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Chapter 27.11 (Part 1) Breaking through the shit covered in gold powder

 In most of the "omnic" planes defined by the vast land, artificial intelligence can obtain "consciousness awakening", and human brains can also perform super computing through chip docking.

The technological side of Hao Tu and Xin Mu (He Chongyun) explained it this way: In fact, there is no superiority or inferiority between computers and humans. Both parties occupy two ends of the track and rush to the end of the track together.

However, now, Wei Keng, whose "axis" has penetrated all planes, has jumped directly out of the narrow oppositional proposition of "omnics and humans".

Middle Man: In fact, what really matters is the attitude of being a life! No one should think that he can go faster. But as a life, one must not belittle oneself.

In the future storm plane, the enviable computing power of omnics, as humans have activated the Tianxin system, have carried out the "human brain thread" sequence on countless time and space lines. In many natural application calculations, it has

It defeated the omnics!

… Among them, how to perfect a “complete” personality is a calculation question, and many people have given answers that are more perfect than those of the two silicon-based masterminds “Asura” and “Zeus”.…

The earliest batch of Wei Keng students have begun to enter the workforce. Five years ago, they were still country kids.

Because as long as the time and space rehearsal ability is awakened, they can be used for two or three years a year. In the time and space capsule, they can be used perfectly every day.

Some of them with perseverance can complete all advanced mathematics in five months and reach the Ph.D. level. Although this great evolution of human computing power is not as good as omnics, it is not a shortcoming.

It may seem to the outside world that "study can be shortened", but in fact the difficulty of learning has not been reduced at all. It still requires perseverance.

As for "perseverance", under Bu Tianxin's theory, advantages can be cultivated by spending resources.

The method of repairing the sky under the theory of dual cultivation of life and life: "Concentrate your "playing nature" to build dominoes, and don't give up halfway. When you spend a lot of energy to complete it, the "process", "time" and "chain reaction" of the dominoes falling are a

The "idea" that you want to see its development is the reason to support perseverance."

After "Axis Man" found a project to compete with omnics, he began to compete with omnics with great interest.

Wei Keng: "Brother Yaoxiang used the Arctic Circle map to challenge seven "cold enemies" in the 21st century. Relying on the advantageous terrain, he was forced to use up computer mines!"

The "superior talent" of the group in Guantian Society can awaken the ability of space-time evolution in about three years.

Wei Keng's strict assessment found that this "qualification of a master" of Tianxin's will is the average level of college graduates in the main world in the 26th century, but less than one percent of humans in the heavens can reach this level. This qualification is not in

In terms of "thinking intelligence", but in perseverance in difficult situations.

Students who have passed the college entrance examination in the 21st century (overcoming the tribulation) can easily awaken their sense of time, space and future under the training of Tianxin in this plane.

However, ordinary time travelers currently recruited by the 33rd Century Space-Time Administration may not be able to awaken and rehearse without the assistance of "system hacking".

Because a considerable number of students in the 33rd century learn efficiently through the restoration of consciousness by "paying attention to things"!

Wei Keng: "Young people in the 33rd century who have not received the assistance of "Placing Love on Things" in learning are probably as likely to be in the contemporary main world as young people in the 21st century who have not been exposed to water or antibiotics."

Wei Keng criticizes "placing love on things": Since your (31st century experts) treatment is harmless, let's give it a try in this "intelligent machine" territory now! We have lost too many, let's see if this generation of losers will continue

Find excuses to "put your feelings on things".

In the second half of the 34th century in the main world, in the past few decades, as Wei Keng continued to gain the upper hand in multiple dimensions and started advertising, the latest education in the main world has gradually begun to consciously break away from "placing love on things"


This is how the earth's society is. When someone suddenly proves that a certain element is not good, they start to rush to avoid it.

Just like in the early 20th century, humans could not prove the pharmacological toxicity of many "food additives", but in the 21st century, it was proven that they can cause endocrine disorders. The decline in sexual maturity of dolls from sixteen to eleven years old is positively related to food additives.

.began collective rejection, even if experts said with certainty that "science has not proven it yet."

Wei Keng reminisced about old things in the 21st century: It was hard to tell if he was able to resist when he was young. At most, he would have "nodules" and a higher hair loss rate. Health experts at the time simply attributed these to irregular diet and staying up late.

Regarding bad habits. Only when the generation of young people who enjoy takeaways, milk tea, and grilled sausages enters old age and provides enough cases for in-depth medical research, will these new theories be "scientifically proven".

