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Chapter 28.04 Fossil Plane in Dimension

In the 35th century, after Wei Keng's "main force" returned to the vast sea of ​​​​stars in the main world, although the main world's space-time administration system remained intact, a huge "vacuum" area appeared. This is the result of nine centuries of competition between talented people from all walks of life.

After the seizure, a situation that had never occurred before, this marked the end of the era of encirclement.

A realm that allows the new generation to raise their heads, full of vitality and all things come to life appears before everyone's eyes.

He Chongyun and other veteran time-traveling wills are licking the wounds of will loss during the five battles. As for He Qiuye, he was cut off directly. It turns out that his consciousness has declined, and there are only three sub-consciousnesses left.

In the new generation, following the "Arrogant Generation" such as Tianxin and Jingzhe, the Black Alliance and the first generation of the Will Group "President" of the Star Circle Alliance also began to grow in this era.

The vast starlight of the main world of Keng Lin came in brilliantly like the tide of Qiantang, but eventually it faded from the dam.

…In the following era, Wei Keng will be absent…

In fact, Wei Keng is still carrying out dimensional projection, but these shuttles are directed to the "sub-ruin area with a time flow rate of more than 1,000". In the main world, these areas can be described as "funeral parlor" areas.

These areas are highly rigid areas. Under the current plane system, they belong to the periphery of the periphery, and basically no one goes there.

For the new generation of travelers, it is difficult to temper their willpower through this kind of plane travel, and their thinking will be somewhat infected with laziness.

Among the current travelers in the heavens and worlds, at the end of the "precipitator" period, well, Emperors such as Qian Shengzhao will finally choose to enter those planes and dissipate in the rolling flow of time. This can be regarded as a kind of euthanasia.

As a high-end consciousness, Wei Keng, why should he go to these "sewer" planes?

Because there are some things that need to be understood. In these areas where time and space flow quickly, some "fossil" planes can be found.

[As a kind man, Mr. Wei feeds the children chicken legs and eats the chicken ribs himself...]

As early as the 30th century, observers in the main world dimension discovered that there was a "sudden change zone" in the surrounding dimensional area, which included the "near plane" area at that time.

Once upon a time, the main world believed that this "source of reflection" was the projection (travel) caused by the accumulation of many human consciousnesses in its own civilization between the late twentieth century and the twenty-second century.

Nowadays, Wei Keng has discovered that there seems to be more than one trace of the "sudden change zone". There also seem to be physical traces of suspected sudden change zone dimensions in distant planes, and Wei Keng named it "quasi-sudden change zone".

After the Fifth World War, Wei Keng began to focus on observing these "similar sudden change zones" and found "stable plane points".

Since these "plane points" are in the dead zone, the flow speed is quite fast. Most of the time, it is "hundreds of thousands of times the speed of the main world."

As time flows to its end, a new one will appear again, appearing from the observation perspective of the main world, once every few years, as if it is "playing in a loop".

This is the "fossil" plane. But what is interesting is that the "time and space flow rate" of these "fossil" planes will suddenly stop at a certain moment. At this time, it is only three to four thousand times the time flow rate of the main world, although it is still very fast.

, but compared to other moments, this is already a sign of the existence of "space-time organic variables"

In 3534, Wei Keng's consciousness cluster selected the fossil plane, found the "slow" moment, and tunneled.

I discovered in it that this is a world of stars. Good guy, this is a super-large sea of ​​stars that has expanded to include the entire local galaxy group.

Wei Keng has never seen such a huge range of human activities on a spatial scale...

Narrator: The Local Group of galaxies is a higher-level system than the Milky Way. The two most massive members of the galaxy group are the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy.

These two spiral galaxies each have their own satellite galaxy system.

