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Chapter 4.24 Self-arranged plot

  On Wuzhuang Peak, the young swordsmen’s trial competition began.

At the viewing pavilion on the mountain peak, Wei Keng absent-mindedly looked at the walkway in the distance. Back then, he walked through it as a cook. Now he has a different perspective. After decades of fighting, it has become a viewing stand.

 Soon, it was Wei Keng’s turn.

This time Wei Keng is re-training to be a supervisor in a large area. Therefore, he should have the qualifications of a swordsman, and to have such qualifications, he must now be a young swordsman with "superior" qualifications.


 Half an hour later,


During the battle, Wei Keng was stopped by Song Dian.

Wei Keng paused and said secretly, "I have the advantage, but it's not too much. Is it too much to praise me now?"

 But the fact is~

 From the perspective of all the swordsmen in the audience, Song Dian flashed fiercely in front of Wei Keng.

Song Dian stared at Wei Keng and said coldly: "Wei Pan, you still haven't practiced the basic space correctly. Practice it ten times again after the end."

Wei Keng: “…”

Then he said angrily: "Teacher, you have taught Brother Zheng how to make continuous space jumps. They didn't use the basics either."

The atmosphere suddenly cooled down. Song Dian stared at Wei Keng, and a sudden sword broke the space next to Wei Keng's earlobe. Wei Keng sensed this sword very clearly, and it was impossible to stab him, and his expression was very calm.


Song Dian was slightly startled, but it didn't show on his face.

Song Dian: “Do you have any objections to my teachings?”

 Wei Keng: “Students don’t dare.”

Song Dian: “Then go practice!”


The jump was over, and Wei Keng stayed where he was. As for the other fellow swordsmen, they ignored Wei Keng and seemed to be disdainful of Wei Keng's "high self-esteem."

 For example, the group of young swordsmen going to Chahai on the left.

 Classmate 1: “Oh, you are so brave, you dare to question the instructor directly.”

 Classmate 2: “After all, I come from a small place and I don’t understand some things.”

And two kilometers away behind Wei Keng, there were three female swordsmen.

 Classmate 3: "Hey, the instructor got angry and it ended midway."

 Classmate 4: “Did the guy named Wei Pan tell you right?”

Classmate 5: "Just him? How is it possible? The instructor is trying to make a small fuss for the senior sister and the others."


These rumors were evaluated behind Wei Keng's back, but Wei Keng's space perception ability is so good that he heard it "accidentally".

Wei Keng did not have the passion to compare with these family members who were in the same situation.

Wei Keng complained: "Even if I am not good at speaking, but you are all focusing on criticizing the aspects that I am not good at, isn't your attention also distorted?"

 About Song Dian, Wei Keng has already seen his plan.

 He is selecting seeds that he thinks may become sword masters.

Therefore, "six disciples" were selected to teach higher spatial skills. As for other swordsmen, especially some disciples from "non-swordsman families", they still emphasized the basics of their practice.

 This made Master Wei feel ironic: It would be fine if the inheritance department of the Tianze sect did this. You are an academic department.

 Faculty departments have always emphasized the need for an eclectic selection of talents for the Department of Heritage.

 Haha, now that I am like this, I have no background and no family heritage. Isn’t this what you are looking down on?

Song Dian asked students like Wei Keng to practice the basic skills of the swordsman in space jumping in order to serve as the cornerstone of the team and protect the core combatants.

 First of all, this is no future!

According to Wei Keng's technical summary, the tactics developed in this way will be targeted by his own algorithm system in the future, and will be destroyed by the "firepower of the ambush system" in the future tide.

 Besides, this is not fair!

In the game, you can protect four and one, and the one who is protected provides food for everyone, which is fine, but what about war? Why, why are you a noble master?

Swordsmen who use a large number of basic jumps, in the current combat system, are like soldiers killed by volleys of guns, and their jump actions will be very rigid.

 Only core combatants can be flexible. And they will get maximum cooperation from standard warped swordsmen.

 Obviously, only the six young swordsmen selected by Song Dian were selected as the core.

This is equivalent to the difference between becoming a non-commissioned officer and a school officer when entering the army in modern Europe. The former is a soldier recruited to hold a gun, and the highest level is to be promoted to a sergeant. But the latter is a person with a good family background and enough money.

