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Chapter 26.29 (Part 2) The swarm of human beings

 In the inland west of Lianyungang, in the No. 3 Huai River Base, this is a safe area protected by a concrete wall. One million people in the safe area are placed here. Of course, most families of three only have ten square meters.

In most residential areas, dozens of people share one toilet. A small number of people have living cabins of several hundred square meters. Although this is nothing compared to before the war, "privilege" is expensive in human society.

A mechanized corps is stationed here in this base, and the base commander is Zhu Yunpin.

After Zhu Xiaoyan eloped, she did not forget her two maids. After the reconciliation between Earth and Moon, she used her interpersonal relationships to push these two maids into important positions without being implicated in the events after her elopement.

The total number of this army is 30,000, 90% of which are developed from the local area.

Naturally, they are equipped with a huge number of mechanical vehicles. The most eye-catching star equipment is the sixteen self-propelled artillery with a diameter of 300 mm and a mass of 800 tons supplied by the Humanitarian Alliance Ordnance Field. These artillery are important pillars of the region.

The current common situation in the coastal areas of the Earth Federation is that the air force is deterred by the layer of self-exploding mosquitoes and cannot find volunteers to fly to the sky.

This heavy artillery shell, which has a range of 300 kilometers and can swoop down at ten times the speed of Mach, is the main force against the insect swarm.

This kind of giant cannon is no longer a traditional artillery shell, but has a ram air inlet in the front section.

Because of every shelling, Zhu Yunshuo will coordinate the chain of command with the Human Resources Alliance. The Human Resources Alliance will take over air control and regional electromagnetic rights in a very short time to ensure that every shell can be obtained from the communication chain.

"Campaign Order" to eliminate high-value targets.

In recent interdiction battles, every time the self-destructing swarms were flooded with water, when they flew to the human position, they were either intercepted by lasers, hit self-destructing drones, or suddenly inflated balloons used reflection bands to simulate "large-scale

"Fighter target" is actually a high-level war beast that can harvest large swarms of insects every time humans bombard it!

The information-based bombardment of the Human Alliance defeated the single-target penetration tactics of the martial arts warriors in the defense zone next door who pursued "thick blood" and "high armor".

When Zhu Yunshui used large-scale bombardment for the third time, he hit the core nodes of the large-scale biological beasts on the Yellow Sea, causing the East China Sea insect swarm to be defeated many times. Although the insect swarm bypassed Lianyun Port many times and attacked the North-South Group,

The troops were strong, but every time they tried to take a roundabout way, they were cut off from the side.

This base has always been a thorn in the Pacific bug swarm's inability to penetrate deep into the interior. In the bug swarm's mother nest, it is now beginning to use a variety of methods to solve the problem. Among them, the mimic bugs simulate human spies, trying to solve this problem from the upper level of human bureaucracy.

This issue, of course, is another front.

As the management of the Earth Federal Government in the war zone becomes increasingly chaotic, the Humane Alliance becomes more and more reliable in fighting against the insect swarm, giving it a choice against new forces with stronger organizational capabilities.

At present, the core artillery group under Zhu Yunshu's name is only the second-line force of the Human Rights Alliance.

The elite "Dragon Guard" assault group is still quietly deployed behind them as a back-up force, and it hasn't moved yet!

As long as Wang Shan and other time travelers confirm that Sun Yao will send the Brood to the front line, this assault group will quickly attack and implement the tactical goal of "capturing an insect swarm base". This is how the ultimate calculation of each other occurs in the plane war.


…the dividing line of intrigue!…

But when emerging organizations begin to show signs of replacing the old forces in a crisis, then the old forces will show the characteristics of fighting externally and fighting internally.

When the established groups of the Human Alliance showed signs of taking a breather and lingering under the siege of the insect swarm for more than a year, the first thing they started thinking about was reducing the influence of the Human Alliance.

Now the Humanitarian Alliance is absorbing a large number of veterans on the front line. With the development of clothing technology, the Humanitarian Alliance is now repairing the damaged limbs of disabled frontline soldiers. Of course, this kind of repair is free, but! In the spirit of being responsible to the end, during the repair process

Zhonghui strictly follows the human base template for treatment.

No, indiscriminate doping during combat is not allowed. After being withdrawn, you must undergo six months of ideological education like going to jail to establish a new outlook on life and values.

