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Chapter 26.32 (Part 2) Confrontation Negotiation

 Chapter 1315 Chapter 32 (Part 2) Confrontation and Negotiation

At the end of 2848, Moon Fire took some time off, and finally began to deal with those little people who "continuously maliciously speculate on the intentions of the Alliance of Humanity".

At Lagrange Point, Zhao Shengkai negotiated on behalf of the Human Rights Alliance and the six major families in the federal forces.

Oh, at this time the 75-year-old Wu Xuan has left the traditional natural person state, so he cannot be a leader.

It must be mentioned that Wei Keng, as the "Emperor of Humanity", set the "human relations" rules of the system of heaven and man: the "young" managers of the Humanity Alliance must be natural persons in the human pedestal period.

As for the dharma world, it must transcend the old human politics. Just like adults and children, there is a natural inequality in physiology and thinking.

In the human pedestal state, the most important thing is that the "adults" do not deliberately interfere with the "moral, intellectual, physical, artistic, and labor" education of the "young people" with their own goals.

Wei Keng: "Adults should not interfere in children's affairs. If adults interfere in children's affairs, the adults will become childish, smart, and forget their own responsibilities, and the children will be restrained and submissive."

Having said that, of course, during this negotiation, Wei Keng still sent a separate person to follow quietly as a record-keeper without the knowledge of Zhao Shengkai and other participants.

Wei Keng quibbled: "As an adult, I can follow you quietly to monitor you. There will be no problem."

Adults don't trust their children, so they can only hide behind and secretly tell the truth...

In Lagrange City, Li Gui and Zhu Xiaoyan, who had changed their appearance, came here.

This space station is like a bubble apple. After entering the city from the navel-like depression in the center of the bubble, Wei Keng saw the familiar sickle and hammer symbol, and for a moment he felt as if he was in another world.

This symbol does not have the same meaning as in the main world. After different histories, it now only represents abundant food and clothing, which is equivalent to the big carp in the New Year paintings. - This symbol is the cause and effect left by the immortals from Danzhou.

Wei Keng sighed, this space fortress at the Lagrange point is the base camp of the oligarchs.

In the early stages of the negotiations, the federal warriors led the envoys from the Human Rights Alliance to visit the military exercise. It was the latest one-kilometer-long energy heavy artillery. One shot had an equivalent force of 200,000 tons. Of course, such a weapon was entering

It will be attenuated by 70% after reaching the atmosphere, and the "recoil" (the aftermath of energy excitation) will cause the four-billion-ton Lagrangian city to tremble for up to an hour.

After an hour, the fortress's damper will convert it into the heat of the biosphere's seawater.

Zhao Shengkai and other representatives of the Humane Alliance observed that the results of the Earth Federation's bombardment were quite "exciting" and showed no fear at all, which made the Earth Federation Federation bureaucrats on the side look unnatural.

For the Earth Federation bureaucrats, such bombardment is the ultimate weapon to prepare for a decisive defeat. It is used to intimidate the Human Alliance from doing irrational things. They need their opponents to be afraid in order to be considered a strategic success.

The Human Rights Alliance seemed indifferent, which made them panic.

Wei Keng mentally evaluated this flashy fortress cannon: This cannon can only lock on one target, and the moving speed of the muzzle before locking is too slow. It can feint attack in multiple directions and then attack around the flanks. What's more, I

The artillery here can shoot faster than you, and under the command system, the salvo fire can be more accurate than you.

According to the science of war, trying to pin your hopes on a single factor such as "one weapon", "many people", and "ingenuity" to achieve success is equivalent to hoping that "the enemy cannot think."

Wei Keng: What I have spent decades working slowly and meticulously to create, considering "leveraging strengths and avoiding weaknesses" is more comprehensive than the loopholes discovered by any genius in a moment of "inspiration".

Zhu Xiaoyan stared at the half-finished doomsday weapon that the bureaucrats were showing off, and sighed at her brother.

Zhu Xiaoyan: The technical staff under the family are actually perfunctory with you (cousin) now. This super large artillery is not yet a finished product because the design lacks rationality and the "recoil" has not been solved in the first place.

Furthermore, when the electromagnetic gun is fired, huge electromagnetic wave vibrations will sweep through the control cabin at the back. Such "gun sound" interference means that it is impossible for the Earth Federation to complete the salvo deployment of multiple main guns through electromagnetic communication.

Moreover, the main control room is obviously too independent from the gun body, and a more detailed information link has not been designed.

