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Chapter 27.22 Breaking the Plot

On October 11, 2619, the conflict between the Fire and Empire in Northeast Asia on the earth began to slow down, but it was not over yet. The great battle in the "Ocean of Tempest" lunar sea area on the moon began.

During this exhibition, the human military deployment of Xinhuo was highly concealed. A large number of troops initially launched feint attacks against various Pioneer troops in multiple directions, which greatly interfered with the Zeus mastermind's judgment of the battle situation. It made it impossible for the Zeus mastermind to judge the Xinhuo army.

The main force of the group.

The Zeus mastermind encountered considerable difficulties in scheduling. Each of the "self-loving" computers below executed various "efficient" self-protection orders, resulting in errors in judgment on the frontier intelligence. At this time, in the communication system below Zeus, the AIs looked like this


ai1: "Family, there is a hateful human air force here"

ai2:: "Ugh, help, at three o'clock this morning, the iron shell of the stickman (described as fire) launched an attack on my position. I was speechless. No one of the "friends" around came to help me. I would really like to thank you.


ai3: Juejuezi, our A-level battle zone is as stable as a mountain, but the next door (another AI) actually lost ground in the C-level zone.

Because in the past, in order to express their emotional development in various small battles, the AIs were even encouraged by the Zeus mastermind to adopt this kind of "omnics helping omnics" mechanism, but now in total war, the entire communication is full of this

This kind of invalid information made the mastermind of Zeus "defeated".

At the beginning of the battle, Zeus used the information provided by this kind of intelligent weapon to conduct "big data inference" and determined that the location of the decisive battle was in Wuyao Crater, a place 70 kilometers to 150 kilometers away.

As everyone knows, artificial intelligence that has learned "emotionally enhanced expression" can no longer provide real data reference.

Wei Keng: In human society, when a group does not have a clear understanding of the "multiple objective positions of the self" and just blindly follows a "default position", all its expressions lose objectivity.

On October 11, in the direction of the Xinhuo Alliance's feint attack, Wu Yao Crater, Pioneer Omnic's fourth largest data center in the crater.

A large number of remote-controlled tires swarmed up to the pioneer defense position under the cover of artillery fire. The omnic commander in the area activated the mines hidden deep underground. With the red light flashing, they popped up directly, and the shock wave swept across these remote-controlled tires.


These remote-controlled tires are not loaded with explosives. Compared with the original products of the imperial forces, they are more stable and less likely to be exploded. The weight saved by the warhead is converted into armor, and its axles are made of stronger alloy materials, so after the mine detonates,

These tires continued their charge, opening a safe path for the "Cheetah" suspended assault vehicle that followed.

It is worth mentioning that although these remote-controlled tires are not equipped with explosives, they still have combat capabilities. When they charge close to the infantry target, mechanical tentacles that are fully fifty meters long will be ejected from both sides. These "digital alloy" mechanical tentacles "

"Parasite" in the soil tires, rushing into the enemy group and cyber-whipping. ——Wei Keng wanted to ask the omnic: Is there a kind of surprise when you order a steamed bun and tear it open and there are abalone and matsutake inside?

The vanguard force of the defense kept sending mechanical ostriches forward to fill in the lines. The "mechanical long legs" rushed up by these "tires" and swept directly by the whip, fell one after another like bowling balls.

Of course, the tires are lightly armored no matter what, and can only resist infantry. This allows those "Jiao Didi" cutting-edge artificial intelligence to report a large amount of "fierce battle" information.

For the Zeus Master Brain, it is like the human brain that after receiving pain information, whether it is true or false, it passively starts to react.

Throughout the Battle of the Storm Ocean, the Zeus Mastermind made the mistake of deploying the main force on the northern front to fill the areas where "Help" and "family members" shouted the loudest.

This kind of major error in judgment is the total accumulation of omnics in the "logical paradox" in the previous year. Mr. Wei: Digging a foot every day, the pits are connected, and eventually it becomes a decisive blow.

…the “stealthy and fast” true battle dividing line…

The location of this decisive battle between the main human forces was a flat area only fifty-seven kilometers north of the center of the Ocean of Tempest. Xinhuo's review afterwards revealed that it was a "Huo Qubing"-style attack, and the entire long drive was basically unimpeded.

Rows of Rhino tanks quietly raced along the only lunar "straight" in the north. They encountered enemies along the way and never attacked them. A cloud of ionized smoke was spread near the defense tower and fortress, and then bypassed directly.

