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Chapter 27.33 Everyone fights to win

In 2628, the Djinn God super battle mecha whipped the entire Europa for the second time.

The particle blade, which could slice through skyscrapers with every slash, swept through dozens of big cities, and a large number of black machines began to establish their own city-state system.

The soil and water support the people, and the same goes for artificial intelligence. The artificial intelligence of the Djinn God is obsessed with Sparta to the extreme. Even the paint is finished in the blood red color of Sparta.

Other omnics believe that "silicon-based" is better because silicon-based is more rational, while the core value of this product is that "steel is more fearless than carbon-based."

Note that Wei Keng also encountered an artificial intelligence called Starport Soul in another neighboring space and time, which belonged to the pioneer faction. The core value of that guy is that "silicon-based life is more stable than carbon-based life."

Artificial intelligence also has personality.

Compared with human personality, which can be smoothed out, artificial intelligence can be said to be "unyielding" to its own characteristics. It is a deep obsession.

Wei Keng: What a coincidence, the territory of the ghosts and gods next door is the "obsession" system.

It is worth mentioning that in the realm of obsession, although Wei Keng also showed the ability to "make an immortal weapon", well, that is, the concept of "aesthetic education" of "morality, intelligence, physical fitness, art and labor", but "aesthetic education" is too ordinary for ordinary people.

, and the king of this territory, Li Ximeng, defended very well. As a result, Wei Keng's progress there was not as significant as "Human Base" (sports) and "Bu Tianxin" (intellectual education).

...draw your attention back to this future storm, the omnic plane...

In September 2628, in southern France, Spike's army launched a successful counterattack against artificial intelligence.

This commander, who had to be activated by the Star Sea Federation, led the federal troops to defeat the Black Death Group in the upper reaches of the Loire River.

He placed federal shaped energy tanks on river ships to form mobile turrets, and pulled out armored trains from warehouses to cross plain roads, providing excellent support on the battlefield.

The Federation's armored trains all use anti-gravity suspension devices, which allow them to move forward without relying on tracks. The gray-white trains continuously transport city supplies to the Federation's front lines.

As for the federal supply line at this time, tanks often lined up to press a path, and then these long steel lines reciprocated along this line.

Whether it is the steel rails of the steam era or the current anti-gravity black technology system, behemoths like armored trains cannot play a role in high-intensity confrontations on the frontier. Dozens of artillery integrated into a train cannot defend against the intensive bombardment of large-caliber artillery.

On the train, the enemy will often focus fire according to the trajectory of the fire. They can only guard the logistics line in the rear.

However, in mechanized warfare, with the increase in transportation capacity of both sides, the space in the "rear area" is much larger than the front line of fire. - Therefore, the importance of the logistics officer has also increased, even more than that of the "main battle group" filling the front line.


Especially now that the Star Sea Federation is facing the omnic rebellion war, the production areas in the rear are always facing the situation of being penetrated by a small number of lightly-armed mechanized troops from the Black Death Corps.

The infiltration of omnics has caused great losses to the police officers who drive the Cheetah patrol cars. These local police officers, who drink beer and chew sausages, often collapse at the first touch. The armored train with rough skin and thick flesh can give critical lives.

The anti-interference resistance of supply lines has been strengthened by one order of magnitude.

[It is worth mentioning that the rear police officers do not belong to the military system. Although they can be resurrected after being hacked to death, once the dimensional jump is initiated, their information will be entered into the military and they will be continuously recruited. Although the federation

In the advertisements, soldiers are fighting for freedom, and a large number of female soldiers are welcome to join the army. However, all the "middle class" in the business and private society are actually escaping. Didn't you see, those celebrities are evading military service? And in the military camp

There are often scandals of veterans bullying new recruits, and the mentally ill veterans in the slums all reveal the dark side of the "freedom" army. Therefore, the residents of the federal cities do not hesitate to praise the army as "freedom fighters" and will do it for them.

Buy a ticket for the military propaganda movie Muscular Man, but you don’t want to go in.】

Compared with Guan Tianshe's control area, where a large number of local troops actively followed the organization's orders and engaged in extensive guerrilla warfare, the Federation retreated everywhere during the invasion. It was really like in a disaster movie, encountering an invasion.

The government is gone.

Therefore, in this case, Wei Keng commented: The stability of the logistics line is no less than the frontline confrontation.

If the enemy's logistics line is attacked by a small number of lightweight troops at a key node, he will have to drag a large army to encircle and suppress him. The commander will feel like he is trapped in a quagmire!

After adding armored train exclusive buffs to all logistics lines, the scale of forward tanks will be more stable.

The idea of ​​​​an armored train was proposed by Wang Bixin to the protagonist of the plot.

