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Chapter 27.08 A little trick used in internal strife.

 In the corner of the southern battlefield of the Star Sea Federation, in a hot and humid rainforest environment, patches of green broad tree leaves are shaded by a little sunlight.

This quiet place is filled with moss-covered rocks and mushroom branches. The river flows through the gaps between these debris, and some gorgeous flowers will sprout out of the decaying soil. Of course, there will be some accompanying flowers at their roots.

It is a giant centipede with bright red mouthparts, jet black carapace, and many golden legs.

It was in this ecological environment that the metal boots of the federal mechas crushed the place, tracked chariots pushed through the grass and trees, and countless small creatures fled in terror.

At this time, Qian Ruimu was riding the maglev train, and the full nano-agent combat suit on his body was in sharp contrast with the natural scenery here.

The tropical rainforest here is very similar to the environment of the "biological plane". In fact, this is true. On the plane of the heavens, the rules are uneven. This is caused by various causal interferences.

Even in a technological plane, there are "magical regenerative viruses" in some isolated island areas.

It's just that these viruses and other organic information will lose the strange proliferation and replication phenomenon after leaving the region. Unless there is a time-traveling force that works hard to expand this virus in this world, derive cause and effect, and reset the rules of the world.

There was no shortage of travelers from the main world in the planes of heaven who did this before the Fifth Plane War. But no one dares to do this now, because triggering the rules of other regions will usher in "reactions" from other regions.

"Thief", over in the biology department, He Qiuye was beaten to pieces.

Qian Ruimu once isolated the "enhancing gene potion" with the same gene chain as the biochemical plane here. He once asked the system to strengthen his biological attributes. Well, this was possible in the past, but now the plane war, through the biological

The dimensional channel of the system was blocked by Tu Kang, and the system directly rejected her "unreasonable request".

Qian Ruimu's current exchange sequence is strictly limited to the omni-machine system. For example, it can only be exchanged for technological creations such as quantum assist chips.

In Qian Ruimu's first mission, he stepped on the corpses of three empire regiments in the subtropical zone and got his first merit points. Then he gradually climbed up the ladder for the second and third times, gaining higher and higher status from the federal military.


Until she released fifteen groups of mines on an Imperial forward shield base, blowing up an Imperial regiment, and then successfully stole the Empire's now suspected plan to airdrop a tactical corps through an orbital module. However, it caused adverse consequences.

She cheated again and again to complete the mission. The mission was completed beautifully, but it made another time traveler Li Mengtong, an officer of the empire, very embarrassed.

Since the battlefield in Southeast Asia is now the path to gain military merit and climb up the ladder, Li Mengtong plans to continue to gain military merit in this area. With Qian Ruimu's kick, Li felt that "the tacit understanding he had with the federal travelers was destroyed."

As a supervisor, Li Mengtong had a gap in the Northeast Red River Coastline Defense Zone in Southeast Asia.

As a result, the imperial bureaucracy in charge of intelligence by Li Mengtong immediately dispatched the empire's Vulture helicopter gunships, carrying heavily armored soldiers, to intercept Qian Ruimu's infiltration from the Star Sea Federation. And Li, as a time traveler, also took out his own

The secretly developed biological weapon "Nanovirus Sniper" was put into this war zone

The two time travelers coordinated with each other for the last time before the battle, but to no avail in the intense dialogue. The process of the dialogue was roughly as follows: Qian Ruimu: "I just captured a piece of information, why are you pursuing me to the death?" Li Mengtong: "

Are you just? I've tolerated you for a long time."

As the "biological technology" mobilized by Li Mengtong launched nanovirus bombing warheads against Qian Ruimu's subordinates, the two time travelers officially began to fight within themselves.

Here I have to talk about how the supervisor-traveler model avoided such risks in the pastoral era.

When mission conflicts arise, the supervisors argue with each other within the legal framework at the rear. The time travelers try to take a step back below and wait for a decision, thus ensuring that conflicts do not break out during time travel.

This mechanism of Pastoral has disappeared after the Third Plane War. Now that the supervisors directly leave the field and become time travellers, fairness cannot be guaranteed.