Enter the military academy, become a school officer when you come out, and then you can be promoted to general if you perform meritorious service.

Now this unfairness is taken for granted. Now Wei Keng raises questions. None of the swordsmen in the same class think Wei Keng is reasonable. Instead, they think: Wei Pan is frivolous and wants to get better, but he doesn't look at himself.

How many kilograms and taels?

 Having received so many negative comments, Mr. Wei also had some self-doubts. Did he really have "a problem with his ability to communicate with the outside world, leading to cognitive misalignment?"

So, staying on the space field, Wei Keng re-practiced the "Basic Space Jump" several times. To get familiar with it again, there is no "low-tech version" of the space jump skill.

You must know that Wei Keng, the last member of the Tianze Sect, has completed all independent technical mastery. He has also named each system the Qiankun Wide Area System and the Mustard Seed Precision Measurement System.

Due to relying on convenient high technology for a long time, I have basically performed various basic operations. Because they are not commonly used, I am not used to it.

This is like: after the 21st century, with WeChat and QQ, you can type, send videos, and make voice calls. Even the most basic "leave request format in letter format" will be a little unfamiliar.

Mr. Wei's self-doubt did not last for half an hour before he was interrupted by Qin Xiaohan.

Sitting on the lotus platform (prop) in the space bubble, Qin Xiaohan saw Wei Keng practicing the lowest level of space jump with nothing to do. At first, he thought that Mr. Wei had found a new way of dawdling around, but then he felt it was not the case, so he asked Wei Keng

After giving the reason, he was immediately surprised: "What?"

Qin Xiaohan: "Do you care about these guys talking nonsense? What? ~ Objective evaluation? 'You are looking for rational neutrality here! Oh my God, you have already reached this level, why do you care about the opinions of those mediocre people? You are a little brighter

As soon as you reach the level of swordsman, they will immediately fall to the wind! Looking for faults for yourself is humility, but letting these people find faults for you is looking for discomfort."


Song Dian returned to his palace. I don’t know why, but after finishing the teaching at the training ground today, I always felt a little uncertain and restless.

Today, when Wei Pan relied on his own little skills during the jump, he slightly defeated the disciple he had instructed. He immediately severely reprimanded this disobedient behavior and put an end to this kind of behavior.

"Self-display" has restored the combat training order of the new swordsmen. However, I always feel that there will still be such smart-alecks among these students that destroy the tacit understanding of the swordsmen's formation.

Song Dian shook his head and said: "A piece of rat shit ruins a pot of soup."

Just as he was thinking, his wife came out wearing a shawl and said to him: "What's wrong, are you worried about your disciples again?" Hao Wan popped up a spatial wave and raised the lights in the hall.

Two gears.

Song Dian shook his head and said, "It's nothing, just daily life. How are Yue'er and Neng'er doing?"

Mrs.   : "Very good, they all bowed before Lord Lu Gaojian of Jiluefeng."

 After the two lingered for a while,

The lady said: "Husband, I heard that the Star Wars on the eighteenth orbit is about to start again."

Song Dian took a deep breath: "Yes, this is where my group of disciples will be tested. The indicators set above allow for a 40% mortality rate."

Madam paused: "So high?"

Song Dian: "There is nothing I can do about it. After experiencing the bloody battle, the probability of promotion is higher. I will just pay attention to those few good seedlings."

 After a while of silence, the lady asked: "Yue'er and Neng'er also want to participate in the trial?"

Song Dian paused and said, "Jianjun Lu Gao must also have some arrangements."


 On Wei Keng’s side, he understood the entire conversation between Song Dian and his wife.

 Not only is Song Dian an acquaintance, but this lady is also an acquaintance.

She is the beauty and scourge of Oak City, Liu Yangyue, her fighting incarnation's legs are, well, very long. After so many years, although they are not as bright and moving as before, they still have a unique charm.

 As for their pair of children.

Wei Keng: "Tsk, tsk, it's okay, lucky people have their own destiny." Mr. Wei had a high-spirited attitude that the matter was none of his business.

 In fact, it is very simple to get Song Dian's approval. Just take out the old friend's object that imitates the "Student Sword", and Song Dian will be slightly biased towards him.

But Mr. Wei said: "Is it necessary to have this relationship? If you have this relationship, you will be involved in a human relationship. I have to return the favor to him, such as helping him take care of the children. Now, you are not biased towards me, and I am not biased either."

