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Chapter 27.24 (Part 2) Use violence to control sycophants

 Chapter 1358 Chapter 24 (Part 2) Using violence to control sycophants

In September 2620, the fleet faction had to make a long journey to the Caucasus Mountains, preparing to enter North Asia to suppress the rebellion.

The politicians of the Star Sea Federation ignored the agents who performed the mission. When they publicly announced the rumor, they announced that the dispatched agents had been invaded and controlled by artificial intelligence.

Three days after the Agent Rebellion, when the federal ace agent Lilith (European side) heard about this incident, her mechanical glove crushed the coffee cup to pieces.

She looked at the TV screen with deep and intelligent eyes and saw the essence behind the surface.

Lilith thought to herself: "When something like this happens, the smell of conspiracy is too strong."

Three minutes later, she was wearing a mechanical battle suit and went to look for her military contacts in the Federation.

Unlike the newly recruited agents, she does not have an electronic ring around her neck at this time. This shows that she is no longer in the same class as the federal grassroots.

She only discovered the problem at this time, and it was already too late. The problem was not as simple as she had known a few years ago.

Six hours later, Lilith mobilized her personal network to learn about the situation of the agent training camp in East Asia.

But as a veteran agent who has been out of office for too long, the answers she received from the bureaucracy were all "ambiguous." The Indian, who used to be as honest as a housekeeper, now shakes her head and tactfully expresses that she really doesn't know.

Finally, she got a practical answer from her friend Spike: "This matter is irreversible."

Lilith put down the phone dejectedly, with a hint of dejection hidden in her heart, because the upper-level bureaucrats were unwilling to admit even the slightest mistake, so after this incident, the people below must be sacrificed.

The federation's reaction is completely based on Wei Keng's sociological prediction. When social credibility becomes privatized and becomes personal prestige, then there will be no reform. Because the more prestigious you are, the less willing you are to take responsibility. The federation's reaction

Falling into Wei Keng's inference.

The agents in Lake Baikal who were taken to the cesspit by Wei Keng's split finally escaped from the omnic base, covered with dirt. After connecting to the information chain, they saw a federal report: "The missing agents have been transformed by artificial intelligence and defected.

”, like a bolt from the blue.

There are many small newspapers that add a lot of exaggerated descriptions in order to confuse the information.

The so-called "Mandela Effect" in the ancient industrial era of the main world is just a casual term for most ordinary people.

But this phenomenon is actually funded by business and private oligarchs, deeply studied and widely used in the image shaping of various commercial spokespersons.

For example, in the 2020s, when Musk is mentioned, related concepts such as high technology and Mars immigration can be thought of.

Externally, it is even used in cyber cognitive warfare. As long as enough information from various angles is inserted, most people can form a false "Mandela memory."

At present, in the ice and snow on Lake Baikal, the agent who failed the mission is helpless. At this time, the alpha sheep effect appears.

Wei Keng's prestige among the agents is equivalent to that of Chen She in Daze Township who was able to unite people with various distracting thoughts at critical moments and shout: "If you die now, you will die, if you make a big plan, you will die, etc."

Death, what is the country of death?"

Wen San wiped the dust off the shoulders of the mechanical armor of the soldier next to him: "We have been slandered today and have nothing, so we might as well sever the old relationship and unite together to find a new direction to defect to."

In November 2620, Asian psychic agents joined the rebellion in the Yabei Icefield and merged with the omnic force code-named Silicon Heart...

The Silicon Heart forces welcomed this psychic group to join, offered generous terms, and provided a sub-base.

In this sub-base, Asian agents completed a "silicon heart implant" in the mechanical warehouse, that is, a space-time computing mother core was integrated into the chest.

"Silicon heart, carbon brain, emotions and rationality coexist." This is the slogan of the silicon heart forces.

After installing silicon hearts for everyone, Wen San opened global communications and announced: "We are still free spirits, but from now on, we will not obey the Federation.".

Wei Keng is now using his excellent professional skills and occupied radio stations to send his voice to the world.

Forty minutes after this declaration was issued, the spokesperson of the European Federation still declared: "This was a premeditated rebellion from the beginning" but in Yadong they demanded an "investigation".

Obviously, for the current people in power in the Federation, if they admit that the agents did not defect at the beginning, but just lost contact, then why was there no rescue before?" This is someone who needs to take responsibility.