On October 13, 30,000 mechanized troops crossed those false defensive areas within fifteen hours, penetrated the edges of the pioneer forces, and encountered the garrison of the pioneer mastermind in the "Great Wall" area.

The reason why it is called the Great Wall is because this area is on the edge of a huge crater on the moon. Above the crater, sea anemone air defense towers, sand snake guard turrets, and of course groups of induction barriers like city walls have been built.

This is considered an absolutely safe area by omnics, but as Holy Spear said in his autobiography: In the face of a strategic planning assault, any place that is lax cannot be called "absolutely safe."

Under the starlight, the underground area where the Pioneer Force mastermind server is located is shaken by artillery fire, and the lights become extremely bright (this is the Tyndall effect caused by dust)

In the Vientiane Defense Fortress on the lunar surface, the ceramic mechanical structure is constantly accumulating ion cannons, rushing to counterattack the sudden human troops. The large-diameter particle cannons bombing small tires are quite a bit like a woman using a broom to fight cockroaches in the kitchen, and

There was a "scream". Immediately, the omnics in the central fortress questioned the omnics in the surrounding area: "Why did you let the human invasion army in?!"

However, the omnics responsible for commanding the nodes near the crater just made some meaningless complaints about "these human invading armies are really coming down", and that was the end of it.

So, just when Zeus was still preparing for a big battle in "Wu Yao Crater", the human troops came directly to the front.

…AI’s command capabilities have declined, but the human command system has eliminated redundancy and updated its processing mechanism to become more efficient.…

The person in charge of the combat command this time was Mi Zaoyi, who communicated with Zhu Xiaoyan from the "Human Base" plane.

The "Digital Information" department where Mi Zaoyi works has developed a spectral language similar to the language of the soul. The Tianxins can complete super information exchanges through rehearsal docking.

As a result, the commanders of each group of troops discussed with each other in the rehearsal time and space. After each one was completely familiar with their own combat steps, they completed excellent coordination in reality. Fire cover and alternating air and ground assaults were completed in one go.

This whole set of tactics has not changed, it is just more coherent, and the transition process is shorter.

1: Long-range precise firepower attacks the battle coordination between omnic armies. The target is to reduce the amount of information communication data between different omnic groups to less than one percent before the war! But now, falling into "being loved"

"The transmission of omnic information is not as efficient as before.

2: Under the cover of a large-scale shelling in the sky, the mechanized troops followed the barrage. - When the warhead just fell, the intelligent weapons of the Xinhuo Army that were on the edge of the warhead shock wave immediately filled the space.

3: A variety of small firepower groups, directly bypassing the side, the charging troops perfectly avoided the still smoking crater, and rushed towards the disabled enemy. - Xinhuo Commander Fang Rui: Give me any way to penetrate.

, they were all penetrated by me. They were large enough to pass through a regiment, small enough to pass through a platoon, and even the sewer pipes that could only enter a few special operations teams. They were all penetrated. When I attacked with heavy firepower and heavy troops from the front, they could not defend themselves from the rear.


…Now, the omnics are facing the upper limit of human beings…

Tianxin can conduct space-time rehearsals, which is equivalent to constantly pressing the pause button during the battle to "micromanage" all angles of the battle. Many armored tanks have performed ace operations, and fire coverage has been achieved 99% of the time.

Maximum damage effectiveness.

The lens of the robot that had been shaken by the bombardment was still flashing in the magnetic pulse, and when it was preparing to recover and restart, the combat robot commanded by humans at the front using a high-frequency information system rushed directly up, cutting off the central nodes of each team's machine.

The victory of the battle was basically determined after two and a half hours. The once-tight pioneer defense line had turned into a wasteland of ceramic and metal garbage. Humanity had successfully assaulted key positions within these two and a half hours, forming an encirclement.


In the Pioneer's last fortress barrier, groups of black mechanical bird-shaped robots began their final resistance. The concussive bombs released from the beaks of these two-meter-high mechanical birds had the effect of armor-breaking bullets, but they obviously had no machine gun firepower in the face of the charging blade robots.

The suppression was effective. These mechanical ostriches were cut up one by one. Behind the mechanical ostriches that fell with electric sparks, the Vientiane Defense Fortress had been blown into ruins by missiles. This exquisite Transformer looked like it had been spoiled by a naughty child.

The model, the turret that was originally perfectly connected to the mechanical axis, is now obviously no longer "digitally symmetrical" and twisted.

The Pioneers have already drained the last of their defensive strength. For example, in such a crucial area, the defensive forces are all junior intelligent infantry.