Zhu Xiaoyan shrugged: The giant artillery command room? It's more like a club. Obviously, the information command center has not been built! - the center of the command system, which represents the middle "processing link" among the three links of "discovery, processing, and destruction", similar to

In the game, a person has hands and eyes, but he can't operate it as a professional player. This kind of fortress cannon is very powerful, but it can be confirmed from the command room that when the heavenly being is discovered and attacked, it is impossible to withstand the heavenly being.

Interference from surrounding satellite clusters and mobile suit combat groups.

Narrator: Are aristocrats and bureaucrats showing off their military power in front of technical experts? The truth is revealed at a glance...

Of course, Zhu Xiaoyan did not say this to her cousin. Instead, she blocked Bei Lingxiang. In the space station, she stared at the loser with her head held high.

In the end, Zhu Xiaoyan was taken away by Li Gui. When Zhu Xiaoyan was taken away, she looked like a little woman.

Zhu Xiaoyan deliberately pretended to be like this. Zhu Xiaoyan, who is very powerful, is now demonstrating to Bei Lingxiang what "the husband sings and the wife follows".

And Bei Lingxiang obviously recognized Li Gui in disguise. Her eyes were cold.

By the way, here in the Earth Federation: the disappearance of Li Gui and Zhu Xiaoyan is defined as an elopement.

"Elopement" is denounced in feudal ethics. However, a successful "elopement" is a legend through the ages.

For example, Zhang Sheng and Zhang Yingying, who won the top prize, this kind of match between a talented man and a beautiful woman, oh, the main world in the 21st century whitewashed it as "free love". People in the 24th century thought it was a joke. What kind of thing is this?

"Free love" is basically "a book that feels good after gambling and winning".

Just like the series of works in the main world called "The Battle of Japan" which are not anti-war but anti-defeat, Romance of the West Chamber has never been anti-feudal ethics and the pursuit of love.

This type of story has never advocated "free love"; its original intention is specifically to promote the theory of the superiority of scholars.

Narrator: If you were to marry a martial artist or a craftsman, let’s see if those scholarly readers would pay for it!

Now the Xinhuo Group has outstanding people, and Li Gui, as the leader, is getting higher and higher. Therefore, in the eyes of many "love-minded" people in the contemporary federation, when he suddenly looks back, he is not the "top pick" potential stock.


Of course, for a story about a talented man and a beautiful woman to be exciting, it also needs a villain. Just like the beauty of "Butterfly Lovers", it needs to be contrasted by Ma Wencai.

In the process of "eloping" between Zhu Xiaoyan and Li Gui, there just happened to be a ready-made villain, Bei Lingxiang.

Zhu Xiaoyan's actions just now confirmed Bei Lingxiang's identity as a villain.

After being dragged away by Wei Keng, Zhu Xiaoyan was still stimulating Bei Lingxiang with a smile.

Wei Keng couldn't help but wonder: "Your bad taste can't be so strong."

Zhu Xiaoyan smiled and returned: "What will a crazy woman do in the end?"

Wei Keng was slightly startled and looked at Bei Lingxiang. The woman was now terrifyingly silent.

Wei Keng turned to Zhu Xiaoyan and asked warily: "You provoke her! What is your purpose?"

Zhu Xiaoyan, who is equivalent to the late stage of the first level of traceability, although she has the obsession of "desire", she will never take risks and do meaningless things.

Wei Keng stared at Zhu Xiaoyan and started simulating her thinking and deducing Bei Lingxiang's information.

After discovering the key information that Bei Lingxiang could enter and leave the giant cannon energy zone, Wei Keng deduced a possibility, that is, Bei Lingxiang's personal psychological darkness would accelerate the advancement of conflicts.

Wei Keng asked Zhu Xiaoyan: "Do you expect that with such man-made factors, accidents will occur after negotiations (the Earth Federation and other aristocratic families take the initiative to die)."

Zhu Xiaoyan smiled slightly: "How long do you have to wait if nothing unexpected happens? Are you really going to let them survive for decades?" Zhu Xiaoyan smiled and wanted to "accelerate the historical process."

Wei Keng opened his mouth to emphasize: "We must continue to endure it first."

When the words came to her lips, she realized that it wasn't that Zhu Xiaoyan didn't know what she was thinking, but that she didn't want to wait any longer.

Wei Keng said leisurely: "After this mission is over, can you go on a few more missions with me?"

Zhu Xiaoyan smiled: "I'm very happy." Then she sensed Wei Keng's gaze and said: "You don't want to get rid of me after this mission is over, do you?"

...Smart women can't hide anything. Li Gui, who is Wei Keng, will be married to Zhu Xiaoyan forever...

In the center of the fortress, the second round of negotiations involving the division of the earth and moon system began. Zhao Shengkai leaned on the sofa, crossed his legs, and waited for the master here to come and speak. This set of actions was taught by Wei Keng.

