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Chapter 26.31 (Part 1) Burning all over the world

 The martial arts plane of the solar system, 2847.

The southeastern defense line of the Asian continent fell under the attack of the behemoths newly reinforced by the insect swarm. Each of those behemoths were carrying "energy shields" and were as big as a dormitory building. When the behemoths climbed from the beach to the land, the small human tanks were like cockroaches.

, was trampled to pieces by the heavy feet of these giant beasts.

As the population retreated inland in large numbers, the fungus carpet began to spread on the southeastern coastline. Every skyscraper was contaminated by the fungus carpet, and brown fruit-like contamination spores hung from the windows.

Some of the Earth Federation's corporate groups have also given up on counterattack. For example, the North Pacific Pilot Company's large mecha project has completely gone bankrupt.

In recent battles, increasingly powerful mammoths have emerged from the depths,

During the Puhai defense battle, multiple mammoths attacked the red Storm mecha developed by Pacific Company, and used thirty-meter biological pincers to crush the super giant human mecha.

The East Asian Federation began to prepare for the implementation of the Great Wall Plan, which is to build long and continuous barriers along the coastline. These barriers are 60 meters high and will extend from south to north.

This strategy was learned from the Federation's senior management from the Human Resources Alliance. However - there is no qualified team to conduct systematic research, and it is just a few leaders who slap their foreheads to learn from external advanced experience, that is, painting a tiger will not turn out to be a dog!

Wei Zhongren: How can successful experience be so easy to learn? If success can be learned easily and easily, then it is still called "success"?

The Human Alliance's second-line troops achieved great results during this year. By defending the canal stronghold and letting heavy artillery fire again and again, they annihilated large individuals such as the behemoths of the insect swarm.

Facing the small and medium-sized individuals of the insect swarm, the Human Alliance Corps also relies on the broken line barrier every time. When the insect swarm hits the recess several hundred meters long in the barrier, hundreds of cloud explosive bombs are suddenly thrown to wash the ground and carry out collective harvesting.

After each bombing, the smaller insect swarms had been burned to a golden color. The larger behemoths were not dead. When they moved their bodies in the black smoke, a large number of thermite warheads were added, and finally they burst into flames.

Collapse. As for the giant creatures that can still resist and continue to move forward, we have to ask how the "heavy firepower from the rear" allowed the giant beasts to come in.

The Human Resources Corps achieved great success in strategy and tactics, and successively recovered many areas such as northern Jiangsu and southern Shandong. The "Nanli Road" and "Xuzhou Road" used to be used in trench warfare have now become "Jiju Road" and "Qingdao Road"

", a detail: the dialect vocabulary in the mouth of the driver who drove a large truck during the trench war began to enrich, and there was an atmosphere of one family across the world. This indicates that the Humanitarian Alliance has grown from being a foreigner on the moon to a comprehensive force of the earth and moon system.


Therefore, the top smart people of the Earth Alliance believe that "building the Great Wall" is more effective.

But these great wisdoms have overlooked an important point, the human alliance's positional warfare is used for offense.

That is to say, the Humanitarian Alliance has mobilized the people on a large scale to carry out general war in recent years and has abundant troops. In order to protect the combat effectiveness of the troops and not lose them in a "pig charge", it has carried out long fronts to protect its own troops and mobilize them back and forth.

It can be seen that on these fronts, there are rail channels and supply lines, which are suitable for human tanks and mechas to pass through the positions. Some slopes and irregular pit designs in the slopes hinder the movement of the insect swarms.

By "gaining one's own side" and "giving negative status to the enemy" in this way, the Human Alliance allows its own reserve team to better join the battle, fill up the strategic front, and allow the main force to move around and fight a battle of annihilation!

This is an elitist unwillingness to analyze. They will only look at the following three points separately.

1: The Humanitarian Alliance’s human sea tactics mobilized more people. (They also want to mobilize the people, but they never give the mobilized people the benefit of the doubt. At most, they only praise those who dare to take risks and praise them for being proactive and innovative)

2: Trench warfare of digging positions. (They also want to dig positions after they cannot defeat them, but this is to defend their core area and abandon other areas, rather than to provide combat assistance to others who are not under their command.)

3: The Human Rights Alliance uses propaganda to grow its "irregular" military power. (They also want to expand through propaganda, but they don't want to let go of personnel promotion channels and impact their noble families.)

In this war against the swarm, the Earth Federation claims to be the main force, but in fact it is the main force against Japan.

Mo Ya commented rather disdainfully on the current military level of the Earth Federation: The front defense of the Xinhuo Legion is not just as simple as "building barriers" and "artillery bombardment". How can artillery accurately identify the enemy's high-value targets, and at the same time, it must cooperate to cover the formation of our own team?

Attack in a roundabout way! These war qualities should be the basic skills of human beings on earth. How can they be worse than those of the Promise Stars? You guys who went to military academies must have come in through the back door!

Mo Ya’s comment may actually be true!

The second and third generations at the top of the Earth Federation do not dare to get involved with ordinary people. They are incompetent and occupy high positions. They often regard "regression" as progress and advance with enthusiasm.

If the Humanitarian Alliance has really broken through the barriers of the people everywhere, these people have been constantly creating barriers for hundreds of years. The two sides have completely opposite historical directions.

Over the years, the Earth Federation Military Academy has been advocating "squad combat".

Throughout the southeastern campaign, various squads of warriors who disobeyed orders and attacked the insect swarm alone would use upper-level relationships and micro-management in every campaign-level bombardment.

However, the battle legion's offensive was delayed by them, and many hidden firepowers were exposed in advance. Instead, the leaders led by these warrior squads accused "the regular army of obeying orders to death, and their tactics are inflexible and backward tactics!".

Moreover, these Earth Federation military bureaucrats who have stolen high-level positions have a so-called basis: seventy or eighty years ago, during the small-scale demon disaster, it was warriors like them who achieved tactical victory with flexibility and maneuverability.

After the Battle of Puhai, the southeastern flank of the Humanitarian Alliance was unsafe and had to retreat.

Wei Keng comforted Mo Ya: war is a matter for the whole people, and we must first prepare a strategic retreat and drag the insect swarm to the second line of defense.

...Wei Keng is still waiting. It is not time to argue with the warrior. There are two reasons...

First: The weather has not yet arrived, and Wei Keng’s scheduled time was between August 1946 and March 1970.

There will be seven lunar eclipses between the earth-moon system and the sun. During this process when the sun, moon and earth are in the same line, the projection of gravity will be like x-rays shining on the human body.

By then, Wei Keng will use the power of time and space at the celestial level of this plane to screen everyone on the entire earth and identify those who are traveling through time.

Changes in the physical rules of the Earth-Moon system will illuminate a series of dimensional reflection points in this dimension.

Nowadays, the Human Resources Alliance is building gravity observation wells on the high loess slopes just to do this.

Second: Harmony is not enough. The path of federal martial arts is still confusing people in this era.

Nowadays, the martial arts, military and economic oligarchs are still instilling the idea of ​​"people are superior to others", allowing ordinary young people in this round of catastrophe to face their illusions and try to get on this martial arts path.

Wei Keng understood these young people who were unwilling to give up. They couldn't give up on practicing martial arts for a while, and they were lucky: "What if they succeed?"

In short, being disillusioned and returning to down-to-earth simplicity is also a kind of growth.

Wei Keng is patient and waits for most of the "middle-class people" of this era to pass this threshold.

Before the sun rises, people are accustomed to using stars to identify directions.

This chapter has been completed!
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