In May, Wang Bixin, who was able to rebuild the base after receiving a loan from the Silicon Heart Association, got rid of the situation of being poor and short of ambition, and quickly found the Spike Protagonist Group.

However, this time traveler knew very well that when he joined, it was the early days of Spike's resurrection, and at this time, the protagonist lacked military strength.

Once Spike recruits a large number of old troops, his value will drop rapidly.

Wang Bixin understands that he must play his role in the team in order to remain at the core of the team.

Wang Bixin, Wei Keng's guidance from Silicon Heart Society: Don't expect your leaders to find you a position where you can play a role. Leaders generally only find positions where "you can play a role" for people who are close to you.

So, a few months ago, at a meeting, Wang Bixin began to express his opinion among Spike's members: The Avengers group lacks heavy firepower, and the Avengers team follows the Spartan route. Due to personality issues, it is inconsistent with

Compared with the calm Pioneer AI, the brave "Black Death" is more likely to disengage heavy firepower units.

Ever since, Wang Bixin got the task of guarding the logistics line in Spike's team, and began to control the logistics corps with armored trains as the core.

Because Wang Bixin found the right direction, he finally began his smooth rise.

Throughout the entire battle, he perfectly defended multiple logistics lines of the federal army. Basically, when Spike attacked a point and the area was still unstable, he could immediately transport supplies up there.

The armored trains used by Wang Bixin also allowed him to gradually begin to control a large number of regional traffic arteries.

In the French war zone, whenever a mutinous omnic corps bypassed the federal corps to attack the logistics line and attacked the long steel queue, they faced rapid-fire canisters from armored trains and bombardments from high-explosive bombs, and returned without success.

Not to mention, a large number of troops were also deployed.

Since other colleagues are not qualified for the logistics support work, Wang Bixin becomes indispensable.

In 2628, in the Loire River area, the Spike Federation Army recaptured this important industrial area after a great victory.

The Star Sea Federation's speed in mobilizing its troops in this battle was therefore faster than that of the omnics. Relying on the logistics system, it gathered 3,000 energy-gathering tanks and various modified armors such as Poseidon's armor, and deployed them in local areas.

After five times the force overwhelmed the omnic defense line, they launched nano-pollution warheads.

The "Counterinsurgents" (fifty-ton camel-shaped mechanical artillery) on the side of the omnic pioneers were unable to receive cover. The armored force of the 3rd Brigade under Spike found the opportunity to storm into the position and were annihilated in large numbers.

On September 9, on the east side of the river under the reflection of the skyscrapers, the Marine Corps, which had completed the stimulant injection, rushed directly into the intelligent artillery position deployed in the airport platform area.

The ten-ton omnipotent artilleryman on the position stood up with a buzzing sound of technology. Before he could move away with his four legs, his mechanical legs were destroyed by the Gauss rifle and he fell to the ground.

In this way, the omnics that relied on their long-range firepower advantage to bombard most of Europe lost their absolute firepower advantage in this battle, allowing humans to finally have a chance to breathe from the non-stop heavy punches.

The people of Europe also saw the power of the Silicon Heart Society during the battle over the Loire River.

The vital suspended powered armored trains of the Star Sea Federation are the parts provided by the Silicon Heart Society.

Guantianshe provided a large amount of food and strategic metal supplies.

Wei Keng: Politically speaking, all free “giving” is for the long-term “taking”.

The Silicon Heart Association took the initiative and vigorously provided a huge amount of military supplies to stabilize the front line. This seemed to stabilize the front line, but in fact it was a clear action to give the panicked Star Sea Federation class a clear confidence. After the Star Sea Federation stabilized the front line,

The biggest beneficiary is the Silicon Heart Association. Let those capitals in the Federation who are accustomed to standing on the back line and letting others fight understand where the retreat is now.

At this time, the Star Ocean Federation is like a company. After experiencing a black swan event, it plummeted sharply, and then suddenly stopped falling, and the index rebounded slightly. It seems that market confidence has been restored, but it does not represent those large "Xinghai shareholders"

Will pretend nothing happened.

"Shareholders" will take the opportunity to withdraw funds after the crisis and invest in the next profitable listed company, and then leave this company for retail investors to take over.

In this battle, the surviving Star Sea Federation has no future in the long run and will only fall again and again.

The Silicon Heart Society showed its strength by helping the Star Sea Federation resist the omnics at this time! It has the strength to stabilize the situation of human city-states and has huge development potential.

As a result, the top level of the Star Sea Federation, which originally only "divided eggs into baskets", now no longer regards the Silicon Heart Association as a backup, but as the next one.

After 2628, large families in the Star Sea Federation began to move batches of high-tech production lines to the Silicon Heart Association.

The Silicon Heart Society has absorbed a large amount of capital in the process, which makes other time-travelers who are eager for the first pot of gold envious and jealous. Now is a good opportunity to make a lot of money, but the money is pouring in like a tide, but they can't get through.