For the big shots who have high ambitions but low ambitions and have those "caste thinking", if the current low-level agents are sacrificed, they will be sacrificed. There is no need to lose their own feathers for this.

Although the top federal officials knew the truth, they still pretended to be slow and started global consultations.

In Yaojin City in the Black Sea region, the important figures in front of the round table began to communicate in order.

(Nanyang) Chief 1: "Resolution No. 14, Spike asks us to pardon these agents who were wrongly judged as traitors. Does anyone vote in favor of it?"

(Ura Hai) Chief 2: "I vote against it."

(North Africa) Chief 3 shrugged, indicating that such matters were not under his control.

Just when the federation was busy dividing responsibilities internally, things began to develop in an unimaginable way.

Although the Federation's fleet can provide global strategic support, the northern part of Asia is the area of ​​Guantian Society.

Starting in November, the blue and white high-altitude fleets (Federation and Pioneer) are confronting the black fighter group (Xinhuo).

Taking advantage of this moment, Wen San took the opportunity to lurk in the Black Sea area.

Wei Keng knew deeply that if the rebel agent failed his mission and confronted the federation, his own side would be destined to be wiped out in a purely strength-based confrontation. If he wanted to break the situation, he would have to make the matter bigger and not allow federal bureaucrats to cut this incident into independent parts.

Come out to make the factional conflicts in the military more clear after the Federation implements the "Fleet First" strategy.

Before the independent action, Wen San said to the victims who stayed behind in the Silicon Heart Base: "We are now defined as a rebellion because we did not rebel. If we really rebelled, they would not define it randomly.


Wei Keng acted alone and was not afraid of losing authority in his hometown, because at this time the agents needed hope.

Although the legion can be controlled in the base, there is no hope. It is just maintenance. The real leader is the one who breaks the deadlock and gives hope. Therefore, although sometimes he walks alone in the dark alley, as long as he returns successfully, he is the king.

At the same time, Wen San accumulated a lot of "violent energy" in the training camp, and Wei Keng also suppressed his violent energy throughout the future storm dimension.

Holding it in for a long time is not good for your health, so you always have to find a "right direction" to vent.

… Leave no trace in a thousand miles, kill one person in ten steps…

On November 23, in the Black Sea region, Wen San came to the huge military building.

Wen San, now an agent, used system interference to sneak into a building guarded by Star Shield robots. These large robots of several thousand tons stood on both sides of the building like stone lions. Of course, they were just like stone lions at this time.

At this time, the agent equipment on Wen San began to mechanically deform. In the fluctuations of time and space, groups of negative entropic insertions codenamed "Digital" began to "evolve". The two legs were docked with longer elastic mechanical hind limbs, and the arms were mechanical.

The part ejected the same ion blade as the "Blade Robot".

Wen San's body was precisely adjusted through body-fixing techniques, and the "Digital Alloy" that suited him was simultaneously modulated.

During the run-up, Wen San climbed up the straight wall of the building like a spider, and at the same time turned on full invisibility and climbed straight up.

At this time, the federal military bureaucrats preparing to attend the meeting were combining work and rest in this building.

Quite a few bureaucrats were already quietly talking in the back row about adjourning the meeting and going to the "So-and-So Club" area to relax. At this moment of "getting ready to get off work", no one could have imagined that the murderous star would fall from the sky.

With the sound of glass clanking, the big screen was cut off, and the optical invisibility guard was turned on. Before the security personnel in the hall broke in, they did not hesitate to raise the concussion blade to sweep. These may be the cleanest people in the building. On the spot

The heads fell off, and there was no more painful death.

The bipedal structure imitating the blade allows Wen San to reach a speed of fifty meters per second, and can withstand an overload of "6g", making a sharp turn of 180 degrees like a bouncy ball. At this time, Wei Keng was in the hall with a ghost.

They are like shadows. And the impact of some mechanical tentacles popping out from under the blade is comparable to cannonballs.

Where Wen San stayed, the carved walls that had been stepped on by mechanical stilts had horrific mechanical scratches as if they had been swept by an excavator.

After blocking the door, Wen San turned on a civilian mobile phone and connected to the public communication base station. This scene, which was invisible to most civilians in the Federation, was broadcast live for the first time.

