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Chapter 27.12 (Part 1) The implementation of the general strategy 'throwing the whip'

 Chapter 1339 Chapter 12 (Part 1) The implementation of the general strategy "throwing a whip to cut off the flow"

In 2609, at the headquarters, Wei Keng judged the direction of the war based on the federal economic situation.

Although on the eastern front in the Nandu area, the Xinghai Alliance's military strength is three and a half times that of the Guantian Society.

However, as a large amount of food, water, electricity and other wealth systems in the interior of Asia are controlled by the Guantian Society, the consumption of the Xinghai Federation maintenance corps must be mobilized from other regions of the earth. From a pure perspective of jump consumption, thirty

The food, medical and other logistical supplies consumed by one colonial infantry are equivalent to the consumption of five Blade Mechanical Infantry, three Cheetah Chariots, and two Armored Cores.

Not to mention that in the Star Sea Federation, the transfer of materials across regions has to go through several bureaucratic "oils".

Wei Keng: Of course, the war potential of the Star Sea Federation cannot be ignored. Although the current war situation on the Eastern Front is half-dead, the total strength is 300,000. Of course, if necessary, infantry recruited from the city on the spot can reach 2 million.


After all, 90% of the commissions from hiring these soldiers will be spent on games and drugs. This is exactly what the Federation is not lacking.

Under the business-private system, the money in the hands of the poor is not money, because the things that the poor are deliberately guided to consume are consumer goods with very low actual value. They can be printed out like printing paper.

In Guantianshe's investigation of our young people who are evading loans, we found that the gaming industry is the largest money-drawing industry in the Federation. While the poor are obsessed with it and are in debt, the main consumers are the middle and lower classes.

The Star Sea Federation can mobilize the lower levels to go to the battlefield all year round, using the data created by the virtual world to make those young people who "do not cultivate the mind of heaven" lose credibility. In short, if the Guan Tian Society does not continue to consume strategically, the Star Sea Federation can rely on this

A system that is close to "game currency exchange for the lives of the lower class" has a strong ability to restore blood. As long as the slums in big cities are not empty and the dream of "unlimited opportunities in big cities" has not been shattered, the federal military camp can continue to explode 50 yuan, good brother.


The so-called first-class generals focus on annihilating their opponents, while first-class strategists think strategically about their opponents' economic systems.

Now in the future storm plane, Wei Keng is determined to devalue the currency of the Star Sea Federation at the appropriate time.

On the Star Sea Federation, under the control of powerful cyberspace, a large number of people died of drug addiction will no longer cause social panic. Therefore, small problems such as medical shortages will not affect the currency value fluctuations of the Star Sea Federation. But! What about food? Where is the water source? When

When these most basic supply chains are broken, can the federal currency, which can only be exchanged for game props, be cut off by youth loanees at the grassroots level, or sell their future selves to the battlefield?

…The difference between victory and defeat, certain key matters, have been ebbing and flowing for a long time.…

On April 4th, in the wartime base in the northern part of the Dabie Mountains, Wei Keng looked at the battle information on the screen. With the current contraction of the main force of the Federation, the Xinhuo Army began to attack multiple water conservancy projects upstream of large cities in order to force a decisive battle in the Federation's general strategy.

The hub carries out strategic control, codenamed "throwing a whip to cut off the flow".

In the entire eastern part of the canal, the divisions of the Star Sea Federation did not seem to realize this, and were still obsessed with fighting in their own defense zones. Sometimes they even consumed precious strategic power for some inexplicable purposes.

In the past two months, along the canal route from Taihu Lake to Gaoyou, the two sides engaged in thirty-seven small annihilation battles with a hundred-man level. All of them were carried out by the Xinhuo Army, following the guidance of the armed workers team, to sneak attack patrols and then eat them.

One is based on an overall strategy, and the other is a corps that has no overall strategy and is completely independent of its own ideas. In this way, the future of the two is predictable.

In the words of the Tianxin members of the Xinhuo Army, the Star Sea Federation team commander is like a fool, falling for the trap again and again.

In the words of the head of a reinforced regiment of the Xinhuo Army: "Before the war, you have to identify the location, transportation (set up card tolls), and the families that control the city's construction. Then, just send a column over to threaten,

Those losers (the local security forces of the Star Sea Federation) will run over in a hurry."