As for the food and other aid provided by the Guantian Society, it is just to shut up the Star Sea Federation in the current war to annihilate Antarctica and lunar omnipotence...

Guantianshe did not compete with Silicon Heart for the capital at all. Instead, it increased its efforts to transport living materials to the area and conduct humanitarian relief.

The media of the Star Sea Federation, which is still "princess-minded", wrote an article in the newspaper with the slogan "Compared with the support of the Silicon Heart Society, the support of the Guantian Society is not enough", claiming: The Guantian Society is close to the world's mainstream

Values ​​diplomacy is far from being able to completely change the international impression. - Hypertensive cunning people spat: As if they are still the center of the entire world.

The netizens of Guantian Society are unambiguous. Its internal education system is popularizing science year by year. The ordinary netizens of Guantian Society have made a calculation: Silicon Heart Society’s assistance has received technology transfer from the Star Sea Federation, and Guantian Society’s current assistance can

What to gain?

After Guantianshe went through the cultural tax reform today, the proletarian culture people are rehashing old scores: The wealthy people of the Star Sea Federation are tax-free when they engage in charity, and then pave the way for the next generation. What can our ordinary people get from doing charity?

Since the people of Guantian Society have become more and more good at settling scores in recent years, the propaganda of the Star Sea Federation media has become increasingly difficult to use.

The Star Sea Federation's behavior of begging for food with high moral principles is like an old man favoring his son, transferring all his family property, and finally finding someone on the street to support him in the name of "respecting the elderly."

Looking at the omnic war under the Star Sea Federation from the perspective of Guantian Society, the "Heavenly Minders" believe that it is important only for the ordinary people under the Star Sea Federation to complete their awakening.

If the Xinhuo Army continues to be shackled by the long "consumerism" chain of the Star Sea Federation, even if the Xinhuo Army defeats the Star Sea Federation militarily, it will not be able to unite with these ideological losers in production activities.

In the past, these speeches against the federal hypocritical moralism were divided by the media oligarchs and became a lonely cry. Now that Guantianshe's cultural tax has suppressed the media oligarchs, these real public opinions have finally poured out like a flood.

Moreover, the myth of the "economic development" of the Star Sea Federation has been shattered by the war. The so-called "short-term supply chain" crisis rhetoric covers up the embarrassment of the interruption of various "water and electricity" and other key supplies. Overnight, the cyber city has become a

A huge and dull rat cage, no one regards the currency "assets" of the Star Sea Federation as money anymore.

Among the several rescue stations in Guantianshe in Europe, only "labor coins" can be exchanged for daily necessities.

The so-called federal currency received by federal residents cannot be used. To obtain labor coins, they can only participate in regional labor and study.

That is, learning the driver's license of "vehicles and airplanes", or understanding the most basic express logistics workflow. The value of these learning knowledge can no longer be reflected by "getting paid for a capitalist job", but directly learning it.

If you sign up, you will get 10% of the remuneration, and you will get full remuneration after participating in the work.

In the black market in the Star Sea Federation's logistics area, the exchange rate between the Federation currency and the Guantianshe currency has reached 1000:1, and it is still increasing.

Capitalist prosperity will come to naught after the foundation of wealth collapses

Under the omnic rebellion, federal residents who were continuously transported backwards by military-controlled trains were displaced and lost all their so-called "stocks" and "securities". Even the money in their electronic accounts was completely destroyed during the war.

It was frozen and prohibited from purchasing controlled strategic materials including "flour". Everyone suddenly understood that in the free federation, they never actually had any assets, all they had was just data.

For Guantian Society, keeping these people who have learned the lesson alive is the most important task at the moment.

Only by living and recording the pain and history can we correct the hypocrisy and deception.

…Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi.…

After the Star Sea Federation's counterattack in France, Spike once again met with Wen San of the Silicon Heart Society. This meeting was completely different from that of the past.

Wen San is still wearing the same old one, blue and white sportswear, with mechanical weapons inside. In recent years, silicon-based life-forming technology has further developed, and the mechanical transformation of Silicon Heart Society has become stronger.

A year ago, when Wen San faced the machine assassin sent by the Avengers, he directly revealed his mechanical body, unfolded his particle blade and tore apart the steel omni-machine, making the assassinating robot wonder whether the chip had mistaken the target.

Looking back at the topic, at this time Wen San of the Silicon Heart Association represents the interests of the "Silicon Heart Association" group. Wei Keng: Hey, representing the interests of a certain group rather than the interests of a certain class, the path is narrow.

The team of agents who fled together to confront the Star Sea Federation have now gradually become the ruling class.

Especially in the current technological revolution, after the silicon-based mechanical organic technology was developed by Guantian Society, many factions emerged within the Silicon Heart Society.