In the first human-science cooperation, the human-science alliance still remained unique. Yes, internal conflicts in the human camp have always existed.

In the Guangzhu area, the commander of the Federal Taiping Center Theater, after learning about the situation, said with a pipe in his mouth: "The insect swarm is the first enemy, and the Human Alliance has always been the second enemy. We should stand between the Federation and the Human Alliance.

Suddenly an iron curtain fell!"

The original intention of the Earth Federation is to consume the Insect Swarm and the Human Alliance. It does not want either of them to grow. Of course, the Insect Swarm has a similar idea.

In May 2846, the insect swarm sent an envoy to have a dialogue with the Human Alliance.

All of this was within Wei Keng's expectation, and Wei Keng even thought it was a little too late. Wei Keng: Is the time traveler from Haotu too slow to realize that the mission he received is a trap?

Mo Ya, on the other hand, quietly looked at the floating golden flying insects.

Mo Ya: "If our opponent is a human force, well, in order to win over the progressive elements of the other group, we will definitely let them visit the contiguous sweet potato fields, rows of factories, and various waterways being excavated during the negotiation.

Project, but now the opponent is a swarm of insects, is there any need to play the piano against a cow?"

At this time, behind the defense lines of both sides were giant squids in the ocean filled with self-exploding mosquitoes filled with acid, and ground-effect flying airships filled with cruise missiles on land.

The truth is within the range, and the load on the tire determines the persistence of the "truth"

The entire Huaihe River defense line area is lined with rows of twenty-meter-high earth mound barriers, criss-crossing them.

At this underground traffic intersection, where four large trucks can travel together, signs such as Xuzhou Road and Nanjing Road are set up according to place names, pointing out the complex road conditions in the ravine for the field transportation team.

Of course, in busier areas, there are railways with steel rails and unmanned tracked mechanized transport vehicles.

At the rear, the Loess Plateau mobilized the people to quickly learn the operation of these equipment and obtain the corresponding qualification certificates, and the industrial production lines were fully opened one by one. This is the national war after large-scale industrialization.

As for the entire Huaihe River, it has dried up. The total power generation required on the site comes from the 6,000 geothermal wells dug. In order to quickly extract geothermal heat, the Human Resources Alliance did not establish a water circulation mechanism like the loess high slopes.

Water from the Huaihe River is poured directly into it, and rows of steam wells spurt out from the surface, driving generator sets and driving hundreds of thousands of machines to start day and night.

The Humane Alliance is bringing all the people in the Great River Basin into the rhythm of war, holding guns, working production tools, and smashing shackles in pursuit of victory.

Against this background, Wei Keng, as Li Gui, and Sun Yao's insect swarm commander sat at a long metal table and met each other.

These two people knew each other in the main world, but now they are separated by planes and do not know each other's identities.

An hour later, Wei Keng understood the opponent's motives through Sun Yong's inconsistent words and the international relations he studied at university.

Narrator: International relations is not about predicting international events. International development is full of too many accidental uncertainties and it is difficult to predict. International relations is just about analyzing international events that have already occurred, the position of each party, and then providing information on how to respond to one's own side.

refer to.

Wei Keng looked at the insect swarm and gave a suggestion to divide the East Asian continent, that is, the coastal areas were under the control of the insect swarm system, and the insect swarm mother nest asked the Human Alliance to sell the East China Sea business group "Tianyue Company" on the eastern front.


Wei Keng looked at him and asked, "Who did you learn your techniques of pulling and fighting?"

The little devil made the same promise to the bald head back then. But the bald head didn't even believe it.

Sun Yao said in a (for your own good) tone: "In politics, the most difficult thing to deal with is internal relations, which are related to legitimacy. I can help you obtain legitimacy."

This cunning trick played by Sun Yao is very effective in many tasks. He is an excellent fire master, but this time he kicked the iron plate.

Wei Keng shook his head and said: "The foundation of our legitimacy is different from what you think. Our Human Rights Alliance does not need to inherit the legal principles of the old regime, only!"

Wei Keng said word for word: "Adhere to morality, intelligence, physical education, beauty and labor!"

Wei Keng complained in his heart: "What are these new generation time travellers? Are you talking to me about the law? This trick is only useful for rotten people with low self-esteem and no bones. How do you get the confidence to use this on me!"

It's cold and I'm feeling weak,

This chapter has been completed!
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