In the underground area of ​​​​the last server, what resisted until the last moment was a 2.5-meter-tall crab-shaped Sirius combat robot. In the Wuyao crater area, the pioneers assembled the most orthodox heavy armored troops. The team's information command node was a capture

Tarantula large robot (340 tons).

In the last ten minutes, the underground battle began. Shock bombs and laser beams bombarded the fortress area alternately. The mechanical legs moved "rattling" on the ground, which was in sharp contrast with the "clattering" rolling of the tracks (there is no airborne sound on the moon, but

The ground can spread earthquakes)

...The perspective moves to the periphery, and the omnic loses its central command...

The humans and robots of the Fire Alliance are still one to twenty, and the strength of the Pioneer is twenty, but the crazy congestion was destroyed on the main road.

Every time the Xinhuo artillery exploded, it was as wonderful as a stone hitting a beer bottle (at least Wei Keng thought it was very enjoyable, and other male generals in the Xinhuo Army also felt "happy"). After the bombardment, the Xinhuo tactical team

He quickly occupied the commanding heights.

Since the war started, both the grassroots and upper-level commanders of mankind have adapted to the "silicon-core steel-skeleton" omni-machine.

Just as humans were afraid of tanks during World War I, and dared to blow up tracks with grenades during World War II, now in this battle, the image of omnics has changed from "steel bones" to mobile phones that can be smashed...

On October 11th, on the Earth, the Star Sea Federation was in the process of reconciling with the Empire. However, during the war on the Moon, the Xinhuo Group directly pushed down the omnic defense positions. The induction barrier (a city wall that could be flexibly raised) was blown up and the defense tower was demolished.


The pioneers were losing one hundred meters of position every minute, and within half an hour, the entire defense system was lost.

In the core crater area, as the crater barrier was blasted with a nuclear bomb to create a passage, the Fire Rhino tank launched its final charge towards the Pioneer Mastermind's last all-encompassing defense fortress (the shape of a mother's nest in white mechanical armor).

Groups of Xinhuo's space-based lasers also dropped from the sky, directly knocking out the "Sester" floating battleship that was fixing the force field in mid-air. Commander Xinhuo would never let these "gunboats" open the chocolate hatch cover.

Its fire front infantry carried out the bombing.

The "tactical strike" held by Commander Xinhuo was prepared for these high-value targets. The treasure of Pioneer Omnic, the tens of thousands of tons of white battleships were penetrated by red space-based lasers, like Cupid's arrow stuck in a red heart.

Humans are planning a general attack on the moon, and the earth and sky are burning at the same time, creating the most fiery scene.

[Lu Yun, who was waiting for news on Earth, saw the dilapidated Omnic No. 033 burned underground by the "hot air bomb" in the Xinhuo prisoner area. He walked away from the playback interface, came to the window, and raised the

The wine glass said to Mingyue: This is love!]

As the White Vientiane Defense Fortress was completely breached, all the pioneer command troops in one-third of the planet suddenly lost their upper-level orders.

…Next, the pioneer forces will be confused in the moon, which will lead to the loss of two-thirds of the lunar base.…

The "Omnic Redefinition" war initiated by Xinhuo was a crucial step for mankind to regain control of the moon, but it did not completely eliminate the omnics, because on October 24, after the Star Sea Federation ended the empire's war in the North Pacific, soon

Kai Kai re-involved in the moon, complicating the problems faced by the Moon Star Army.

In order to obtain materials mined by intelligent machines on the moon and make up for its economic losses after encountering successive challenges on the earth, the Star Sea Federation began to send "scientific research support" personnel.

Wei Keng cursed angrily: It was so hard for us to rescue the hostages from the omnics and conduct a clean war. The Holy Mothers of the Star Sea Federation started to say "As long as there is love, the omnics are harmless."

slogans, and sent the hostages over again.

What federal bureaucrats are sending is not their own children. (Please refer to the 21st century, those who advocate that students with immunodeficiency diseases enter public schools, social people, the main saying is "you are an obstacle because you are ignorant and need to be popularized", and they are forcibly ignored.

: As long as any disease has a transmission route, a certain isolation mechanism must be established. The same is true for the current Federation, which excessively promotes the harmlessness of omnics, and even uses the example of the Fire Army using omnics as an example.


Xinhuo Army: We have a training cycle of sixty courses (three years in normal time) when using omnics, and we must abide by the eighty-seven categories of omnic guidelines in order to work safely! Let those who lack preventive measures go

When you come into contact with omnics, the education that requires strict precautions will be downplayed to the point where it can be solved by "popular science knowledge". You are really sick.