How wonderful you are!"

 According to the current accumulation of technical data and comprehensive data analysis of Song Dynasty,

Master Wei Keng can now directly turn Song Dian into a sword master within five years!

As for how Wei Keng’s experience system can benefit others, the time and space shuttle system has already made a bold attempt before Wei Keng.


 In the spatial dimension, the Dahe camp placed the "ambush" system and the "photon guard" system (relying on the energy center) directly in the "skill exchange column" of the lucky ones in the system.

 In a large number of timelines in the war zone of the space twisting plane, system traversers who use this as a weapon to leapfrog challenges have appeared.

 At this time, we are on the axis timeline, orbit 18, on asteroid No. 345.

The time traveler who mastered the "Heaven System" collided with the time traveler of the "Tiandao System".


Asteroid 345.

  Wu Guang (Swordsman), as the current top officer, looked at the numerous fleets in the distance and couldn't help but ask the system: "Tiandao system, help me lock it."

 In his space sensing perspective, each enemy fleet was marked.

 But there are still loopholes. Wo Guang: "Tiandao system, all my experience now is used to upgrade the photon guardian."

Tiandao System: “Yes, it can be upgraded, please be prepared to carry your thoughts.”

 In an instant, a large amount of exchanged experiences were integrated into his brain, and these experiences were not simply stuffed in, but also helped Wu Guang understand.


 Thought transplantation technology has always been a technology strictly controlled by the Space-Time Administration. Because the thinking system requires continuity.

Let's put it this way, you have memorized a high school mathematics book and only know the definition. But your own thinking cannot understand it. However, if you have the memory of saving money, you can use the method of compounding interest after saving money.

concepts to explain exponents.

The knowledge in books is the same, but the process of understanding knowledge is different for everyone. For example, for the knowledge point "parabola", some people understand it as the calculation when playing badminton, while others use a slingshot.

When making a bird's nest, use mathematics to summarize the rules.

 Wu Guang picked up the system like this and then simply upgraded it. It seemed like he didn’t have to do anything.

 But in this case, his thoughts will have to be read by the system first! This process is absolutely foolproof.

 Only by understanding certain phenomena engraved in his experience and linking the experiential knowledge into his thinking through these "nodes of experience" can he "enlighten"!

Of course, the vortex itself has been guided by the missions of the Tiandao system in the past few decades. The phenomena to be seen, as well as simple thinking, are all systematic arrangements and hints to facilitate docking and memory.

  As for understanding efficiency? The system is lucky enough to reach 70%. In the evaluation of the system, it has usability.


 As a time traveler who is an "original experience system", most of the origins of inspiration are kept secret from the system (supervisors).

Mr. Wei, who has been in this plane for almost hundreds of years, still has all kinds of thoughts running through his head, making it difficult for the supervisors to keep up.

Maybe one second I was thinking about "fried eggs that are crispy on the outside but tender on the inside", and the next second a certain string popped up in my mind, a yy hypothesis about how to derive the firepower of a star and roast an asteroid until it was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and then deduced it in a serious manner.

Technology is possible.


Qin Xiaohan was also responsible for the ideological grafting of Wo Guang.

 Compared with serving Uncle Wei, who was always as aggrieved as his younger daughter-in-law, Qin Xiaohan now has the indifference of a "system administrator" when facing local system holders.

Qin Xiaohan reported to his supervisor Li Ximeng: "On Timeline No. 3, the holder of System No. 3 grafted the memory of the Level 3 Photon Guardian, and the grafting success rate was 74.3%."

In the superior supervision space, Li Ximeng asked: "The success rate of grafting is getting lower and lower. I remember that many of the thinking points in the memories uploaded by Wei Keng are very common sense. Why can't the holder even accept this?"

Li Ximeng remembered that in the axis timeline, the holders of the Tiandao system were originally from the lower-middle class. This was the same social class that Wei Keng fell into when he was studying basic technology. There is no reason why this holder has a low understanding rate.

Qin Xiaohan said helplessly: "Inspiration cannot be grafted on. Things that Sergeant Wei sometimes finds very interesting are very plain (low) ideas in the thinking of traditional swordsmen, so these Sergeant Wei Keng can patiently think in the direction

, people who are obsessed with power cannot bring it in."