That time in the 21st century is the entrance, and in the 31st century, "paying attention to things" is the entry into consciousness. Human history is often like this. The same question, if you change the object of the question, it will still take the same detour.

...In the "First Sequence" plane war, Wei Keng single-handedly destroyed this traditional industry that had been rampant for two hundred years...

Return to the present storm plane of the future.

Western China's interior is vast and deep, and the "Cultivation of Middle School Path" adhered to by Guantian Society has a large reserve team, and as long as one percent of middle and upper class capital is used as the vanguard, a responsible civilized team can be assembled.

The quality of the cadres of the Fire Legion is much better than that of the Federation and the Empire.

The Xinghai Federation bureaucrats maintain a large number of channels for "promoting talents under exceptional circumstances".

A scion of an official family copied some tactics papers and entered the position, gained seniority, and then devoted all his energy to controlling people.

Even if there are one or two elites in the federation who have good "consciousness" qualifications, the atmosphere created by the "unconventional promotion" of the bird people is currently limited to the path of "internal friction in personnel", which limits the possibilities.

In 2607, in eastern Asia, the victory or defeat between the Star Sea Federation Army and the Xinhuo Army seemed to be a confrontation between 400,000 mechanized troops and the 65 regiments of the Xinhuo Army (each regiment had 80 human personnel.), but in reality

The efficiency of the personnel organization of both parties predicts the outcome.

After the Supreme Marshal of the entire Star Sea Federation Army took over the task of suppressing bandits, he mobilized 23 division-level military forces to take off glory battleships from the eastern coastal cities, spraying Mach rings, and went to the frontier for a show.

In the view of this federal marshal who was a civilian, each Class A division represented a commander with three warping technologies.

In addition to the A-type divisions that will be on the front line as the offensive edge, among the mobilizable forces reported by the Star Sea Federation officials, there are also more than a hundred school officers holding the second base as reserve forces. In most of the Star Sea Federation commanders

In his eyes, the 150,000-strong military force of the reserve corps alone was already beyond the ability of the unruly people to resist.

Wei Keng explained to his comrades before the war that although the enemy (Star Sea Federation) controlled various small and medium-sized cities, nominally each of the security militia groups that mastered a warp technology had to cooperate with the bandit suppression operations at this time. But in fact: these

The listed military rank of "Lieutenant Officer" in the Star Sea Federation's military, and the local self-proclaimed commander-in-chief military force, are a mixed bag.

Wei Keng's narrative is still implicit. According to the information from the underground party: the second-line corps of the Star Sea Federation is a local gangster leader who became a local bureaucrat with black gloves and became a regular official. He usually holds a gun and basically does not have much training.

Not to mention the local workers of Guantianshe, they also established several local establishments of "weiguan" by infiltrating into Xinghai's bureaucracy.

For example, the earliest lieutenants of Mine No. 034 in Sancha City and now Zhao'an were from the Tianxin League. Through building relationships, these captains of the "Tianxin League" quickly learned about the enemy's westward march route.

Regarding the mechanized warfare on the map of China, Wei Keng already has the "general" threshold for entry in the corona plane.

On the battlefield, it is easy to get a thousand troops but hard to find just one general. These insights into the pros and cons and control over details are the qualities of a famous general.

The three major elements of war are weather, time, harmony, and geographical advantages. "Humanity" and the Zhongtian Heart Alliance firmly occupy the organizational advantage. The weather is not considered for now, but the geographical advantages can be explored.

Wei Keng introduced the geographical advantage: The opposite direction is from the southeast to the northwest, but the overall topography of the Yadong continent is higher in the west and lower in the east, resulting in large rivers running from west to east, and rivers, even today, are important transportation lines. During the war, railway bridges

It will be cut off, but the river cannot be interrupted by bombing. We have the advantage of transportation lines.

Although modern river shipping does not require trackers to go upstream and has mechanical power, there seems to be no gap between the upstream and downstream, but once a war starts, the gap can be artificially amplified.

For example, if an unmanned self-destructing fish moves from upstream to downstream, it can reach less than one meter, with unlimited range (downstream). However, if it moves from downstream to upstream, the small battery power is not enough.

In the Baijiang River Basin, in battles since ancient times, it was not the large ships that had the fatal effect, but the small arson boats.

The commander of the Star Sea Federation seemed to still have the mindset of maintaining the power of ships and guns on the ocean. He entered the Qijiang River Basin and sailed one large ship to the Yangtze River.

"Geographical advantage" means taking the initiative to fight in areas where we have advantages and seizing the strategic initiative.