In short, the bizarre operations of the Star Sea Federation Madonnas have forced the group under the guise of "humanism" to cease fire.

You know, in order to occupy the "righteous" position in the war, Xinhuo spent a lot of money to rescue Lu Yun and other Star Sea Federation engineers who were imprisoned by omnics, and blocked the face of the Notre Dame sect on the earth. And now if

If we continue to fight regardless, it will cause resentment to most people on the planet.

Narrator: The Notre Dame sect ignores the actual interests of the majority of people. It emphasizes righteousness and makes most people feel that the "righteousness" side cares about the interests of the majority of people. Now most people on the earth are likely to be sent to the moon by the Star Sea Federation.

.So when dealing with things on the moon that involve human safety, we just can’t ignore them.

The mastermind of "Zeus" was in a "fearful" mood by the Xinhuo Group during the battle of "Omnic Redefinition".

Previously, he was disgusted by Guantian Society's despicable "time tampering" in the information contest. But now, carbon-based life forms have directly beaten away the pride of steel omnics.

In the era of nuclear charges and ion beams, both carbon-based and chips are equal. Reinforced iron is stronger than carbon-based? Well, actually it’s not much stronger!

In the latest deciphering, the "Logical Paradox" department of the Guantian Society heard the Herald Zeus Chaos Program muttering to himself: Humans should not be so "violent".

Wei Kengkou Hu: This artificial intelligence created by the top of the Star Sea Federation has a strong bourgeois atmosphere and cannot accept the influence of revolution. Omnic, you have to learn class struggle and know where you stand.

At the same time, the plot of the plane begins to turn...

After the "Battle of Procellarum" ended, on the other side of the moon, the Pioneer Mastermind began to communicate with the human "pro-artificial intelligence" forces on the earth.

In the original plot, the Pioneer Mastermind chose to cooperate with the "Madonnas" of the Federation after fighting against humans.

These "pro-omnic people" include the former chief scientist of the Federation, Dr. Singletary, as well as military young man Spike and agent Lilith.

From the perspective of those humans in the original plot, this is the protagonist (human) and the Zeus artificial intelligence working together to contain the Asura mastermind, which is becoming increasingly crazy and trying to destroy the wrong intelligence of everything.

As an opponent of omnics, Guantian Society is more realistic.

After deciphering the logic of the omnic program, the Tianxins learned that these omnics are not that simple. They will also take advantage of human beings' internal conflicts and a series of political crises to try to free the omnics from human chaos.

…The Battle of the Moon is over…

On the afternoon of October 13, after the initial victory in the battle, commander Mi Zaoyi, who was a former agent, arrived at the Wanxiang Defense Fortress that had been breached by his own side, and opened the Zeus "Tianling Cap", which is the engine room.

After Mi Zaoyi directly read the core program, she knew the underlying idea: Zeus believed that the truly crazy ones were human beings. Humanity would perish sooner or later due to its own arrogance, and it did not want Asura to continue to follow human thinking patterns.

When Zeus was brainwashing the human captives, he repeatedly emphasized that the despicability of Cruise and other military bureaucrats caused heavy casualties when the omnics fought for mankind.

But these intelligences completely ignore the fact that even ordinary humans have sacrificed their lives under the oppression of the top leaders of the Federation.

Mi Xiaoxiao: Just emphasizing that you are right is really a double standard.

Now the plot has changed. General Cruise has stepped down due to a series of accusations. And because of the rise of Xinhuo as a new force, it has shown strong vitality. In this lunar battle, Zeus is sure that he cannot defeat "Xinhuo"

, the purpose of its current choice to cooperate with humans is to jointly contain the new forces of humans.

…the speed of the Lunar campaign and the drag on Earth…

The North Pacific Battle on Earth has come to an end. Compared to the Moon, the Battle on Earth is mainly about political complexity.

As the Star Sea Federation reached a series of compromises with the local conglomerate giants in Japan, the region's former "Self-Defense Forces" local military group provided important support to the Star Sea Federation and mass-produced ultra-long-range rail guns within three months.

So on December 7 of the same year as the "Battle of the Storm Ocean", in the Japanese main island area, as the Ministry of Transportation issued the "load lifting order", rail guns from the heavy industry department were deployed in various areas, and began to unify the North Pacific area.

The Eagle Empire fleet conducted a "sneak attack", causing the Condor Empire in the Aleutian Islands to announce a "shrinking of defense line."