The above experience was quickly learned by the entire Xinhuo Army.

The various columns fighting on the eastern front are mobilized back and forth, and the Star Sea Federation has the strength. In this way, by gradually attacking these second-line forces, the main force of the Star Sea Federation that is huddled in the big cities can be mobilized. After all, the end of the local supplies.

They are the big guys in the court.

...The war gradually gave ordinary people in the Star Sea Federation a feeling of war...

After August, although plum blossoms appeared in the Jianghuai area and the air was rarely refreshing, people in the entire southeastern city took off their headphones, stopped playing games, and people began to go out of their homes, but not for a walk, but instead crowded in small public places.

People queued up to purchase drinking water, and in areas close to the slums, fire hydrants were unplugged at night, and the water reserves inside were stolen. The water appeared on the black market, priced at one yuan a liter.


Even though big cities can extract large amounts of groundwater for emergencies, this is a time of war, and capital is investing resources in areas where it makes money. In terms of public facilities, all parties have explained that they are in difficulty and can do nothing to help.

Away from the game world, people began to discuss with each other more about how long the government's war against banditry will last.

The security situation in various cities has even affected those blue areas with "extremely high political power". In order to keep the votes in the blue areas, politicians who are good at manipulating topics have begun to put pressure on the frontline military and require the powerful federal army to quickly (listen to their own suggestions)

)Solve the problem.

Therefore, in August, the main federation group began to shift from a tiger standing to a dragon walking.

At the same time, in the underground base of Guantian Sheyu District, Wei Keng played a game of Go with jujube cores and longan cores.

After Wei Keng Heizi fell, he completed the blockade of the "Tiger's Mouth". With the electronic information combat map behind him, the red regiment representing the Xinhuo Army was on the east side of Taihu Lake to outflank the three blue groups marked "Prismatic"


This prismatic symbol represents the heavy armored group.

This is a very small battle in the overall battle, which is quite extraordinary.

Some of the enemy troops that the Fire Corps had encircled and annihilated in the previous two months were almost all infantry regiments, that is, good brothers of machine gunners, supplemented by a small number of "core armor" supervisory teams.

The Star Sea Federation's heavy armored corps are all stationed in important transportation hubs. These "bases" that appear at railway hubs are like a string of pearls. Once somewhere is attacked, the heavy armored groups on both sides will come to support, like iron ropes to ensure

Security of the large cities on the eastern seaboard of the Federation.

Wei Keng: It has the smell of a Japanese watchtower. Of course, in 21st century e-sports terms, this is urban defense. By constantly moving the chain of multiple bases, our strategic space is squeezed.

These Star Sea Federation first-class divisions all have Star Shield Guards as their backbone on land.

This 300-ton heavy armor is the ace among the aces of the Star Sea Federation forces.

At that moment, the Federation gathered four such regiments and launched a "breaking battle" towards the Huaizhong Chaobo area controlled by Xinhuo.

Before setting off, the commander of the Star Sea Federation was very confident. Sitting in the ultra-clear holographic cockpit, he entered the press conference in Southeast and talked about the argument that "I win ten times and the bandits lose ten times."

Yes, the military commander of the Star Sea Federation does not believe that five heavy armored divisions will be eaten in one go, because in the past battles, the Xinhuo Army has never been seen to kill five heavy armored divisions at once.

On the auspicious day of April 4th, Sun Dachang, the commander of the mechanized infantry regiment who was leading the siege, confirmed from the headquarters that he was encircling the 83rd Division of the Star Sea Federation, and that all other surrounding enemy troops were blocked from the encirclement.

The table said to the battalion commander: "I fight the elite."

...The following is the specific situation of the encirclement and annihilation battle...

In the area separated by the lakes, blue giant mecha half-moon formations were built to deal with the surrounding black battle groups. The mechanical thighs of these Star Shield mechas were as thick as tank turrets. In the center of such heavy mecha half-moon formations, there was light

Lightly armored units such as Prism Chariot and Poseidon Soldier Light Roadster.

The federal army was in a textbook combat formation, while five times the number of black troops in terms of firepower directly surrounded them.

At the forefront, open up the skirmisher line and charge in waves.