Wei Keng (Li Gui) said this that year: "Dialogue with comrades should be tense and serious. As for negotiating with opponents, especially when you don't have high hopes of winning, you should be more relaxed."

Of course, at the same time, Mo Ya, who was taking notes on the side, interrupted and said: "My opponent, he is so "cool and free" that he disgusted and walked away from several girlfriends." (Afterwards, Li Gyu continued.

I haven’t called Moya during meals for a week.)

At this time, Wei Keng, as the recording officer, was staring at the arrangement of the fruit plates and the patterns of the furniture.

Wei Keng made a boring guess: The negotiator seemed to be a very particular person.

When the target of the negotiation appeared, Wei Keng paused. A woman came down wearing a black evening dress with her back exposed. This style is rare in the East. This is a European and American, in the original timeline

Among them is the Valkyrie Qingtama, the only woman among the top ten warriors in the solar system.

When she slowly walked down the steps, her steps were very slow under her skirt so that people could keep looking at her. This was a way to become the protagonist of the scene.

Of course, Zhao Shengkai took out his tea cup, blew the tea on the surface casually, and took a small sip. This action is the traditional Eastern bureaucratic action, through very slow movements.

It is known as nourishing energy and calmness. It is often seen among small leaders in offices. It consumes the patience of people who come to do things and seizes the initiative.

They are both stalling for time. One is to leave an impression on the audience, while the other is, "You act slowly, I don't care."

After a battle, Zhao Shengkai had a small victory. Valkyrie Qingyu slowly descended the steps, but after all, it couldn't last more than a few minutes. However, the Eastern bureaucratic tea-drinking style can have a cup of tea and drink it all afternoon.

In response, Wei Keng gave Zhao Shengkai a thumbs up and said to himself, "I'm optimistic about you, kid." Then he sent him the information he found about the lady opposite him.

Zhao Shengkai: Miss Yu is unparalleled in elegance.

The European and American lady was slightly startled when she heard this title, and then said: "Oh, where did you hear my old name from?"

During this negotiation, Valkyrie originally wanted to try her "Confusion Control" skill. However, the Humane Alliance cultivates the physical body to become a saint, and has a special "Centering Ape" to practice, which will gather its "nature" in the right direction.

As for the "Yima", it was not controlled by the reins and was pulling itself around.

Zhao Shengkai: "We started on the moon, but our focus is on the human mother planet (Earth), so we don't know anything about your family."

The family of this Valkyrie comes from the Danish royal family.

Note: After the success of the Ming Dynasty in renewing its life, the strategy for Europe was to engage in distant relations and close attacks. For the Ming Shenzong, the Mongols had to be attacked and the Maozi Rus had to defend themselves.

Therefore, in the 23rd year of Wanli, the Ming Dynasty did not support the Russians who integrated with the Mongols, but instead supported the Danes, allowing them to successfully expand from a Nordic country to a country encompassing the Baltic Sea, replacing Tsarist Russia in history.

Since Denmark is a maritime people and is not suitable for the nomadic expansion to the east, Denmark's focus is still on the European continent. The frontier only stops in the Caucasus, and large areas of Siberia are still the territory of the Mongolian kings.

On this timeline, Danish territory established settlements in Greenland to the north, captured the Caucasus region to the south, and reached the Black Sea region. Similar to the Russians, they have also been seeking ice-free ports and are also facing Maozi's "main ethnic group"

"The disadvantage of not being strong enough.

The huge territory and multiple ethnic groups made it have serious internal strife, and the speed of technological advancement was very slow. Even during the World War, the great powers used tanks. When Denmark faced the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it still used scimitar cavalry to peck each other.

In the Second World War, the Danish Empire finally disintegrated in the European War and shrank to the north. But it still had a certain influence. In the subsequent era, it was like a centipede that dies but does not freeze!

According to Wei Keng's current calculations, the Christian family, such a legacy of Nordic feudalism, has regained its influence in the European industry in today's "feudal resurgence" era, and gradually penetrated into the European military, economy and politics. As for the second-ranked Valkyrie

Ying, there are three people in this family with this level of influence.

When Zhao Shengkai was negotiating, Wei Keng's attention was more focused on looking at Dabai Steamed Bun than listening to Valkyrie's words. Wei Keng couldn't help but compare it to Zhu Xiaoyan: Oh my god, the difference between Northern Europe and Asia is just the same as Northeastern Stew.

The dishes and Jiangnan stir-fries each have their own characteristics.

This made the Valkyrie look like she had eaten a fly. When it comes to hating women, Mr. Wei is a professional.


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