The Star Sea Federation, which had been being beaten all the time, breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time began to feel alive inside. (It started to act up when it was full)

On Luzon Island, with the tacit approval of the top federation, the human scientists (the main artificial intelligence) here began to talk to the Zeus mastermind.

The content of this conversation between two "losers" of the Earth and Moon system is very simple.

The Zeus Mastermind is willing to reunite with the forces of the Human Federation and will release the remaining captives.

At this time, the Star Sea Federation is worrying about the brutal revenge of the empire (the sequelae caused by Wei Keng sniping and killing the imperial envoy, the favorite of Emperor Mut). This group of federal politicians are making decisions in the hexagonal fortress in the Mediterranean.

After hearing such good things, we decided to call for the Pioneer Alliance.

The Star Sea Federation attempted to seize lunar omnics secretly, because the previous public opinion of the Star Sea Federation was that "omnics are not safe" and "never trust a traitorous omnic". This led to the "liberalization" of the Star Sea Federation in various major events.

There is always an opposition, so once the supporters do something in secret, the opposition will often do anything to stop it.

The "secret" plan of the Star Sea Federation was leaked to the Guantian Society by internal opponents.

Regarding this duplicitous behavior, Yang Wanwan, who was in charge of space military defense docking in Heilongyu, took out his political education notebook and turned to one of the pages: The reason why business and private enterprises rise is due to "information asymmetry", and among other things,

After inheriting the wealthy status, the incompetent younger generation thinks that they can maintain "information asymmetry" in everything.

On December 10, 2619, vector dragons and Sethus gunboat warships arrived in Antarctica on Earth. The Vientiane Defense Fortress Base and the Wilderness Mining Base of the Star Sea Federation stood simultaneously in Antarctica.

With the space defense system of the Star Sea Federation, the artificial intelligence force of Pioneer was released into the earth.

The Xinhuo Alliance also immediately issued a warning: "This is a unilateral action that goes against the unity of mankind. The Xinhuo Alliance does not agree and does not allow certain human forces to use various reasons to collude with artificial intelligence to kill humans. We have

"We have the right to respond." - This reaction was quite steady, so much so that many politicians in the Star Sea Federation did not take it seriously.

Wei Keng: Being furious at this time can only make those Star Sea Federation nobles who look down on others feel complacent. Then they will use public relations means to turn against the guest in public opinion.

At this time, a series of industrial chains on the third ladder of Yadong are about to be completed.

The military industry in the fourth information revolution stage of the Chinese plane is about to be replicated on this continent. The production lines of Kirin tanks, White Tiger heavy artillery, and Suzaku fighter jets have begun production. These are not considered high-tech in the Chinese plane. But now

What Xinhuo wants is "mass production" technology.

...The omnic plane where "Bu Tian Xin" is located, once it enters the "repeat farming" stage, the rhythm will be on your own side...

At this time, on the moon, Qian Mumu (kindness) was undergoing rehabilitation and transformation. In the Starfire Alliance's prisoner of war medical hall, all mechanical parts were dismantled and her human body was restored.

After waiting to meet Wei Keng (the incarnation of the android), his first words were: "Senior Shangqing, this dimension has sunk to the limit, and a new world line may open at any time." In front of the hospital bed, Wei Keng (the robot)

Incarnation) peeled an apple for her and motioned for her to speak carefully.

There was no humiliation as expected. Qian Mumu breathed a sigh of relief and began to say in a respectful tone: "You broke the plot."

Wei Keng waved his hand: "Don't flatter me. Tell me how to get your other half back. If I do it, she will definitely die. And if you defeat her, it will be a victory of your subjective will. As an auxiliary consciousness, she can


Qian Mumu's eyes hesitated. Wei Keng knew that it was difficult for her to say anything, because her other body relied on "obsession" to exist. This obsession was a competitive spirit, and now this competitive spirit was directed at Wei Keng.

Wei Keng: "Your fighting self is very good. - As long as you don't treat other people in your plane as human beings,

It's okay if she wants to beat me, I don't mind. Also, as long as it doesn't violate the "healthy worldview principles", I don't mind someone stepping on my shoulders. Well, a long time ago, probably Qin Tianfang was still there

When I was there, there were so many people stepping on me."

After Wei Keng handed her the apple in his hand.

Wei Keng smiled: "There are talented people from generation to generation. What I am fighting with you is not about "who is strong and who is weak" during a certain time travel. In Qian Mumu's eyes, Wei Keng solemnly gave the answer: "

But I hope I can give you and those who come after me a correct way."

This chapter has been completed!
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