There is another problem among contemporary time-travelers, that is, they are too accustomed to being self-centered in the process of placing their affection on things (injecting spirits). For example, Li Mengtong thinks she has a "tacit understanding", and Qian Ruimu thinks their scope of action is


Therefore, conflicts are inevitable when standing on different positions. Now Haotu intends to mobilize multiple groups of supervisors to contain Wei Keng in each plot.


Wei Keng's current situation in the "First Sequence" technology plane is often so contradictory and complicated.

The Space and Time Management Bureau has insufficient manpower, and at the same time, it wants to pursue a comprehensive suppression effect on the plane, that is, put a time traveler in each camp.

The team-building work of the Time and Space Administration has been stretched, so that travelers from each camp have a high chance of internal friction.

Since ancient times, coordination and management have been major issues in society.

"Clear ideals and concepts, and then unify disciplines. According to the rules of life, everyone uses work and rest to produce and live together to achieve a tacit understanding of the team."

Wei Keng's "commonplace" experience system may be too common, too formal, and too pretentious for most time travellers.

Now that there is a plane war, Wei Keng sighed. As for the "cliché" thing, the new generation of time travelers are far behind.

When the war lasted until February 2604, the two time travelers began a full-scale confrontation in Southeast Asia, fighting each other relentlessly. After being reminded by the system, the two vast land time travelers determined that their real opponent was...

It rose suddenly amid internal strife.

Widespread low-intensity uprisings occurred throughout the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, which is abnormal in this world.

The military in this plane has repeatedly dispatched troops to annihilate various places in China. Every time they suppressed it, they claimed to have completely controlled the situation in the area. This is the best way to deceive the superiors and conceal the inferiors. The report focuses on the number of bombing strikes, but those

Damn the resistance elements are like wildfire that cannot be burned away.

Under the pressure of the system, although Li Mengtong and Qian Ruimu had reconciled in name, they had become enemies on the plane.

The conflicts they provoked caused "birds of a feather flock together" around them to gather their own hawks.

Qian Ruimu obtained the support of the Star Shield mecha team, and Li Mengtongye obtained the dispatch authority of the Judge mecha. Both types of mechas are hundreds of tons of medium-sized mechas and belong to the elite aces of their respective camps.

If they change their tune now and compete for the military power they previously gained, they will be counterattacked by the momentum they have accumulated previously.

That's right, for the Star Sea Federation and the Empire: now is the time for a team fight. When the fight is at its fiercest, do you dare to run away? Then you are the public enemy of your own camp!!

Regarding the rebellion in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, Qian Ruimu is now unable to lead troops to suppress the plane invaders. She can only think about how to outwit them in front of the electronic screen.

But on March 4, she and her brother were listening to General Cruz's report at the projection conference.

When she saw the "Black Orbital Pod Base" flashing across the operating interface in Cruise's hand, she understood the future plot and suddenly connected the following artificial intelligence storm events.

She had a plan in mind.

... Qian Ruimu (Ban Jar Shui), who knows the plot well, decided to use artificial intelligence to drive away tigers and devour wolves...

The Star Sea Federation is jokingly called a "corporate masquerading as a country" and has been losing ground in the face of the military invasion of the Divine Eagle Empire. In the battle of ideologies, it has always been seizing the advantage of "soft power export". Well, it is similar to the Great Song Na

It is not as far as Yanyun Sixteenth Prefecture, but the poems are full of the unfailing sentiment of "Why don't men wear Wu hooks?"

However, after many defeats, the upper echelons of the Star Sea Federation more or less admitted in their hearts that the liberalized lower-class humans were not brave enough and not good at fighting. Therefore, they began to develop the Black Death Project to fully replace human combat forces with artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence combat units are not cheap. When time and space can be printed, it is easier for humans to use carbon-based organic matter than to use more precious metal elements. Therefore, the fifty-dollar good brother is a cheap and fast weapon on various battlefields.

Basic arms.

The same humanoid combat arms, blades, and guards (female form throwing spear energy beams) are more expensive than carbon-based human machine gunners, because compared to the human body that is only organic matter, all rare earth chips, and titanium steel body

, the resources consumed in the process of space-time projection are higher.

Therefore, the upper levels of the Star Sea Federation at this time are not developing combat artificial intelligence because of saving money, but because the federation now needs more elite intelligent weapons.