At the conference venue, Wen San projected marks on the eyepiece interface and pulled out all the bureaucrats who signed the declaration announcing the agent's betrayal. At this time, the mechanized prosthetic body picked up these fat bureaucrats like chickens.

Facing the two-meter-high combat mech, the politician who was lifted up said with trembling hands: "Who are you and what are you going to do?!"

Wen San used his original voice under the mechanical mask: "Nothing, I just found out a human traitor. I suspect that you are a spy sent by artificial intelligence. Now you will be punished by heaven."

The officer, who was obviously Indian, argued: "Traitor? You must have made a mistake. I am a marshal of the Eastern Federation."

Wei Keng touched the knife while convicting him on his own: "You were bribed by a robot."

Bureaucrat: "What, this, this, no, it must be a mistake."

Wei Keng paused: "Well, what's wrong?" There was sarcasm on the corner of his mouth.

Wei Keng said slowly: "Then let me investigate."

After saying that, a knife was stabbed into his thigh, and a pig-like howl came from the room. Wei Keng said slowly: "Artificial intelligence will hide mechanical chips in human beings."

The officer burst into tears and cursed: "Damn it, who are you?!"

Wei Keng suddenly raised his hand, and with a buzz, he cut off a politician who was trying to fire. Then his fingers took out a chip from the officer's body as if by magic. Oh, he actually inserted it quietly himself.

This is an irresponsible frame-up of politicians, treating them the same way they do.

Wei Keng held up the chip and flashed it on the live broadcast screen, then ruined the federal governor's reputation.

At this time, the live broadcast was cut off. It was obvious that the Federation wanted to control the situation and protect its reputation.

Wei Keng heard the siren coming from outside. The emergency department had surrounded the building and was preparing to come over for negotiations.

When the federation cut off the live broadcast, Wei Keng looked at other high-level politicians in the hall. These politicians saw Wei Keng's gloomy eyes and felt something was wrong.

Wei Keng said sincerely to a female politician who wanted to negotiate: "I knew when I came here that I can only make a voice when we are face to face. Now, yes, you have cut off my voice again. Yes,

Very good." Wei Keng pulled out the particle blade, and a twenty-meter-long spatial wave rippled in the air.

The female politician was stunned: "You, what are you going to do?" After saying that, she took out her pistol and tried to shoot, but her wrist was cut directly by Wei Keng's space blade. The face that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to maintain was spattered with blood.

...Water Margin-style violence is taking place, Wu Song's blood splashes in Yuanyang Tower...

Five minutes later, all the people in the hall were slaughtered. Wen San walked to the corner without haste, ended his "digital transformation", changed into security personnel's clothes, and then rushed into the bathroom outside the hall to escape, and then controlled the

The hall exploded, causing a raging fire.

When the rescue workers from the outer hall broke in while reporters took pictures, Wei Keng waved and shouted, "The gangsters are inside!".

In the chaotic flow of people, Wei Keng pried open the elevator and followed the elevator to the first floor. He changed into ordinary building administrator clothes, pretended to be a runaway civilian and escaped with his head in his hands.

On the blockade, reporters were conducting interviews frantically. The external police officers were short of manpower and were blocking the way. When Wen San came out, a police officer hurriedly came to stop him. Wen San, who had changed into the clothes of a building administrator, pointed at his senior

The watch scolded: "You slut, I want to make a call!" Wei Keng imitated the bossy behavior of some administrators in the building.

The police officer was frightened by the momentum and had to let Wen San leave.

However, Wen San passed through the crowd and suddenly became invisible. When he was seen by the police officers outside the building, they suddenly realized that they had failed in their duty. However, they were trapped by the crowd and it was too late to pursue them.

It's too late. So I pretend nothing happened!

Half an hour later, Wen San, who had escaped from the city, turned on another mobile phone, and the breaking news was broadcast on the screen.

The major radio stations ignored the obstruction and forwarded the "Blood Splattered Live Broadcast", in which the "renegade agent" opened the chest of the military superiors to find smart spy chips. The video spread rapidly, and the comments on major platforms exploded.

Some people who claimed to be well-informed quickly stated what they believed to be the real reason for this "incident", which was that the top federal officials mistakenly defined agents as "renegades."

Wei Keng finished browsing the content, and as a criminal, he enjoyed the fun of mixing in the crowd and watching the crime scene. After a long time, Wei Keng muttered: "Tsk, am I a little perverted?"


This chapter has been completed!
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