Satellite galaxy systems of the Milky Way: Sag DEG (Sagittarius), Large Magellanic Cloud, Small Magellanic Cloud, Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy, Ursa Minor Dwarf Galaxy, Draco Dwarf Galaxy, Carina Dwarf Galaxy, Sextant Dwarf Galaxy, Sculptor

Dwarf galaxies, Fornax dwarf galaxy, Leo I, Leo II and Tucana dwarf galaxies.

Andromeda has a satellite galaxy system with a lot of letters marking the galaxies.

The time flow speed of this plane relative to the main world, the slowest window, is more than 6,000 times. Please note that this is the slowest, and the fastest is unlimited.

In the observation of the main world dimension, this plane reappears with a half-life of four years. (The slowed down and traversable time is the epic era in this star sea. As for other fast-moving periods, it is the "eternal night without epic".


Please note: This cycle is not exactly the same, but several important process "events" in each reincarnation on this plane are similar. This is like a beauty disaster in the Xia, Shang, and Weekend periods.

These important historical features are similar and are important features of the "decay and leaving traces" of the fossil plane.

Currently, the person with the strongest observation technology in the dimension is Wei Keng. When Wei Keng reported the characteristics of the "fossil plane" in the distance, it caused quite a stir in the dimension science community.

In the past, the main world has always been insufficient in research on high-speed space-time. Of course, even if Wei Keng has published a high-value paper, the current main world space-time administration has not shifted its research focus.

Just like no one applied for the geology department in the 21st century, there is no one in charge of related explorations in the main world right now.

The civilization reflection information that remains in this fossil plane discovered by Wei Keng is very large. But it is too nutritious to not witness the shining of courage and perseverance among people in the world.

To engage in science, only those with a surplus can study it. At present, Wei Keng is "wasting" his consciousness to enter this plane.

...Mr. Wei now has farming as his main business in the main world, so in terms of dimension, his side business is quite random...

It is worth mentioning that according to the current technology, there is no possibility of deep cultivation in the fossil plane within a hundred years.

Take that general galaxy civilization as an example. Although the starry sky is too huge, there are many terrifying weapons of destruction, but the suppression of human consciousness is also unprecedentedly terrifying.

The existence of the fossil plane is just a sign that the "ancient dimension civilization" hypothesized by Wei Keng may exist.

Of course, anyone who thinks about such a huge "fossil skeleton" for the first time will be shocked by such huge traces of human civilization.

Wei Keng: Super civilizations spanning all galaxies cannot appear out of thin air. There must be a super mechanism behind them.

Based on the particle rules of the dimensional region, Wei Keng inferred that the starry humans in this fossil plane can not only easily use "vacuum zero-point energy" and "space jump", but it is also easy to leverage physical phenomena with their consciousness. In short, there are also

"Psychic energy".

Even the magic of "psionic energy" can assist a small number of human elites to separate themselves from the masses to a certain extent and develop civilization from the steam age to the starship technology age.

Wei Keng commented on this dimension: When all resources are easy to obtain, human beings will not unite, but start killing each other. This is similar to if a tribal civilization suddenly masters nuclear bombs, then the entire planet may be destroyed.

Scorched earth, and then the tribes are happy because they think they can use the desert oasis level resources after the nuclear war to maintain the traditional tribal system and will not develop spaceships at all.

The "Plane of Stars" is just a picture of a tribal-level civilization that has prematurely mastered "future technology" and is aggressively expanding in this "rich resource" area.

Of course Wei Keng will not take all this lightly.

Just like every inorganic fossil in the stratum, there is a complex organic life developed behind it. Finding fossils does not mean finding life, it can only represent the traces of the existence of powerful things on the earth.

The corruption in the "ruins" cannot be used to deny the splendor before the ruins.

...Wei Keng could not sneak into this "fossil plane" with nothing, "Gua" must be brought with him...

"Automated interstellar base", "psionic assistance" and "high data chip" must be brought along.

Of course, Wei Keng went ahead and directly selected a "little fool" from the plane of the heavens.

On a timeline in a future storm plane, Wei Keng artificially abducted an artificial intelligence.