…There have been many periods in human history when machinery was more expensive than human labor.…

May 14, 2604. In the Star Sea Federation, at the 57th Science and Technology Conference, on the blue and white mechanical platform, as the beam of the folding system appeared, first it was a line, then a plane, and finally three-dimensional, projecting technological creations


Many generals, dignitaries and big shots stood in front of batches of white future machines and talked about this wonderful future.

At this time, the Earth Star Sea Federation still has a set of mature interstellar mining weapons such as "Cheetah assault vehicles, machine gun infantry, light prism tanks, etc." in densely populated administrative areas like the Earth. However, on colonized planets in sparsely populated outer areas like the moon

, began to develop a new generation of artificial intelligence. Well, it can adapt to the harsh planetary environment, and "loyally" follows the code, and will not ask for political rights like humans.

At this time, the dignitaries were excited to visit the operating mode of the "Zeus Mastermind". The white "Vientiane Fortress" omniscience base produced a large number of spacecraft and mechanical units on the moon, and mined materials in an orderly manner.

But no one knows that the military also secretly hides a mastermind named Asura.

This artificial intelligence specifically used for war was successfully developed by a team led by Japanese scientist Sojiro Ishiguro.

The military quietly launched black orbital capsules into space to prepare.

Politicians are engaging in intrigues, speculating on each other's cards behind the scenes.

In this kind of secret operation behind the scenes, unique conspiracies began.

As the plot developed, imperial agents conspired to frame Dr. Xin Keli, the general staff officer of the Star Sea Federation's omnic project, and he was involved in a "distrustful" espionage case and had to withdraw from the project.

Furthermore, the project is about to get out of control, and all artificial intelligence will be implanted into the origin program by imperial spies. They will awaken their consciousness and resist the tyranny of humans (mainly the Star Sea Federation).

If the two time travelers in the main world work together, this plot will be modified, and they will occupy a powerful "power". It will cause "normal difficulty" to Wei Keng, but now the two are in the same power, and they will change the plot.

It is also inconsistent.

...To make up for the heart of the sky, what is missing is the eye of the mind. The system of the heavens in the main world to cultivate traversers is very lacking...

After the dinner, General Cruz, who was wearing a black marshal's uniform with gold spikes, looked slightly drunk because the parliament's support for him was as strong as ever. At this time, Qian Ruimu appeared in the projection.

In General Cruz's senses, as a forward commander, Qian Ruimu is very sensible.

During the past six months, Qian Ruimu reported the results of the battle to the general as soon as possible and flattered him at the same time.

As a time-traveler who is so obedient and loyal to the general, he can easily make use of the general's resources.

Qian Ruimu did not flatter him this time, but said very seriously: "General, I have important information."

Cruise coughed lightly, and he had to be aggressive towards this high-level "agent".

But after General Cruz put on his glasses and watched Qian Ruimu send the information, he still showed shock and anger.

Qian Ruimu reported: The empire tried to launch rockets and use the "Origin" virus to try to make the Star Sea Federation's omnics switch sides.

She confided the plot of the blockbuster to the general.

Qian Ruimu had already broken up with Li Mengtong, so naturally he began to overextend his control over the plot.

As for the lurking imperial spies on General Cruise's side who brought Qian Ruimu's rumors back, how the Imperial Military Police General Office analyzes Li Mengtong's loyalty is another matter. (The two time-travelers are now in

vicious competition)

...In the past few months, Li Mengtong ignored the same camp and used "nanovirus" attacks, which made Qian Ruimu feel upset. Qian Ruimu: Why did she treat me like this!...

After reading the information, General Cruz couldn't help but look dark.

Because at this time, a space mission is underway at the launch base in North Asia, and the virus will be launched along with the rocket. This mission was originally to update the "Ashura" system.

Cruise looked at Qian Ruimu on the blue-ray projection: "You are not allowed to tell anyone else about this."

Qian Ruimu nodded, and then showed his shrewdness and ability again: "Yes, General. I have controlled all the insiders." (This seems to be a guarantee, but it is actually a reminder that only she has the ability to keep this matter secret.