As early as 25 years ago, Wei Keng reminded Qian Ruirui one step ahead: "When a group expands, hills will inevitably appear. In competition with each other, these hills accelerate the outward expansion and also accelerate the split. You can refer to the Warring States Period

In the early days, the three families were promoted."

In the Silicon Heart Association, there are currently forty-five combat divisions on the European and Black Sea fronts. Each mechanical combat division has between one thousand and two thousand men and controls tens of thousands of units of omni-machine.

While the federation uses agents as tools, the Silicon Heart Society uses these agents as its foundation.

Silicon Heart Society is very strict in the assessment and selection of "Physical Fixation Technique", and of course, the remuneration will be very high after passing the exam.

The path of "organicization of Silicon Heart" has also given the upper echelons of the Silicon Heart Association a future of "mechanical ascension". Under the guidance of this path, everyone is very united.

Wen San, as a "King"-level Silicon Heart person, is naturally the supreme commander of the entire Silicon Heart Association. The leaders of other factions currently have no intention of challenging Wen San and are determined to unite under the Wen San Center.

It's just that since Wen San, those "general"-level silicon-minded people have been competing with each other.

Wei Keng thought to himself: "Let them compete. This is how history should be."

…No one can set a permanent empire…

Six hours later, Wen San reached a preliminary cooperation agreement with Spike. Most of the regulations were agreed upon, but only the clauses related to the "Mutual Defense of Guantian Society" with the Star Sea Federation were deleted.

After Wen San tore off the page, he smiled and said to Spike: "We are now sincere in cooperating with the Star Sea Federation, but why does the Federation still treat us like fools?"

Wen San tore into pieces the list of treaties that was obviously not proposed by Spike...

After the covenant was reached, the Silicon Heart Association announced the lifting of neutrality and formed an alliance with the Star Sea Federation team to fight against the artificial intelligence rebels.

Please note that this clause seems to be a bilateral obligation, but in fact it is the Star Sea Federation that wants to transfer technology and sphere of influence, and Silicon Heart will not pay for other conflicts in the Star Sea Federation.

This is actually an unequal covenant, and the "inequality" of the treaty sometimes cannot only be seen in the explicit humiliating clause of "land cessation and compensation".

The mutual terms of the treaty seem to be equal, but strategically speaking, national defense is used as a dog by others, which is also unequal. For example, in the Anglo-Japanese Alliance Treaty: the British proposed that if Tsarist Russia launched an attack on India, Japan should launch an attack on Russia in the Far East, but if

When Russia goes to war with Japan in the Far East, Britain does not need to be involved in the war. This is the unequal "master-servant" model.

In the 21st century, only rough guys like Mao Zi are still playing with the unequal treaty of directly ceding land and paying compensation.

The filial son of the British Empire and the orthodox bald eagle of Angsa both used "unequal covenants" to raise dogs.

With the signing of the "covenant" between Silicon Heart Society and the Star Ocean Federation, the world structure has begun to change...

On November 11, the Silicon Heart Society's military forces made a jump and established bases on the British Isles in the North Atlantic. They will then intervene in the European battlefield from the North Sea.

…The perspective comes to the time traveler’s side…

Zhang Hantu officially joined the battle against the Black Death as a commander.

At this time, Zhang Hantu (War Red Dragon), Wang Bixin (Interstellar Human Race), Li Xiaokong (Battlefield 2142), and Qian Ruirui also built this plane traveler in the cooperation event between the Silicon Heart Society and the Star Sea Federation.

In the framework, all parties agreed to try to avoid disagreements. - Although there will still be military conflicts between two geographically adjacent travelers in the future, this communication framework will not allow two conflicting travelers to pull each other away.

Gangs form factions to form group confrontations. This framework allows the other six time-travelers to have a neutral space in the confrontation between these two time-travelers.

At present, the military headquarters of the Star Sea Federation has become very tactful in issuing orders to Spike, and is no longer tough as before, because the alliance formed by Spike and the Silicon Heart Association made the upper class of Star Sea feel afraid.

The rise of the Silicon Heart Society is already unstoppable. If those agents who were once persecuted by the Federation want to liquidate the upper echelons of the Federation, then there will be bloodshed again on the round table of the Supreme Council.

During General Spike's latest communication, the interface showed an almost apologetic exchange between the top management of the Star Sea Federation.

Spike responded to the entanglements of politicians with a more mature attitude than when he was young and a profound understanding of the city.

Spike looked at his reflection in the wine glass and thought to himself: "This is not the time to settle accounts."

He has to win. - Unknowingly, his expression at this time was somewhat similar to that of General Cruz, whom he hated back then. They were both "willful" and had to ignore the interests of others for the sake of their core goals.

This chapter has been completed!
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