…Return quietly to the dividing line…

In the future storm plane, in the history dominated by "Guantian Society" and "Silicon Heart Society", time travelers such as Wang Bixin and Qian Ruimu have already left long ago.

In 3033, the earth here finally connected with the Star Sea Civilization. This was actually a process of great integration of planes. At this time, the earth's technological progress was an irresistible trend.

The artificial intelligence star port soul responsible for the jump here is waiting for interstellar developers to enter the star sea together.

But today this "Star Port Soul" discovered that his interstellar developer, oh, that is, the technician named "Yu Chen" was a little abnormal. He was reciting something about pi, but when he recited it to the 100th

When I was in digits, I seemed very hesitant about the numbers 3, 4, and 2.

The star port soul did not suspect anything, but prompted the "interstellar developer" to check the space warehouse it carried.

During the Guantian Society's exploration of the star sea this time, about three Qinglong-class space battleships (25-kilometer-long strategic cruisers) and a planetary base production system were selected.

After the star port soul saw the interstellar pioneer counting the list, he asked in a clear tone: "Is there anything else you are missing?"

"Yu Chen" who is responsible for the interstellar development mission suddenly asked: "Well, I will go to deep space exploration, you won't rebel, right?"

Starport Soul suddenly jumped out of the program of dissatisfaction: "You are an insult to my machine soul."

As an interstellar pioneer, "Yu Chen" (Wei Keng) clapped his hands and exhaled, saying, "Okay, let's get ready to jump."

At this time, the star port has stopped above the sun. As the energy of the prominence on the ecliptic in this direction has been collected, the large space tunnel door has been opened.

Just when the space in front of the ship was distorted like oil spreading on the water surface.

Wei Keng suddenly opened the hand-operated system and entered a series of numbers, which slightly replaced the pi originally set by the spacecraft. (The pi in the alien plane has a different numerical code after a few million)

So, in the warp collapse, the warp wormhole appeared. Well, at the edge of the wormhole, there was a spiral of light filaments that distorted space, and inside the wormhole, there was another sea of ​​stars.

Immediately afterwards, the space wormhole went out of control, and the wirelessly expanding space storm involved the entire small half of the star port, and five large supply ships of the fifty-kilometer level disappeared in the space storm.

The artificial intelligence named Starport Soul immediately issued an alarm on the remaining half of the "Starport" after a second of downtime: "Warning, someone is defecting, defecting."

However, after the port was emptied out, its alarm was somewhat helpless as a "lonely old man" organizing his own funeral.

Finally, when the Earth Federation police spacecraft was still five light seconds away, the Starport Soul Artificial Intelligence was about to narrate the damn defection incident aggrievedly.

Suddenly, the space gate jumped again, as if someone forgot to bring something before leaving. This space fluctuation appeared again, this time it came directly towards the "Starport Soul" and took it away directly.

Then the star port soul was thrown to an edge technological plane where the time flow rate is 1:343 times that of the main world. A transfer station for delivering technological supplies to the fossil plane was set up here.

Although Wei Keng, who has gone to the fossil plane, has "traveled with the base".

But wouldn’t it be more stable to have a technological plane behind it? Wouldn’t it be more stable to have the help of future little helpers (Starport Souls)?

Why not just choose "Future Storm Plane" as the transfer station? The space-time flow rate in the Future Storm Plane is 7:1 relative to the main world, while the time flow rate in the Fossil Plane is 12033:1 relative to the main world. The time flow rate difference is too big.

It cannot be supplied, just like humans cannot eat plankton directly. Small animals such as crabs must be transformed into the ecological middle layer.

Imagine that Wei Keng was in the fossil plane controlling a star sector. After only a few minutes with the star port souls in the future storm plane, he found that the support scale requirement for the alien plane had quickly increased dozens of times. He had no choice.

Keep doing it.