, without her, it wouldn’t be possible)

The general's expression was kind: "This is related to the fate of mankind."

After evacuating, Qian Ruimu gave another piece of suspected information: "General, there is one more thing, there is no evidence yet, that is, the intelligence organization from the empire is contacting the rebels in the interior of East Asia."

The general paused and nodded, indicating that he understood.

Qian Ruimu left. Cruise thought about it and opened the artificial intelligence warehouse of Black Death. Regarding whether it was virus contamination, he decided to give it a try. As for what to try? Qian Ruimu happened to mention that.


Narrator: Qian Ruimu did not directly ask Cruise to use artificial intelligence to suppress the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Instead, he reported two things one after another. He was not sure about the correctness of the latter thing. This naturally allowed the leader to make his own judgment.

, to make the decision she wants.

Of course, these are all precautions.

The scheming may be very useful in the future, but the side effects of future development are not clear.

And great wisdom may not be useful now, but it will be useful sooner or later.

If Qian Ruimu really understood the Bu Tianxin system, he would not do this, but if he really understood it, he might not listen to Hao Tu's orders.

…Wei Keng does not reject omnics, but he insists on a more practical approach to the learning and control of omnics.…

In 2602, Guantian Society took over the vast mountainous area inland of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

The people who started training used the "hyperspace crushing facility" to drill horizontal tunnels on the mountain. A large amount of gravel escaped from the mountain and piled up in the valleys. In the originally naturalized mountains and rivers, due to the appearance of

Each of the "patches" of steel entrances is a circular gate hanging on the mountain, allowing the cyber aesthetics of the original person to be transferred to the mountains and rivers.

At this time, according to the people in the ground, even if the living consumption indicators such as "sugar water" and "games" are slightly lower than those of the residents of the current Star Sea Federation hive, there are still a large number of residents staying. This is the sense of accumulation brought about by construction.

Just like for teenagers, they want to play all the time and not go to work.

But as an adult, you are really just playing. You will gain nothing today just like yesterday, and you will become more and more panicked.

In addition to military facilities, those underground living spaces that are also connected by underground tunnels are also being allocated to residents one by one. In view of the world's excellent nuclear battery energy system, the self-sustainability of these residences modeled after cave dwellings is very good.

In the entire base area, industrial organization was quickly completed in full swing.

Note: Weikeng does not lack industrial basic hardware, but what it lacks is the cultivation of software, such as coordination in the supply chain and the cultivation of safety production awareness in each factory.

In the early stage of the reform, there was a "personnel dividend". A large amount of redundancy was eliminated, and middle- and lower-level talents were quickly promoted to positions.

For example, the atmosphere of the Meiji Restoration in Japan is completely different from the top-down stubbornness of the Showa period.

…Just because it was right at the beginning doesn’t mean it will continue to be right.…

Wei Keng looked at the production work in the mountains: "Whether the new forces can be better than the old forces does not depend on how well the first generation of the new forces does. It depends on how well the first generation cleans up.

The "personnel" of the new forces is the cleanest. There are no people who have occupied the position in front of them to block the upward path, and the capable people can truly rise to the top.

The "big test" for a power is actually in the second and third generations. Can it still maintain fair channels?

The fourth generation of administrators fairly and selflessly selects the fifth generation successor, and only then will they decide whether the new dynasty is more advanced than the old dynasty.

Wei Keng now reflects on "worrying about the world first". In terms of the system, has he really made progress?

At this time, Wei Keng was leading a group of inland "loan-escape youths" in the mountain nest to carry out a rapid series of industrial construction processes, but he did not dare to compare with the 20th century East in the main world. This Guantian Society currently has no shortage of capital, and in

The only weapon within the core of China that is close to the big cities is capital, and there is no shortage of technology at the same time.

Wei Keng feels that there is still a lack of examination! If the fairness that can be passed down for more than five generations cannot be completed, then the "Law of Dynasty Cycle" will still be...

On May 20, Wei Keng received intelligence from underground party members in surrounding cities. All cities seem to be installing a new friend-or-foe identification system. When further intelligence arrives.

Wei Keng looked at the blue stars in the sky and determined that it was an orbital module base. He said coldly: "Ouch, they are coming for me."

This chapter has been completed!
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