  【In short, I came from a middle-class background, but after picking up the system and starting to look upward, I completely diverged from Wei Keng's inspirational thinking】

Li Ximeng, the high minister, nodded.

 As a veteran time traveler who also travels, I also feel the same way about "genius". The so-called "inspiration", taking it off the altar, is the interest in the direction that others ignore.

 And Tao, in mountains and oceans, is also drowning in rubble and shit. When consciousness is willing to accept everything broadly, then it is dynamic.


 After one year of training on Wuzhuang Peak.

Wei Keng was sure that the time for the drill was coming, and he was planning, as if he were writing the outline of a novel, how he would "escape from death" this time when he went to fight in the stars in outer space, then "greatly improve his skills", "understand during the battle", and finally "

Promotion at the last minute."

 After drawing up the draft, take it to your editor, no, to the supervisor, and ask her to review it to see if there are any obtrusions. Can you obtain the identity of the swordsman without anyone questioning it?

Qin Xiaohan: "Do you need me to be sure of the ideas you have in mind?" There was a hint of sullenness in her tone.

No wonder Qin Xiaohan is unhappy. When the real adventure plan was involved in the previous mission, Wei Keng never listened to the supervisor's plan. He made all his own decisions and finally chose the safest path. But now the "fake promotion" performance transaction

Planning for yourself?

 Qin Xiaohan’s lips were pouted.

Wei Keng didn't sense Qin Xiaohan's emotions. Although they had been partners in this plane for nearly a hundred years, the last level of tacit understanding was just missing.

 Qin Xiaohan gave Wei Keng a piece of information, and the "promotion performance" on this is the authentic one...

 So Wei Keng began to take a series of real upgrade files of the lucky guy called "Wortex" and started to refer to them.

Wei Keng: “So my technical system has already been put into actual combat?”

On the interface in front of Wei Keng, there are pictures of lucky people from various systems in various timelines redeeming the "Photon Guardian Formation" system to fight on asteroids.

There are many real combat scenes showing the confrontation with Yun Gangxing's incarnation technology.

On the interface No. 33 floating in front of Wei Keng, in a space battlefield with a transport ship as the background, the fighting avatar of the defender had just left the battleship, flashed three to twenty times, and was locked in space. It was inferred by the algorithm.

As soon as the pattern came out, energy popped out at four to fifty transition points, and each of these incarnations was burned into powder.

Wei Keng studied very carefully. In Qin Xiaohan's eyes, this attitude was like a superpower selling arms and studying the application of its own weapons on the battlefield of a small country.

Wei Keng patted his thigh and affirmed the bold attempts of these lucky system players on the battlefield: "Oh, yes, war is about destruction, no need to do any bells and whistles. Information is respected, and firepower is king."

Qin Xiaohan took advantage of Wei Keng's rare interest in discussing "entering the upper class" and began to discuss the progress in a questioning tone: "Sergeant Wei Keng, there are no surprises in this trial on Tianze Star. You have obtained the status of 'Sword Master'

no problem."

Wei Keng was in a good mood and couldn't help joking to Qin Xiaohan: "What do you mean by 'no accident', but it's okay to flag a tree. Tsk tsk. After I complete this mission, I want to go back to the main world to meet, um, find a girl." Wei Keng.

Keng wanted to plant his own flag, but suddenly found that there was no girl waiting for him in the main world.


At this time, a buzzing sound sounded in Qin Xiaohan's space. A pop-up window suddenly appeared.

On the interface, Bai Linglu reported with an expressionless face: "On November 7, 147, in the Pandora plane, Sergeant Wei Keng's consciousness was shaken, and a dimension crossing phenomenon has occurred. Please pay attention to Wei Keng in the empty twisting plane.

The situation of soldiers.”

Before Qin Xiaohan could say anything, the Bailinglu interface disappeared.

Qin Xiaohan paused and whispered: "What is the Pandora plane, November 7, 147?" She immediately looked up the Pandora plane, but found that some content around this date had a very high confidentiality level, and no specific information could be obtained from it.

Qin Xiaohan couldn't help but become serious: "Bai Linglu, what did you do over there?" According to Qin's understanding, something big must have happened to cause Wei Keng's consciousness to fluctuate. And when he thought about it, she had allowed herself to agree before.

I had a bad premonition after reading the information about the dual-dimensional parallel mission.

This chapter has been completed!
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