly, it is also the negligence of modern people without knowing it.

In the current field of superpowers in the West, research is looking for people to "dedicate themselves to science." The research method is much rougher than when Ke Feijia went to a famous sect to talk about "how to develop it."

Regarding the various accidents that may occur in the research of modern superpower departments in Europe and the United States, Wei Keng is not clear here in China, but according to Western news collected by intelligence, "mental illness" has often appeared recently in the European Alps and Lincoln County in southern Nevada, North America.

"Sabotage with guns" and "gas pipeline explosion". By the way, Wei Keng also paid extra attention to a small town called "Tianbian" in Shengyang.

In the blink of an eye, it was the summer of March 1969 in the Western calendar.

When some of the apprentices in the coding industry at the School of Information in the industrial park can already design some simple programs, and some of the best have already shown their potential to engage in this hair loss industry.

"Idle man" Wei Keng received a notice from Ke Feijia that he needed help for his research project. Wei Keng understood this help as "he also has superpowers", and he passed by without any hesitation.

In this time travel, Wei Keng's position is a safe one, he just needs to be a capitalist honestly.

But the chair I'm sitting on is also a position here. The capital on hand is enough to move the world - but it's a bit unsafe.

In the van heading towards Lingyuan Microphysics Laboratory, Wei Keng leaned on the recliner, held up his hat, and said: "With superpower and capital, can we do things safely?


In the super power experiment site, Wei Keng felt that he had thought too much.

"Hello, Taoist Priest!" Before meeting Ke Feijia, Wei Keng greeted the Taoist priest next to him with compliments. However, when facing Wei Keng, the Taoist Priest just called him "lay scholar" in a formal manner.

He didn't speak anymore. This made Wei Keng, who was determined to seek truth, quite embarrassed.

For the Taoist sect, Wei Keng firstly has no qualifications, secondly has a family and business, and thirdly is too tacky. His eagerness for superpowers is too obvious. To seek Taoism, he has to go up the mountain to fetch water for a year or two, which shows his character.


The true biography of Taoism has no connection with Wei Keng, at least not now.

Ke Feijia looked at Wei Keng's somewhat unwilling look and smiled. In his opinion, this was normal. It was normal for him to lack concentration when he encountered a magical ability in a near plane for the first time. Ke Feijia did

He gestured "Let's get down to business now" and asked Wei Keng to follow him.

Ke Feijia led Wei Keng into an armored vehicle. After the armored vehicle drove out of the base, it merged into a convoy. At the same time, scenes from other cabins in the convoy appeared on the screen of Wei Keng's armored vehicle.

, there are also negotiators in these cabins.

Ke Feijia introduced to Wei Keng: "This is Bai Jingqi, the technical director of Huining Mechanical Design Research Institute of Fenghou Group, shopkeeper Bai."

Executive of Fenghou Group: "Master Wei, it's a pleasure to meet you. You are famously low-key in the circle. If Mr. Ke hadn't introduced you, it would have been difficult to meet you."

Ke Feijia reminded that the next test site was provided by Fenghou Group.

After Wei Keng responded politely to the management of Fenghou Group, he looked at the external screen, which showed the heavy vehicles in the convoy, as well as the heavily armed soldiers, and quietly asked Ke Feijia: "Are we going to the armed testing ground base?"

Ke Feijia: "Yes."

It took a few minutes to walk through the test site. A Longyan individual mecha was being tested. It had full-body mechanical power and a shoulder cannon mounted on the back, which could be locked based on the visual aiming system of the helmet. Currently, this equipment is a Su-Shanghai joint

Products and equipment produced by industrial groups can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of new recruits.

The clicking sound of its ejecting cannon and the sound of rapid-fire firearms hitting the target made Wei Keng couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Bai Jingqi introduced: Our north is a fully militarized country like the Soviet Union, and it must be armed to the teeth with technology.

Ke Feijia added: "It's just that the price is too expensive now, and the military has not yet decided to purchase it on a large scale."

Bai Jingqi: "Experimental equipment is developed to cope with future production conditions. In recent years, electronic hardware technology has been improving rapidly."

Wei Keng nodded in understanding, and Ke Feijia said to Wei Keng through the system: "Fenghou Group is showing its strength to you."

Wei Keng: "Huh? Oh." He looked like he didn't take it seriously.

Wei Keng knew that Fenghou's display of the Long Yan individual combat system was a warning to himself that Fenghou had sufficient technical reserves in the field of individual soldier mechanical equipment, and Luoshui Group had better not compete in this area.

But Wei Keng has decided that in addition to maintaining cooperative relations with the military in aviation, vehicles, ship engines, and electronic control design, electronic components, his family's machinery manufacturing will gradually transform towards civilian use. He will farm the market himself.

Establishing an internal cycle. Instead of getting involved with other groups in the field of military orders, Wei Keng has controlled family investment, quietly took control of the equity of Baige Intelligent Workshop, and is preparing to enter the civilian drone market.

Wei Keng’s current goal is to seize the leadership position in the software industry.

In the future, these heavy industries will need to ensure that their equipment is sufficiently intelligent and will need to design operating systems. Luoshui will cooperate with them.