After Wei Keng explained the control of "Jianghe", the commander of the entire Xinhuo Army's eastern front began to formulate a plan.

The Xinhuo Alliance relies on rivers to fight as much as possible, and heavy troop groups move along rivers, because in river areas, their own forces can be mobilized faster than those on the opposite side.

To make the most of the "geographical advantage", mobilization is needed.

Various base areas of the Xinhuo Alliance began to take action. Local young people who were born in big cities to escape loans actively signed up to form a military team, and began to just watch the movements of the Star Sea Federation legions on the edge of their hometown cities!

For these young people escaping from mortgages, once upon a time, the surveillance in cyber cities forced them to stay home and not be able to return home. Now, they have to force the security forces in these cities to read the almanac when they go out!

On February 3, 2607, the "Rebellion of Fire" began...

The Wannan area was historically the area where the Tizhong Heavenly Kingdom fought fiercely with the Qing Dynasty during its eastward march.

A series of federal Osprey fighter jets equipped with radar Nightingale air warning aircraft had just flown a hundred kilometers out of the airport when they were ambushed by the "Death Fighter" (a forty-meter-long prism with a laser cannon in the middle). These federal air forces fell crookedly in the sky.

It fell down and turned into pieces.

Having lost their air supremacy, the federal ground forces' Prism Tanks maintained ground air defense, and together with the "freeze" of the Poseidon Chariots formed a three-dimensional defense, these advanced chariots were driven into city alleys to hide.

The military forces of these four divisions gathered together. They did not wait for the land military forces of the same level as them. Instead, they saw the gunboats on the river firing at them.

With today's technology, shallow-water gunboats have been proven by military experts to be unnecessary, because they can easily be destroyed by air power.

Wei Keng: Well, in the federal military production with a lot of kickbacks, it is necessary to finalize a piece of equipment that involves a lot of interests. It is indeed unnecessary. However, the Xinhuo Army is a temporary modification of civilian ships purchased by a team of mechanical engineers in the military. The financial chain is only

Engineers were reimbursed during wartime.

In the Chaobo area, although the federal armored group has an advanced style, a streamlined metal shell, and a luxurious design like a sports car, due to the lack of specialized vehicles for crossing the river, the local detachment of Xinhuo took advantage of its shortcomings and used those civilian

The armament of the turrets welded by the dredgers blocked the attack in various waterway areas.

On February 5, forty hours after the war started, the three Type-A ground divisions starting from Jinling went northward, just like when Sun Wu was trapped in Xiaoyaojin.

…Narration: Although Hefei is not in the south of the Yangtze River, it is a river city surrounded by "Feishui". It does not need city walls, and it naturally carries golden soup...

When five-ton ballistic missiles swooped down from the sky, the rows of federal light tanks lined up on the east coast suddenly envied those Cheetah light assault vehicles that could drift because they could avoid such firepower.

As a long-range strike, the Prism Chariot, like a bus, is very slow to start compared to the crude artillery tanks on the battlefield. This is because federal officers believe that the Prism Chariot can move as a firepower platform.

It wasn't until the federal forces encountered the Condor Empire's longer-range "Dora Cannon" and the Pioneer (omnic camp) counterinsurgent ultra-long-range artillery that they belatedly considered the issue of firepower mobility in the original plot.

At that time, we developed tactics to support "hurry marches". Even by using projected "anti-gravity fields" to halve the weight of all mechanical units, we barely solved the problem.

However, at the moment, the federal command does not have the strategic support for the "rush march".

After the missiles fell one after another, these tanks worth tens of millions were bombarded into rubble. These streamlined iron shells, like supercars, were overturned by the shock wave.

On the frontier of the Star Sea Federation, the protective shield of the Blue Cone Base was damaged by bombing, and drones were circling the base to urgently repair the damage.

The noble commanders of the Star Sea Federation received a piece of news that was very unfriendly to them.

In the Huainan area, the "Gravity Mining Shaft" of the Star Sea Federation was destroyed by a group of fox-killing robots (T-shaped robots like battery cars).

In the battle scenes transmitted back, these "T"-shaped combat robots rushed over from all directions without fear of death, quickly pulling out the groups of turrets at the base, and the blue laser beam directly melted and cut off the turret base.

Let this thirty-meter-high mechanical building collapse.

All these small robots rushed into the black, bastion-like mine and used their insignificant particle cutting guns to detonate the core unit of the bastion.

In the future storm plane, the elemental mines that can supply "space-time energy" are lost, and all military jumps are impossible.

So the mine is the most important.

This chapter has been completed!
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