Without the three-by-three system, the infantry procedures required by the three-by-three system are too complicated. How to optimize the charge and squad firepower cannot come up with the cost of "people thinking". So instead of deducting efficiency in this aspect, it is better to directly

Artillery coverage, yes, can directly cover the corps that still has omnics when necessary. In fact, omnics are not afraid of damage from artillery bombardment, as long as the core chip is put into the explosion-resistant inner box before being destroyed by artillery bombardment.

The Blade Assault mecha infantry wielded a blue particle blade, and the blade slashed at the federal mecha. Due to the special configuration of the blade, magnetic pulse fluctuations were generated, which spread into the circuits of the federal mechanical units, causing the first wave of charges to come into contact.

Afterwards, many federal mechanical units came to a sudden stop.

Then rows of self-destructing sand foxes rushed forward. These "T"-shaped robots, one person tall, moved at a speed of 100m/s.

These bicycle-sized Sand Fox robots are lightweight combat robots. The five-millimeter thermal particle flow welding gun is more suitable for dismantling buildings. It is insufficient for armoring, but now these combat robots have a streamlined bulge on the back.

This bulging position is an energy pack, and this energy pack has reached five or six times the normal design, just like a fat beer belly. However, technicians who are familiar with the development trend of today's intelligent machines know that this is a loaded self-destruct module.

The Sand Fox robot approached these large armors, and with a roar, flames rose up. The armors of the blue Star Shield Guards were like broken eggs, and began to tilt to the side. The body of the ball mecha was detaching.

After being supported by the cylindrical mechanical thigh, it rolled around on the battlefield.

By the way, this kind of shouting onboard and holding explosives to bomb tanks was very cruel in the early days of human mechanized warfare.

But now this is the tactical order set by artificial intelligence. It is no longer tragic, but more ferocious.

After the ambush battle started, this side advanced step by step in less than twenty minutes and captured six lines of defense of the Star Sea Federation. The commander of this elite brigade quickly communicated to the rear and requested tactical support.

In fact, on the battlefield of the Burma River, the commander of the Star Sea Federation also encountered a similar situation.

The remote-controlled tires of the Condor Empire are said to be controlled by artificial intelligence, but the entire empire lags behind the Star Sea Federation in all aspects of electronic chip technology. These self-exploding tires are more often directly controlled by imperial infantry.

These self-exploding tires have metal hydrogen fuel mounted on both sides. They look like fuel cartridges the size of water tanks hanging on both sides of heavy truck tires.

In the Burmese River, the Star Sea Federation uses holographic projection (that is, using a nano cloud to create a phantom combat unit) to deceive self-exploding tires, or force field barriers, so that it can effectively deal with such self-destructing soldiers.

But this move is useless against Guantian Society. The Xinhuo Legion's tactical response is an "order of magnitude" faster than that of the Empire.

During the battle, the Federation's "force field isolation" tactical support could never keep up with the pace of the battle. It was often not until the bombing was completed that the force field was isolated. The reaction speed in this battle was particularly slow.

As for the holographic copy, the "electromagnetic signals" were quietly identified by the military team of Guantianshe. On the battlefield, the Xinhuo Army could see these false projections.

At this time, thirty or forty kilometers away from the flaming encirclement, the information commander of the Xinhuo Legion leaned in the holographic cabin of the aircraft, with the chip on his head connected to the electrode, and remotely controlled the lightweight Air Force "Wind Scout" (a deformable air-ground dual-purpose

Lightly-armed robots) continuously attack and interfere with federal battlefield message nodes.

At the same time, "Eagle Eye" drones (aerial units like fireflies) were launched to deploy an isolation field, constantly intercepting and cutting off the Star Sea Federation's communication lines.

…The perspective shifts to the Star Sea Federation military side…

The reserve forces of the Star Sea Federation did not know that the encryption node was leaked in the previous battle. They still simply carried out the reinforcement order.

Air reinforcements: Behind the battle line, the federal airborne Osprey fighter jets were preparing to roar in from the air for support. Halfway through, they were locked by a red light, and then a missile went straight into the sky, destroying the air fighter jets.

Jump reinforcement: The Xinhuo Group set up a wrong base station to guide the federal jump troops to jump directly to the mine array deployed by the Xinhuo Army.

As soon as the federal soldiers jumped with the "Prism" projection and appeared in the battlefield environment, there was the clicking sound of the induction mine under their feet, and then the soldiers who had just jumped out screamed in the surge of plasma.

, it was a painful return to the time and space backup.


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