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Chapter 27.31 (Part) Chasing the poor bandits southward

 Chapter 1370 Chapter 31 (Part) Chasing the poor bandits southward

In 2627, the Antarctic campaign began. Fang Rui looked at the white continent and said: The unfinished business on the moon has a chance to continue.

Thousands of 100,000-ton military transport ships broke through the thick ice cap of the Southern Ocean and floated on the sea. They built carbon fiber pontoons. Then the fire-fighting mechanical troops on the hulls landed on this continent and attacked the pioneers from the Star Sea.

The promised land obtained by the alliance's endorsement. - The third order given by Yang Wanwan, who is responsible for this operation, is: bypass the penguin habitat,

Pioneers have already established many mining stations beneath the vast Antarctic ice sheet.

Yang Wanwan and his troops arrived in the Antarctic region, completed tunnel drilling in the ice cap, and used carbon fiber mesh to stabilize the building. In the process, the Xinhuo Legion continuously released 3,443 nuclear weapons, using the most ferocious firepower in the Antarctic.

A completely hands-off "hot war" was fought in no man's land.

The rivers melted by nuclear weapons on the Antarctic even formed a large number of barrier lakes. After the cold wind froze, a large number of mechanical ostriches were frozen in the lakes, as well as the remains of the Judge (mechanical camel) and the vector flying dragon. These frozen machines will last forever

Inform future generations of the brutality of this omnic war.

On August 3, under the suppression of the third round of nuclear explosion firepower, the Xinhuo Mechanical Corps had crossed the fortress-like crater defense zone. The mechanical infantry stepped on their own missiles and exploded on the land (point strike), creating a water zone.

, pulled out the particle blade and charged to sweep away the participating resistance.

The first set of defense lines of the pioneers in the Antarctic glacier belt were broken through like paper, and then the pioneers used their own "depth system" to forcefully penetrate them.

The mechanical corps under Yang Wanwan attacked like army ants.

Since heat is the most precious thing in the extremely cold weather of Antarctica, a 20-ton raider tank and a 400-kilogram blade robot will experience low temperatures during a raid in Antarctica for more than eight hours, causing the battery solution to fail to work.

.In polar night operations, it is necessary to temporarily station after determining that the "body temperature" of the omnic has dropped to a dangerous level.

After marching for a period of time, the Xinhuo Alliance mechanical corps will collectively dig into an ice layer and huddle together like ants entering a nest, keeping the temperature above ten degrees. At the same time, they will open the mechanical chest to reveal the water bag inside. In this cave, there will be

Follow-up robots continue to enter, and the robot that was originally on standby waits until its "body temperature" (CPU heat dissipation) rises to fifty degrees, then closes the mechanical chest, allows the water belt to shrink within the sign, and then walks out of the cave and continues towards the next point.

, wait until the temperature cools down, and then find a point to drill in again. Just jump and maneuver on the Antarctic little by little.

Such corps maneuvers test military coordination capabilities very much.

The commander must dispatch a reconnaissance team to determine the location where they can be stationed in advance, and advance the airdrop team to dig out the temporary stronghold under the ice sheet to ensure that the subsequent mechanical troops can enter immediately after coming in, instead of being hit by a blizzard after stopping and cooling down the machine body.

to below zero.

Just like when human troops marched in the ancient industrial era of the Asian continent, they had to replenish hot water along the way to prevent hypothermia. Nowadays, these mechanical corps also need some specialized large tracked vehicles to provide support and load "hot water bottles" in the machine at intervals to change the water.


Yang Wanwan had considered all aspects of the exercise before he came, while Pioneer Omnic discovered that his opponent could assemble troops faster than him, intersperse and outflank them, and suffered a lot of losses, so he followed this method.

Although the Pioneer Omnics also have the ability to learn, these acquired learnings will be a step slower every time in the face of the innate "acuity of changes in days", while the Xinhuo humans always take advantage of the moment brought by their "acuity in days"

Taking the lead, suppressing omnics time and time again.

…Omnics are too insensitive to the number of days…

On September 1, 2627, Yang Wanwan's Corps completely conquered database No. 0324, which is one of the most important databases of the Pioneers.

In the white spindle underground building, layers of titanium steel were torn apart like banana peels, revealing the thirteen-meter-high data crystal inside.

"Space fluctuations" jump on this data crystal. These space jump fluctuations are the entropy diffusion phenomenon of "quantum operations" in this plane.

As a winner, Yang Wanwan looked at this data center.

At this time, Yang Wanwan has a mechanical shell attached to his body, and the dendrites on his spinal cord are embedded in the mechanical tissue.

This is after deciphering the life code of silicon and steel in the light of fusion of "space-time jump", allowing humans to enter this "light of fusion", where flesh and blood and machinery grow together.

In the words of the Silicon Heart Society, it is to join the glorious evolution.

Of course, both the conservatives headed by Wen San of the Silicon Heart Society and the person in charge of the "Mechanical Life" project of the Guantian Society are still focusing on the basic human form, and have not replaced the internal organs with machines, but only connected them through neural links.

Exo-mechanical armor.

Wei Keng: In the future storm omnic plane, carbon-based life will still be "constant" life. Unlike the ghost plane, the most important copying inheritance in the "life" process of omnics is completed in the flame of space and time.

Regarding what is on the other side of the space-time flame! Wei Keng knows the answer. It is the realm of "ghosts and gods". Once human consciousness separates from the carbon base and completely enters the "silicon crystal", then consciousness will eventually leave here (Future Storm)

Position and enter the plane of ghosts and gods.

As for this moment, Yang Wanwan looked at this bright prism, and he suddenly had a feeling that there seemed to be another world in this omnic prism.

Yang Wanwan opened the map of the earth and the moon, drew a circle at the South Pole, and couldn't help but have an idea: What is the nature of omnics?

On the afternoon of September 1st, Yang Wanwan asked Frontier to move the pioneer mastermind data crystal back to his base. He obviously wanted to research in this direction after the war.

After Wei Keng heard the news, he nodded slightly.

For Wei Keng, this is a normal phenomenon. When a person's consciousness in the plane of heavens grows to a certain level, he will always want to look outside to take a look. It is better to block it than to open it up!

Wei Keng has made preparations for Yang Wanwan's future time travel.


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