Wei Keng inadvertently said with emotion: "Now the technical indicators of new military equipment are getting higher and higher. Our factory is now developing a new generation of lithium batteries, as well as supporting electric bicycles and clean energy buses."

The administrator of Fenghou Group felt that he had punched a wall of air and felt a little bored.

In the test site sealed off by the four-layer security system of Fenghou Group's large base.

Wei Keng saw this large mechanical facility. He stood up suddenly, with interest in his blood.

Wei Keng: "Is this a mecha?"

What Wei Keng saw was a large humanoid mecha that was twenty meters tall, with exposed metal joints and no armor protection for its mechanical muscles.

The vehicle on the side approached, and the elevator was slowly placed in the cockpit behind the mecha. Ke Feijia climbed up carrying a wine bottle. After entering the cockpit, he placed the bottle in his hand on the shoulder platform of the mecha.


Looking at Wei Keng from the side, he suddenly thought of something: "Wait a minute, how do you electronically control this thing?"

With a snap, the glass cover like a crystal coffin plate fell down. Ke Feijia in the cockpit raised his hand. Almost simultaneously, the robot raised his hand. This action was very standard, and the wine bottle on his shoulder did not move at all.

It didn't spill. Wei Keng opened his mouth: "I really don't know how to maintain balance."

This mecha stands up and is as flexible as a human being.

In the broadcast, "Two steps forward", "Two steps back" and "Turn around" this heavy monster were completed one by one.

Then he stood on one foot and tilted twenty degrees to maintain balance. He also completed this one by one without dropping the bottle of wine on his shoulder.

Wei Keng stopped talking and stared at the mecha, trying to find the control circuit on it. The balance system that controlled each part of the more than 70 tons of humanoid steel was beyond what the current technical level could achieve.

A few minutes later, the cockpit opened. After Ke Feijia came down, he said to Wei Keng, "You're curious."

Wei Keng nodded.

Ke Feijia raised his hand, his true energy flashing in his palm. Wei Keng's mind flashed, he understood something, and asked: "Jie Hongzi!"

Ke Feijia: "You guessed it right."

Qi, this is a kind of magical energy. For hundreds of years, knights and knights in the world have come and gone, flying over walls and walls. But in the age of firearms, no matter how fast a sword is, it can't beat a bullet. After more than 20 years of training, the internal Qi is first-rate.

Masters are often attacked with pistols by young people who have no martial ethics, unless they have reached the innate level and can condense shields with their true energy. However, such masters cannot withstand the suppression of the country's military armed forces.

So, is martial arts really useless? You need to be flexible in your thinking. Flesh and blood cannot withstand steel, so you can control steel. Masters of Zhenqi have the ability to hear a needle drop within a hundred meters. They can even close their eyes and notice the surrounding grass.

Every tree, every insect, every leaf is sensitive to the movement. This shows that Qi can provide signals for perception and control.

Ke Feijia's design, Jie Hongzi induction, photoelectric components, and six thousand synchronization devices of the large machine are directly connected to the body. When the human body's tendons are connected to the artificial tendons on the combat machine, technically this large artificial combat machine becomes

It has practical value.

Half of the price of modern equipment is in electronic control, so the best value of ancient weapons in modern times is to match the derived control power of Qi sense to suitable industrial weapons.

After Ke Feijia completed the test, he explained to the people of Fenghou Group how this type of equipment needed to be improved. Their discussion involved many industrial details. Wei Keng was excluded. However, Wei Keng could pass through Ke Feijia

Open system listening rights to understand all conversations.

During the whole process, it seemed that Wei Keng was just here to fill up the numbers. But Fenghou Group didn’t think so. After Ke Feijia discussed all the technical details, he left with Wei Keng.

Bai Jingqi frowned and watched Wei Keng and Ke Feijia leave in the same car.

The technicians on the side couldn't help but ask this question first: "Young master, in the Jinjiawei project, we should be solely responsible for the mechanical technology, while the Nanfeng Museum is responsible for controlling the sensing components. So, why is it called this time?

Where is the leader of the Luoshui Group coming?"

The Fenghou Group executive glanced at the technician who was speaking: "This is not something you should be concerned about."

On the side of Wei Keng and Ke Feijia, the armored vehicle drove halfway and stopped on the side of the road. The two got out of the car temporarily and found a quiet place.

Ke Feijia patted Wei Keng's shoulder. After a burst of energy shook his whole body from Wei Keng's shoulder, he signaled Wei Keng to take off his coat and slowly destroyed the eavesdropping device on the third button.

Ke Feijia: "Your state of consciousness is being measured. After the measurement is completed, the system will tell you how to control your mind according to Taoism and connect with luck to slowly nourish your Qi." His words were a signal to Wei Keng not to be anxious, Super Power

There will be.

Wei Keng nodded, and then turned the topic to the 'Broken Army Golden Armor': "The threshold for using this equipment is very high?"

Ke Feijia: "Jie Hongzi must complete a sufficient cycle of oscillations before the components can reflect stable signal conversion. In other words, a person who senses inner energy must have at least ten years of skill before his inner energy can be comparable to

Use. So——" He looked at Wei Keng.

Wei Keng: "I know that in the future, we will have to rely on related chips and automation systems for assistance."

Ke Feijia: "Yes, you continue to work on your progress."

This chapter has been completed!
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