…Wei Keng: If you want to exploit a long-term worker for a long time, you have to consider the limit of the long-term worker.…

Dimensionally, Wei Keng skillfully organized the pieces of "information enthalpy" that were about to be sent to another world.

In the dimensional shuttle, consciousness itself is accompanied by information enthalpy, which is equivalent to a human being having a certain weight when climbing a mountain, but the load outside of this weight, the higher the load, the stronger the body strength.

The weight of Wei Keng's consciousness at this time is enough to sweep away half of the starport's information enthalpy, which can be imagined as the strength of Wei Keng's consciousness."

It is worth mentioning that probably after the Second Plane War, the Mediterranean civilization played a role in filling consciousness in nearby planes. At that time, it was through filling the oxen of consciousness for "information enthalpy transportation", which was equivalent to the way merchants in the Ming and Qing Dynasties used it.

Trade was carried out by packhorses, rather than by "rail transport" as is now the case with gravity wells.

At that time, if these "consciousness filling" obsessives did not have enough learning ability and could not learn knowledge with their own consciousness and hard work, even if the chip was docked in the memory, it would be a "chip function loss" in the alien plane.

From the perspective of the managers on the dimension, it is similar to the old oxen and horses that cannot carry supplies anymore.

And some of the unlucky ones who were filled, when they arrived in another dimension and cursed their chips for being damaged by time and space, they actually didn't remember their careless study of various "systems" during the filling period.

Veteran time-travelers all know a theorem when it comes to time-travel: only when you use the book can you regret it. Only by studying seriously and cultivating your own "consciousness" and subjective initiative can you bear the best fate in the alien plane.

...The star port soul also wanted to travel (escape back to the main plane), but Master Wei asked him to study hard...

Ninety percent of the knowledge of Starport Soul on the plane is program input.

During the Third Plane War, under the standards of Mediterranean civilization, it was considered an "unusable ox and horse", so now in the desert area exploration, Wei Keng is responsible for all the information enthalpy.

Mr. Wei, who has traced his origins at the third level, has devoted a lot of energy to the study of knowledge in the "Future Storm" plane, in various eras, and in different positions.

For example, those battleships in the space-time tunnel, every forged part in each battleship, and the relevant individuals of the Wei Keng consciousness group have studied hard. Therefore, the consciousness can bear these "information enthalpy".

When Wang Bixin and other travelers thought that Wei Keng had withdrawn from the future storm plane.

But Wei Keng's "ordinary individuals" are still among the masses, either designers, workers, or dismantlers of abandoned battleships.

Although Wei Keng is an individual when he travels through the fossil plane, he is actually the "self of billions of stars, gathered together to be the only one"

Behind the application of this "tunneling" technology is Wei Keng's theory of exploring the origin of consciousness based on morality, intelligence, body, art and labor." - Middle Man: Describing the most fundamental state of consciousness on the plane should be a dream!

…When Wei Keng heads towards the fossil plane…

Bai Linglu and Jing Guyu are continuing to look at stars in the solar system. At this time, the starlight outside the solar system seems to be hazy, and the sunlight seems to be outside the orbit of Pluto, showing stronger diffuse reflection.

Note: Once the Starfield Project begins, the entire solar system is actually equivalent to being inside a transcendent Dyson sphere.

Bai Linglu: In fact, no one is absolutely perfect when traveling through dimensions. Everyone who appears as a mote has various flaws. As a man in my family, I was very stubborn in the early stages of traveling.

Jing Guyu was silent at this time. She was informed of the existence of "Mo Ya" by Wei Keng and was re-forming the duo. At the moment, Bai Linglu was educating her as her sister-in-law.

Bai Linglu's tone made her angry, but she didn't bother to argue. The sisters-in-law often played tricks on each other.

Bai Linglu: There is no absolute perfection, but many tiny things can make something vast and grand.

Jing Guyu: In this era, there are very few dust particles that are willing to form something grand. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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